Re: [CTRL] Vatican speaks out against Holocaust panel's'slanderouscampaign'

2001-08-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

"Damian B. Cooper" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> At 11:13 PM 8/7/01 -0400, "Nurev Ind." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
> >
> >Pius was a Nazi and an admirer of Hitler. He helped finance the party
> >early on.
> Four fifths of the New York Times editorialists and ninety-seven percent
> of the Hollywood establishment were admirers of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.
> So, what's your point?

My point is that 93.4857% of you statistics are bullshit, and that The Times
and Hollywood are not moral representatives of the religion of love.

Is that a good enough point for you?

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Vatican speaks out against Holocaust panel's'slanderouscampaign'

2001-08-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> No, J2, they were NOT all Poles and Slavs.  But then no one counts
> except the Jews who were killed, at least not for much to some.
> And that may be YOUR 'real' question but it does not address what
> is being done right NOW concerning this DEMAND for records and the
> CURRENT smear campaign.  Are you stating that this is justified as
> some sort of vengeance?  Then why was this undertaken with the EVIL
> Vatican in the first place?
> I have read everything that you have stated many times before but
> not even YOUR stating it makes me 'know' it.


I can prove everything I stated. But I don't want to deal with this right now
because there are more important things happening.

> I do think there is
> some truth in what you say happened but as for your wild
> accusations that Hitler was a Catholic, etc. that is your opinion
> only and really not possible.  He may have been reared a Catholic
> but that does not mean me was one until his death for there are
> conditions involved which you choose to ignore.

He often bragged about his Catholic upbringing and how much it influenced
his greatness.

> I believe mass
> killings would be sufficient to get one excommunicated.

But he WASN'T excommunicated was he? Ever. How come?

> That means
> one is no longer a Catholic, doesn't it? I also do not think Hitler
> was under the control of the Pope at the time, either.

Hitler was never under the control of the Pope. No one said he was.

> Are you
> suggesting that he was? Or that the Pope had powers grater than all
> the Allied forces?

The Pope contributed Vatican moneys to Hitler and the Nazi Party. These
are the records the Vatican doesn't want anyone to see. Among others.

> That he could have some how stopped it all but
> refused because he was 'in on it' and approved?   As for your
> 'revenge' philosophy, remember not all religions are centered
> around that principle. It is well known that the Vatican was
> involved in various people escaping Germany after WWII.  What is to
> hide?

It is NOT well known. I don't know any Catholics who are aware of it.

> Is this information the REAL reason for the Jewish
> participation in this project?  To find out any details on what may
> have been done to any Jews and Jews only?

I don't know. But even if that's true, so what?

> Your comments demonstrate perfectly the one-sided perception of the
> problem.  It was to have been a JOINT effort directed at the crimes
> committed against BOTH Catholics and Jews and others.  Nothing was
> being 'hidden' and I think, unlike you, that the deaths of
> Catholics and many others were just as much a crime as the deaths
> of Jews.

Of course it is. No one says differently. Jews are interested in the
Jewish part of this history. Gypsies are interested in the Gypsy part
of this history. Serbs are interested in the Serbian parts of this history.
This doesn't mean that the rest don't count.

> The Vatican does not have to share anything and I
> certainly hope that they will not until all life lost in the
> Holocaust is shown equal respect.

It doesn't matter what excuse you make for them not releasing the letters.
They'll never do it. They can't.

> It is the current Pope and not
> Pius under attack.  One Pope is as good as another to blame, eh?
> ~Amelia~

Do you think that anyone who suffered at the hands of the Nazis is going
to let the Vatican get away with beatifying Pius12?

What a stupid thing to do. His actions are still in the living memory of
millions of people. There are documentary records all over the place. There
are living witnesses who worked in the Vatican at the time and have gone

This wouldn't be so important if the Vatican was just trying to cover up

This is one of the dumbest moves they ever made. They should have waited for
a few more hundred years like they did for Joan of Arc.

> - Original Message -
> From: "Nurev Ind." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Vatican speaks out against Holocaust panel's
> 'slanderouscampaign'
> -Caveat Lector-
> No they didn't count because they were slavs and Poles. But Germany
> was at least half Catholic, and Austria was all Catholic. And
> Hitler
> was also Catholic.
> Is the Pope Catholic???
> >  Those demanding so much respect for their own
> > religion might start by showing some for the religion of others.
> Pius was a Nazi and an admirer of Hitler. He helped finance the
> party
> early on. He also helped set up the Ustasha regime in Catholic
> Croatia
> where a high ranking Bishop ran the death camps and murdered a
> million
> Serbs, tens of thousands of Jews, mand thousands of Gypsies.
> The ' polite ' question is whether Pius 12 " did enough " to save
> the
> Jews in Christi