Skolnick - The Secrets Of
Timothy McVeigh

By Sherman H. Skolnick


Shackled and hand-cuffed to major financial forces, the moguls of the
monopoly press believe the secrets of Timothy McVeigh ended when he ended.
And the stooges, masquerading as our leaders, governing nowadays without our
consent, are inclined to believe that as well.    

What they did not realize is that some of their supposed confidential
conversations were not that hush-hush. Were overheard and noted, even
apparently taped. What did they know and not tell us? Information confirmed
to them as correct but kept from the common people?    

[1] That the American secret political police had McVeigh under video and
audio scrutiny from at least thirty days prior to the multiple bombings on
April 19, 1995, of the Alfred P. Murrah Building.  
2] McVeigh was surveilled in Kansas and Oklahoma in the company of two
middle-eastern types, partly disguised. As known to the FBI , the American
CIA, and other espionage agencies, foreign and domestic, his two handlers
accompanied him in a late model four-wheel drive pick-up truck.    

[3] As these agencies corroborated, McVeigh's supervisors were actually Iraqi
military officers, from intelligence units, quietly brought into the United
States at the end of the brief Persian Gulf War, 1991. They were part of more
than four thousand of the same, supposed defectors, arranged by then
President George Herbert Walker Bush. The Elder Bush, many do not know, for
the decade of the 1980s, was the PRIVATE business partner of Saddam Hussein,
the Iraqi strongman. Together, they shared billions and billions of dollars
of kick-backs and "protection" funds, from the weak oil sheikdoms of the
Persian Gulf. A little known Chicago federal lawsuit was brought, in October,
1990, during the lead-up to the shooting war, to keep concealed the related
bank records showing the clandestine partnership. The case involved the
records of the Chicago unit of Italy's largest bank, owned in part by the
Vatican, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, BNL. The Federal Reserve Board wanted
the House Banking Committee Chairman to agree never to use the records
because he refused to sign a secrecy oath.    

As the only journalist attending the court hearing, I interviewed some of the
participants in the back of the courtroom.I asked and received identical
answers three times, to be certain of the crucial data. They confirmed the
Bush-Saddam relationship and the monstrous kick-backs from the sheikdoms.
Only one publication, a populist newspaper, The Spotlight, penetrated the
nationwide censorship and ran my exclusive story, August 19, 1991. The case
was entitled People of the State of Illinois ex rel Willis C. Harris, Bank
Commissioner vs. the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the
House Banking Committee, No. 90 C 6863, in the U.S. District Court, and later
heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, Chicago. The three-judge
federal appeals court panel was dominated by the infamous Chief Judge Richard
A. Posner [(312) 435-5806] [Visit our website for our story "Chief Crook
Enters Microsoft Case".] Posner and his virtual shadow, federal appeals Judge
Frank H. Easterbrook [(312) 435-5808], although on the bench, continue to
represent reportedly the billion dollar stock portfolio of the oil-soaked
Rockefeller's University of Chicago, were they used to be law professors.
[The two judges have reportedly failed to disclose the relationship in their
mandatory annual Federal Financial Disclosure Report.]    

As part of the cover-up, Chief Judge Posner ordered the Bush/Saddam/BNL case
removed from the courthouse. Later, Posner and his shadow Easterbrook, as a
reprisal for my reporting the case on my TV Show, unconstitutionally ordered
me and a TV program associate of mine, Joseph Andeuccetti, barred from all
the federal courtrooms in the 7th Circuit, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.
[The U.S. Supreme Court refused a remedy to this blatant First Amendment

[4] Of the more than four thousand Iraqi military officers brought into the
U.S. by then President Bush, more than five hunded reside with their families
in Lincoln, Nebraska, and two thousand with their families reside in Oklahoma
City and right nearby.    

