Victimization of the Farsi, Arab, and
Central Asian Peoples
Through the Brotherhood

by Peter Khan Zendran

"True history is written by the survivors."
Peter Khan Zendran

As one who is a blood descendent of the Timurid Ak-Konolyu dynasty I am
making the following information available for the truth deserves to be known
and to prove that history is written the survivors.

Since the time of Zarathustra, the people of Iran and central Asia have
always been among the major obstacles to the brotherhood agenda and have been
largely free and able to resist any brotherhood influences.

Since the mid-nineteenth century when Naser ed-Din Shah of the Qajar dynasty
of Iran tried to capture Heart from the British the brotherhood has begun
their attempts to control Iran. The Qajar dynasty originally was settled in
Mazandaran by the Ismaili's after the Timurids were driven out of Iran. After
that defeat Naser ed-Din began sending members of his family and other
members of the "Thousand Families", which comprise the ruling elite of the
Farsi peoples, to European schools, mainly Britain, France, Switzerland, and
Austria, to be educated that they would learn how to protect against foreign
influence. When Naser ed-Din was assassinated in 1896, possibly by a British
agent, the country began its' descent into disorder, as the Iranian
revolutions of 1905 and 1911 demonstrated. In 1907 Russia and Britain
established "spheres of influence" in northern and southern Iran
respectively, particularly in areas with large oil deposits. When British
Petrol was established in 1909 its main oil sites were on land belonging to
the Sheik of Khorramshar and when World War I started the British began
stationing troops there to "protect" the British oil supply in full violation
of Iranian neutrality.

In 1925 Reza Khan, a Russian trained Iranian General from Mazandaran,
overthrew Sultan Ahmad Shah, the last Qajar ruler of Iran after driving the
communist Russians and the British from Iran, as well as seizing all
territory under control of the Sheik of Khorramshar which included the land
on which British Petrol was drilling Oil. Sultan Ahmad Shah went into exile
in Britain and Reza Khan assumed the peacock throne as Reza Shah.
Interestingly enough he allowed British petrol to continue to operate its'
private drilling. During his reign he began importing arms from Britain and
Russia and the Iranian navy was entirely British made. As a result of rumors
about an Iranian military alliance with Nazi Germany Britain and Soviet
Russia invaded Iran on August 25, 1941, openly violating Iranian neutrality
under the pretext of securing the British Petrol Oil fields. Three days later
Reza Shah ordered a cease-fire and planned his abdication. At the time a son
of Sultan Ahmad Shah was serving aboard a British destroyer in the Persian
Gulf and was considered to replace Reza Shah as Shah of Iran. Since he spoke
little Farsi Mohammed Reza, Reza Shah's oldest son, was installed on the
peacock throne as Shah of Iran on September 16, 1941, allied occupation
ending at the end of the Second World War.

In 1951 Mohammed Mossadeq, Iranian Prime Minister and a member of the Qajar
dynasty, nationalized all British Petrol fields and forced the British out of
Iran. Two years later, fearing a possible revolution and Qajar revival from
Mossadeq, The Shah asked the CIA to help remove Mossadeq. In January 1953
U.S. President Truman had CIA operative Kermit Roosevelt lead a CIA backed
uprising against Mossadeq which forced him out of his position as Prime
Minister and eventually imprisoned him. Instead of executing or imprisoning
Mossadeq the Shah had him exiled to his Ahmadabad estate.

As far as the Iranian revolution of 1978-79 goes it was nothing more than a
way of removing the biggest threat to the Illuminati agenda at the time. If
there are any doubts consider this, from 1971 onwards the Shah was buying up
armaments as part of a program to make Iran capable of resisting any invasion
and to make its' military equal to that of France by 1982. His purchases
included 1500 British made "Lions of Iran" tanks, 800 Chieftain, 406 M-60,
400 M-47, 250 Scorpion tanks, all American made as well as 2000 Russian
armored troop transports. For aircraft 178 F-14, 250 F-4, 100 F-5E, 106 F-16
American fighter jets were ordered as were 57 Lockheed C-130 and 24 Boeing
707 and 747 transports, not to mention 7 radar systems. For his navy 4
American Spruance variant destroyers (future U.S. Kidd class destroyers,) 12
destroyers from Holland and Germany, 3 American and 9 German submarines, 50
Bell helicopters, Orion Reconnaissance planes and a tanker fleet. Starting in
1975 he also began an American supported nuclear program in "anticipation" of
an Oil shortage. These are anything but the purchases of one who wishes to
remain subservient to the Illuminati agenda. Also consider at the time the
only weapons Iran was able to produce, and still is, are Artillery, Missiles,
Rocket Launchers, and Anti-Aircraft guns and missiles. Curiously enough the
Shah did not develop the means to manufacture the weapons he ordered from
foreign powers, as Turkey later did. As far as the general public is
concerned they are lead to believe that a January 7, 1978 newspaper article
sparked the Iranian revolution by the Shah exposing the Ayatollah Khomeni as
a British agent. That article did cause public outrage but it was not the

