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Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 23:22:28 EST
Subject: SNET: Private Property Ownership? Not Under UN Control......

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Saturday, November 24, 2001
 Private property epidemic?

By Henry Lamb
© 2001 In 1976, the United Nations adopted its <A 
HREF="";>policy on
private property</A>, which says, essentially, that there should be none.
Apparently, this U.N. decree outweighs the U.S. Constitution in the mind of
at least one professor who is teaching college students. In an <A 
prepared for Environment News Service</A>, <A 
HREF="";>Jackie Alan 
Giuliano</A>, Ph.D., says
"private ownership … has reached epidemic proportions." The professor says
that "discussions of private property go astray," when they include the U.S.
Constitution and the words of James Madison and John Adams. He contends that
it is their attitude which insured that land would remain the domain of the
wealthy elite. He says that "no trespassing" signs are the "new badges of
achievement for the affluent." He says property-rights organizations "find
legal ways to deny public access" and teach their members how to "manipulate
the Constitution." The object of the professor's article is to bemoan the
diminishing access to beautiful places, beaches, riverbanks and other vistas.
His solution is public ownership. Public ownership of land is not a solution
– it is a major problem that brings far worse consequences for society than
the inconvenience of diminishing access to beautiful places. Of course, there
should be some public land, parks, nature reserves and the like. The people
in each community who want open space within their community have always
required their elected officials to use their local tax dollars to provide
such places. The federal government, too, has provided millions of acres for
national parks, such as Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon and countless
other beautiful places. In fact, federal, state and local governments already
own more than 40 percent of all land in America. More than a thousand
conservancy organizations, such as The Nature Conservancy, also own vast
stretches of beautiful places. How much more is needed to satisfy the
professor and others clamoring for more government land acquisition? Nothing
less than total control of the land will satisfy supporters of the U.N.
policy, because, as the U.N. document says, "Private land ownership is also a
principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and
therefore contributes to social injustice." Only when the United Nations
controls the distribution of wealth and can insure that all people enjoy the
benefits of the earth's resources equally, will these folks be satisfied.
Should such a condition befall us, freedom – as envisioned in the U.S.
Constitution – could no longer exist. Private property ownership, including
the right to use the property, and to exclude others from it, is one of the
fundamental principles of freedom that has made America rise to the height of
prosperity, power and prominence we now enjoy. While we applaud America's
prosperity as a celebration of human achievement, others see this same
prosperity as greed, indifference to the world's poor, and theft and
exploitation of the earth's resources that are rightfully the property of all
people. The professor, and those who subscribe to the U.N. policy on land,
disagree with the founders of the United States. They are teaching a
generation of students that our founders were wrong; that their philosophy
contributes to the problems that now confront society; that we should reject
the very principles that make our country great, and adopt the same
philosophy that failed in the Soviet Union, and virtually every other society
based on collectivism. Private ownership of land, subject to the "vagaries of
the market," is the only way to forge long-term solutions to resource use,
open space, traffic and all the other problems that confront a growing
civilization. The marketplace – where willing buyers trade with willing
sellers – is a hard arbiter. There is nothing fair about it, nor are there
any guarantees. But it is efficient and effective, and it will ultimately
reflect the desires, ability and energy of the people who engage in it.
Government has moved to make the market more fair, which has benefited many
people. Every effort by government to make the marketplace safer and more
fair, brings with it a corresponding loss of efficiency. The work of our
government since its creation has been to try to balance the marketplace
between safety and efficiency. There is a point where government regulation
to provide safety and fairness overwhelms the efficiency of the market. For
many property owners, especially in the ranching, logging, resource-use and
development businesses, government regulations have already reached this
point – and they have lost the ability to engage the market, or to pursue
happiness, as is their right under the U.S. Constitution. The professor's
analysis is wrong: There is no "epidemic" of private property. There is
instead, an epidemic of government-owned "public" property, which, with every
new land acquisition, destroys a little more of the foundation upon which
America stands. <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Henry Lamb</A> is the executive 
vice president of the <A HREF="";>
Environmental Conservation Organization</A> and chairman of <A 

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