-Caveat Lector-

>SAfrica-prisons-AIDS: AIDS-linked deaths in S. African prisons
>Agence France-Presse - October 17, 2000
>JOHANNESBURG, Oct 17 (AFP) - AIDS-related deaths in South
>Africa's prisons increased by about 300 percent from 1995 to
>1999, and are expected to continue to soar, an official with a
>prisons monitoring group said Tuesday.
>Natural deaths in prisons had increased from 186 in 1995 to 737
>in 1999, with about 90 percent of the deaths estimated to be
>linked to AIDS, Gideon Morris, secretary of the group, called the
>Office of the Inspecting Judge, told AFP.
>The Office of the Inspecting Judge is an independent organisation
>which works in conjunction with prisons in South Africa.
>Already this year, there had been more than 1,000 natural deaths
>in prisons, he said.
>"From the post-mortems, they appear to be caused by AIDS in 90
>percent of cases," Morris said.
>An increase in the number of HIV-positive people entering
>prisons, the high incidence of rape and overcrowding contributed
>to the dramatic escalation in figures, he said.
>"It is estimated that between 70 percent and 80 percent of all
>arrested suspects are sodomised by fellow prisoners before they
>are even officially charged," Morris told The Star newspaper.
>"Many suspects are raped wihin the first 48 hours of being
>detained," he said.
>Last month Correctional Services Minister Ben Skosana said the
>number of prisoners known to be HIV-positive had increased from
>1,094 in July 1997 to 3,209 in July this year.
>Morris was especially concerned about the high number of
>prisoners awaiting trial, about 40 percent of whom he said were
>eventually found not guilty.
>About 45,000 prisoners awaiting trial were being held, he said.
>"These guys are arrested and placed in side a cell. Within 48
>hours they are usually robbed blind and probably raped," Morris
>Massive overcrowding meant that prisoners could not be properly
>segregated, for example to keep gangsters away from prisoners
>awaiting trial, and that guards could not properly ensure
>control, he said.
>At the end of September, about 151,000 people were in prisons,
>which can ideally only accommodate 100,000, he told AFP.
>The department of correctional services moved to ease
>overcrowding last month by conditionally releasing 8,500
>awaiting-trial prisoners whose bail had been set at under 1,000
>rand (140 dollars), he said.
>This week the release procedures began of another estimated 7,000
>prisoners who have served half their sentences and were not found
>guilty of violent crime, Morris said.
>According to government, 4.2 million South Africans were at the
>end of last year living with HIV or AIDS. This was the highest
>number in the world, according to the UN's AIDS project, UNAIDS.

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