> >Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 15:32:18 +0200
> >The Trial of the Shiraz Jews and The Pollard Case
> >Jewish Press (NY)- Sept 1 2000
> >by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
> >
> >
> >[Note: The characters in this story are fictional. All the facts
> >about the Pollard case are true.]
>[Truncateds Extract only: for full article contact
> >
> > Ali Mostophi, second officer at the Permanent Mission to the
> >Nations of the Islamic Republic of Iran smiled to himself when he
> >Jack Ferguson approaching.
> >
> >As often as protocol and the rule book allowed, the young American,
> >junior officer in the diplomatic corps, sought  out Mostophi at the
> >
> >floor lounge at the UN.  Ferguson  enjoyed prying off-the-record
> >observations and analysis from him.  Nothing earth-shattering, but
> >made Mostophi feel like a bit of a  mentor to someone, and it had
>been a
> >long while since young people in the full bloom of their idealism
> >up to him.
> >
> >Anticipating their usually friendly banter,  Mostophi was taken
>aback by
> >
> >the edge in Ferguson's voice.
> >
> >"You know that I've  never swallowed the conventional line that
> >Iranians in shades of black.  But after this Shiraz fiasco, how can
> >educated person see your people as anything but primitive
> >
> >The news headlines that morning had announced the sentencing of 10
> >Iranian Jews charged with spying for Israel.  Mostophi understood.
> >are troubled, no doubt, over the sentences of the Shiraz Jews.  Do
> >want to vent, or do you want to learn something?"
> >
> >"Learn?  What's to learn? You violated every rule sacred to modern
> >judicial systems!"
> >
> >Unruffled by the young man's sharp tone, Mostophi offered, "Stop
> >there, let me finish for you.  I will tell you exactly what you
> >ugly
> >and offensive. You were about to tell me, of course, that the
> >Jews were convicted without benefit of effective counsel. You want
> >moralize about how there was no jury, only a judge who had reason
>to be,
> >shall we say, 'biased.' And of course you will certainly point out
> >the Shiraz Jews were convicted on the basis of evidence that was
> >shown to them. Correct, so far?"
> >
> >The wind taken out of his sails, Ferguson said only, "Yes, but
> >left
> >out the most upsetting element of  all."
> >
> >"That," said  Mostophi, "would be the anti-Semitic thrust of the
> >episode.  When you hear that a government would fan the flames of
> >prejudice against the world's favorite scapegoat, you are reminded
> >Czarist Russia, right?"
> >
> > "Precisely," countered Ferguson, although with a bit of hesitation
> >about
> >what was to follow.
> >
> > Mostophi spoke quietly and confidently. "First let me assure you
> >your whole premise is incorrect.  The trial has nothing to do with
> >anti-Semitism.
> >Ferguson sensed that something important was coming.  "So why the
> >show-trial?"
> >
> >Mostophi settled back into his chair. "Nothing against the Jews per
> >They do, however, serve a useful function."
> >
> >"A useful function?"
> >
> >Mostophi nodded. "Our country is on the verge of  some relaxing of
> >restrictions, the first in many years.  People get drunk  with a
> >freedom.  Remember how quickly the Soviet Union crumbled  once
> >sensed that their freedom  was increasing?  We aren't ready for
>that. We
> >needed  to broadcast a message that we are still prepared to rein
> >in, if  they gallop too quickly."
> >
> >Ferguson frowned.
> >
> >Mostophi explained,
> >"Of  course," said Mostophi firmly. "The trial of the Jews
> >sent
> >a message aimed more at the rest of our people than the Jews."
> >
> >"So you really don't hate the Jews.  You are just prepared to
> >a
> >few of them to make a point."
> >
> >Mostophi sighed, "And you, my dear Ferguson, have missed the entire
> >point." He let Ferguson stew for a moment,  "It is natural for
> >governments to take cues from others, to see how far they can go in
> >pushing their own interests."
> >
> >"What are you getting at?" Ferguson prodded.
> >
> >"Do you recall what Hitler  told his generals before invading
>Poland? He
> >
> >said, 'Go, kill without mercy . . . who today remembers the
> >of
> >the Armenians?' "
> >
> >"So?"
> >
> >"What one nation does is a trial balloon for the plans of the next.
> >other words,  if the United States, the supposed world paragon of
> >judicial virtue can callously deny the rights of one person to suit
> >own needs, then some of the rest of us can go a good deal further."
> >
> >"Just what are you driving at?"
> >
> >"I should think that you would have caught on by now," Mostophi
>said. He
> >
> >leaned towards Ferguson and pointed an accusing finger,  "You
> >led the way with your famous Pollard case."
> >
> >"But Pollard was guilty! And your defendants are innocent!"
> >
> >"Guilty of what?"  Mostophi shot back., "Of spying for a friendly
> >country?
