The Goldman Environmental Prize is the world's largest prize
program honoring grassroots environmentalists. Founded in 1990 by
Richard and Rhoda Goldman, the Prize awards $125,000 annually to six
environmental heroes from each of the inhabited continental regions.
Nominated by a network of internationally known environmental
organizations and a confidential panel of environmental experts,
recipients are chosen for their sustained and important environmental
     This year Goldman prize was awarded to the 6 grassroots activists
- and 2 of them are SEU members. Alltogether, SEU boasts 5 Goldman
Prize winners - Sviatoslav Zabelin (1993), SEU founder, Alexander
Nikitin (1997) - environmentalist from Bellona Foundation, reveling
the truth about radioactive contamination of the North-West of Russia,
Paul Cox (1997) - Chairman of the Seacology, the world's premiere
nonprofit, nongovernmental organization whose sole and unique purpose
is to preserve the environments and cultures of islands throughout the

     Introducing 2000 year winners:
     taken from Goldman foundation press-release

                               A S I A
                     Oral Ataniyazova, Uzbekistan

     Over the past several decades, the Aral Sea - one of the world's
largest freshwater inland seas has shrunk to almost half its size
primarily due to water diversion for cotton production. The result has
been a devastating ecological nightmare that has negatively affected
the health and livelihood of some three million inhabitants in the
region. An obstetrician, Oral Ataniyazova has addressed the high rate
of birth related problems in the ethnically distinct Republic of
Karakalpakastan. She has been raising awareness of the environmental
and health impacts of the Aral Sea crisis and improving the lives of
local people, especially the women and children.
     Early in the Soviet era, the entire region along the Amu-Darya
River (which includes Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) was
designated for cotton production and the river was dammed to divert
water for irrigation. The heavy use of pesticides and defoliants
needed for this monoculture crop, as well as heavy metals from mining
operations, and discharge from chemical and biological weapons
factories have severely polluted the region. Today, the groundwater in
the region surrounding the sea is no longer suitable for drinking and
each year tons of salt from the dry seabed blow onto nearby fields,
resulting in the loss of thousands of acres of farmland. Women and
children are among those most affected by the Aral Sea crisis.
     In 1992 Oral Ataniyazova - who also holds a doctorate in medical
science - established Perzent, the Karakalpak Center for Reproductive
Health and Environment, in order to help the women and children of
Karakalpakstan. Due to the severity of the pollution in the area, it
is believed that its entire population has been exposed to dangerous
chemicals over extended periods of time. Public health in the region
has deteriorated with the worsening ecological situation. Over the
past 15 years, there has been an increase in the rates of anemia,
kidney and liver diseases, allergies, tuberculosis, birth defects and
reproductive pathologies.
     In addition to scientific research, family planning and medical
assistance, Perzent offers a wide range of educational and community
programs that focus on raising public awareness about the region's
environmental and health problems. Most of Ataniyazova's activities
concentrate on women and how they can improve their lives, including
family health and the quality of food and water. Perzent trains local
groups in areas such as health and hygiene, sustainable agriculture,
as well as women's and children's rights. With branches in several
rural districts, Perzent has created a 50-acre organic farm, a women's
clinic and a publishing house. To fully involve the local people,
Perzent actively solicits ideas from communities for practical
solutions to the region's problems. More than 10,000 people have been
involved in the organization's activities.
     Ataniyazova has worked on these issues at the national, regional
and international levels. As an expert in reproductive health, she has
been a key spokesperson addressing various international agencies,
including the United Nations. Despite many difficulties during the
past two decades, Ataniyazova has helped improve the health and status
of women and children in one of the world's most dramatic ecological
hot spots. Undaunted, she continues to speak out about the crisis that
is destroying the lives of her patients and the future of their
     For contacts:

