[CTRL] Vote Fraud

2000-01-11 Thread Bill Richer

-Cavet Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org  -Cui Bono-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

"The overriding importance of this issue [vote fraud] is contained in that
of unintended wisdom from Communist tyrant Josef Stalin: 'Those who cast
the votes decide nothing; those who COUNT the votes decide everything'"

Please read the info below on Vote Fraud from our good friend Jim Condit.
His website is: http://www.networkamerica.org

Brigade, it's not too early to start organizing and setting up a battle plan
against vote fraud.  Please contact Jim Condit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> His
organization - Citizens for a Fair Vote Count -  will be leading this effort.

For the Cause, Linda

From:   "Jim Condit Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Request of Help for Website on VoteFraud
Date sent:  Sun, 9 Jan 2000 03:04:37 -0500

Dear Linda,

Could you please forward this letter to the Buchanan Brigades nationwide to
alert them to the votefraud battle that we must fight in order to insure that
Buchanan has a fair shot at becoming our next President. Our website at
http://www.networkamerica.org has been updated recently regarding the
upcoming Iowa Caucuses.

I personally believe that Pat WILL be the next President IF we can get a fair
count, and IF he can get into the national debates in spite of the totally
bogus Presidential Debate Commission. By the way, if you're noticing the
arrogant imperial attitude of the Dems and Repubs on that Debate
Commission, you have a hint of the arrogance encountered at Voter News
Service and the others entities which have now maneuvered American
citizens into a corner where it is effectively illegal for citizens outside
of New
Hampshire to count or double check the computer-generated vote on election

For those who might not be familiar with this all-important issue, the
essay on the Network America home page sets the stage.  The whole story
on the Dubuque vote fraud issue as well as a lot of information about the
strange GOP Primaries of 1996 can be found by clicking "archives" at the
bottom of the home page.  Also see the  "votefraud archives" and the second
item on that page which is:

PRIMARY -- Newspaper put out by Citizens For a Fair Vote Count about the
1996 GOP Presidential Primaries." Also, the fourth item on that page is "A
MAGAZINE) -- Explanation of Proven Votefraud against Pat Buchanan and
the people of Dubuque, Iowa perpetrated by Voter News Service -- an arm of
the 4 Big TV networks."

In closing, thank you for doing as much as anyone in the whole country to
get out the word on the votefraud issue and the need to restore honest
elections — with citizen checks and balances — once again in our nation,
just like in the days of the Founding Fathers, right up to the dawn of the
computer age circa 1970.

Your list members should know that you immediately grasped this issue
once it surfaced in 1996, and volunteered your time to set up our website —
the first in the nation dedicated to restoring honest elections and exposing
the dangers of computerized votefraud.

Your list members should also know that a few months after you set up our
networkamerica website (at that time networkusa, which is now the
fingerprint website), Popular Science magazine noticed and stated on Page
74 in its November, 1996 issue that our website includes "a fascinating
argument that Pat Buchanan beat Bob Dole in the Republican primaries only
when paper ballots were manually counted. You decide."

I hope that after the Buchanan Brigades read the website, they will e-mail
their "favorite" news outlets and tell them that we know the elections are
riggable for central locations, and we demand a return to citizen checks and
balances at the LOCAL precinct.

The overriding importance of this issue is contained in that gem of
unintended wisdom from Communist tyrant Josef Stalin: "Those who cast the
votes decide nothing; those who COUNT the votes decide everything."

