-Caveat Lector-

[This is one in a series of exclusive WorldNetDaily investigative reports
on the Justice Department's still-active criminal probe of 1996
Clinton-Gore fund-raising abuses.]


Friday, July 20, 2001


Bush FBI pick tied to Reno cohort

Mueller helped place Radek in sensitive position at DOJ

By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Investigators working on Chandra Levy missing intern case are probing
charges that Congressman Gary Condit was accused of sexually assulting two
teenage girls.

That shocking disclosure is part of an indepth Enwuirer investigation that
reveals Condit's violent secret life.

Authorities have sopken to dozens of women who've had sex with Condit--and
despite fearing him, many have broken their silence to brand him a
ruthless, sex-crazed "Jekyll and Hyde" who woos them and then uses terror
tactics to enforce their silence.

"Gary is a hunter and a predator," his former long-time bodyguard and
driver Vincent Flammini told the Enquirer.

The Enquirer's massive investigation has ripped the lid off Condit's
chilling double life--his involvement with a sleazy underworld of biker
bars, rough sex, and sex drugs that could have doomed his lover Chandra.

Despite public proclamations that Condit is not a suspect, the Justice
Dept., and the FBI and the Washington, D.C. police are digging deep into
the congressman's dark and frightening background.

A justice Dept.official discolsed to The Enquirer that after coldly dumping
lovers, the congressman made shocking threats to keep them quiet. "You know
what I can do," he told them. And he pointedly warned some: "You'll be
sorry if you talk about me."

Despite Condit's attempts to keep the lid on his violent secret life,
"investigators learned that two girls from California--both just 15 at the
time--claimed they were sexually assulted by Condit when he was a state
assemblyman about 15 years ago," disclosed a cource close to the case.

"Investigators have heard that they were terrified of Condit but made a
police report anyway. But somehow the whole thing just went away."

The girls were reportedly so scared of Condit that they fled California
after the alleged assult and reported the crimt tto authorities in another
state, the source divulged.

"One said she was raped, the other said she was sexually assulted.

"Investigators have also learned from several women that Condit was into
kinky sex--including rough sex."

And those closest to the representative have witnessed his explosive temper
when things don't go his way--and have gotten a frightening look at the
hostility bubbling just beneath his surface.

"This has left some associates wondering what the congressman might be
capable of in a fit of passion or rage," revealed the Justice Dept. source.

"FBI profilers have been putting together a prifile of Condit for weeks
now, based on information gleaned in the interviews of women he has had
affairs with. Numerous people have described him as a 'Jekyll and Hyde'

"What's amazing is the control he seems to have over people, particularly
women, who are reluctant to talk about him or cooperate in any way. A
number of people have reported getting harrassing phone calls and notes
telling them not to talk to anyone about Condit.

"There are people who feel they'll be physically hurt if they say anything
about him!"

How did this outwardly friendly preacher's son manage to keep the lid on
his double life for so many years? The answer: cold-blooded intimidation,
charged sources.

Flammini--the congressman's former bodyguard and conficant of 25
years--spent hours answering questions for the FBI and gave The Enquirer
explosive details of what they discussed behind closed doors.

In a bonbshell interview, Flammini told The Enquirer: "Gary told me, 'I've
been with more than a thousand women, easily.' His political buddies
nicknamed him 'The Rooster.'

"His cheap flings are nothing more than a mind-control game. He tells women
right off the bat, 'I'm a married congressman. We can have a lot of fun
together--but you can't tell anyone about our secret rendezvous.

" 'We can get in a lot of trouble--and the Secret Service will get
involved. We could end up in court and some of us would end up in jail.' "

But Condit didn't just stop there, Flammini said. "He made the women feel
like he has lots of power to hurt them."

While COndit didn't make explicit physical threats, he didn't have to. The
congressman--a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence--simply
let them know he had ties to powerful government agencies which dould be
unleashed against them if they tried to expose him, clamied Flammini.

Because of this Jekyll and Hyde comples, these women eventually become vary
afraid of him. He's always been very moody--but his mood swings are
borderline violent sometimes!

"Teary-eyed girls came to me and cried on my shoulder, telling me about how
in love they were with Gary and how their feelings were hurt...Gary left a
path of destruction wherever he went.

"One girl told me how she sat in his Washington apartment all day, waiting
for him to get home. When he finally arrived, he smoked a cigar, had sex
with her for literally three minutes and that was it. The end."