                             E U R O P E
                        Vera Mischenko, Russia

     Vera Mischenko has been a pioneer in supporting citizen's rights
on environmental issues and was the first to use the new civil code to
represent other people, including future generations, without power of
attorney. In response to the recent rush to claim land and resources
for new industrial and commercial uses in Russia, Vera Mischenko
founded Ecojuris, the first Russian public interest law organization.
     As a legal pioneer, Mischenko has brought the first successful
lawsuits against the Russian government in defense of citizens'
environmental and health rights. She has strengthened the nation's
environmental laws and has won major Supreme Court decisions. These
have included protecting forests, stopping a railroad line through a
national park and more recently, preventing a major oil development
project on Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East what was the first
environmental victory in Russia involving the interest of a
multinational corporation.
     Vera Mischenko's efforts challenged the control-and-conquer
climate of post-coldwar Russia by bringing the unprecedented lawsuits
against the government in defense of citizens' environmental and
health rights. She has focused primarily on the enforcement of
environmental legislation, the environmental impact assessment
process, and ensuring citizen participation in the review of
development projects.
     Leading a group of lawyers and experts, Mischenko helped Ecojuris
claim the first legal victory for Russia's environment in 1992 by
stopping the construction of a huge thermoelectric power station near
Moscow. Eventually the plant was built; however, it is considered one
of the best in Europe for utilizing modern gas technology.
     A February 1998 decision in an Ecojuris case marked the first
time in Russian history that a lawsuit in defense of public ecological
interests triumphed in the Supreme Court. The case challenged numerous
governmental decrees. One such directive would have allowed
clear-cutting and development of 20,000 hectares (approximately 50,000
acres) of previously protected forest. Having been issued without an
environmental impact assessment, the directive was in violation of
existing laws. After the head of the State Duma filed a similar case
concerning an additional 18,000 hectares, the Russian Supreme Court
ruled that the directives were illegal and three decrees were
     Mischenko is also the creator of the Russian Network of
Environmental Lawyers, a group of attorneys from across the country
who do pro bono environmental work, and has helped draft environmental
legislation for the Russian State Duma.
     For contacts:

     At 12:30 Moscow time April 17, the Supreme Court verdict was made
public: Alexander Nikitin, Goldman prize winner-97 has won the final
victory in the four year nightmarish "espionage case" against him. The
Russian Supreme Court confirmed the St. Petersburg City Court
acquittal of Aleksandr Nikitin, deeming the prosecution's
argumentation inconsistent and unacceptable.
     Everybody at the Bellona Foundation is extremely happy that this
marathon case is now hopefully brought to an end, and we wish to thank
everybody that has supported Aleksandr during the years the case has
gone on.
     Although we can't be sure this verdict guarantees that
environmentalists in Russia will be safe from prosecution in the
future, it should help a lot. The Russian "security police" ought to
be a lot more careful when choosing their targets after this. Today's
victory is not only Aleksandr's, but, more to the point, one belonging
to the Russian legal system as well.
     This is a happy day indeed!
     Regards, The Bellona Foundation
     For more information:
     Email:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


     Things are getting more and more complicated for the civil
society in Russia. The non-governmental orgnizations were always
percieved as "anti-governmental" by officials. Last August Vladimir
Putin, then the prime minister, declared that environmental NGO's were
the base for foreign intelligence services. As the time goes, we are
getting more and more proofs that this is the official position of the
Russian Government.
     The environmental NGOs of Russia were always at the foresfront of
the developments in the country, and has annoyed officials for a long
time, uncovering the thruth and ruining many "profitable" plans (like
spent nuclear fuel deals).
     Following the trials over the environmentalists, charged with
espionage, RF prosecutors office has initiated series of "planned
inspections of environmental NGOs activities in 16 regions of Russia".
Prosecutor's office representatives are looking for possible
"violations" in environmental NGOs activities. What kind of
violations? What we got from the prosecutor's office was "if the NGO
activities comply with their charters and how the funds are spent". In
our mind, this means warning - "mind your own little green business
and do not mess with the serious business". May we remind that among
the last NGO activities was blocking of the changes in the legislation
allowing spent nuclear fuel shipment to Russia.
     According to the Russian legislation, prosecutors office may
start the inspection of a certain NGO or other organization only after
a complaint about the possible violations had been received... We
still don't know who has complained about environmental NGOs
activities in 16 Russian regions. What we know so far - no violations
in NGO activities were found by inspectors so far. And what we also
understand - this is just a start, active NGO's in Russia will have
more problems in the future.
     For more information:
     SEU CCI Press-service


     In this issue we introduce our readers to the most unique green
media, the youth newspaper "Green Sail" what was born in 1997, by the
enthusiasm of Lydia Choubarova, professional journalist. The "Green
Sail" is published montly and is written entirely by the kids and is
distributed through in Nizhny Novgorod region. It tells about the
experience of the club and about the work of other children
environmental groups. "Children a very receptive and very serious
about the environmental work they are doing. For them, communication
and cooperation with each other are very important. I guess, for all
of us it is very important to know that we are not alone." - says
Lydia Choubarova.
     The "Green Sail" is solving one of the most important tasks -
estblishing contacts and delivering information to the children in
distant setllements of the region. The newspapwer is also a journalism
school for the young environmentalists. "I hope that GS will lead to
more youth newspapers - in the city and within the region. This will
help us to learn more about each other",- says Lydia, - "for 2 years
by now we are doing the young journalists schools. We also hope to
establish environmental journalism lab".
     As we wrote in the previous issues, Nizhny Novgorod is a center
of the "Help the river movement". "Green Sail" participates actively
in this movement, especially in the work of the "River Cleaners".
Besides the informational support for the movement actions, "Green
Sail" has conducted a number of workshops and actions, travelling
through the region. The newspaper also has actions of its own - "The
New year Tree" and "Snowdrop". The first action is aimed to save as
much live spruces as possible during the New Year holidays. The
snowdrop is aimed to prevent the elimination of the early flowering
plants, it includes education and patroling. The "Green Sail" is open
for contacts and cooperation.
     For contacts:
     Lidia Choubarova, "Green Sail" newspaper

