Beach may scan Oceanfront faces
By AGNES BLUM, The Virginian-Pilot

VIRGINIA BEACH - New software that can analyze a face may transform the
sometimes imprecise art of identifying criminals - comparing mug shots to
people on the street - into a science, police say.

Instead of relying on officers who may harbor prejudices about hair style,
skin color or clothing, the software would compare less subjective traits:
the distance between the tip of the nose and the bottom lip, the
circumference of one's irises, and the distance between the pupils, for

Virginia Beach will learn next week if it will become the nation's second
city - Tampa, Fla., was the first - to use facial recognition software to
help officers snare criminals and find runaways, police said.

The Beach has used closed-circuit TV cameras to watch the Oceanfront from the
2nd Police Precinct since 1993, largely for checking traffic and observing

Under the new system, the 10 cameras would feed images of people as they
strolled along the Oceanfront to monitors, where the software would sort
faces against a database of mugshots, looking for a match, said Capt. Gregory
G. Mullen of the Special Investigations Department.

Beach police said the database includes about 2,500 outstanding felony
warrants as well as pictures of runaways and missing people, he said.

The software generally works by creating a ''map'' of the face and then
identifying 80 distinctive points. To achieve a match, 14 of those points
must align with a database picture, often a mugshot, Mullen said.

By comparison, fingerprints only require 11 points to match the whorls and
ridges that make up each person's unique print.

Once the computer spits out a match, an officer at the 2nd precinct would
radio an officer on the street for further action.'

'A match will not give officers probable cause to arrest,'' Mullen said.
''Only enough to stop and question them.''

In laboratory tests, under ideal lighting, the software had a 99.3 percent
accuracy rate. It is unknown what the accuracy rate would be on the streets
with varying weather and lighting conditions.

''It's no different than a policeman holding a mug shot in his hand on the
corner as people go by,'' said Police Chief A.M. Jacocks. ''In fact, it's
more efficient.''

It is not clear how the new technology will be accepted by the courts once
someone is arrested because of computer identification.

Several vacationers at the Oceanfront said that while public safety is a
priority, they would be concerned about cases of mistaken identity.

''There are plenty of people that look alike,'' said Sterling Harris of
Richmond, as he paused outside a shop on Atlantic Avenue on Thursday. ''I
hope they don't sit behind the cameras looking for people to mess with.''

Police insisted that the opposite is true. Allowing a computer program to
identify someone takes the human error out of the equation, Mullen said.

But Kent Willis, director of the Virginia American Civil Liberties Union,
worries about privacy implications and the Big Brother overtones.
Photographing people as they lick ice cream on the Boardwalk is similar to
dusting park benches and other public surfaces for fingerprints, he said. The
motive may be admirable but the result is the same - government invading
people's privacy and collecting information on citizens.

The police said they would toss out any pictures that didn't match, but
Willis called those promises slippery. Once the police started using the
technology, they might decide it would be helpful to keep photos on file.

''There's a long history of government abusing information it has gathered,''
Willis said.

Private industries, such as casinos and check-cashing businesses, have used
facial recognition technology for years, but the software garnered nationwide
attention when it was used on more than 100,000 faces at the Super Bowl last
year without people's knowledge. No arrests were made.

Beach police will hear next week whether they'll get a $150,000 grant, they
will ask the City Council to chip in $50,000. If the money comes through, the
program should be up and running by spring of 2002.

''It'll be worth it if they get the right people,'' said Michelle
Porter-Loftin, as she shopped with her two children at the Oceanfront.
''Makes me wonder. I'd be worried about mistaken identity. We'll see.''

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