Best Wishes.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director of Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

---  end  --

T H E   I N T E R N E T   B R I G A D E
Linda Muller - WebMaster
Post Office Box 650266, Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Web: http://www.buchanan.org
Have You  O F F I C I A L L Y   E N L I S T E D  Yet?
The One and Only  B R I G A D E  Email List!
To Subscribe or Unsubscribe send an email to:


Re: [CTRL] Vote Fraud

2000-01-11 Thread Jim Condit Jr

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I assume this is going only to Bill Richer as I pressed reply rather than
"reply to all" -- Thanks Bill for spreading Linda Muller's email about the
upcoming battle over fair elections and computerized votefraud in the 2000
elections. We just started a new "announcement only" list at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] about this subject -- I believe you can get aboard
if you wish by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]--
Best Wishes. Jim Condit Jr.
> -Original Message-
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Bill Richer
> Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 11:25 AM
> Subject: [CTRL] Vote Fraud
> -Cavet Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> -Cui Bono-
> Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!
> Dear Brigade,
> "The overriding importance of this issue [vote fraud] is contained in that
> gem
> of unintended wisdom from Communist tyrant Josef Stalin: 'Those who cast
> the votes decide nothing; those who COUNT the votes decide
> everything'"
> Please read the info below on Vote Fraud from our good friend Jim Condit.
> His website is: http://www.networkamerica.org
> Brigade, it's not too early to start organizing and setting up a
> battle plan
> against vote fraud.  Please contact Jim Condit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> His
> organization - Citizens for a Fair Vote Count -  will be leading
> this effort.
> For the Cause, Linda
> From:   "Jim Condit Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:Request of Help for Website on VoteFraud
> Date sent:  Sun, 9 Jan 2000 03:04:37 -0500
> Dear Linda,
> Could you please forward this letter to the Buchanan Brigades
> nationwide to
> alert them to the votefraud battle that we must fight in order to
> insure that
> Pat
> Buchanan has a fair shot at becoming our next President. Our website at
> http://www.networkamerica.org has been updated recently regarding the
> upcoming Iowa Caucuses.
> I personally believe that Pat WILL be the next President IF we
> can get a fair
> count, and IF he can get into the national debates in spite of the totally
> bogus Presidential Debate Commission. By the way, if you're noticing the
> arrogant imperial attitude of the Dems and Repubs on that Debate
> Commission, you have a hint of the arrogance encountered at Voter News
> Service and the others entities which have now maneuvered American
> citizens into a corner where it is effectively illegal for
> citizens outside
> of New
> Hampshire to count or double check the computer-generated vote on election
> night.
> For those who might not be familiar with this all-important issue, the
> opening
> essay on the Network America home page sets the stage.  The whole story
> on the Dubuque vote fraud issue as well as a lot of information about the
> strange GOP Primaries of 1996 can be found by clicking "archives" at the
> bottom of the home page.  Also see the  "votefraud archives" and
> the second
> item on that page which is:
> PRIMARY -- Newspaper put out by Citizens For a Fair Vote Count about the
> 1996 GOP Presidential Primaries." Also, the fourth item on that page is "A
> MAGAZINE) -- Explanation of Proven Votefraud against Pat Buchanan and
> the people of Dubuque, Iowa perpetrated by Voter News Service -- an arm of
> the 4 Big TV networks."
> In closing, thank you for doing as much as anyone in the whole country to
> get out the word on the votefraud issue and the need to restore honest
> elections — with citizen checks and balances — once again in our nation,
> just like in the days of the Founding Fathers, right up to the dawn of the
> computer age circa 1970.
> Your list members should know that you immediately grasped this issue
> once it surfaced in 1996, and volunteered your time to set up our
> website —
> the first in the nation dedicated to restoring honest elections
> and exposing
> the dangers of computerized votefraud.
> Your list members should also know that a few months after you set up our
> networkamerica website (at that time networkusa, which is now the
> fingerprint website), Popular Science magazine noticed and stated on Page
> 74 in its November, 1996 issue that our website includes "a fascinating
> argument that Pat Buchanan be

[CTRL] Vote Fraud in America- Hoffman Wire: Oct. 5, 1999

1999-10-07 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Oct. 5, 1999
Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

1. Vote Fraud in America

3. Sun Tzu and Pat Buchanan


1. Vote Fraud in America

The Agents of Paralysis are at it again as we approach the
presidential election season, urging us to get in there and back
²our² candidate for Great White Hope.