     The multi-regional action "Children for Nuclear Free Future" is
running through January 10 to June 1, 2000. Participants are 2 - 17
years old. Until Apri 26 multiple actions are to be held, with their
peak during the Anti-nuclear week. The second part, from April 26 to
June 1, will be devoted to experience exchanges, selection of the best
works for the "Children for Nuclear Free Future" magazine and for the
     In this issue we are shortly describing action held in Saratov
region, in 30 km zone of Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant. Intitators and
organizers of the action, Olga Pitsunova, Center for Citizen
Intitatives Support and Olga Sivachenko, Children Environmental
Theater "No matter what" share their thoughts and experience.
"Kids are the most wonderful people in the world - always
eager to look for the way out, always optimistic, always friendly and
cooperative. The are more often "for" than "against", that is why,
probably, the action was called "Children for Nuclear Free Future" and
not "Children against NPPs". So if someone tells you that "the next
generation chooses Pepsi" - do not believe". Participants from 50
settlements joined their counterparts from Saratov in action that was
later called "a celebration". Children from Saratov Children
Ecological Theater "No matter what" and CSEI members travelled through
the setllements showing play on Nuclear Power problems, offering
environmental games, speaking about the new deadly "project of the
century" - MOX fuel program (loading nuclear power plants with
missile plutonium).
     Action turned into new friendships, and, symbolically, all
particicpants brought their pieces for a large blanket - quilt. The
action is continuing in other regions - Yaroslavl, Kostroma,
     For contacts:
     Olga Pitsunova, Center for Citizen Intitatives Support


     Residents of big cities in Ukraine and in Russia are witnessing
the signs of spring: flower markets and simply the streets are flooded
with early spring flowers brought from Crimea. And those can't resist
the temptation to give their loved ones a small bouquet are unlikely
to think that every flower on sale accounts for 30 flowers that will
not bloom next year.
     In Ukraine the amount of flowers plucked without authorization is
constantly increasing. If in previous years the inspectors came across
occasional spring flower trade, today one can visit wholesale flower
markets functioning in the Old Crimea and Simferopol. The "flower
poachers" mostly attack flower species registered in the Red Data
Book, such snowdrops, saffrons, primroses, cyclamens. Thus 50 flower
species in Ukraine are already extinct, 541 species are on the verge
of extinction. Only two militia raids on Donetsk flower markets in
1999 resulted in withdrawal of 995 bouquets, or 50 000 flowers
registered in the Red Book. In general, the 1999 "Spring Flower
Operation" that covered the whole country resulted in withdrawal of 2
574 000 rare flowers. Since the calls for preservation of the
environment are not always taken seriously, the State Administration
for Environmental Protection warns that spring flower sellers will be
liable to a UAH 51-136 ($10-25) fine.
     NGOs are also willing to join the "Spring Flowers Operation
2000". The All-Ukrainian Environmental League, for instance,
distributed book on the importance of preservation of rare spring
flowers among students of 26 schools in Kyiv. Similar actions are
taking place in other regions of Ukraine. The All-Ukrainian
Environmental League is also planning to organise an art competition
"Draw a Flower for Your Beloved", as well as costumed demonstrations,
meetings and street shows devoted to preservation of rare spring
     Different from the previous years, majority of the flowers picked
are staying Kiev. In Moscow, due to the active work of Student
Druzhina for Nature Protection Movement, the number of flowers sold is
constantly decreasing. This is the result of previous years actions,
which included inspection of the common selling places, inspection of
the trains coming to Moscow stations from the areas where the
snowdrops grow, an heavy informational campaign.
     For contacts:
     Marina Doctorova, Druzhina Movement