[5] As actual cronies, although little known or understood, the Elder Bush
and later as President, William Rockefeller Clinton, arranged for these
supposed defectors to have housing, to be usefully employed, and to have
other financial and related provisons, for the Iraqis and their families.
Jointly, the Elder Bush and Clinton were in a position to know full well that
some of these military officers were double-agents, trained in dirty bloody
tricks. Little-known, the Elder Bush has reportedly been a major stockholder
of a French firm, American LaFarge, which reportedly makes the ingredients
for poison gas, supplied to Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi strongman, during the
Iraq-Iran War, 1980 to 1988, used the poison gas against hordes of very young
Iranian soldiers as well as against Saddam's own domestic dissidents, the
Kurds. A director of American LaFarge has been Hillary Rodham Clinton.    

Both the Elder Bush and Clinton knew, as Presidents, what the American common
people generally do NOT know about the end of the Persian Gulf War. Namely,
tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers, mostly conscripts, were proceeding under
a white flag of surrender when they were shot from behind, on the ground and
from the air, as the U.S. Military had been ordered. Some estimate as many as
150 thousand young Iraqis were thus the victims of these War Crimes. Many
still alive, were pushed by U.S. military bulldozers---Nazi-style---into mass
graves in the desert. Under strict censorship, the U.S. pressfakers were not
permitted to publish or air pictures of bodies, only miles and miles of blown
up military trucks, tanks, and other Iraqi military equipment.     In the
Islamic world, were the Oklahoma secrets known, they might correctly feel the
Iraqis got justifiable revenge in causing, so far, the worst terrorist attack
on U.S. soil. Used were domestic dissident patsies and surrogates for Iraq
which has been interwoven with the business affairs of the Bush family and
Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Richard Cheney.    

[6] As confirmed as to contents, by the FBI/CIA/intelligence agencies
surveillance of Timothy McVeigh in the company of his Iraqi military officer
handlers, McVeigh and his handlers carried around several suitcases. Some of
them contained highly effective C-4 explosives. One suitcase contained a
lower level sub-atomic device, known as "Red Mercury". The suitcase nuke had
been developed by the Soviets and made available to their client-state, Iraq.
The shearing off of the steel pillars of the Murrah Building was NOT done by
a fertilizer truck-bomb from in front of the building. Rather, by devices in
the parking section of the basement.    

As reported by a researcher, "Jane Graham,a sixty year old Federal Housing
Services employee, was on the ninth floor of the Murrah Building when she
saw, heard and felt the rolling tremor of the building accompanied by a slow
rumbling explosion. About 6 to 8 seconds later, she was struck by a much more
powerful and sudden explosion that lifted the floors of the building straight
up. About 3 hours after the explosions took place she saw and later obtained
video recordings of the federals pouring wet concrete into the 25 foot crater
in the basement of the Murrah Building. Even though she demanded to testify
before the Grand Jury she was not allowed to do so. Nor was she allowed to
testify at all concerning any of the proceedings surrounding the Oklahoma
City Massacre. Many other witnesses report similar experiences. Most
witnesses are too fearful to speak out." As sent to us by e-mail from
Reinhold Sommerstedt [EMAIL PROTECTED], 6/8/01.     Independent
persons, with radiation gauges, called Geiger Counters, tried to measure the
radiation after the explosions, but were not permitted to get that close. In
the past, I have been heckled for my exclusive stories that nuclear-type
radiation residue, from tritium, was found and secretly measured by
government operatives in the bombsite. Luckily or otherwise, what was
discovered were left-overs of tritium.

Unlike plutonium, tritium does not have a hundred-year or more "half-life",
the period during which it can still greatly harm. Some contend the half-life
of tritium is as little as thirty days.    

Critical of the fertilizer truck-bomb theory, author David Hoffman in his
book did state:  

An article in The Nashville Tennessean insists Saddam Hussein has been
developing 220 pounds of Lithium 6 a year. Lithium 6 can be converted to
TRITIUM, an essential ingredient in thermonuclear reactions." (Emphasis
added.) And in a footnote " 'Iraq Also Worked on Hydrogen Bomb', Associated
Press, quoted in The Nashville Tennessean, 10/9/91, as quoted in Charles T.
Harrison, 'Hell in a Hand Basket: The Threat of Portable Nuclear Weapons',
Military Review, May, 1993." The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of
Terror, Feral House, original 1998 Edition, page 14.  

