-Caveat Lector-

HC-11, Box 357, Kamiah, Idaho 83536

                                                          July 31, 2001

Dear President Bush,

Our association of lawmen, soldiers and private citizens wish to make our
voice heard on your further decision to allow lawbreakers to be promoted
rather than punished so that the Republican party can reap more votes from
the law breakers and their comrades.

First, our association's members know that for political considerations you,
unless GOD intervenes, WILL decide to promote and allow the illegal aliens
residing in the United States and the several states to benefit further from
their unlawfulness.   Therefore, we do not come to you to ask you to not
follow you and your father's destructive and treasonous political and global
government ambitions for that would be a waste of both our time.   We come to
you to inform you that you, your family members, and your international elite
abettors will pay for your crimes against God and this Christian nation when
you stand before the one true, ALMIGHTY GOD of Heaven which you say you
serve.   We set aside the "small fish" but very destructive, AMNESTY issue at
this time.

We come to you today to give you wise counsel from the HOLY SCRIPTURES.   We
understand that it has been difficult for you to find time to promote and
support the setting in place of the very anti-Christ world system that is
spoken of in Revelations in the Holy Scriptures and at the same time find
time to read the Word of GOD.   Mr. Bush, if you did read HIS Word, you would
already know that you are working for the destruction of the nation that the
very hand of GOD formed through great, spirit lead, men and women, would you
not?   Therefore, since obviously you do not have the time to read the Word
of your alleged savior, we, who do take the time to read and study, and serve
the GOD of Heaven, will help you to understand that our Lord states in HIS
Word - HE will stop you and your cohorts before you are able to consummate
total world control.   In other words, Mr. Bush, you will lose!, ...and lose
more than just your seat at the small table, before the thrown of the
overlord of the Anti-Christ New World Order.

Our association's members, who do try to serve our Lord of Heaven, beseech
you, if you love yourself and family, read HIS Holy Word before you continue
your rush into a destiny that is irreversible for you all.

As the Scripture speaks, so it is...that most Christians believe in you and
your wondrous WORDS and soft and shallow "actions on their behalf'.   As you
have understood from history and have counted on - a vast number of our
fellow Christians have always been gullible to those who carry a Bible and
babble sweet words of "strong religious convictions", and we understand that
this gives the deceiver the sense that their hidden things of darkness are
achievable, without  detection and exposure.   As this is most certainly your
thoughts and beliefs, please understand that you are so in error Mr. Bush.
In the Bible (you and Mr. Chaney have not had time to read) at 1- Cor. 4.5,
we read that our Almighty GOD of the Universe states that HE ..."The LORD
will bring to light the hidden things of darkness" and the deceivers will pay
the ultimate price.  Understand once again, this is not we who serve the
American people in uniform who are saying this, your Creator and Lord is
saying this!   Read it for yourselves.   And then get on your knees and ask
our LORD to forgive you and give you guidance for a new life of service to
HIM and the American people which you have already sworn to serve and
protect.   It is in this way, and only in this way, you Mr. Bush, will find
the will and knowledge to understand that it is against everything a
Christian nation and this Republic stands for - to continue to promote and
cover-up for the capitol crimes of your confederates and the more minor, but
serious, unlawfulness of others such as the millions of illegal aliens in our

You might ask yourself "why have these lawmen, soldiers and private citizens,
come to me this day?"    Our answer is -  We, as American lawmen and soldiers
under oath, have declared to you that you will lose this battle to destroy
America and set up this world government without the KING OF KINGS, because
our FATHER has deemed it so.  And our GOD, is bigger than you god Mr. Bush -
believe it please.  And we are certainly not convinced that you, even if
given the chance, would chose the righteous course at this time in yours and
our history, because the ungodly World government plan must go forward
(according to Scripture) and you and your father and his father, have chosen
to be one of the instruments of Lucifer to attempt to set up that prophetic
evil global system, but, you must understand that we (here at our national
association) too must stand before our LORD one day, just like you, and we
just wanted to be able to stand before our Savior and know that HE
understands we took the time and effort on July 31st, 2001 AD, to come to you
with this monumental truth and attempt to get you to change course, defect
and ask for asylum in the name of Jesus Christ, and go forth from this day
forth and truly serve the LORD OF HOSTS before it's to late for you and your
loved-ones.   Not just for yours but "for the good of all", is why we have
come to you today.    And our last words are these:

We're in prayer for you and your family.   Further Mr. Bush, if you will
chose the GOD of Heaven rather than the lowly god of this world, we in
uniform and under oath to GOD and the American people, will act to protect
you and your family from those who will surly come against you as they did
great men and presidents who loved and decided to serve the One True GOD.

It is this service we offer you and your family if you so chose.

                              Yours in freedom under GOD,

Officer Jack McLamb, Ret.

