-Caveat Lector-

Russia warns of new arms race
Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

>From Time to Time: Nando's in-depth look at the 20th century

MOSCOW (October 5, 1999 11:31 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - A
missile defense system that the United States wants to build would
prompt a Cold War-style arms race, mutual suspicion and uncertainty, a
top Russian commander has warned.

If the defense system is built, Russia may drop out of all disarmament
treaties, close its borders to U.S. arms observers and begin
stockpiling nuclear weapons, the commander of Russia's Strategic Missile
Forces, Col. Gen. Vladimir Yakovlev, said in a newspaper
interview published Tuesday.

"We will fully withdraw from all inspection measures and will not let
anyone close to our arms. Russia will not know what is going on in
the United States. Americans will not know what is going on in Russia,"
Yakovlev told the daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

Moscow staunchly opposes U.S. plans to amend the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile treaty so it can build a limited missile defense system.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Vladimir Rakhmanin on Tuesday also denounced
the first test of the proposed missile defense system,
saying it already violates the ABM treaty, the ITAR-Tass news agency

During the test Saturday, an unarmed Minuteman missile was launched from
the Marshall Islands to intercept a missile fired from

The missile defense system would protect the United States against
nuclear missile strikes by terrorists or rogue nations, and not against
an attack from a major nuclear power.

But Russia insists the system would upset the strategic balance of

"If the United States throws out the 1972 ABM treaty, they will
effectively become the culprit for a disruption of the process of
nuclear weapons," Yakovlev was quoted as saying.

"All agreements that have been signed or are being prepared, will come
under threat - namely, START-I, START-II and consultations on

Russian officials have repeatedly warned of a new arms race if the
missile defense system is built. But Russia is broke and can hardly
afford a new arms race with the United States.

Still, Moscow can afford to put multiple warheads on its new Topol
intercontinental ballistic missiles - something it has refrained from
doing in the past because of disarmament plans and obligations, Yakovlev

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