
NSC e-mail also missing Letter 'D' anomaly, other 'glitches'
scuttled records on issues like China

By Paul Sperry
© 2000

WASHINGTON -- Computer contractor Yiman F. Salim must have felt
like a plumber. The White House e-mail-archiving system had
sprung yet another leak, and Salim was called in again to help
fix it.

It was April 1999, and she'd found a new problem with the
Automated Records Management System put together by the
Clinton-Gore team to store and search electronic messages, as
required by a 1994 law. This time, ARMS was rejecting all
in-coming e-mail sent to White House users whose first name
starts with the letter "D."

The "bleeding" started in November 1998 -- the same month,
curiously enough, that a more than two-year gap in records for
e-mail sent to the White House server used by President Clinton
and his staff had ended. Some 500 users were affected. So just as
Salim and other Northrop Grumman technicians had fixed one leak,
another one started (though the letter "D" leak sprung across all
five main White House e-mail servers).

Congress, a federal court and the independent counsel have
demanded the White House search for the missing e-mail from
Clinton's server and turn it over to them as part of their
outstanding subpoenas in various scandal investigations.

Of the estimated million e-mails missing, some are said to
involve the Jones-Lewinsky case, Filegate and 1996 Clinton-Gore

Meanwhile, scarce attention has been paid to all the letter "D"
e-mails that escaped White House archives from November 1998 to
June 1999.

But they may carry national security significance.

Internal White House documents recently obtained under subpoena
by Congress show that the letter "D" problem affected 10 times
more White House users working at the National Security Council
than did the previous archiving problem.

ARMS failed to capture e-mail sent to just two NSC staffers from
August 1996 to November 1998.

But from November 1998 to June 1999 -- a tense period for the
White House, which covered the run-up to the May 1999 release of
the Cox report on Chinese espionage -- ARMS rejected incoming
messages to 21 National Security Council staffers.

One of them is David Halperin, then a director of foreign-policy
speechwriting at NSC. His father, Morton Halperin, works at the
State Department. He became director of State policy planning in

A long-time China booster, the senior Halperin urged in the '60s
that the U.S. extend diplomatic recognition to Red China and work
for its admission into the United Nations.

In the '70s, he traveled with pro-China lobbyist Henry Kissinger
to then-Peking as an NSC staffer before heading the Center for
National Security Studies, a spin-off of the pro-Marxist think
tank Institute for Policy Studies. CNSS also is aligned with the
National Lawyers Guild, which was formed with the aid of
Comintern, or Communist International.

A recent book has linked Halperin to the KGB. And a former State
expert on the former Soviet Union told WorldNetDaily recently
that Halperin showed up on U.S. embassy briefing cards during the
height of the Cold War as a "communist agent."

Halperin, a Clinton appointee, has worked tirelessly for banning
U.S. nuclear weapons, as well as any U.S. spying on groups
suspected of un-American activities. Fifteen State laptops
containing highly classified intelligence information have gone
missing recently. One of them was checked out to Halperin's
office. Two officials have been punished, but not Halperin.

It's not clear if the Halperins exchanged e-mails in late 1998 or
early 1999. During that time, National Security Adviser Sandy
Berger and others on his team were locked in fierce negotiations
with the bipartisan Cox Commission over how much of the explosive
findings to declassify. Berger, a former China lobbyist who
argued for censoring most of the report, managed to redact about
a third of it.

Berger spokesman David Leavy's e-mails also are missing for that

Adding to suspicions is the White House's recent admission,
overlooked by the press, that still another computer "glitch" --
only recently discovered -- knocked a two-year hole in all
National Security Council e-mail records over a period covering
the full length of the Cox investigation, which was launched in
early 1998 to look into Clinton approving rocket technology
transfers to China.

The gap, as revealed in U.S. court testimony by lawyers for the
White House, stretches from June 1997 to August 1999 -- a period
that also covers the Thompson committee's Chinagate fund-raising
hearings, which began in early July 1997, as well as the belated
FBI investigation of Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, now on
trial for mishandling nuclear secrets.

The gaps mean there is no searchable computer record of any
messages sent during that time to the National Security Council
from outside government agencies, including the FBI, the Attorney
General's office, the Pentagon, Energy, State or the CIA. Any
e-mails sent by the Democratic National Committee would also be
out of reach.

One of the technicians working on the NSC's e-mail archiving
system at the time was none other than Tung "Eric" Duong, the
contractor the White House has hired to head the court-ordered
e-mail reconstruction project that's been hampered by technical
setbacks and delays.

Tung, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Vietnam, worked with NSC
staffer Brian Cooper, according to a Sept. 4, 1998, memo from
White House computer-records manager Tony Barry.

Duong's Small Business Administration profile, which lists Barry
as his lead reference, also shows he's been cleared by White
House security to handle "Secret" information. He worked in the
White House from July 1997 to September 1999.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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