-Caveat Lector-

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Tax-reform drive building up steam 
Nonprofit group champions legislation to mothball IRS 



By Julie Foster
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

As Americans' irritation with the income tax reaches a fevered pitch, a group 
of citizen activists work to spread "good news": There is another way for the 
government to collect revenue without prying into individuals' personal 
finances and without the filing of confusing, sometimes lengthy forms. 

It's called the "Fair Tax," and its most ardent supporter is a group called 
Americans for Fair Taxation. The concept is simple: Charge consumers a tax on 
non-essential purchases at a rate relative to the current income tax, while 
removing the current wage-based tax system altogether. But there's a 
complicated side, as well -- informing a public living in an income-tax 
culture that the Fair Tax exists and that it is a viable option. 

While the concept is in legislative form in Congress, the Fair Tax movement 
is about more than passing a particular piece of legislation. It is a 
movement spurred on by people who believe an income tax is inherently unfair 
and un-American. They are people who don't just want tax relief -- they want 
tax reform. And they're not politicians. 

Danny Clark is a truck driver from Georgia who spends most of his time on the 
road. But that doesn't stop him from spreading the word about the Fair Tax. 
Clark has been known to spark so much interest in the issue over his radio 
communications with other truckers, that it is not uncommon for inquirers to 
meet him at truck stops for the printed information Clark carries with him. 
Indeed, if there is Fair Tax literature at a truck stop, it was likely Clark 
who put it there. 

But Georgians don't just get their Fair Tax information at truck stops. 
Americans for Fair Taxation State Director David Klepinger is a self-employed 
entrepreneur who uses his adaptable schedule to plug tax reform in between 
his business obligations. Using his own money, Klepinger flies to national 
conventions to place Fair Tax literature into the hands of attendees. 

Another self-employed Fair Tax advocate is Robin Cyr, AFT district director 
in Maine. Cyr makes his living repairing appliances. So committed is Cyr to 
tax reform that he has spent $200 of his own money to buy radio air time for 
Fair Tax promotional information, and gave another $1,500 to help AFT pay for 
a national magazine ad. But he spends more than money; he also spends his 
time -- logging countless hours in various online chat rooms in the evenings, 
informing participants about the Fair Tax. 

Tax reformers aren't just businessmen. AFT's Wisconsin District Director Al 
Ose has made it his mission to connect headlines from current events to the 
issue of tax reform, which affects practically every aspect of life, 
activists say. He has written dozens of letters on the subject, and last 
year, he participated in a neighborhood parade with his daughter, where he 
passed out literature on the Fair Tax. Holding regular meetings to help 
educate his community about tax reform, Ose's enthusiasm is representative of 
the passion that drives tax reformers. 

And the movement is catching on. In the last year, AFT's online-community 
membership has increased seven-fold, and its membership via mail has grown by 
over 150,000. The group has nearly doubled its financial contributors and has 
identified, trained and assisted over 100 new district and state directors as 
volunteers, according to Carrie Ardelian, AFT's vice president of field 

And the manpower is showing results. Over the last 12 months, AFT has 
generated over 30,000 phone calls and tens of thousands of e-mails to 
congressional offices in support of the Fair Tax and delivered thousands of 
postcards to the White House, urging the president's support of fundamental 
tax reform. Leaders of the movement have appeared on affiliate TV stations 
from every major television network, have been featured on over 2,000 
talk-radio stations across the country and have appeared or been featured in 
over 25 print publications. 

Now boasting a membership of over 400,000, AFT is a 501c(4) nonprofit, 
non-partisan organization founded in May 1995. Headquartered in Houston, 
Texas, the organization also has an office in Washington, D.C., where it 
conducts tax-reform lobbying and testifies before Congress. 

While the movement is based on tax reform, namely the elimination of the 
income tax, AFT has championed a specific bill in Congress appropriately 
titled the Fair Tax Act. 

Known as H.R. 2525 in the 106th Congress, the bill was reintroduced in the 
107th Congress last week, though the new bill number is not yet reflected in 
the Congressional Record. As with H.R. 2525, the bill is sponsored by Rep. 
John Linder, R-Ga., who noted that nearly $20 million has been privately 
raised and spent on economic and market research into the Fair Tax. 

"Research we have had done at Harvard's economics department suggests that 22 
percent of what one pays for at retail for personal consumption is the 
embedded cost of the IRS," said Linder. 

In other words, the prices of products in the retail market are inflated by 
22 percent so retailers can cover their own taxes. This concept can be 
illustrated by considering the cost of a loaf of bread. Everyone involved in 
the creation of the loaf -- from the farmer that grows the wheat to the 
manufacturers of the equipment the farmer uses and proprietors who sell the 
end product -- will attempt to recover all of their costs, including their 
tax burdens, through the sale of their goods. 

