Washington Weekly-June 19, 2000

White House Staffers Avoided Investigation by Taking Pay Cut

New Allegation Made in Freeh Memorandum


Another level of criminal sophistication in the White House was
revealed by the Freeh memorandum, penned years ago but kept from
the public until recently.

The White House appears to have planned ahead for the criminal
activity of some of its key top-level staffers.

"Most of the current officials have avoided coverage [of the
Independent Counsel statute] simply by accepting a salary below
level II," wrote FBI Director Freeh in the memorandum.

"Although he is authorized by statute to appoint and pay
twenty-five persons at level II, the President currently pays
only six persons at that level."

Those six persons exclude people like Harold Ickes, Bruce
Lindsey, George Stephanopoulos, and Thomas McLarty, all credibly
accused of engaging in specific criminal activity while working
in the White House.

Escaping coverage by the independent counsel statute means that
corrupt White House staffers can only be prosecuted by the
Justice Department, where Clinton has put the fix in as well. By
appointing people like Lee Radek, Eric Holder, Webster Hubbell,
and Janet Reno as goal-keepers, he has made certain that all
investigations of corrupt staffers will lead nowhere and that no
prosecution will take place. None of these DOJ officials have
shown any regard for the law they have been appointed to uphold.

FBI director Freeh directly suggested possible White House intent
to circumvent the law:

     "As these numbers show, the White House has avoided mandatory
     coverage [of the Independent Counsel statute] for virtually
     all of its top level officials by simply paying them below
     level II. Whether or not this is an intentional effort by the
     White House to limit the number of "covered" senior officials,
     it certainly exposes a loophole in the independent counsel

John Huang should have had IC.

Freeh did point out in the memo, however, that John Huang was
covered by the Independent Counsel statute and should have had
one appointed:

     "...it is almost nonsensical that the Independent Counsel
     Statute could be invoked for Peter Knight and Joan Pollit
     [chairman and treasurer of the Clinton-Gore Committee] but not
     for Don Fowler and John Huang.

Had John Huang been prosecuted by an independent counsel instead
of by the Justice Department, then maybe he would have been tried
for espionage or treason. Freeh referred to Huang's close ties to
Chinese intelligence as justification for the appointment of an
independent counsel to investigate Chinagate.

Published in the Jun. 19, 2000 issue of The Washington Weekly.
Copyright © 2000 The Washington Weekly. Now Free Access to All
Stories at http://www.federal.com

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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