But if we take the bait, where will we be in January of 2001,
when leaders such as myself call on their fellow Americans to
pitch-in on the long term struggle for a future for our people?
Having been burned-out, demoralized and perhaps even nearly
bankrupted on the gossamer wings of another futile presidential
election campaign, they¹ll tell me, ³It¹s no use² and ³It¹s too
late² and they¹ll crawl into their bunkers --which is right where
the System wants them.

We are offering a new audio-cassette tape of an interview with
the foremost authority on ³Vote Fraud in America,² Jim Condit,

Jim will provide you with the missing key to the current election
farce. He¹ll tell you why your vote in the national elections
doesn¹t count, how the 1996 Republican presidential nomination
was stolen from Buchanan and how fraud could work again in 2000,
unless the candidates themselves call attention to it.

Condit, who won a court case in the 1980s against the Ohio Board
of Elections, and who is a former aide to Buchanan, told this
reporter (see Revisionist History newsletter, no. 11), that
Buchanan has thus far shown no interest in exposing vote fraud.
But if Buchanan doesn¹t expose vote fraud, he won¹t win election
as federal sewer inspector, much less the presidency.

So what game is afoot here? Listen to the ³Vote Fraud in America²
tape. Mr. Condit will show you which elections are faked, which
ones are likely to be honest and the activist steps you can take
in your own county to help secure an honest ballot box.

By means of this tape, we want to alert our people now, before
Great White Hope Fever sweeps them into yet another frenzy,
resulting in a no-win disappointment. Let¹s put the big shots on
notice-- we won¹t be fooled again by their dialectic of
opposition. We know they set-up and control their own opposition.


3. Sun Tzu and Pat Buchanan

As an ex-farmer let me offer you an agricultural  parable. The
tropical plant, like for example, the tomato, is fast-growing (a
matter of weeks) and ostentatious in its flowering coloration.
Its fruit is appealing to the eye. It is a gaudy bauble in the
garden of summer. But its roots are shallow and at the first hard
frost it is blackened, withered and dead.

The burdock, on the other hand, is a northern plant. It is a
nuisance in its tenacious, prickly adhesion. It is homely. It
lacks style and gloss. It grows slowly  (a matter of years). But
winter frost cannot kill it and it is nearly impossible to uproot
by hand, so deep are its taproots.

If one understands the Hegelian dialectic, and behind it, the
"knowledge of the equilibrium" of the Zohar, one knows that, thus
far, the Pat Buchanans are like that tomato. They have shallow
roots, dependent on the sunshine of the System's own news shows,
publicity machine, polls, elections and atrocity propaganda and
provocations. They are here for a season and then they vanish for
four years, like reruns on the late show.

We feed the tomato instead of the burdock and then ask, when
winter winds blow the torn and stained campaign fliers down the
empty streets of our collective broken dreams, "Why do we never

Cheap thrills are just that. The System doesn't fear an exchange
of talking heads on MSNBC. If they did, they wouldn't broadcast
them. They fear constituencies,  business networks, organic
communities, local 3rd party candidates for city council, school
board, state legislature, sheriff-- backed by voting blocs and
paper ballots counted in front of the citizens--they fear
anything with roots independent of their Videodrome and their
rigged national ballot box and polls.

Where was Mr. Buchanan in 1996, when he had four years to build
and register a third party which would make vote fraud in America
the galvanizing issue? He was supporting Bob Dole, the most
incompetent presidential candidate of any major party in modern
history. After the inevitable Dole defeat, Buchanan returned to
his plush job within the System's media octopus and squandered
three precious years that could have been spent building a new

Now on the strength of rhetoric alone, we are being summoned for
another election crusade by a man who refuses to challenge the
very election System that cheats him of victory. At the risk of
alienating everyone--and such are the risks which true vision
entails--I say Pat Buchanan is that shallow-rooted, gaudy
tropical fruit--a creation of the very media-System he purports
to want to destroy.

If his campaign were entirely symbolic, costing us nothing and
running no risks of plummeting morale should he go down to