-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.pirg.org
Via http://www.commondreams.org/pressreleases/may99/

MAY  12, 1999  1:50 PM
CONTACT: US Public Interest Research Group
Allison LaPlante (202) 546-9707
Paul Burns (617) 292-4800
  Right-To-Know Data Show Significant Increases In Toxic waste;
Industrial Pollution Prevention Efforts Failing   WASHINGTON - May 13
- Increases in toxic wastes managed and chemicals released to the
environment reported to in the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)
demonstrate that pollution prevention is failing, according to U.S.

The EPA’s Toxics Release Inventory data show that toxic wastes
managed by industries increased by 11.7 percent between 1996 and
1997. This indicates that industries are failing to reduce the toxic
wastes they manage and failing to reduce toxic pollution at the
source. The data also show that toxic chemical releases to the
environment have increased slightly. Releases to the air, land and
water between 1996 and 1997 increased by 2.2 percent nationally.

“It is troubling to see a first-time increase in toxic chemical
releases to the environment, but it is even more troubling that toxic
wastes managed by industries continue to increase year after year,”
said Allison LaPlante, U.S. PIRG Environmental Advocate. “This
pattern indicates that pollution prevention in this country is not
working. A nearly twelve percent increase in quantities of waste
managed is the greatest increase we’ve seen in several years.”

The 1990 Pollution Prevention Act declared a national policy that
pollution “should be prevented or reduced at the source whenever
feasible,” but the TRI data indicate that these goals are not being
met. The quantities of toxic wastes managed from year to year are
currently the best indicators of industry trends in pollution
prevention. Increases in quantities of waste managed show that
industries may be shifting toxic hazards from one area of the
environment to another, rather than avoiding creating the waste in
the first place.

States with Right to Know programs that go beyond the federal program
and focus on how toxic chemicals are used show very different
results. In Massachusetts, for example, manufacturers decreased their
total toxic chemical use by 24 percent, their waste generation by
41percent and their total toxic chemical releases by 80 percent
between 1990 and 1997. In contrast, TRI data show a national increase
of eight percent in waste managed by industries between 1991 and

“The numbers from Massachusetts tell a better story about pollution
prevention,” said Paul Burns, MASSPIRG’s Toxics Advocate. “Since the
1990 Toxics Use Reduction Act has been in place, Massachusetts has
been a leader in pollution prevention. Industries in Massachusetts
are reducing their reliance on chemicals that may cause cancer, birth
defects or other serious health problems. Although Massachusetts
industries must continue to reduce toxic chemical use, this state’s
program should be a national model,” said Burns.

“The federal Right to Know program has provided the public with
critical information and has led to significant decreases in toxic
chemical pollution, but it is only a fraction of the real toxic
picture. We are urging Congress to support legislation that would
require industries to publicly report on their toxic chemical use,
allowing the public to more accurately track pollution prevention
progress and encouraging industries to reduce hazardous wastes and
toxic chemical use,” said LaPlante.

Legislation is pending in Congress that would expand the federal
Right to Know program to include toxic chemical use reporting,
additional sources of toxic chemical pollution, and stricter
reporting for extremely dangerous substances. The Children’s
Environmental Protection and Right to Know Act of 1999, H.R. 1657, is
modeled after successful state programs in Massachusetts and New
Jersey. The bill was introduced last week by Representatives Henry
Waxman (D-CA) and Jim Saxton (R-NJ) with the support of 123 original

The Waxman/Saxton Right to Know bill is being introduced as the EPA
is also considering expanding the Right to Know program to include
reporting on extremely dangerous substances that currently escape the
public’s view because of a loophole in the law. Persistent
Bioaccumulative Toxins (PBTs) like dioxin, mercury and lead are
extremely dangerous in small quantities, persist in the environment
for long periods of time and build up in human and animal tissue.

“The public receives almost no information about the toxic chemicals
that pose the greatest threat. These are the substances we should be
working to eliminate. At a minimum, we have the right to know when
they are being used and released in our communities,” said LaPlante.
“We are calling on the EPA to require complete reporting of all
persistent or bioaccumulative toxins.” said LaPlante.

