[CTRL] The More Things Change ...

2001-12-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Guard tried to sell secrets to Russia


A SECURITY guard was facing prison last night after an attempt to
sell military secrets for almost £1million.

Rafael Bravo hoped to cash in from the Russians for secrets he stole
while working for British Aerospace. The papers marked “UK eyes only”
and “Nato secret” detailed top-level defence surveillance systems for
Apache helicopters and Harrier jump-jets.

But the unassuming Bravo was trapped by a classic MI5 “sting” when he attempted to 
pass the stolen documents to British security service agents, believing they were 

Bravo stole documents from BAE systems in Stanmore, northwest London, while working as 
a night guard employed by Crusader, a private security firm. The disappearance of the 
files sparked a security alert and suspicion fel
l on Bravo, who was placed under surveillance.

He was phoned at his home in Willesden, West London, by a man posing as a Russian 
agent. Bravo was arrested during a rendezvous at the White House Hotel in Central 
London when the “Russians” revealed themselves to be Brit
ish agents.

At the Old Bailey yesterday Bravo, 30, admitted six offences under the Official 
Secrets Act and five under the Theft Act relating to the stealing of documents between 
June and August this year.

Among the documents he obtained, which all related to front-line defence systems, was 
the design specification for Prophet Asic, a state-of-the-art electronic warfare 
surveillance system classified a Nato secret.

Another document contained data on a “DLH ship” electronic warfare system, a radar 
designed to fool enemy anti-ship missiles and considered essential to the defence of 
UK shipping.

A third document detailed secrets relating to the Apache WAH64 attack helicopter, 
while a fourth was the latest draft of the Zeus MDD, a system information device for 
anti-aircraft missile protection for Harrier jump-jets

The two further counts to which Bravo confessed related to a document concerning 
“monopulse” radar, another top secret security system.

Watched by his parents and brother in the gallery, Bravo spoke only to enter his pleas 
of guilty to obtaining four documents “for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or 
interests of the State”, and in one case “useful to
an enemy” under the 1911 Official Secrets Act.

Dressed in a grey suit and blue shirt, he showed no emotion throughout the hearing, 
save for the occasional rearrangement of his glasses and short-cropped hair as he 
entered his pleas before the Recorder of London, Judge
Michael Hyam.

Aftab Jaferjee, for the prosecution, said: “This case concerns a security guard at 
British Aerospace in Stanmore, who abused his position of trust by stealing security 
documents in the course of his night-time patrols. He
 embarked on an enterprise to sell secrets to a foreign power — in this case, the 

Rock Tansey, QC, for the defence, said that Bravo was “in no way politically 
motivated” in his actions. Mr Tansey described his client as a man of previous good 
character who came from a “very hard- working and decent fam

The judge adjourned the hearing for pre-sentence reports and Bravo, who is in custody, 
will appear in court again on February 1 next year.

Neighbours near Bravo’s bedsit in Willesden, where he had lived since 1998, yesterday 
expressed their shock at his guilt. They described the security guard as one of the 
most ordinary people they had ever met.

He is understood to have moved there after splitting up from his girlfriend, with whom 
he has a young child.

Jeremy Clifford, manager of SRB Letting Agency in Willesden Green, said: “He came from 
a nice family.”

Within days of Bravo’s arrest on August 22, his mother had gone round to the flat to 
clean it for the next set of tenants.

Mr Clifford added: “He never seemed the type of bloke you would call a spy. He did not 
appear clever enough. I would have thought he was an opportunist rather than a cunning 

Last night Crusader and BAE Systems refused to comment on the case, which has caused 
considerable embarrassment for both.

In 1993 Michael Smith, a GEC Marconi electronics engineer, was sentenced to 25 years 
in prison for selling secrets to the Russians after pleading not guilty to four 
charges under the Official Secrets Act.

High-tech systems that jam enemy radar were the target

THE documents that Rafael Bravo hoped to sell to the Russians were all connected to 
sophisticated electronic warfare and radar systems (Michael Evans writes).

One detailed a US Army programme called Prophet Asic (Application Specific Integrated 
Circuit). It is developing an electronic warfare system to be fitted to military 
vehicles, which would locate and jam enemy radars. Ver
sions could also be fitted to unmanned air vehicles or drones.


[CTRL] The More Things Change, ...

2000-09-19 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Religion
Vatican beatifies anti-Semitic Pope
By Peter Reydt
19 September 2000
Back to screen version

The beatification of Pope Pius IX has again revealed the deeply ingrained anti-
Semitism within the Catholic Church. Pope Pius IX, who reigned from 1846 to
1878, was one of two former pontiffs beatified by Pope John-Paul II on
September 3 in a ceremony attended by thousands of pilgrims in St Peter's

Beatification is the last step before bestowing sainthood. It was carried out
despite widespread criticism by Jewish organisations and liberal Catholics of
Pius IX's anti-Jewish record. On the eve of the ceremony hundreds of Rome's
Jews and Catholics protested against the beatification in a candlelight vigil.

