-Caveat Lector-

July 10, 2001
The Declining Terrorist Threat


WASHINGTON -- Judging from news reports and the portrayal of villains in our
popular entertainment, Americans are bedeviled by fantasies about terrorism.
They seem to believe that terrorism is the greatest threat to the United
States and that it is becoming more widespread and lethal. They are likely
to think that the United States is the most popular target of terrorists.
And they almost certainly have the impression that extremist Islamic groups
cause most terrorism.

None of these beliefs are based in fact. While many crimes are committed
against Americans abroad (as at home), politically inspired terrorism, as
opposed to more ordinary criminality motivated by simple greed, is not as
common as most people may think.

At first glance, things do seem to be getting worse. International terrorist
incidents, as reported by the State Department, increased to 423 in 2000
from 392 in 1999. Recently, Americans were shaken by Filipino rebels'
kidnapping of Americans and the possible beheading of one hostage. But the
overall terrorist trend is down. According to the Central Intelligence
Agency, deaths from international terrorism fell to 2,527 in the decade of
the 1990's, from 4,833 in the 80's.

Nor are the United States and its policies the primary target. Terrorist
activity in 2000 was heavily concentrated in just two countries - Colombia,
which had 186 incidents, and India, with 63. The cause was these countries'
own political conflicts.

While 82 percent of the attacks in Colombia were on oil pipelines managed by
American and British companies, these attacks were less about terrorism than
about guerrillas' goal of disrupting oil production to undermine the
Colombian economy. Generally, the guerrillas shy away from causing
casualties in these attacks. No American oil workers in Colombia were killed
or injured last year.

Other terrorism against American interests is rare. There were three attacks
on American diplomatic buildings in 2000, compared with 42 in 1988. No
Americans were killed in these incidents, nor have there been any deaths in
this sort of attack this year.

Of the 423 international terrorist incidents documented in the State
Department's report "Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000," released in April,
only 153 were judged by the department and the C.I.A. to be "significant."
And only 17 of these involved American citizens or businesses.

Eleven incidents involved kidnappings of one or more American citizens, all
of whom were eventually released. Seven of those kidnapped worked for
American companies in the energy business or providing services to it -
Halliburton, Shell, Chevron, Mobil, Noble Drilling and Erickson Air-Crane.

Five bombings were on the list. The best known killed 17 American sailors on
the destroyer Cole, as it was anchored in a Yemeni port, and wounded 39. A
bomb at a McDonald's in France killed a local citizen there. The other
explosions - outside the United States embassy in the Philippines, at a
Citibank office in Greece, and in the offices of Newmont Mining in
Indonesia - caused mostly property damage and no loss of life. In the 17th
incident, vandals trashed a McDonald's in South Africa.

The greatest risk is clear: if you are drilling for oil in Colombia - or in
nations like Ecuador, Nigeria or Indonesia - you should take appropriate
precautions; otherwise Americans have little to fear.

Although high-profile incidents have fostered the perception that terrorism
is becoming more lethal, the numbers say otherwise, and early signs suggest
that the decade beginning in 2000 will continue the downward trend. A major
reason for the decline is the current reluctance of countries like Iraq,
Syria and Libya, which once eagerly backed terrorist groups, to provide safe
havens, funding and training.

The most violent and least reported source of international terrorism is the
undeclared war between Islamists and Hindus over the disputed Kashmir region
of India, bordering Pakistan. Although India came in second in terms of the
number of terrorist incidents in 2000, with 63, it accounted for almost 50
percent of all resulting deaths, with 187 killed, and injuries, with 337
hurt. Most of the blame lies with radical groups trained in Afghanistan and
operating from Pakistan.

I am not soft on terrorism; I believe strongly in remaining prepared to
confront it. However, when the threat of terrorism is used to justify
everything from building a missile defense to violating constitutional
rights (as in the case of some Arab-Americans imprisoned without charge), it
is time to take a deep breath and reflect on why we are so fearful.

Part of the blame can be assigned to 24-hour broadcast news operations too
eager to find a dramatic story line in the events of the day and to pundits
who repeat myths while ignoring clear empirical data. Politicians of both
parties are also guilty. They warn constituents of dire threats and then
appropriate money for redundant military installations and new government
investigators and agents.

Finally, there are bureaucracies in the military and in intelligence
agencies that are desperate to find an enemy to justify budget growth. In
the 1980's, when international terrorism was at its zenith, NATO and the
United States European Command pooh-poohed the notion of preparing to fight
terrorists. They were too busy preparing to fight the Soviets. With the evil
empire gone, they "discovered" terrorism as an important priority.

I hope for a world where facts, not fiction, determine our policy. While
terrorism is not vanquished, in a world where thousands of nuclear warheads
are still aimed across the continents, terrorism is not the biggest security
challenge confronting the United States, and it should not be portrayed that

Larry C. Johnson is a former State Department counterterrorism specialist.

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