> >Yes, to be sure! But see how his treatment has been
> >severe, relative to people convicted of downright treasonous spying
> >the
> >kind that compromised the identities and lives of hundreds of your
> >operatives while the Cold War was in progress.  Why was Pollard
> >differently? Because he was Jewish!"
> >
> >Ferguson grimaced.
> >
> >"Preposterous, you say?  The United States is hardly  anti-Semitic?
> >Perhaps,  but  there were other factors. Would you be surprised if
> >told
> >you that one element in the perversion of justice  - as reported by
> >
> >own media - involved a decision by the Joint  Chiefs of Staff to
>make an
> >
> >example of  Pollard. They wanted to send their own  message."
> >paused for effect.  "They couldn't keep Jews out of  the highest
> >in the government, but they didn't trust them either. There is
> >issue of dual loyalty to Israel.  Best to let all American Jews
> >you are welcome to work here, but you better leave your feelings
> >Israel at the door. In fact,  your  Defense Department even went so
> >as to use Pollard to justify a security alert which was circulated
> >all American corporations doing classified work that they should
> >consider their Jewish employees as security risks because of their
> >religious attachment to Israel."
> >
> >"I don't believe that."
> >
> >"You don't believe the Washington Post or the rest of your
> >news sources?"
> >
> >Ferguson squirmed in his seat but did not reply.
> >
> >Mostophi continued, "Over the years,  we have watched how cleverly
> >Pollard case has been used by your people. We have learned the
> >well." He had Ferguson's attention.
> >
> >"For your Defense and Intelligence crowd, the  Pollard case became
> >tool to diminish Jewish influence. For those individuals in the
> >government who have little use for close ties between the US and
> >the case was and still is a convenient means of calling into
> >Israel's reliability as an ally. To this day, whenever it is
>needed, the
> >Pollard specter is pulled out of the closet and the bones rattled
>at the
> >Jews. It reminds them not to get too presumptuous. On that score,
> >Americans have learned well from us, that Jews can  be good
> >but must be kept in their place."
> >
> >"But Pollard was a traitor!"  Ferguson attempted to stem Mostophi's
> >argument but he was no longer feeling very sure of himself.
> >
> >Mostophi smiled, "Pollard a traitor? Just like the Jews of Shiraz?
> >Listen,
> >Ferguson, did you know that Pollard was never charged with treason?
> >couldn't be  - after all he spied for an ally. But that did not
> >your
> >people from constantly implying  that he had committed treason.
>Even his
> >life sentence - completely inappropriate for the one count of
> >espionage he was indicted on - reflected a false charge of treason.
> >
> >"But why?"
> >
> >"There were a number of reasons. The false charge of treason was
> >made by your former Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger, in a
> >memorandum that he delivered to the judge at Pollard's sentencing."
> >
> >"That doesn't make any sense. What would be the  motive for
> >to falsely accuse Pollard of a crime like treason?  Perhaps you
> >misunderstood."
> >
> >"No. Think about it. Your laws define a traitor  as one who spies
>for an
> >
> >enemy during time of war. Israel is not an enemy - and even if it
> >the US is not at war with Israel. So what was the point of  falsely
> >accusing Pollard of treason?  If Pollard could be portrayed as  a
> >traitor, then logically it must follow that Israel is the enemy.
> >this accomplishes is a de facto  political redefinition of  Israel
>as an
> >enemy state. To this day, the average American reading his daily
> >newspaper believes the lies that  Pollard was a traitor and the
> >spy in American history - which is truly laughable. This tactic
> >continues to be the single most effective means of pressuring
>Israel, as
> >needed.  It is no doubt the most successful means that has been
> >this century to undermine popular support for the US - Israel
> >relationship."
> >
> >"Let me get this straight. Are you saying that the Pollard case is
> >about Pollard?"
> >
> >"It is about Pollard in the same way that our spy case is about the
> >Shiraz
> >Jews. The message is more important than the medium."
> >
> >Ferguson was troubled by what Mostophi was saying but couldn't
>think of
> >an effective rebuttal.
> >
> >"Look," Mostophi continued,
> >"Pollard himself is of no concern to me. The issue is that except
> >the
> >people who locked him up and threw away the key, no other Americans
> >anything about what Pollard really did. That is the crucial point.
> >the United States government found it within its interest, it
> >a way to lock Pollard away while denying him the rights that are
> >supposed to be sacred in your country."
> >
> >"Pollard had his day in court," Ferguson insisted. "Even Senator
> >Lieberman says so."
> >
> >"The good Senator has it backwards. Our Jews in Shiraz had their
>day in
> >court. Your Jew never even had a trial."
> >
> >"Come on! Pollard never had a trial? "
> >
> >"Never."
> >
> >"Okay. You have my attention. Explain."
