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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:46:35 +0200
From: Hebron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Barak Plan: A Lethal Danger to the State of Israel

The Barak Plan: A Lethal Danger to the State of Israel
By Moshe Hagar

(Ed. note - Moshe Hagar served as a full colonel in the IDF and
is presently in the reserves. He resides in the Southern Hebron
Hills community, Beit Yatir.)

The following article is derived from my military experience,
from information available to me, and from my national
responsibility.  Unfortunately the deterioration is continuing
and intensifying. I cannot discern any red lines defined by the
government.  Therefore I am filled with a sense of obligation to
warn about the current steps being taken.

Many of the state's citizens are fooling themselves that Barak's
program only endangers residents living in Yesha (Judea, Samaria
and Gazza).  However, as opposed to the accepted opinion, the
program encompasses a real and serious danger to the existence of
the State of Israel. This article will analyze the dangers and
their significance, with the aim of attempting to prevent them
and save Am Yisrael. This is still possible, with G-d's help, if
we take the proper action.

The proposed withdrawal will include 92% of the land in Judea and
Samaria, and will, for all intensive purposes, return us to the
1967 borders.  The significance of this withdrawal spells
disaster, G-d forbid.


First and foremost, danger is masked in transferring territory
from the most important area, the Jordan Valley, which is our
defense line against the eastern front during a general war.
Accessibility to the Jordan Valley will be involve warfare; the
Palestinian army will delay or prevent access to this key
territory. During exercises conducted lately, it took the IDF a
full day to reach this key territory, as a result of Palestinian
roadblocks; this is prior to a full withdrawal.  In addition, our
emergency warehouses are located in their areas in Judea and
Samaria, around Jerusalem, in order to protect Jerusalem.  The
accessibility to these will be exceedingly difficult. The Israeli
army is based primarily upon reserve soldiers, making the time
schedule extremely significant. Every minute is liable to be
critical. For example, in order to access emergency war
reserve-warehouses between Jericho and Jerusalem, we must pass
through Anatot and Hizma, both in Palestinian territory. Every
person with any intelligence realizes the significance of such
happenings during a state of emergency.

BACK, with Jordanian and Iraqi forces from the east and with
Palestinian forces from behind.

In addition, within the framework of a withdrawal, the IDF will
be forced to abandon emergency warning stations, situated high in
the mountains, above Hatzur and Mt. Aival. As opposed to those
casting illusions, despite the technology, topographic height
was, and still remains the most significant factor when war

These early warning stations are of vital importance, providing
critical data and warning. In place of this data we are offered
data via an American satellite. However, experience has taught us
that the Americans supply us with minimal data, and at times
intentionally block us out, as happened during the Gulf War.

Terrorists will easily be able to smuggle weapons into Yesha via
Jordan, for the security strip will be 2 - 3 kilometers wide. As
a result of the opening of the Gazza port to Palestinian ships,
weapons will flow freely, including missiles against tanks and
missiles against airplanes, which we will be faced with during
the next armed uprising. Judea and Samaria are liable to become a
second Lebanon, with all that implies.

Concession of the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians has
additional implications: the very real possibility that the
Hashemite Kingdom in Jordan will collapse. The majority of the
Jordanian population is Palestinian. This will create an eastern
front from Teheran and Baghdad, leading to the outskirts of Kfar
Saba and Netanya.

The greatest danger will be to Jerusalem, being adjacent to an
enemy Arab population of 250,000 people. This population will
have access to the center of Jerusalem, and will derive strength
from the Palestinian State in Abu Dis. Jerusalem will be
threatened by the possibility of a Palestinian take-over: Barak
plans on giving the PLO municipal autonomy within the city, as he
has with Abu Dis, and will make possible transfer, later on, of
the area's security.

An agreement is usually expected to prevent war. However,
unfortunately the opposite is true. These agreements create a
situation whereby it is worthwhile for the enemy to fight us,
because he will have the ablity to easily be victorious. The
Palestinians are today speaking of adopting the same tactics used
by Hizbullah in Lebanon, and they will be able to reach the
fences of our communities. Will the State of Israel be able to
deal with the slaughter of a community, G-d forbid? The
withdrawal from Lebanon was defined as an Israeli weakness and
the collapse our military capability. This created a stimulus for
declaring war. All additional concessions will create a situation
whereby Israel will be defeated without a battle. Security
regulations prevent me from revealing further details.  But it is
clear that Israel will stand before mortal danger.


· Removal of the IDF from military bases and from a majority of
the communities, thereby abandoning 100,000 settlers.

· Total control by the terrorists of all the of the lifelines -
water, electricity, food, evacuation of women about to give
birth, people injured, etc. Children being transported daily to
and from school, mothers and fathers traveling to and from work,
shopping, will be a matter of life and death.

· In the event of an all-out war, the primary IDF forces will be
engaged in stopping the enemy on the borders. Yesha will be
abandoned and there will not be anyone to prevent thousands of
armed terrorists from attacking communities. In the event of an
attack on one of the communities, or on several at one time, the
IDF will not be able to come to their aid and save them,
especially if this will cause an all-out conflict with the
Palestinian Authority.

· In addition: According to the present orders concerning use of
firearms, it is forbidden to shoot at anyone not carrying
weapons.  Thousands of Arabs are liable to attack, using their
bodies as weapons against IDF outposts or communities, without
being fired on. The distance between major Palestinian population
centers and Jewish communities is very short. This is liable to
lead to a general slaughter of people, G-d forbid.  During the
battles following "Nakba Day" - The Day of Catastrophe, a few
weeks ago, the real cause that ended the violence were two
helicopters flown above the rioters. The P.A. was threatened with
the bombing of their headquarters. However, during a war, these
helicopters will be at the front and will not be able to deal
with Palestinian threats, which will ignite the territories. This
is liable to be a one-on-one battle, with a clear advantage to
the Palestinians, against Jewish communities facing surprise
attack, isolated and exposed.

Therefore, I have decided that with such a situation at hand, I
cannot hide behind my army rank and sit quietly. I sense that I
must warn that the expected dangers as a result of the current
process are very real and very terrible. I turn to every Jew to
act now, doing everything possible to save our people and our

In summary, I add three points:

1.  I am not dealing with the ethical values of transfer of Eretz
Yisrael, and not with the subject of water. Both of these are of
supreme importance and should be dealt with separately. I am
dealing with security and saving of life.

2.  The idea that peace and economic interests may prevent war
may be correct. However these considerations are limited by time.
We are obligated to our children and the following generations.

3.  Even if theoretically Judea and Samaria were to be an
arms-free zone (which today they are not), Palestinian control of
the border with Egypt and Jordan will allow the flow of two
million Palestinians into their state. They will undoubtedly want
to improve their standard of living, for which the Palestinian
Authority will be unable to help them. The distance from here to
Arafat's total loss of control is minimal. Escalation, even
against his will, is guaranteed. The pressure will overflow into
our borders, with clear significance: Israel will be overrun with
Palestinian refugees, with "tourists," and unwanted and illegal
Arab immigrants, (which has already begun and includes tens of
thousands), violence, theft, etc.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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