-Caveat Lector-

                                Skolnick - America's Great
                                Fairy Tales - Part 1
                                            By Sherman H. Skolnick
                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                                Fairy Tale #1: NATIONS, NOT THE UNITED
                                STATES, HAVE A LONG HISTORY OF
                                FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS. IN THE U.S.,
                                ELECTIONS ARE GENERALLY HONEST.
                                Realities: At key points in U.S. history, the elections
                                have been a gigantic fraud upon the American
                                common people. Part of a post-Civil War struggle as
                                to how to handle the conquered South, the Election
                                of 1876 is depicted in Gore Vidal's book "1876",
                                re-issued strangely just before the year 2000
                                alleged Presidential "Election". Much of what
                                happened in the year 2000 alleged "Election" is very
                                similar if not prophetically the same as in that book.
                                [Visit our website for details on the alleged
                                "Election" of 2000.] A corrupt compromise of the
                                1876 fraudulent election, was to reverse the small
                                gains of blacks. In the Reconstruction Period,
                                following 1876, voting, holding public office, and
                                other rights of blacks, under the newly minted 13th,
                                14th, and 15th Amendments, were crushed and not
                                restored, even in part, until almost 100 years later,
                                IF THEN.

                                In the year 2000 alleged "Election", under the sham
                                and excuse of "defective ballots", some two million
                                blacks, nationwide, were deprived of having their
                                votes counted. As a consequence, there is a
                                perception that the equal rights of blacks are in the
                                process, like after 1876, of being blatantly reversed.
                                And as a possible result, the ultra-rich, favoring
                                Divide and Conquer among ordinary people, black
                                and white, are instigating conditions that may lead
                                to new racial disharmony if not outright racial riots.
                                [Some rightly estimate that the rejected black ballots
                                would have been a large per centage for candidate
                                Gore. How would the oil-soaked monopoly press
                                explain away that large of a plurality for Gore in the
                                national popular vote? And how to explain away that
                                Bush became President by a strange decision of the
                                U.S. Supreme Court, blocking manual recounting of
                                questioned ballots? And how to explain away that
                                Bush was allegedly "elected" by two votes in the
                                Electoral College under the most unusual
                                circumstances, like1876?]

                                A sinister side-light: The last time a "Black Messiah"
                                showed up to aid the aspirations of people of color,
                                the Establishment, with their secret political police,
                                the FBI and the CIA, had him assassinated and the
                                murder blamed, naturally, on a "lone assassin". For
                                details as to Dr. King, visit our website.

                                Fairy Tale #2: THE JUDGES OF THE SUPREME
                                COURT OF THE UNITED STATES HAVE
                                GENERALLY BEEN PERSONS OF HIGH
                                STANDARDS AND THE COURT HAS BEEN
                                HIGHLY REPUTABLE. Realities: In 1856, the high
                                court, promoting the position of slave-owners, made
                                the Dred Scott decision. Blacks were proclaimed
                                and adjudicated to be chattel, mere baggage, that
                                could be transported from place to place. Despite all
                                the later bloodshed, this decision is still on the law
                                books. In the process of U.S. Senate ratification of
                                his appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, in
                                1991, Clarence Thomas, an"Uncle Tom" to some,
                                mouthed off about "natural justice" and was
                                apparently just about to state in his televised
                                hearings, that the Dred Scott decision was proper
                                under his theory of "natural justice".

                                The driving force and bigbucks behind his high
                                court appointment was Senator John C. Danforth
                                [R., Missouri]. Danforth has been the heir to the
                                Ralston-Purina, pet food and other items, fortune.
                                Thomas had been an office employee assisting
                                Danforth. While Thomas was a Federal Appeals
                                Judge in the District of Columbia Circuit, he made a
                                decision, WITHOUT DISQUALIFYING HIMSELF AS
                                HE WAS OBLIGATED TO DO UNDER FEDERAL
                                STATUTES, favoring Danforth in eleven million

