

'Constitution is stupid,' argues Census worker

Michigan family decries abuse by 'Cens-less' Bureau employee

By Julie Foster © 2000

When Michigan resident Kim Carey refused to answer questions
about her neighbor posed by a Census Bureau employee making
follow-up visits, she cited her belief that the questions are
"unconstitutional," to which the enumerator retorted, "The
Constitution is stupid."

The government employee was attempting to fill out a census form
with information gathered by proxy -- a practice employed when
residents do not respond to follow-up visits.

According to the national Census 2000 office, proxy information
may be gleaned from neighbors, resident managers or any other
knowledgeable party over the age of 15.

Carey informed the enumerator that one person occupied the
residence in question, but would not answer queries related to
her neighbor's age or race.

According to Carey's sister, Shelah Balogh -- who was present at
the time of the visit -- the enumerator persisted after calling
the Constitution "stupid,"  saying, "Come on, how old is he ...
30, 40, 50?"

Balogh shut the door, and the enumerator, described as a young
man in his early 20s, went to an open window and began yelling,
"Is he black, white?  What is he?" before heading to another
neighbor's home.

"I was appalled at his belligerence.  I felt as if I were under
attack," Carey told WND.

"It's sad and scary that an apparently educated young American
representing our government could show such contempt for our
Constitution.  Think of the countless men who died defending
those ideals.  It's sick."

WorldNetDaily contacted the Troy, Mich., field office for the
U.S. Census Bureau in an attempt to identify the enumerator.
Pam Corby, assistant manager of field operations for the office,
was appalled at the behavior of the employee, but said there was
no way for her to determine exactly who he was.

"It's deplorable," Corby said in response to the enumerator's
comment about the Constitution.

She noted that all Census Bureau employees take an oath to uphold
the Constitution and that the young worker's actions violated
that oath.

The bureau hires thousands of people, she said, and offices are
required to hire anyone who passes a basic skills test
administered by the bureau.  The test consists of 28
multiple-choice questions "designed to measure the skills,
abilities and knowledge required to perform a variety of Census
jobs," says the bureau's website.

"There are five parts to the test: reading, clerical, numerical,
evaluative and organizational skills."  The test-taker has 30
minutes to complete the exam and may retake it "as often as
required."  Prospective employees must also pass a security
background check.

"Four of every five applicants achieve a score of 70 percent or
better," the bureau asserts, though it does not specify a
qualifying score for employment.  Veterans receive hiring
preference.  The policy "totally eliminates discrimination,"
Corby said.  "It's a good process, but it has its fall-backs
[sic] when these things happen."

Corby indicated her desire to "deal with" employees like the one
Carey and Barogh encountered, but her hands are tied in the
matter.  There is no mechanism in place by which supervisors can
find out what enumerators are in specific places at specific
times, she said.

Corby apologized for the employee's actions, noting the majority
of census workers are "there for the money."

Indeed, WND was contacted by an enumerator who admitted he is
financially motivated.

"I do it for the money," he wrote, noting that he earns $13.75
per hour and 33 cents per mile while on the job.

"The miles add up when it's a rural area and you have to go back
three times,"  he continued.  "So if a job address is a 20-mile
round trip, and the round trip takes one hour (they pay port to
port)" then the enumerator earns $41.25, he calculated.

"Easy money," he said, though he believes it is "a waste of
taxpayers' money.  We can't work more than 40 hours a week, but
mileage is pretty much open.  It's great part-time work -- no
pressure, fresh air, sunshine.  Hell, it pays for cigars and
beer, and on the way back, I do a little fishing."

With sworn government officials acting under oath for "easy
money" and a lack of accountability in hiring and employment
practices, as evidenced in the Michigan case, the Census Bureau
is losing credibility with many Americans.

"What scared me about the whole incident was how totally
indoctrinated this kid was," reflected Balogh.  "This is the same
type of person who would think nothing of going door-to-door
confiscating firearms if instructed.  It was a chilling

"At first, he tried to convince us that all of these intrusive
questions were outlined in the Constitution," she added.  "If we
had been at my house, I could have pulled out my copy of the
Constitution and asked him to show me where it states that the
federal government has the right to know how many bathrooms I
have, or what time my husband leaves for work in the morning."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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