-Caveat Lector- THE HOFFMAN WIRE
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

May 29, 2003

The Bush "Road Map for Peace" is a Diabolically Clever Swindle

by Michael A. Hoffman II
Copyright (c) 2003 by hoffman-info.com

"Let the Arabs think he (Sharon) will agree to a (Palestinian) state. He
will put enough conditions and obstacles that will prevent the creation
of the state forever." --Rabbi David Algaze

During the Clinton era, then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak made a
supposedly magnanimous peace offer to Yasser Arafat at Camp David in
July, 2000. The Washington Post, NY Times, Boston Globe, L.A. Times,
Chicago Tribune, US News and World Report, USA Today, salon.com and the
five major television news networks all hailed the Israeli deal as
"offering extraordinary concessions" and "far-reaching concessions," as
well as "unprecedented concessions" and "the most far-reaching offer
ever." When the Palestinian leader rejected this supposedly benevolent
Israeli olive branch of generosity, he thereby "proved" that
Palestinians are nothing but a nation of terrorists who hate peace and
Jews in that irrational and racist order.

That's the propaganda cover story anyway, and its had a lengthy shelf
life in the American media. In truth, Arafat was offered a chopped up
West Bank and Gaza akin to the discontiguous Bantustans of the South
African apartheid system. Roughly the same crooked deal is being offered
by Bush to Mahmoud Abbas, the new Palestinian Prime Minister: the
Israelis will dismantle token settlements on worthless chunks of real
estate, but all of the other illegal settlements in Palestine will
remain, thus legitimizing the incremental theft of occupied land which
has been underway since 1967.

For a harbinger of what Bush and Sharon will propose, take a brief look
at Israel's 2000 Camp David deal. This treaty would have divided what is
left of the already truncated nation of Palestine into three
disconnected ghettos. It would have "annexed strategically important and
highly valuable sections of the West Bank" and "make it impossible for
the Palestinians to travel or trade freely within their own state"
without permission of the Israeli government. This would be an
"independent state"?

The most fertile West Bank land would have gone to the Israelis. This
Palestinian land also contains the region's most precious water
supplies. Palestinians in their "new state" would have been forced to
cross into Israeli-controlled territory and onto "bypass roads" each
time they traveled or shipped merchandise from one part of their nation
to another. It would be like ceding only part of Pennsylvania to
American patriots, with the main highway and surrounding land between
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh remaining in the hands of the hostile
British. Such an "independent state" would in fact be little more than a
chimera, creating a pretense for the sake of placating world opinion. In
fact, like the Bush Road Map, under the terms of the Clinton/Barak Camp
David deal, Palestine would have become a a degraded satrapy of Israel.

Analyst Seth Ackerman observes that,"Had the Palestinians accepted these
terms they would have locked in place many of the worst aspects of the
very occupation they were trying to bring to an end" and "waiving all
further claims against Israel."

Any Palestinian leader who acceded to such a betrayal would have gone
down in Arab history as the Judas of the age. Had Arafat agreed he would
have become a kind of kapo for the Israelis, administering a glorified
prison camp on behalf of Zionist jailers. Barak's Camp David plan was no
peace deal, but rather an offer of ceremonial surrender of Palestinian
national autonomy to the conquering colonial power similar to the
swindle Bush is promoting.

For the Barak/Clinton "peace plan," the American media played the game
for all it was worth, quoting Judaic religious sources, settlers and
Israeli politicians as they mouthed the rhetoric of peace and talked of
their love of peace and their desire for peace, blah, blah, blah. The
same duplicitous pattern is repeating now.

Palestinians since 2000 have suffered massacres and waves of
assassinations. They are "negotiating" under extreme duress with a
nuclear power that is backed by the world's only superpower, neither of
whom care a farthing for the humanity of Palestinians. The American and
Israeli governments seek to give the illusion of a just and humane
settlement in order to placate European and Arab allies.

Fresh from killing more than 100 Palestinian civilians thus far in 2003,
as well as dozens of assassinations of Palestinian leaders, the murder
of American Rachel Corrie, the destruction of Palestinian homes, the
razing of Palestinian olive and orange groves, the barricading of cities
and the collective punishment of the entire Palestinan nation with
shoot-on-sight curfews and destruction of  water, sewer and electrical
infrastructure, another Zionist "peace plan," now called the "Road Map"
is on its farcial course, giving Ariel "the Butcher of Beirut" Sharon
the opportunity to posture in the American media as a "peacemaker."

This "Road Map" charade ignores several crucial factors: the Israelis
have already carved up the occupied territories with a series of fences,
trenches and settlements. The Arab land seized by the large settler
enclaves will never be returned by Sharon. Sharon is the crazed
settlers' main patron and an architect of their racist movement. 250,000
fanatical fundamentalist Israeli settlers now occupy Palestinian land,
up from 125,000 such settlers in 1994. The goal of these bigoted
Talmudic fundamentalists, as repeatedly stated in their own religious
publications (under the code-word "Amalek") is the extermination of the
Palestinians, whom they deride as Amalek.

