-Caveat Lector-

Hungary says it has no designs over Transylvania

By Roxana Dascalu

BUCHAREST, July 30 (Reuters) - Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi on
Friday dismissed suggestions by Romanian nationalists that Budapest harboured
designs of reclaiming Romania's central Transylvania region.

``Those fears are mainly the result of incorrect information, or are fuelled
by rumours circulated by vested interests,'' Martnonyi told reporters after
two days of talks in Bucharest.

He and Romanian Foreign Minister Andrei Plesu hailed warmer ties since the
signing of a 1996 friendship treaty, which buried old rifts over borders and

Relations improved after centrists defeated leftists in Romania's 1996
elections and formed a coalition, including a party representing the
country's 1.6 million ethnic Hungarians.

The ethnic Hungarian population is concentrated in Transylvania, which was
under the control of the Austro-Hungarian empire until its demise in 1918.
Hungarian fascists controlled much of the area during World War Two.

Martonyi was due to visit Transylvania at the weekend, a week after a tour by
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. He praised the Romanian government for
approving legislation on education that will restore a Hungarian-language
university for the first time since the 1950s.

The university, fiercely opposed by nationalists and the leftist opposition,
was a key issue for many Hungarians.

Plesu said both countries supported international efforts for Balkan
reconstruction after the Kosovo conflict.

``We discussed the future of the Yugoslav Federation, and we agreed that
democratic progress is urgently needed...with secure borders as one of its
preconditions,'' he said.

Martonyi agreed border changes were out of the question but called for wider
regional autonomy. Hungary wants more autonomy for Yugoslavia's northeastern
province of Vojvodina, home to more than 300,000 ethnic Hungarians and 60,000
ethnic Romanians.

``Nobody has set forth any serious ideas on the secession of Vojvodina,''
Martonyi said.

Martonyi praised Romania's support during NATO's 11-week air campaign against
Yugoslavia, despite what Bucharest says are $1.0 billion in losses to its
economy. He offered fresh backing for Romania's bid to join both NATO and the
European Union.

Romania was passed over in NATO's first expansion in favour of more developed
Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. It has also been left off a short
list of candidates for EU membership.

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