In the spring of 1978 Nelson Rockefeller visited Iran and told the Shah that
the U.S. would allow Russia to invade Afghanistan and that the U.S. would
soon refuse to support him. The role of SAVAK, the American and Israeli
trained Iranian intelligence agency, also needs to be questioned. As far as
the Shah knew no more than 300 people, excluding arsonists and saboteurs,
were imprisoned by SAVAK and no one was ever molested while in SAVAK custody.
Even more interesting was the Shah's decision to appoint General Moghadam, a
philosopher with pacifist leanings in June 1978 as director of SAVAK. On
August 19, 1978 a movie theatre showing the film "The Deer" was burned
killing over 400 people. SAVAK was immediately blamed. In truth SAVAK
captured the real arsonist, a CIA agent, and the agent was tried and lightly
sentenced by a rigged court. On September 8, 1978 Prime Minister Emami
declared martial law in Iran. Egyptian President Anwar el- Sadat offered
assistance the next day. On October 5, 1978 the CIA ordered Iraq's Saddam
Hussein to send the Ayatollah Khomeni to Paris against the protests of the
Shah. 21 days later 1500 people held in SAVAK prisons were released,
coinciding with the lifting of all censorship.

On November 5 General Azhari was ordered to form a military government. With
rioting under control Shabour Bakhtiar, of the Bakhtiari tribe, was ordered
on December 29 to form a civilian government with himself as Prime Minister.
Things went from good to catastrophic when on January 4, 1979 at Guadeloupe
the leaders of the U.S., Britain, France and West Germany met to discuss the
situation in Iran. At that meeting French President d'Estang ordered General
Robert Huyser to Iran to undermine the Bakhtiar government and the military.
With the country in chaos Shah Mohammed Reza left Iran on January 16 1979 for
an "extended vacation" in Egypt leaving Prime Minister Bakhtiar to handle the
country. Needless to say Bakhtiar's government was overthrown in April,
Bakhtiar fleeing into the protection of the French Secret Service, and
Khomeni assumed control of Iran. Curiously enough Nelson Rockefeller died 10
days later of a heart attack while in the company of a female assistant. I
would not be surprised if this was punishment for informing on Illuminati

As far as the death of Shah Mohammed Reza I can say with 100% certainty that
he was murdered as part of the Illuminati agenda considering the facts.
Throughout 1979 Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller were demanding that
American President Carter allow the Shah permission to enter America to
receive medical treatment. On October 23, 1979 the Shah was smuggled into New
York City on a plane officially listed as carrying valuables from the Bank of
Mexico. He was admitted into Cornell Medical center under the alias David
Newsome, a government employee. His cancerous gall bladder was removed the
next day successfully before he returned to exile in Panama. On March 23,
1980 he was put on a plane that was to be sent to Iran but was redirected to
Egypt at the insinsance of Egyptian President Sadat. At the time he was
"diagnosed" with a cancerous spleen.

On March 28 Dr. DeBakey removed the Spleen and part of his liver "determined"
to be cancerous. The operation was performed without the assistance of Dr.
Kean, the Shah's personal physician, and when Dr Kean examined the Spleen and
the liver fragment removed he found no sign of Cancer whatsoever. Needless to
say Shah Mohammed Reza died as a result of his surgery on July 27, 1980. The
symptoms I have reason to believe may have been caused by a Tesla coil type
weapon. Anwar el Sadat was executed for his interference on October 6,1981 at
a military parade. Notice how when the assassins approach the podium where he
is at everyone but him ducks and he was shot at point blank range.

As to the care of members of the "Thousand Families" after the revolution I
have reason to believe that many assets believed to have been frozen or
seized, including the Iranian Disinherited Foundation, are being funneled to
surviving members, particularly in the United States. It is certainly no
secret that Iranian exile money helped Ronald Reagan win the 1980 election. I
can say for myself and my Father (when he was known to be alive), who is of
Timurid descent, that we have received money through Social Security even
though we are not handicapped or disabled and in each case have received the
maximum amount possible and have both received the full amount of any welfare
related program. I have learned of members of the Cherkassky line, who once
ruled over territory in the Caucus Mountains, that they have been receiving
the same money and benefits.

It was even brought to my attention by a Dr. Alan Mark who reported to me
that in the Spring of 1996 Reza Mohammed Pahlavi, Shah Mohammed Reza's only
son, entered a hospital in Baltimore, Maryland for an operation and that it
was officially paid for under the Medicare program. Dr. Mark's source is a
doctor he used to work with in Philadelphia. For those who are not familiar
with Reza Mohammed here are the bare facts. During the late 1980's he moved
to Langley, Virginia near CIA headquarters and even admitted in the June 10,
1996 issue of TIME magazine that he has been covertly planning operations
regarding Iranian affairs. I even noticed in the Providence Journal issue
that announced the death of Jordan's King Hussein an editorial by Nader
Moghadam; a relative of the last SAVAK commander, endorsing the CIA backed
Iranian President Khatami and the Iranian democracy movement. It is enough to
make one sick.

