>   Jewish World Review August 11, 2000 / 10 Menachem-Av, 5760
>   Ann Coulter
>   The hand-wringing Hamlet from Hartford
>   http://www.jewishworldreview.com -- AT LEAST we know Al Gore is still
>   breathing. Choosing Sen. Joseph Lieberman as his running mate may not
>   be the amazingly bold stroke that the press is hyperventilating about,
>   but it does show the presence of brain waves. At last -- Gore did
>   something!
>   Gore has received wide acclaim for his "risky" move in putting a Jew
>   on the ticket, amid none too-subtle insinuations that anyone who votes
>   against Gore is an anti-Semite. Echoing other Gore campaign staffers,
>   ABC's Cokie Roberts casually remarked on NPR the other day that any
>   "hard-core anti-Semites" are not "likely to vote for the Democratic
>   ticket" anyway.
>   She must be referring to all those registered Republicans like Louis
>   Farrakhan and Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson. Indeed, in light of recent
>   allegations about her potty mouth, the only vote Al Gore may have lost
>   by putting a Jew on the ticket is Hillary Clinton's.
>   The press has been demure in listing Lieberman's many accomplishments.
>   He is not only the first Jew on a national ticket, but also has the
>   distinction of being a member of the World's Smallest Group: Orthodox
>   Jews for Partial-Birth Abortion.
>   No doubt he's troubled about sucking the brains out of a
>   half-delivered baby. Lieberman spends half his life being troubled.
>   Always troubled, but never troubled enough to do anything.
>   He was, of course, famously troubled about President Clinton
>   "willfully deceiving the nation about his conduct," -- conduct
>   Lieberman called "not just inappropriate," but "immoral," "harmful,"
>   "sad" and "sordid." Lieberman said his "conscience" compelled him to
>   express his "concerns forthrightly and publicly." His conscience did
>   not, however, compel him to vote to remove the source of his troubles
>   from the office of the presidency.
>   This is the way liberals always avoid taking action against other
>   liberals. They furrow their brows and dutifully register some vague
>   consternation, for which they expect great admiration. With their
>   impeccable consciences duly placed on the record, they believe no
>   further action should be required of them.
>   Sen. Joe Lieberman is the master of agonizing before inaction.
>   Explaining his acquittal vote to Tom Brokaw on "NBC Nightly News,"
>   Lieberman suggested he had seriously considered voting to remove
>   Clinton, noting that "every time I've been forced to go into the facts
>   of this case, I get repulsed, and I get troubled and torn up." Gee,
>   thanks for that display of scruples.
>   When asked on "Fox News Sunday" about a passage in the Starr report in
>   which Clinton and Monica discuss the possibility that their phone sex
>   was being tapped by a foreign government, Lieberman said: "Yes, that
>   part of the report troubled me deeply."
>   At a National Press Club lunch on Oct. 1, 1998, Lieberman allowed as
>   to how even his daughter was "troubled" by the president's behavior,
>   and a woman he had met on the beach was also "very troubled." But of
>   course, amid all this sense of "trouble" in the world, he voted to
>   keep Clinton in office.
>   Lieberman was also troubled by Anita Hill's accusations against
>   Clarence Thomas. (If Hill's unsupported allegations against Thomas had
>   been all Clinton were forced to admit to, he would have been dancing a
>   jig). But somehow Lieberman managed to emerge from his anguish and
>   vote the party line. In a letter to constituents explaining his vote
>   against Thomas, Lieberman assured them that he had spent "many
>   agonizing hours of deliberation," before casting his vote.
>   In 1995, Sen. Lieberman signed a letter with Bill Bennett urging
>   corporations to establish standards of decency for the airwaves. They
>   wrote they were "deeply troubled" by trash TV. Then a year later,
>   Lieberman joined with Rep. Lamar Smith in a similar campaign against
>   Fox -- this time saying they were "especially troubled."
>   The one great thing about Gore's choice of Lieberman is that it is now
>   beyond cavil that claims of Clinton's invincible popularity have been
>   greatly exaggerated. Gore can't go to the bathroom without taking a
>   poll, and somehow he ends up with a running mate who is the most
>   vociferously anti-Clinton Democrat in the U.S. Senate. How did that
>   happen?
>   It happened because the polls were wrong -- maybe wrongly interpreted
>   or wrongly reported, but wrong. Clinton never got 50 percent of
>   Americans to vote for him. But according to the polls, upon
>   discovering that Clinton was molesting interns and hiding evidence,
>   suddenly 80 percent of Americans adored the man. That's not possible.
>   Because Clinton was never punished, there's a deep sense of unfinished
>   business in the country. This election is the Fred Goldman civil suit
>   of politics. Gore taking Sen. Lieberman as his running mate is as good
>   a strategy as O.J. hiring one of Nicole Simpson's relatives would have
>   been. It's good, it's just not going to be good enough. [weeglobe.GIF]
>   JWR contributor Ann Coulter is the author of High Crimes and
>   Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton. You may visit the Ann
>   Coulter Fan Club by clicking here.

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