Also known as the National Retail Sales Tax, the Fair Tax has been 
scrutinized by critics as placing an undue and unfair burden on the poor, who 
do not have discretionary income and can buy only the necessities of life 
such as food, clothing, housing and medicine. But Linder counters this 

"I want to say that the poor are [already] paying it. Everything that anyone, 
rich or poor, buys has a 22 percent burden of the embedded cost of the IRS. 
Getting rid of the IRS will undo that burden." 

Linder's proposal would eliminate all federal income and payroll taxes, to be 
replaced by a 23 percent federal retail sales tax collected only once at the 
point of final purchase. Used items and business-to-business transactions 
would not be taxed, and families would receive pre-paid rebates for taxes 
charged on necessities such as food and medicine. 

The Department of Health and Human Services annually calculates the cost of 
necessities for families. Under the Fair Tax proposal, a check would be 
issued at the beginning of every month that equals the department's figures 
up to the poverty line. 

That rebate is intended "to offset the entire tax consequences of spending up 
to the poverty line," said Linder. "The Federal Department of Health and 
Human Services tells us that poverty-level spending, which is $8,500 for a 
household of one or $25,000 for a household of five, will be enough spending 
to provide the necessities, the essentials of living -- food, clothing, 
health care, housing. We believe that anyone should be able to buy those 
essentials with no tax consequences, and our rebate will cover those." 

"By authorizing this one sales tax, we will eliminate the personal income 
tax, the business income tax, the payroll tax, the death tax, the capital 
gains tax, the sell-employment tax and the gift tax. And, in doing so, we 
eliminate the IRS and all of its associated problems," he continued. 

One of the "problems" associated with the income tax is the exemptions and 
regulations current tax laws require to be "fair," resulting in the 
complicated nature of the current system. As evidence of the burdensome 
complication of the income tax, Linder pointed to a recent investigation by 
Treasury Department employees. Acting as citizens, the employees made phone 
calls to the IRS public helpline to get assistance with tax returns. 
According to the Treasury Department, 47 percent of the responses they 
received from the IRS were in error. 

"That is up from 25 percent four years ago. But our Treasury Department, in 
which the Social Security resides, tells us that 47 percent of their 
responses are wrong. They do not understand the system. It is time for it to 
go away," the congressman remarked. 

Accordingly, Linder again introduced the Fair Tax Act, which, like last 
year's bill, enjoys bipartisan support. Minnesota Democrat Collin Peterson 
intends to repeat his role as lead cosponsor of the bill. 

"Before I came to Congress, I made my living as a CPA, and I can tell you 
that no one really understands the current tax system. And every time that 
Congress has acted to 'simplify' the system, they have only made it worse. 
Under the Fair Tax system, people will get to keep every penny of their 
paycheck. People will have more control over their own money and their own 
choices about how they want to use it," Peterson said last year about H.R. 

"It will be especially good for American agriculture because exports and 
business inputs would not be taxed. In fact, it could solve our balance of 
trade problems because our exports will not have taxes built into their 
prices. And, it will be good for the family farmers who want their children 
to inherit the farm because there will be no inheritance tax," he continued. 
"I think that when people learn more about this idea, they will get behind 
it. I know it will take time to make this kind of change in the tax system, 
but I think the time is right to be making this kind of proposal because 
Americans are fed up with what we have now." 

Indeed, the benefits of the Fair Tax have not escaped the attention of 
farmers and other business organizations. The American Farm Bureau 
Federation, the Associated General Contractors of America, National Small 
Business United and several other groups have given their formal endorsements 
of the proposal. 

Policy groups and think tanks have lent their support to tax reform, as well. 

"Well-known groups like the National Taxpayers Union, Citizens for an 
Alternative Tax System and the Heritage Foundation, despite differing 
perspectives, share an important pledge: The current federal income tax 
system is economically destructive and inconsistent with the principles of a 
free society," states AFT. 

The growing tax-reform movement has its share of proponents, but the 
supporters still have an uphill battle ahead of them. After its introduction 
in 1999, H.R. 2525 was finally given a hearing in April 2000, though it was 
not passed out of committee. The newly introduced bill is sure to face the 
same hurdles, though AFT and Linder are ready for the battle and are rallying 
the troops. 

In his statement to the House introducing the 2001 Fair Tax Act, Linder 
called his colleagues to action on the issue of tax reform. 

"I believe that the time for tax reform has come," he said. "While I 
certainly believe that the Fair Tax is the best change, I believe we should 
have an open debate on others. I am willing to talk about the flat tax. It is 
better than the current system. I also believe that we virtually passed the 
flat tax in 1986 with only two levels of taxation and eliminating many of the 
deductions, and we have amended it 6,000 times since then. For as long as we 
know something about you and where you make your income and how much you make 
and how you spend it and invest it, we can find ways to tax it. America 
deserves this debate so we can totally revamp the system." 

In his conclusion, the congressman directed his comments to the speaker of 
the House: "We cannot change this world alone, but with the help of our 
colleagues and the enthusiasm of America, we will." 

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