Pius IX was renowned for his frequent anti-Semitic speeches. In one address, he
is said to have called Jews “dogs of which there are too many present in Rome,
howling and disturbing us everywhere”. In 1848 Pius IX forced the Jews of Rome
back into the old ghetto to which they had been confined for centuries, and in
the following year, he enacted racial laws against them. Jews were banned from
public hospitals, prevented from giving evidence against Christians in papal
courts and excluded from all institutes of secondary and higher education.
Israeli historians say that these laws were the forerunners of fascist dictator
Benito Mussolini's race policies.

Leading British church scholar Professor Owen Chadwick said that the nineteenth-
century pontiff's record “verges on the criminal”. In one case, which caused an
international outcry at the time, Pius IX personally ordered the forced kidnap
and baptism of a six-year-old Jewish boy, Edgardo Levi Mortara in 1858.
Pius IX was known for his extreme conservatism. He condemned 80 propositions as
“erroneous”, including socialism, liberalism, communism, rationalism, progress
and modern civilisation in general.

Catholic conservatives say that Pius IX, who had the longest reign of any Pope,
should be celebrated for his “heroic values” in standing up against the
creation of a secular Italy and as “a model of Christian life”.

The decision to proceed with Pius IX's beatification comes after the Catholic
Church was forced to suspend that of Pope Pius XII, known as “Hitler's Pope”.
According to John Cornwell, a former seminarian and research fellow at Jesus
College, Cambridge and author of Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pope Pius
XII, the wartime Pope displayed a “secret antipathy towards the Jews”.

Cornwell spent six years researching information in the Vatican archives on
Eugenio Pacelli, as Pius XII was known before his election. He had originally
intended his book to defend Pope Pius XII against criticism that he had not
done enough to stop the Holocaust. Instead he had uncovered evidence that
amounted to a “wider indictment”.

As the papal envoy in Munich in 1932, prior to his becoming Pope in 1939,
Pacelli considered the Jews to be part of a Bolshevik plot to destroy
Christendom and agreed to sanction the Vatican-German Concordat of 1933 that
aided Hitler's rise to power. In doing so, he cleared the way for Hitler's
“Final Solution” to continue. “He was Hitler's pawn. He was Hitler's Pope,”
said Professor Cornwell.

Although the Vatican was forced to quietly suspend plans for Pius XII's
sainthood due to widespread opposition from Jewish groups and others, the
Catholic Church has defended his record. During a television interview about
Pius XII's wartime role, Archbishop Sambi said that the Vatican had taken the
view that public condemnation of the Holocaust would only have made matters
worse. “I am convinced that a strong condemnation would have increased Hitler's
persecution of the Jews. I justify totally what he did to save many Jews.”

At the end of the war, the Vatican aided the escape of hundreds of Nazis from
Europe by issuing them with false Red Cross passports. The so-called “rat line”
involved a network of European monasteries used to harbour war criminals. These
were spirited out of Germany and the former Nazi occupied territories to Latin
America. Mass murderers like Adolf Eichmann, Klaus Barbie and Ante Pavelic were
delivered to the port of Buenos Aires disguised as priests. As in the case of
Barbie, some went on to become expert advisers to Latin American dictatorships
in techniques of repression and torture perfected by the Third Reich.

Last year the Pope had designated the new millennium as a “year of
purification” for the Church. The Vatican issued a 14-page document, We
Remember, A Reflection on the Shoah, meant as an “act of repentance” for its
wartime record. During the papal pilgrimage to Israel in March, the Pope had
placed a note in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, asking God's forgiveness for
the past sins of his Church, and committing Catholics to future brotherhood
with Jews. French bishops issued an apology for the Church's support for the
collaborationist Vichy 

[CTRL] The more things change...

1999-03-12 Thread J. Hoffa

 -Caveat Lector-

"The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced;
the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled.
Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't
want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of
living on public assistance."

-- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 B.C.

Sound familiar? Especially the line which reads: "...the arrogance of public
officials must be moderated and controlled."

(Ok. This is the cue for some of you more intellectually pretentious members
to get out your history books and explain the prevailing socio-political
atmosphere at the time of this quote as if you were writing it off the top of
your heads. But first, you may have to look up the word "pretentious."
You shouldn't have to, though, for it's a much more commonly used word
than, say, "synecdoche." I love me; I'm SO funny!)

Verify the lie,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The more things change...

1999-03-12 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I loved John F. Kennedy - did you ever see him look down his nose at the
American people - while fun was made of his Harvard accent, he never
used his genius against the public.   Today he is being accused of
associating with the very element that caused his assassinaiton.

If there was ever a bore, it is Buckley - in his own arrogant manner, he
uses the King's english to perfection; butt he could never replace John
F. Kennedy's charm, good looks.   Buckley hated Kennedy above all, for
his intelligenceand I believe, his sense of humor.

If you look to some of these arrogant, self-serving albatross on the
back of the public at large, remember, its your taxdollrs placing them
in these elevated positions where some, prefer to look down at the
Americn people rather thn look up to them as their benefactors.

See to inform, not impress.  John F. Kennedy was my President.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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