      A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

To the local, national, and international media:

We are among the over 300 people now beginning our second week of
incarceration for our participation in non-violent protests at the
Republican National Convention in Philadelphia intended to raise awareness
of the abuse of the criminal justice system.

The Philadelphia police did not brutalise us in front of the cameras and
have as a consequence been praised for their professionalism. Out of view
the brutality began at once. People in handcuffs were peppersprayed. Others
were hog-tied with plastic  cuffs that cut off their circulation. Men were
dragged and kicked in the genitals until they bled. These are only examples
of some of the acts of cruelty and torture we have personally experienced.
Isolated as we are, we cannot confirm the rumours we have heard of people
hung by their ankles to obtain their “cooperation.” But we believe them.

Bruised and bloody, the city of Philadelphia has little choice but to level
absurd charges at us and request outrageous bails to keep us off the streets
long enough for our most visible wounds to heal. There are still many of us
with scabs and bruises. If half of the charges levelled against us were
true, Philadelphia’s Center City would be a smouldering ruins. The simple
fact is that the charges against us are ridiculously exaggerated when they
are not completely fabricated. And we doubt many of them will ever come to

Our bails, ranging from $10,000 to $1,000,000 for the misdemeanors, far
exceed anything ever demanded for similar charges. the exclusion of the
public from our arraignments between 2 and 6 days after our arrests only
made these farcical proceedings seem more sinister.

In prison every effort has been made to cut us off from the outside world,
from each other, and from the general population.  We are confined to 2
person cells 23 hours a day. Our phones do not work and we have been denied
visitors. In spite of this, we have been able to learn something of the
unconscionable conditions of other prisoners.

Many prisoners here have been awaiting trial for two or more years. Medical
emergencies routinely go unattended for weeks or even months. The food is
frequently unfit for human consumption. Pods are overcrowded, with makeshift
cells serving for six men at a time.  Prisoners are beaten by guards. In one
case, ten guards savagely beat a handcuffed prisoner into unconsciousness.
Phones are commonly out of order, making contact with families and lawyers
impossible. Promissory prices are inflated. Prison workers often go unpaid
for their work and money sent by family and friends often goes uncredited to
prisoner accounts. Backed up toilets can go for weeks without being cleaned,
with predictably wretched sanitary conditions resulting. Rehabilitative
programs are effectively non-existent with even monthly sessions being an
uncertainty. We have undoubtedly been shielded from the worst conditions of
the prison but we have seen enough. One of us was threatened with rape by a
guard. The food we get is often inedible.

The treatment we have received and the conditions we have been made aware of
are inconsistent with a democratic or civil society.  The time is overdue
for public outrage at the crimes being committed in the name of criminal
justice.  It is time that a new civil rights movement that has two million
people, mainly black and Latino, locked up tonight. America’s prisons are
its  new plantations.

Many of us have been on hunger strike demanding that the trumped up charges
against us be dropped and that we be released.  As of noon today, the rest
of us are joining the hunger strike. We call on all people of good
conscience to call Philadelphia officials to demand our release and to
demand an end to the barbaric conditions in Philadelphia’s jails and

Agent Italia

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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.........It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

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