I shall even mention here in brief here how the Illuminati have wronged the
Hashemite tribe, descendants of Mohammed the Muslim prophet. In 1916 several
prominent British politicians, mainly Lord Kitchener and Winston Churchill,
began considering plans to start a revolt in the Arabian peninsula to defeat
the Ottoman empire, partly at the instigation of Abdullah bin Hussein. At the
same time Sherif Hussein of Mecca had his son Feisal organize an army under
the pretext of lending assistance to the Ottoman empire against the British,
as Feisal told Enver Pasha and Jemal Pasha. That army was used to rebel
against the Ottomans and to declare Mecca and the Hejaz independent. Seeing
this rebellion succeed the British sent advisors to the Sherif to help secure
Arabian independence, including T.E. Lawrence, who personally advised the
Sherif and his sons on tactics while reporting to the British General staff
everything he saw. I will not dispute that the Aqaba campaign was a
masterstroke of tactics and that it was conducted with little loss of life to
both sides.

When Viscount Allenby became Commander in Chief of the forces in Egypt and
Arabia the Arab army was sent of futile and wasteful missions while the
British and French forces fighting the Ottomans took few casualties. It was
in September 1917, after the capture of Jerusalem that Lord Rothschild began
to take an interest in securing territory in Palestine "for the Jewish
people." Even as early as August 1918 Mustafa Kemal and members of the
Ottoman government were willing to allow Sherif Hussein and the Arabs
complete independence. However the war was allowed to drag on for another two
months leaving those fighting under Sherif Hussein weakened that when he
began to exert his authority over the Arabs the British backed Ibn Saud of
Nejd and allowed him to defeat Sherif Hussein. Hussein's son Feisal, who
acted as a mouthpiece for the British during World War I, became King of Iraq
and his line was eventually deposed as part of the Illuminati agenda. His
brother Abdullah became King of Transjordan, now Jordan, as reward for his
cooperation. He was assassinated in 1951, possibly by a British agent and his
son Talal succeeded him.

Within a year Talal was declared mentally incompetent and forced to abdicate
in favor of his son Hussein. Hussein's fourth wife Lisa Halaby, who took the
name Noor, is the niece if Virginia Chafee, the widow of John H. Chafee, a
former governor of Rhode Island, U.S. Secretary of the Navy, and U.S.
Senator, and the mother of Lincoln Chafee, currently a U.S. Senator who
inherited his father's Senate seat in October 1999. I have every reason to
believe that the Chafee line is related to the Bush line, even taking into
consideration the parallels between the careers of George H. Bush and John H.
Chafee. Hussein had non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma induced and received repeated
"treatments" at the Mayo clinic before he died on February 7, 1999. His son
Abdullah succeeded him. At this time Hussein's sons by Queen Noor are next in
line to the throne and I have every reason to believe that Abdullah will
either be forced to have one of them succeed him. It even deserves to be
mentioned that Prince Feisal, one of Noor's sons, attended Brown University,
where all students are required to sign control of their bodies to the
university. It was reported to by a ritual abuse survivor who lived near
Brown while Feisal was a student there me that Feisal even fathered a child
while at Brown and the child and its' mother's behavior resemble that of many
programmed abuse survivors I have met.

And the Chafee connection is more relevant since both John and Lincoln have
used their connections as a surveillance means on their friends. When I was
14 I was tutored by a former NASA test pilot who had managed John H. Chafee's
Senate campaigns and even allowed me to attend the commissioning of an Ohio
class Ballistic Missile Nuclear Submarine through an invitation by Senator
Chafee, even allowing me to take photographs of the naval base where the
event took place. After refusing the offer of a scholarship to the U.S. naval
academy in 1996 it was demanded that I return the photos I took from that
event. I said that I had lost the photos, which was a lie for my own safety.
I soon found out that every college that I applied to refused to accept me.
On February 9, 1999 I was poisoned by a grey-human hybrid working as an
undercover agent, as I found out through a FBI contact of mine, while
visiting a friend and spent three days flushing the poison out of my system.

Before I forget I would also like to add some factors into consideration that
Mr. Icke hasn't touched on in his books. In "The Biggest Secret" David refers
to Mohammed al-Fayed and the Sultan of Brunei as gofers. On the surface they
may act as gofers but they are in the same position that Shah Mohammed Reza
was in 25 years ago. In the fall of 1996 it was reported that the Sultan of
Brunei had bought a private fortress in rural California as a safe house in
case of a revolution. It was also reported that he was also building a
heavily armed bodyguard and a large stash of weapons. These are not the
purchases of a gofer, rather one who is planning a rebellion, considering
that 4000 Gurkhas are stationed in Brunei, most likely to keep him in line.
And as far as al-Fayed's lawsuit against his son Dodi and Diana's killers he
may know who is responsible but by making it public he is only stirring up
action against the Illuminati agenda and he is in a perfect position to do
so. Just because one is a Draco, Reptoid, Illuminati, or a member of a secret
society does not mean they are a slavemaster and some slavemasters will rebel
if given the opportunity.

Peter Khan Zendran

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