-Caveat Lector-


Smart cameras will spot the guilty before they commit a crime
Nick Paton Walsh
Sunday    July      22, 2001
The Observer
They record our every move from almost every vantage point. But soon
CCTV cameras will have another power: the ability to predict crime on
Britain's streets.

Researchers at Sussex University have discovered how CCTV camera
controllers spot criminals by studying the way they walk.

The team of psychologists studied 10,000 excerpts from CCTV footage
and found a number of 'trigger signals' in criminal behaviour which
showed when offenders were about to commit a  crime.

The footage showed how car thieves tended to walk erratically and look
in directions irrelevant to their path of travel. Before an act of violence
culprits would walk aggressively, their arms static by their sides, taking
long purposeful strides.

Professor Tom Troscianko of the School of Cognitive and Computer
Sciences, who headed the study, said researchers chose a hundred
scenes from CCTV footage filmed around the country. Each scene
lasted 15 seconds and they were based around three scenarios: a fight
outside a public venue, violence against property in the street, and car
theft in an underground car park. Some scenes depicted the moments
prior to a crime while others showed activity that did not result in a

A hundred people - 50 professional CCTV controllers and 50 civilian
volunteers - were asked to watch the footage and guess which scene
would result in a crime and indicate when during the 15 seconds they
had reached their decision.

'The actual crime was never shown' said Troscianko. 'In each sequence
we recorded the exact movements of the people. We looked at the
moments in each sequence which increased the chance of people
making the right prediction that a crime would happen.'

The types of behaviour were then ranked. 'When these trigger factors
were present, like a type of walk or a type of "gaze behaviour", we saw
that people were approximately twice as likely to   predict a crime' said

Before a violent act like a fight, an assailant walked in a very aggressive
way. 'The stride length and speed of walk would increase, but they
would not run. Their arms did not move much, and tended to stay down
at their sides. They walk in a direct line purposefully.' Similar patterns
were observed before damage was done to property.
Before a car theft a culprit would walk slowly or even remain still while
looking around. 'He will be looking to see if he is being observed.'
The team are now seeking funding to develop software to continue their
work. But campaigners have expressed concern at a new breed of
'intelligent cameras' raising concerns of a Big Brother society.
MP Simon Hughes, the Liberal Democrats' home affairs spokesman
said: 'CCTV needs to be used as the exception and not the rule in
public places and only rarely in private places.'


Best Wishes

...and the other of which acts exercises, in like manner, a power
not delegated by the Constitution, but, on the contrary, expressly
and positively forbidden by one of the amendments thereto, --a power
which, more than any other, ought to produce a universal alarm,
because it is leveled against the right of freely examining public
characters and measures, and of free communication along the people
thereon, which has ever been justly deemed the only effectual gardian
of every other right. -Virginia Resolutions, December 24, 1798

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