[7] Before and after the apparent death of Timothy McVeigh, several persons,
apparently family members of network newsreporters, and some reporters
themselves, discussed some items mentioned here, with retired network
reporters, Establishment journalists, retired FBI officials, news network
bosses, and such. Apparently they did not know they were being overheard and
in some instances taped. The conversations corroborate that the top honchos
of the news networks in America knew about the FBI/CIA surveillance of
McVeigh PRIOR TO THE BOMBINGS and were aware of the FBI/CIA audio/video taped
surveillance. BUT the data was censored at the highest level of the U.S.
Government and the monopoly press. Further, the discussions showed that the
FBI/CIA have closed circuit video showing an Iraqi military officer
supervising the one purporting to be McVeigh near the bombsite.  

[8] In his heavily documented and detailed book, author David Hoffman raises
questions that there may have been others posing as "Timothy McVeigh" and
that "McVeigh" was under mind control. That is, that the bombings may have
been orchestrated or allowed to happen as an espionage event. Several persons
claiming to be "Timothy McVeigh", all staged apparent events, many miles
apart, that someone would remember. All the while the person doing something
very odd, emphatically proclaims "My name is Timothy McVeigh".  

For many years suppressed in the U.S. and not allowed to be sold in
bookstores had been a best-seller in various languages in Europe. In English,
called "Farewell America", it was written by operatives of the French CIA
under the pen-name "James Hepburn". They penetrated the plot against
President John F. Kennedy but because of complex reasons, too many to list
here, they did not see fit to warn him. The book shows how the American CIA
used several persons, not all of them actually looking that much like Lee
Harvey Oswald, staged odd events and commotions to bring attention to
themselves, and then loudly and emphatically proclaimed "My Name Is Lee
Harvey Oswald".  

[9] Sarcastic sorts even raise the question: Was the REAL "Timothy McVeigh"
put to death? Or, for that matter, was ANYONE put to death in the death room
at Terre Haute Prison on June 11, 2001? They say, if "McVeigh" were given a
sedative to put him to sleep, and slumber, then how was it that at the end

[10] This item requires a little background. Little-known outside the news
industry, the major radio news outlets, linked to the networks like in New
York, have available several different news "menus" from the network. They
are shown the menus just before the top of the hour so the local outlet news
director can select. Sometimes they are ORDERED not to use certain items for
their part of the nation. For a long time, during the night, California radio
outlets of news networks, would use Menu One items, the best, sometimes
revealing news items. Chicago radio stations on the other hand, would use
only "soft-balls", Menu Five or further down than that. Funny thing, that has
been recently reversed. For example, CBS Radio News during the night was
putting on real hot stuff, about political assassinations and such. Why? The
reporters were worried that their daytime bosses would go along with a merger
with a foreign firm endangering the older reporters' pension rights and such.
Thus Menu One was blackmail against the editors, against the would-be merger

On the day "McVeigh" reportedly was snuffed, June 11, 2001, on
their website put the following sly statement: "Media witnesses described
McVeigh as having a nearly shaved head, LOOKING OLDER, and thinner than in
previous encounters with the public" (Emphasis added.) Did CBS want to raise
questions with sharp-eyed sorts that maybe the REAL McVeigh was not the one
in the prison death room? Sort of Menu One blackmail? [A division of CBS has
supplied equipment and trained personnel to the American CIA and the Pentagon
for military and espionage games planning and such.]   [11] In a previous
story, I raised some of the questions and answers of WHY. Such as, the Elder
Bush and his secret business partnership with Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein.
Such as, Richard Cheney, a major stockholder of oil patch machinery supplier
Halliburton, and recent CEO of the firm, secretly is supplying, through
Halliburton foreign units, oil machinery and other items, in violation of
national security and violation of the embargo. Such as, White House occupant
and "resident" George W. Bush covering up the Oklahoma bombings to protect
his father. Such as, Bush Family crony, Clinton, having perpetuated the cover
up for various reasons.  

So, some in key places somehow thought a lot of the above was hush-hush and
not known to more independent sorts. Now they know better. More coming.  

Stay tuned.

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