>From www.citizen.org (via commondreams.org)

MAY  13, 1999  3:10 PM
CONTACT: Public Citizen

  Public Citizen Wins Release of Historic Hiss-Chambers Records; 1948
Grand Jury Testimony to be Made Public   WASHINGTON - May 13 -     A
New York federal judge today ordered the release of grand jury
records relating to the indictment of alleged Soviet agent Alger
Hiss. U.S. District Judge Peter K. Leisure of the Southern District
of New York ordered the records be unsealed in response to a Public
Citizen Litigation Group petition filed on Dec. 15, 1998 -- the 50th
anniversary of Hiss’s grand jury indictment.

    "This is a landmark victory for the American people. At long last
the public will be able to judge for itself whether justice was
served by the indictment and conviction of Alger Hiss," said David
Vladeck, director of the Public Citizen Litigation Group.

    In his 55-page ruling, Judge Leisure stressed the historical
significance of the records.

    "The court is confident that disclosure will fill in important
gaps in the existing historical record, foster further academic and
other critical discussion of the far-ranging issues raised by the
Hiss case, and lead to additional noteworthy historical works on
those subjects, all to the immense benefit of the public," Judge
Leisure wrote. "The materials should languish on archival shelves
behind locked doors no longer."

    Public Citizen’s petition was supported by leading scholars,
historians and archivists in calling for the release of the secret
documents pertaining to one of the most important political and legal
events of the early Cold War era.

    After his first perjury trial ended in a hung jury, Alger Hiss
was convicted of two counts of perjury arising out of his denials
under oath before the grand jury. Hiss served nearly four years in

    The conviction of Hiss, accused of being a Soviet agent while
serving in the State Department, convinced many Americans that the
threat of Soviet subversion was real. Despite a number of books
written about the Hiss case -- including books written by Hiss and
his chief accuser, Whittaker Chambers -- questions remain about
changed testimony, judicial improprieties and political interference
with the legal process by then-U.S. Rep. Richard M. Nixon.

    Full disclosure of the grand jury transcripts was backed by
Hiss’s son, Tony, and Chambers’s friend and colleague, William F.
Buckley Jr., founder of the National Review. Both Hiss and Buckley
provided affidavits in support of Public Citizen’s petition, filed
jointly with the American Historical Association, American Society of
Legal History, Organization of American Historians and Society of
American Archivists.

    "I’m delighted that Judge Leisure has seen the importance of
releasing these records both to get out the full facts of the Hiss
case and to make it plain that in certain exceptional cases the
public does have a compelling interest in access to its own history,"
Tony Hiss said.

    The government is likely to appeal the decision. "Today's ruling
is truly a watershed in legal history because it establishes, really
for the first time, the idea that grand jury records -- even those
from historically important cases like Hiss -- should not be locked
away forever," Vladeck said. "Judge Leisure should be applauded
because he has recognized that the public should not be denied access
to important historical documents, unless there are compelling
reasons to do so. Here, of course, the passage of more than 50 years
has eroded, if not eliminated, any reason for continued secrecy."

    By mid-1947 two government investigations into Soviet espionage
within the government agencies were under way. The House Un-American
Activities Committee, led by Rep. Karl Mundt and Nixon, carried on
its own investigation on Congress’s behalf, while the Justice
Department impaneled a grand jury to investigate the allegations of
espionage in the United States. Chambers first denied any knowledge
of espionage but later changed his story and made detailed assertions
that Hiss provided him with State Department documents to convey to
Soviet agents. Hiss denied the allegations.

    Chambers also produced for Nixon several rolls of 35mm film he
had hidden in a hollowed-out pumpkin. Once developed, the film
revealed copies of State Department documents, which later became
known as the "pumpkin papers." Nixon also appeared before the grand
jury at his own request and testified about the film. Hiss’s lawyers
later alleged that Nixon’s testimony may have been unduly

    Public Citizen is a non-profit consumer advocacy organization
with extensive experience in working to open government records and
to preserve historically significant records. In April 1996, after
more than 15 years of litigation, work by Public Citizen Litigation
Group culminated in an agreement to release thousands of hours of
White House audio tapes that revealed important new insights into the
Nixon presidency.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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