President Bush is playing a heartless, cynical game. He must mollify
Tony Blair and Vladimir Putin if he wishes to have any allies anywhere,
and the Israelis are willing to play along, posing as peacemakers while
their war crimes and atrocities are neatly forgotten in the euphoria
centered on the new "kinder, gentler" Sharon. By this stratagem the
Israelis reap a public relations windfall.

The American Zionists and the Israelis know full well that Palestinian
resistance (i.e. "violence") will continue, no matter what the new
Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas promises Sharon.  Abbas' inability to
halt the armed Palestinian resistance to Israeli Occupation will be
cited as "evidence of the treachery and bad faith of the Palestinians,"
when in fact Abbas is a but a figurehead with no power to command
enraged bands of Palestinian resistance fighters who have watched
helplessly as their grandmothers, wives and children have all been blown
away by Israeli helicopter gunships, tanks and infantry.

It should not be forgotten that the Israelis have a virtual license to
murder any Palestinian, with the exception of the new Prime Minister and
the Prime Minister emeritus (Arafat). Any other Palestinian may be
killed at will. This horrible fact is a daily reality in the occupied
territories and the record of these Israeli murders is fresh in the
minds of the men and women of Palestine. It is folly to expect the
Palestinian resistance to be pacified or gulled by the spectre of the
latest round of American diplomacy.

The Israelis slaughtered much of the Palestinian police force in March
and April of 2002. Any new Palestinian police department assembled under
the "Road Map," would be a turncoat mercenary force working ultimately
for Sharon and hated by the Palestinian people, who will view such cops
as an auxiliary of the Israeli army, doing Israeli dirty work.

The "Road Map" ignores these realities because it has been deliberately
concocted to disappoint the absurb expectations that have been
artificially raised on its behalf. The hidden truth is that the Bush
Road Map is pre-ordained to fail. This Zionist stratagem will be
incomprehensible to the non-chess players reading this, but the fact is,
expectations are being inflated and the "Road Map" destined to fail so
that the subsequent failure can be be blamed on the Palestinians and
their "intransigent terrorist mentality." Having thus gained a new moral
mandate for more war, occupation and transfer, Bush and Sharon will say,
"We did all we could for peace," prior to returning to the business of
mass murder and state terror.

The US government and media have no patience with the Palestinians. They
believe they are fated to be slaves and now, with the Road Map, the
Palestinians have the "golden opportunity" to choose what sort of
chattel they will become. They have the choice of being shot by the
hundreds year after year in what is, in effect, a slow-motion holocaust,
or they can live as contented darkies on an American-brokered Israeli

The American media's take on the Palestinians is that they are a
perennial pain in the neck who should accept any crumb "God's Chosen
People" deign to toss them on the road to overcoming them by a
combination of violence and diplomatic chicanery. That's the authentic
"road" Mr. Bush's "map" is pointing toward. When this slavish "Road Map"
explodes in the smoke and fire of Palestinian resistance, we will be
back to square one, with an even more jaundiced opinion of the
Palestinians by Americans outraged at their "rejection of the generous
peace offer."

Sharon's secret strategy behind the "peace" offensive, was revealed last
winter by a prominent orthodox rabbi:

"Why is Sharon doing this? Why is he so vehemently and vociferously
supporting the creation of a 'Palestinian' state?...Sharon is fighting a
war on the diplomatic field. As a general he knows that the most
important quality in war is guile...he has apparently concluded that the
best way to fight this battle is by cunning. Let the Arabs think he will
agree to a state. He will put enough conditions and obstacles that will
prevent the creation of the state forever. Let the European Union and
the (U.S.) State Department get off his back as he now tells them that
he subscribes to their theories. Why not? It does not make an iota of
difference in the real world. Sharon is counting on the Arabs' stupidity
and internecine hatred to prevent the rise of another Arab state. In the
meantime, Israel is killing the terrorists, destroying their
infrastructure and putting a big dent on the Arabs' public image. He has
no intention of letting the tragedy of an Arab state in the Land of
Israel happen..."  --Rabbi David Algaze, "The Jewish Press" (Brooklyn,
NY); Jan. 10, 2003, p. 59.

The diabolically clever Bush/Sharon Road Map serves to enhance the
public relations image of the Israeli state, and blacken the image of
its victims, as the low intensity genocide against the Palestinians and
the theft of their land continues apace. This is the big picture which
the infantalized American people do not grasp and which the American
media will not publish or broadcast. The stage is thus set for ever more
shedding of the blood of innocents in the God-forsaken sandbox the world
calls the Holy Land.

The preceding column is online at http://www.hoffman-info.com/wire6.html
Tell a friend!

For further research:

"The Myth of the 'Generous Offer," by Seth Ackerman, "Extra!,"
(http://www.fair.org), August 2002, pp. 11-13.

The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians (book)

Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (book)

Judaism's Strange Gods (book)

Judaism is not the Religion of the Old Testament (Audio CD)
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