Executive Director, ACLA

HC-11, Box 357, Kamiah, Idaho 83536

                                                          July 31, 2001

Dear President Bush,

Our association of lawmen, soldiers and private citizens wish to make our
voice heard on your further decision to allow lawbreakers to be promoted
rather than punished so that the Republican party can reap more votes from
the law breakers and their comrades.

First, our association's members know that for political considerations you,
unless GOD intervenes, WILL decide to promote and allow the illegal aliens
residing in the United States and the several states to benefit further from
their unlawfulness.   Therefore, we do not come to you to ask you to not
follow you and your father's destructive and treasonous political and global
government ambitions for that would be a waste of both our time.   We come to
you to inform you that you, your family members, and your international elite
abettors will pay for your crimes against God and this Christian nation when
you stand before the one true, ALMIGHTY GOD of Heaven which you say you
serve.   We set aside the "small fish" but very destructive, AMNESTY issue at
this time.

We come to you today to give you wise counsel from the HOLY SCRIPTURES.   We
understand that it has been difficult for you to find time to promote and
support the setting in place of the very anti-Christ world system that is
spoken of in Revelations in the Holy Scriptures and at the same time find
time to read the Word of GOD.   Mr. Bush, if you did read HIS Word, you would
already know that you are working for the destruction of the nation that the
very hand of GOD formed through great, spirit lead, men and women, would you
not?   Therefore, since obviously you do not have the time to read the Word
of your alleged savior, we, who do take the time to read and study, and serve
the GOD of Heaven, will help you to understand that our Lord states in HIS
Word - HE will stop you and your cohorts before you are able to consummate
total world control.   In other words, Mr. Bush, you will lose!, ...and lose
more than just your seat at the small table, before the thrown of the
overlord of the Anti-Christ New World Order.

Our association's members, who do try to serve our Lord of Heaven, beseech
you, if you love yourself and family, read HIS Holy Word before you continue
your rush into a destiny that is irreversible for you all.

As the Scripture speaks, so it is...that most Christians believe in you and
your wondrous WORDS and soft and shallow "actions on their behalf'.   As you
have understood from history and have counted on - a vast number of our
fellow Christians have always been gullible to those who carry a Bible and
babble sweet words of "strong religious convictions", and we understand that
this gives the deceiver the sense that their hidden things of darkness are
achievable, without  detection and exposure.   As this is most certainly your
thoughts and beliefs, please understand that you are so in error Mr. Bush.
In the Bible (you and Mr. Chaney have not had time to read) at 1- Cor. 4.5,
we read that our Almighty GOD of the Universe states that HE ..."The LORD
will bring to light the hidden things of darkness" and the deceivers will pay
the ultimate price.  Understand once again, this is not we who serve the
American people in uniform who are saying this, your Creator and Lord is
saying this!   Read it for yourselves.   And then get on your knees and ask
our LORD to forgive you and give you guidance for a new life of service to
HIM and the American people which you have already sworn to serve and
protect.   It is in this way, and only in this way, you Mr. Bush, will find
the will and knowledge to understand that it is against everything a
Christian nation and this Republic stands for - to continue to promote and
cover-up for the capitol crimes of your confederates and the more minor, but
serious, unlawfulness of others such as the millions of illegal aliens in our

You might ask yourself "why have these lawmen, soldiers and private citizens,
come to me this day?"    Our answer is -  We, as American lawmen and soldiers
under oath, have declared to you that you will lose this battle to destroy
America and set up this world government without the KING OF KINGS, because
our FATHER has deemed it so.  And our GOD, is bigger than you god Mr. Bush -
believe it please.  And we are certainly not convinced that you, even if
given the chance, would chose the righteous course at this time in yours and
our history, because the ungodly World government plan must go forward
(according to Scripture) and you and your father and his father, have chosen
to be one of the instruments of Lucifer to attempt to set up that prophetic
evil global system, but, you must understand that we (here at our national
association) too must stand before our LORD one day, just like you, and we
just wanted to be able to stand before our Savior and know that HE
understands we took the time and effort on July 31st, 2001 AD, to come to you
with this monumental truth and attempt to get you to change course, defect
and ask for asylum in the name of Jesus Christ, and go forth from this day
forth and truly serve the LORD OF HOSTS before it's to late for you and your
loved-ones.   Not just for yours but "for the good of all", is why we have
come to you today.    And our last words are these:

We're in prayer for you and your family.   Further Mr. Bush, if you will
chose the GOD of Heaven rather than the lowly god of this world, we in
uniform and under oath to GOD and the American people, will act to protect
you and your family from those who will surly come against you as they did
great men and presidents who loved and decided to serve the One True GOD.

It is this service we offer you and your family if you so chose.

                              Yours in freedom under GOD,

Officer Jack McLamb, Ret.

Executive Director, ACLA

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