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From: "Dave Kuehne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Real extremists may have foot in FBI door
Date: Saturday, August 05, 2000 11:00 PM

Real extremists may have foot in FBI door

by Samuel Francis (syndicated conservative columnist)

July 22, 2000

Just because no federal buildings have been blown up in the last
five years doesn't mean that extremists aren't still out there.
A recent issue of the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin carried an
article on how to recognize them. It's too bad the Bulletin
isn't on your coffee table, because, according to the article,
you're probably an extremist yourself. The article, "Vehicle
Stops Involving Extremist Group Members," by James Kobolt, tells
us it's important to be able to tell who's an extremist because
when the cops pull over a vehicle in a routine traffic stop, it
may well be packing extremists and the extremists may be packing
lead. "Sadly, most officers can recall a traffic stop in their
state that involved a member of an extremist group and ended in
a surprise fight for survival," the article avows, offering no
support whatsoever for that statement.

In any case, the way to recognize an extremist is fairly easy.
First, we're told, "extremists' vehicles may sport bumper
stickers with antigovernment or pro-gun sentiments," among other
signs. Well, like what? The article offers two hypothetical
examples of "bumper stickers with antigovernment or pro-gun
sentiments." These are "Know Your Enemies: They Are Your
Leaders," and "Joe McCarthy Was Right." You're probably catching
the article's drift by now.

The article offers one actual example of an incident involving
extremists, when two "members of the neo-Nazi group Aryan
Nations and white supremacist religion Christian Identity" fired
at Ohio police after being stopped. We're not told what
"sentiments," if any, the pair's bumper stickers expressed,
but the reason they were pulled over was that their license
plates had expired.

There are, of course, other ways to detect extremists,
especially if they don't believe in drivers' licenses or car
registration. In that case "they may present handmade licenses,
a copy of the Constitution, a Bible, or political literature."
No doubt the nuts who run around with the Constitution or the
Bible in their vehicles are the most dangerous of all. You
probably need to shoot them on sight.

Nevertheless, "Once officers decide a subject may hold extremist
beliefs," the article cautions, "they should develop a plan of
action." The rest simply regurgitates fairly routine security
procedures that most street cops learn at the police academy;
the article's clear purpose is not to tell experienced law
enforcement officers that kind of stuff but rather to wash their
brains a bit.

What the article is injecting into the minds of the police
officers who read it is that anyone who expresses support for
the Second Amendment in a bumper sticker is an "extremist" and a
likely killer. Similarly, anyone who expresses "antigovernment"
sentiments is also probably an "extremist" and a killer.

But what, besides agreeing with Joe McCarthy, constitutes
extremist "anti-government" sentiments exactly? "Abolish the
IRS"? "Don't Vote. It Only Encourages Them"? "Get US out of the
UN"? All those are real bumper stickers that express
"antigovernment" sentiments. Do those who display them need to
be approached with caution?

Nowhere does the article offer any real instance of cops being
harmed by people who displayed any kind of bumper sticker, and
nowhere are there any other kinds of "extremist" sentiments
offered. What about stickers praising Karl Marx, Fidel Castro,
Mao Tse-tung, or Malcolm X? Do "extremists" include anti-white
racists, Hispanic separatists, adherents of fringe religious
cults like Santeria or any number of other oddballs? The article
never mentions any of them.

The article itself is what's really dangerous, and the FBI Law
Enforcement Bulletin needs to get itself a new editor who will
refuse to publish garbage like this. What's dangerous about it
is that it teaches cops unlikely to know any better that anyone
who expresses perfectly harmless and entirely legitimate
political ideas drawn from the mainstream of American history
and political culture is a violent crackpot who needs to be
watched and will probably boil over at any moment.

There are indeed nutty people out there, and some of them may be
dangerous and more or less say so on whatever bumper stickers
they paste on whatever vehicles they drive. But there are other
nuts as well whose ideas are far more extreme than anyone who's
against big government and gun control. Unfortunately, some of
them seem to have wormed their way into the confidence of law
enforcement in recent years and are busily trying to exploit
state power to suppress ideas they don't like.

It's nuts like these, who never fire a shot or break a law, who
are the really dangerous extremists, because they're often able
to gull well-meaning cops and their supervisors into swallowing
their propaganda without understanding the hatred of freedom
from which it comes or the destruction of freedom to which it's
intended to lead.

©2000 Creators Syndicate, Inc.


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