     After the war of 1991-1992 an economical, political and
informational blockade of Republic Abkhazia, Georgia was established.
This blockade provoked conditions of isolation from all over the world
for the population of Republic. However many NGOs are actively working
in these severe conditions.
     There are around 37 NGOs in the Republic. They are working on
human rights, the environment, conflictology, social and psychology
rehabilitation of kids and handicapped people, problems caused by the
consequences of war and other fields. Their activity is very
complicated because of the difficult postwar and blockade conditions
in the Republic. The postal service does not work, telephone
connection is unstable, there is no Internet access. Abkhazian NGOs do
not have access to most financial support because they are acting in a
separated country, which does not exist on the political map.
Moreover, Abkhazians have a seriously limited possibility to cross the
blockaded borders of their Republic, it is limited for citizens of
other countries too. The fact of th NGOs existence is amazing in
itself. Moreover, their activity is pretty high, part of the activity
covers even governmental structures, which at the moment cann't
fulfill all of it's function. This makes the role of NGOs really
     To help Abkazian NGOs Abkhazian regional Centre for Co-ordination
and Information (ARCIC) of Socio-ecological union (SEU) on the base
and by initiative of abkhazian NGOs "Apsabara" and "Complete Shalom
Apsny" was established in 1999.
     In this issue we present you one of leading environmental NGO
from Abkhazia Ecological Society "Apsabara".
     Ecological Society "Apsabara" was created by a group of
students-biologists and lecturers of the Abkhaz State University in
1992, during the war. At first, name of the organization was "Atiras"
(fern). It's primary task was to collect information on ecological war
consequences and demonstrate that the war takes not only human lives
but also causes a lot of damages to the environment. Activists
collected and worked up a lot of information about the war influence
on animal migrations, disappearing of one and appearing of another
animal settlements, film and photo-documents.
     After the war a lot of new members joined the group, that gave
the opportunity to enlarge spheres of activities. In 1994 it was
decided to register a non-governmental organization - Ecological
society "Apsabara". Aim of the organization was to preserve the unique
nature heritage of Abkhazia, disseminate objective information about
condition of the environment and ways of the resolving of the serious
ecological problems, involve all levels of the population into the
process of discussions and decision making.
     During the post-conflict period "Apsabara" focused on learning,
preserving and restoring the environment damaged during military
actions. Society pays sufficient attention to the analyses of post-war
realities in the sphere of using natural resources, identification of
the strategy of the stable development in Abkhazia, searching and
realization of the different forms of the ecological education among
children and teenagers of Abkhazia.
     There are 68 members of "Apsabara", another 400 people are
involved in the "Apsabara" projects. Among members of the ecological
Society there are specialists with high degrees, masters of chemistry,
radiochemistry, biology, biogeography, geology, oceanology, also
teachers, journalists, and historians.
     The Ecological Society cooperates with local and international
organizations: Center for Humanitarian Programs (Abkhazia), Civic
Initiative and People of the Future Foundation (Abkhazia),
Rehabilitation Center "Association of Spinal Disabled " (Abkhazia),
the Youth House "Abrskil" (Abkhazia), Green Scouts (Abkhazia),
International Alert, UNV, Caucasus Links, BSEP, Department of the
social ecology (State California University).

