World Net Daily-August 24, 2000 IRS Gestapo strikes again By Joseph Farah They're baaaaack! I'm talking about those Internal Revenue Service agents who show up at your house or office after you dare to criticize, expose or embarrass a member of the Clinton-Gore administration. It has happened more often the last seven and a half years than ever before. The latest victim is Katherine Prudhomme, the New Hampshire woman, who last December challenged Vice President Al Gore on his views of Juanita Broaddrick's rape allegations against the president. That was an encounter Gore is not likely to forget. Perhaps if Prudhomme had faded away quietly after her 15 minutes of political notoriety, she and her husband might not be facing an IRS audit today. But, last week, Prudhomme took an active role in a rape awareness rally outside Hillary Clinton's Manhattan campaign headquarters. That's where she announced that she got the bad news from the IRS the day before. Coincidence? Hardly. This is part of a pattern of broad political intimidation orchestrated by this administration against critics. Before Prudhomme, there was Broaddrick herself. After publicly accusing Bill Clinton of raping her when he was Arkansas attorney general in 1978, she, too, is faced with an IRS audit of her nursing home for tax returns that were filed covering 1998. Broaddrick had also sued the White House and Justice Department last year for conducting a campaign to "smear and destroy her reputation" and is demanding the administration turn over any information collected about her. Before Broaddrick, it was Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, former White House Travel Office Director Billy Dale and Elizabeth Ward Gracen. Each was audited following complaints against the White House. Dozens of Clinton's organizational political "enemies" also were audited during the 1990s -- including the National Rifle Association, Citizens Against Government Waste, the Heritage Foundation, American Spectator, National Review and the Western Journalism Center, founded by yours truly. Those are just a few of the dozens of non-profit organizations "unfriendly" to the Clinton administration that have faced IRS audits since 1993. Why isn't there any outrage about this? Well, of course, for one thing, media coverage has been very spotty. But, I believe, most Americans now know about the pattern of political audits against people like me and Paula Jones and Katherine Prudhomme. I'm afraid to say they just don't care -- or, worse, just accept that such punishments by government officials come with the territory of civic involvement and challenging government authority. Take last Sunday's lead WorldNetDaily story about the poll showing few Americans believe in the First Amendment. I know plenty of people who think like this. Mind your own business, they say. Don't stand up to authority. You'll get yourself killed, they suggest. Frankly, I even know members of Congress who think like this. And that's why America is in the sad shape it's in. I have called this IRS-gate scandal the biggest of all the Clinton crimes and cover-ups. It's not just because I have personally and professionally been attacked. Rather, it's because of what such unanswered, unpunished attacks like this do to our country, our national psyche, our national soul. Americans who speak their minds are not supposed to be afraid of their government. It's in places like the old Soviet Union or China or Cuba where people are deathly afraid to criticize their officials. But if Clinton and those around him who have perpetrated these Gestapo-like search-and-destroy missions against their most public adversaries go unpunished, America as a unique experiment in openness will be destroyed. That's how big the stakes are in this fight. Don't accept the congressional whitewash investigations by timid little men with their eyes on pensions and retirement. Don't accept the White House spin. Just look at the facts. Jones, Gracen, Dale, Flowers, Broaddrick, Prudhomme. ... ================================================================= Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT FROM THE DESK OF: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ~~~~~~~~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day. ================================================================= <A HREF=""></A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! 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