She got so upset at being used as a sex object that she threatened to slit
her wrist. "But all Gary said was, 'I hope you don't do that, but let's
talk about it another day.' He was that cold," Flammini divulged.

"The women all had the same story--he eventually promised to leave his wife
for them and marry them. But once they fell head over heels in love, he'd
say, 'Screw you, baby. I'm outta here!'

"Gary captured your heart and then ripped it out--without even thinking
about it."

It's this chilling and calculating behavior that have [sic?] lawmen taking
a hard look at Condit, who regularly booted the very girlfriends who
worshiped him.

Sadly, the bodyguard told The Enquirer, "I think that's probably what
happened between him and Chandra Levy."

Chandra may have gotten deeply involved in her lover's world of kinky sex.
ANd investigators disclose that the probe has led them into the gay

Even his Capitol Hill colleagues have their suspicions. FOrmer U.S. Rep.
John LeBoutillier (R.-NY) told The Enquirer: "My sources tell me Condit's
deep into a world of bisexuality and that it's key to Chandra's

A police source confirmed that they are looking into his involvement with
the gay community. "We're finding out what his staffers who may be gay know
about his sexcapades."

Frequently Condit's relationships end in disaster.

One San Francisco girlfriend Condit nicknamed Peanut believed he was going
to dump his wife Carolyn and marry her, according to Flammini.

"One night I drove Gary to Peanut's home and waited outside, Everything was
perfect, but as soon as Peanut asked Gry to attend a holiday party at her
parent's house, he freaked out."

The congressman flew into a rage--giving Flammini a rare public glimpse of
Condit's sinister side that's rpopelling lawmen to dig deep into his
bizarre double life. "Gary stormed out of the house and immediately broke
off the relationship," revealed Flammini.

"Gary's behavior is so sociopathic. His mood swings were so fast and
furious, I never knew what to expect. If he ever got into the car with a
cup of coffee and it spilled because I hit a bump or backed up too fast, he
came unglued--and screamed, hollered and cursed.

"I got to the point where his moods were so bad that my doctor ordered me
to stop working for him. My doctor actually said my high blood pressure was
caused by Gary Condit.

"Toward the end of my friendship with Gary, he wanted me to get him some
Viagra, hoping it would enhance his sexual stamina. But I never got Viagra
for him, so he started taking herbs and vitamins instead.

"He was always curious about sex drugs and Viagra. He asked me about them
all the time."

Flammini told the FBI it's possible the congressman gave Chandra a potent
sex drug "that she never snapped out of."

While the bodyguard does not know the ultimate fate of the 24-year-old
intern, he divulged, "I've decided to talk about the congressman's
infidelities because I feel if it weren't for Gary Condit, Chandra Levy
would be at home having supper with her family right now. I'm convinced of

As the case intensifies, FBI agents are astounded by the number of women
Condit has been associated with.

"There have been more than 27 women interviewed who have had affairs with
him, ranging in age from 20 to 50, although the majority have been in their
20's," the Justice Dept. source told The Enquirer.

"His association with motorcycle gangs, particularly members of some outlaw
gangs like the Hell's Angels have also raised concern among investigators.
He is known to hang out at biker bars where violence is a way of life.

"Police have received reports that COngressman Condit was also known to
disguise his identity when he was out socializing in bars and clubs in
Washington where he didn't want to be recognized."

Willing to go to unusual lenghts to satisfy his compulsive lust,
Condit--who some women say liked to make love wearing a full leather
outfit--has had sex on the back of his Harlye-Davidson morotcycle, in cheap
motels...and in his favorite place, the back of his white Ford Explorer,
say sources.

Now Condit's troubles are piling up fast. The Enquirer investigation has

He stated that the last time he met Chandra Levy was April 24. But Chandra
told relatives that Condit told her never to carry identification when they
dated--and on May 1, the day she disappeared, Chandra left her apartment
carrying only her keys.

"Police believe that is a strong indication that Chandra was going to meet
Condit," said the source close to the investigation.

The Enquirer learned that police wanted to test Condit with both a
lie-detector test and another truth-detecting device, a voice stress
analyzer known as a PSE. But the congressman surprised authorities by
taking a private polygraph exam and claiming it demonstrated his innocence.
Police discount its validiyt.

Condit's attorney did not return The Enquirer's call for comment.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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