-Caveat Lector-

The following debates the merits and alleged lack thereof of following a
lead regarding the events of September 11, 2001 that has been provided by
the Bush administration, THE NINETEEN ARAB HIJACKERS theory.

Quoting Nikos Levis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >I am not following a lead provided by George Bush Jr.
> >
> >If you wish to, have at it.
> If you can't see this point in the first place it's not a big debate so
> I'll try it once more and keep it short (for me).
> The official legend is not George Bush's. (The only stories he ever
> produced were "Evildoers hate our freedoms"; "Sept. 11 happened - gotta
> git Saddam"; and "I saw the first crash on TV, uuuuh not.")

Yeah, I have always said that Buffet was closer to, if not AT the heart of
playcalling that day.  I mean, the terrorists is supposed to call and take
credit and then issue some orders right?  So who did he go see immediately
but Warren Buffet.

Buffet's Baby: Mitre Corporation

 It is the
> product of mostly honest investigators and journalists who first accept
> the premises of Qaeda-did-it (since that's the only "thinkable" or
> "allowable" alternative) and who then fit available evidence to it,
> ignoring anything that doesn't fit as coincidence.

Maybe so.  Still, I am sure these journalists aren't saying they were so
close to the operation that they know who did it (reporters and bin Laden
in the control room together ??) so much as they are saying that THEY are
taking their information from states sources, or state infiltrated, e.g.
Fox News (the state is just a big laundering macine for the corporations

If they were getting their information, however, directly from the
terrorists, then this eliminates the question that has been asked for
months, namely why was no credit ever TAKEN.  If you have an article for
this I would love to read it.

Am I the only one that has noticed that the media has taken their cues from
largely the Bush administration anyway?  I mean, in my browsings I have
seen at least fifty different articles, in highly read publications, the
complaint that the media is doing the dance of Gee-Dub and I think that
most investigators of 9-11 would agree.  Otherwise, GW would be in jail
already or at least facing impeachment.

What news stations do you listen to?

What TV stations?

> I note that you are willing to consider the supposed video footage of the
> Pentagon attack, although it a) was released by someone at the Pentagon
> itself, b) is time-stamped Sept. 12, 2001, c) consists only of five
> stills that show evidence of manipulation (shadows with borders,
> explosion engulfs a control tower that it could not have possibly
> reached, etc.), d) was released in direct response to the sudden
> popularity of "Hunt the Boeing." So you're taking your lead from what the
> Pentagon is willing to release? Given the suppression of other videos and
> photos known to exist, I would automatically discount these five stills,
> even more so than the words of Bush.

I note that you missed my statement, on the 911truthalliance list, that the
date of September 12 on the film that is alleged to be film of the Pentagon
crash on SEPTEMBER 11 is indicative of one of two things: either a) the
date was changed to discredit the IMAGE, which would make the image
probably real or b) the image was invented, something totally unnecessary
if a BOEING 757 hit the Pentagon.  I asked the list for feed back on this
matter and got none actually.

I would also like to note that I am not taking my lead from these images
and I have NEVER stated such.  I would be mightily impressed if ANYONE were
to produced undoctored statements to the contrary, written by myself, with
their technical skills of course.

I took my lead from someone in the intelligence community and not until two
years later was I able to come to a conclusion as to whether or not he
actually worked intelligence.  It was when I started looking at Operation
Two Towers through Mitre sunglasses.  The leads that have popped up are
comparable to the leads seen in other veins of 9-11 investigation when one
considers that the volume of what is available on the, say, NINETEEN ARAB
HIJACKERS theory has been contributed to by thousands, if not hundreds of
thousands of researchers.  Little old me has come up with an alternative
explanation that is rather a sizeable body of research now.  It would take
months to sort through all of what I have researched so you see that it is
compendious.  I could use help exploring some connections to NIMA and Booz,
Allen, & Hamilton but, alas, everyone that is doing such research is,
apparently, not communicating with me.  I have to educate nearly everyone
that contacts me on the Global Hawk "theory" and this indicates that I am
at the head of research in this vein of 9-11 investigations, largely.
However, plenty of people are willing attack me (not caring who foams over
my mentioning of it) as is indicated by the fact that someone has actually
accused me of being CIA on another list today.  The funny thing is that
this person understands advertising and such manipulation as is evident by
his having spoken of a secret (that he's sharing online?) from "extremely
covert" sources spoke in English geared to the average five year old, i.e.
they were targetting the lowest common denominator, the stupid.  I had to
laugh.  I mean, is this bearer of the scars of teargas and Operation Mind
Fuck (the gubment's psy-op war on activists) actually a CIA and doesn't
know it?  If I am CIA then where in the hell is my paycheck?  Shit, I would
be able to post from the privacy of my own home if that was the case.  Just
check ALL of my headers which, by the way, anyone can read and see where I
am posting from, so poor that I use public and university libraries to
maintain a presence online.  Let lack of money NOT be an obstacle to the
global village, eh?

That said, I am following the only 9-11 lead that I know of that is
producing revelations consistently AND is independently arrived at (I am
open to being corrrected - it just hasn't happened yet).



Big Medicine: Setting Dissent Afire


Big Medicine: Operation Two Towers

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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