     "Apsabara" successfully finished some of the projects and
continuos to work on another projects we want you to introduce with.
     "Nature - is me" - the competition of the children's pictures.
Pupils from the most of Abkhaz schools took part in the project. A few
pictures were send by children from Chechnya. 1000 works (pictures and
banners) were presented at the competition, some of them were made on
the scraps of paper. The competition was directed not only to the
forming of ecological consciousness, considerate attitude to the
nature but also to overcome psychological stress got during the war.
The best works were used in the creation of ecological banners and
calendars. The event got a great resonance - after the event this
project was implemented by other organizations in a smaller scale but
different forms. The project was financed by international
organization UNV (United Nation Volunteers).
     In 1997 the "Apsabara" society created ecological children's
group "Adzikurkur" (translated from Abkhaz - freshwater crayfish) on
the basis of school N10 in Sukhum. Participants of the children's
group initiated cleaning of river Sukhumka. They named the project
"From clean Sukhumka to the clean Sea". Children clean the river-bed
of Sukhumka, regularly sound the level and expenditure of water, make
tests, learn methodology of chemical and bacteriological analysis in
the laboratory of the Abkhaz State Center of Ecological Monitoring and
actively help "Apsabara" in it's activity.
     In 1998-99 activists of the society participated in
implementation of a project "Ecological Monitoring of the Black Sea
waters in the aquatory of Abkhazia ". It was financed by the State
Ecological Foundation of the Republic of Abkhazia.
     From the summer 1998 "Apsabara" works on creating school forestry
"Amza" (pain-tree) in Pitsunda and Pitsunda pine nursery garden. The
project is implementing jointly with the State Ecological Inspection
of Abkhazia and on the basis of school N1 in Pitsunda. In the nursery
garden created on the basis of forestry of Pitsunda-Miussera reserve
schoolchildren cultivate young plants, make experiments and
researches. Parallel with this work children maintain environment
protection activity and actions on the territory of the reserve apart
and jointly with "Apsabara". School forestry created a patrol "Green
Patrol". The patrol takes part in the actions preserving the reserve.
They organize as their own raids so joint raids with "Apsabara". On
the reserve territory schoolchildren from "Amza" organized "Ecological
Path" illustrated with information placates, stations with observation
sites. Children are going to use this "Ecological Path" as a place for
excursions. In May 2000, at the exhibition-conference children will
share the results of their activity. They will present their research
works, collections, photo and video materials.
     In October 1999 "Apsabara" jointly with Tkuarchal department of
the State Ecological Inspection created ecological club in Tkuarchal
on the basis of schools N1 and 4. Lectures introducing schoolchildren
with the flora of Tkuarchal region with element of environment
protection were held in the club. They also implement walking research
trips. Environment protecting patrols were also organized. The aim of
the patrols were to identify sources of the Galidzga river pollution,
clean the river-bed, make tests and identify bacteriological water
pollution. Children select young plants for park zone in the town for
spring 2000.
     Since March 1999 Ecological society "Apsabara" jointly with the
administration of Gulripsh village are implementing a project on
protecting and restoring the historical and cultural park
plantations in Gulripsh and Agudzera villages. Today, condition of the
plantations is worrying because of the general agricultural postwar
destruction. An obstacle for preserving and running of the unique
arboretum named by N.N. Smirnitsky is lack of funding. The arboretum
was created in 1892 and it's plan was developed by the famous Italian
landscape architecture. That time the park was considered as the
biggest park in Europe by the area and diversity of plantations: 80
species of eucalyptus, 50 species of palm-tree, more than 50 species
of camellia, more than 30-species of conifers, a lot of agave and the
unique collection of cactuses. Team of young environment protectors
was created in the framework of the project. It was organized on the
basis of Gulripsh school. Children transplant species lost during
previous years, take care of the park and clean it's territory from
"everyday" trash.
     For the International Black Sea Day (31 October 1999) "Apsabara",
State Inspection of small size vessels, art group "Neptune" and State
Ecological Inspection of the Republic of Abkhazia organized an action
of cleaning the seashore from "everyday" trash. Population of
Tkuarchal, Ochamchira, Sukhum, Gudauta and Gagra region took part in
the action.
     The Ecological society "Apsabara" is open for cooperation in the
all spheres close to environment protection and searching of ways of
stable society development.
     For contacts:
     Simon Kvitsinia, Ecological Society "Apsabara"
     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (for apsabara)


     The SEU member, environmental organization "Green World" from
Sosnovy Bor was awarded "The Baltic Sea Prize" for broadscale
environmental work.
     "Green World" was founded on 2 August 1988 as an environmental
association in Sosnovy Bor city located at the South coast of the Gulf
of Finland, 80 km to the West from St.Petersburg, Russia
     GW Goals.
     Dissemination of information on environmental and social problems
of the Baltic Region;
     Protection of the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem, the nature
reserves at the coasts of the Gulf of Finland;
     Involving the residents and authorities of the region in activity
for nature protection;
     Environmental education;
     Development of co-operation in conservation of nature.

     Main Objects Monitored by GW
     The Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant in Sosnovy Bor. Its four
RMBK-1000 Chernobyl-type reactors operate since 1981. Dangerous plans
exist to build more reactors for MOX fuel.
     The storage of waste nuclear fuel in Sosnovy Bor. It is located
90 metres from the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Overloaded by 130% of
its design capacity.
     Swans Natural Reserve to the East from Sosnovy Bor. Construction
of an oil terminal is planned within its area protected by the
International Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
     Green World Baltic News, an electronic newsletter of current and
"hot" environmental news of the Baltic region (in Russian and
     For contacts:
     Oleg Bodrov, "Green World"

This issue was written and complied by
Sviatoslav Zabelin, the SEU Council Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Olga Berlova, Victoria Kolesnikova - SEU CCI Press-secretaries,

Previous Issues of The SEU Times may be found at "The Online Gadfly"

               ------------- *  ENWL (English) * --------
          Ecological  North West Line * St.Petersburg, Russia
                       E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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