> >
> >"The point isn't innocence or guilt, but that Pollard was
>railroaded by
> >some powerful forces."
> >
> >"Railroaded?  Okay maybe he did get a heavy sentence, but  that is
> >justice, not railroading. What he did was terrible."
> >
> >Mostophi sighed
> >
> > "Pollard was set up from the day he was caught spying for Israel.
> >remember the Israelis returned the documents that Pollard had given
> >them?"
> >
> >Ferguson nodded, "I remember reading about it."
> >
> >"The Americans leaned on the Israelis to return those documents.
> >was of course unheard of - asking a  country to provide evidence
> >its own agent. The Israelis balked at first, but finally agreed on
> >condition that the returned documents would not be used against
> >
> >The Americans promised; but even before the ink was dry, they
> >this agreement."
> >
> >"I don't believe that."
> >
> >"The Americans immediately used the documents to coerce a guilty
> >from Pollard, and to secure his cooperation."
> >
> >Ferguson did not argue.
> >
> >"The Americans struck a plea bargain with Pollard without ever
> >him that they had committed not to use these documents against him.
> >Without that information,  Pollard was never able to take the
> >appropriate legal steps to defend himself."
> >
> >"Wait a minute. You said Pollard had a plea-bargain.  Why did he
>need to
> >defend himself?  An American  plea-bargain is iron-clad."
> >
> >"In other cases, perhaps . Not in the case of your Jew. The
> >violated the plea-bargain with Pollard, but he had already waived
> >right to a trial.  He had no recourse. Sound familiar?"
> >
> >"You're implying just like the Jews in Shiraz?"
> >
> >"Yes. And just like Shiraz, his fate was not in the hands of a
>jury, but
> >of
> >a single judge."
> >
> >"But in America, there are legal safeguards to prevent a judge from
> >exercising bias."
> >
> >"Oh really?" Mostophi mocked. " And yet your  Caspar Weinberger
> >revealed in an interview that the secret memorandum that he
>submitted to
> >the judge on the day that  Pollard was sentenced had actually been
> >solicited by the judge."
> >
> >"What is wrong with that?"
> >
> >"A lot. It seems that the judge had asked for Weinberger's
> >and recommendations about how much damage Pollard had done without
> >mentioning this solicitation in the record! Pollard and his
> >did not get to preview the document or to challenge it before it
> >used at sentencing to put him away for life."
> >
> >"But Pollard pleaded guilty. You commit the crime, you do the
> >
> >"Really, my friend, and what about the great American principle of
> >process'?  Is due process a drum you beat only for the Jews of
> >but not for your own?"
> >
> >Ferguson was starting to feel uncomfortable. He hoped that the
>older man
> >would not notice.
> >
> >Mostophi continued, "On the basis of the secret memorandum
> >presented to the judge at the last moment before sentencing,
> >plea bargain was thrown out and he  was given a life sentence for a
> >crime that probably would have carried no more than a 2 to 4 year
> >sentence, had he gone to trial. Who plea bargains for a life
> >
> >Ferguson  persisted, "At least Pollard saw the evidence and he was
> >allowed to defend himself."
> >
> >"Not exactly. Pollard and his attorneys saw the secret memorandum
> >only moments before sentencing -  enough time to see the false
>charge of
> >treason in it, but hardly adequate time to mount an appropriate
> >defense. From that day on,  Pollard and his attorneys have  never
> >allowed to see the document again in order to challenge it in a
>court of
> >law - a clear violation of the man's American right to due
> >
> >"But I've read  that the FBI has a whole file filled with evidence
> >the
> >damage Pollard did to American security."
> >
> >"That is what your government wants you to believe. To this day,
> >Americans continue to claim that there is "secret" information
>about how
> >
> >bad Pollard was. They  won't share that information, of course, so
> >result is the same as our citing 'security concerns' about the
> >that convicted the Shiraz Jews."
> >
> >"But we are a democracy. Our government is reliable in its claims."
> >
> >"One of your own, a Senator Charles Schumer, didn't think so. He
> >to have a look for himself. Schumer examined the classified Pollard
> >a few months ago, and he announced that there was nothing in it  -
> >nothing to justify Pollard's sentence."
> >
> >Ferguson  did not answer.
> >
> >Ferguson watched as Mostophi rose, turned his back and walked away.
> >indignation began to subside when he realized that even if he were
> >confidentially share Mostophi's disquieting observations with some
> >
> >Jewish leaders, they would probably agree that the whole exchange -
> >like Pollard -  should just remain buried. After all, what good
>would be
> >accomplished by reminding American Jews just how close they live to
> >Shiraz? I guess cowardice really is the better part of valor these
> >Ferguson thought, as he sat back and contemplated the New York City
> >skyline. -30-
> >
> >Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein holds the Sydney M. Irmas Chair in Jewish
> >and Ethics at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.

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