                                Interesting detail: Danforth won election to the U.S.
                                Senate in 1976, where he remained for 18 years, as
                                a result of a sabotaged plane crash removing his
                                Democrat opponent. In 2000, Mel Carnahan running
                                for U.S. Senate, and his son, and office aide, all
                                died in a sabotaged plane crash in Missouri just
                                after debating Carnahan opponent, John Ashcroft.
                                And this was just prior to the Gore/Bush presidential
                                candidate debate in St. Louis. Carnahan reportedly
                                had documents with him on the plane which he
                                planned to give to Gore, showing tremendous
                                financial and other scandals incriminating George
                                W. Bush. The documents disappeared in the crash
                                zone at the hands of the secret police, the FBI, or
                                persons claiming to be FBI. [Do I understand
                                airplane sabotage? In 1973, my book, "The Secret
                                History of Airplane Sabotage" was blocked in the
                                printing cycle by Rockefeller-owned United Air
                                Lines. No copies are now available.]

                                For several decades early in the 19th century, John
                                Marshall was Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme
                                Court. In Chicago, a law school is named after him.
                                The Establishment falsely portrays him as a great
                                pillar of honor. A heavily documented book,
                                however, shows the massive corruption involving
                                Chief Justice Marshall, including huge land grabs by
                                his relatives, litigation which Chief Justice Marshall
                                covered up on his high court and did not disqualify
                                himself. See: "The History of the Supreme Court" by
                                Gustavus Myers, a book generally NOT allowed to
                                be on the shelves of law libraries.

                                Chief Justice Marshall's allegedly "famous" decision,
                                Marbury vs. Madison, as the book documents, was
                                a brazen scheme to block STATE SUPREME
                                COURTS from proceeding with litigation contesting
                                and investigating huge land grabs done by the Chief
                                Justice and his circle of thieves and swindlers.

                                Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court have
                                traditionally been multi-multi-millionaires,
                                representing and promoting the interests of
                                land-grabbing railroads and large corporate
                                interests, in direct opposition to the rights of
                                common people. In the 1930s, the high court judges
                                repeatedly outraged the public, by knocking down
                                laws passed by Congress to try to combat the
                                emergency caused by the widespread Depression.
                                The financial and industrial debacle was fomented
                                and instigated by the ultra-rich as a scheme to seize
                                assets and properties for a penny on the dollar. The
                                high court dictators repeatedly cancelled the rights
                                of labor and the working people. In Post World War
                                Two, the U.S. was having extreme foreign policy
                                problems with various countries including Africa.
                                Caused by the image of the United States NOT
                                having equal rights for American blacks, a
                                contradiction that the U.S. could not continue to
                                evade. As a consequence, the U.S. Supreme Court
                                not willingly but was forced to make a decision in
                                1954, purporting to help the rights of blacks,
                                ordering school desegregation. It was a decision the
                                ultra wealthy reluctantly made to try to clean up
                                America's image of lynching blacks and using them
                                for cheap labor. For related details see: "The Myth
                                of Democracy" by Ferdinand Lundberg. His other
                                books, "The Rich and the Super-Rich", 1967, and a
                                version in the 1930s, "America's Sixty Families",
                                documented the crimes of the very wealthy, which
                                sooner or later, Lundberg says, causes the common
                                people to rise up and slaughter their tormentors and

                                Some call the high court Justices in making the
                                majority ruling in the Bush/Gore cases, "The Gang
                                of Five". As to their blatantly not disqualifying
                                themselves when there were strong reasons to
                                require it, see our website stories about the alleged
                                "Election". Their decisions, cancelling the voters
                                position, stopped the re-counting and installed Bush
                                as the alleged "President". Some called it a "Fascist
                                Coup". These Five, realizing their second
                                Bush/Gore ruling might be used as a precedent in
                                some OTHER election controversy, said the
                                decision on so-called Equal Protection of the Law,
                                IS NOT TO BE REFERRED TO IN ANY OTHER

                                More America's Great Fairy Tales coming.

                                Stay tuned.



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