-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.hsibaltimore.com/ea2002/ea_020429.shtml

Writing on the Wall

Imagine dropping by your favorite health food store to find it boarded up and out of
business. So you go around to your local drug mart to pick up some vitamin C, but
the only dosage on the shelf is ridiculously low. The druggist informs you that 60 mg
is now the maximum dosage available without a prescription. So if you've been
taking a mega dosage of vitamin C to help fight heart disease or build up your
immunity against cancer, you'll have to find a doctor willing to prescribe that dosage 
you're no longer free to decide on your own how much of this natural vitamin you
want to take.

Sounds like a nightmare? It gets worse.

Imagine that all of this is the result of new legislation imposed by lawmakers with
direct ties to pharmaceutical companies - powerful companies that will use the law to
create an enormous new source of profits. Now that's a real nightmare. But what
makes it truly nightmarish is that, incredibly, it will soon become a reality in the 
Kingdom and most of Europe - if the global pharmaceutical industry has its way.

Outlawing prevention

On March 13th the European Parliament - a 626- member legislative body
representing the 15 European Union countries - passed the "EU Directive on Dietary
Supplements," which classifies vitamins as medical drugs rather than food
supplements. The Directive grants a transition period of three years for vitamin
supplements already on the market. But in 2005, every EU country will be required to
implement the Directive.

As it currently stands, in just three years a wide range of natural remedies will be
banned across most of Europe, making as many as 300 ingredients - including
chromium picolinate, yeast, lysine, and selenium - illegal for over-the-counter sale.
Other supplements that remain in stores will contain very low dosage amounts - not
enough to provide any real therapeutic value.

It's almost like they're passing a law against prevention. So not only are the
pharmaceutical companies eliminating competition from natural products for treating
illnesses, they are essentially forcing greater need for prescription products for
citizens of the EU. After all, without prevention, where will people be forced to turn
when they get even the slightest bit ill? To physicians who will prescribe mainstream
pharmaceuticals or super-strength, prescription- only vitamins supplied by - guess
who - the Pfizers, Mercks, and Bayers of the world.

Nothing strange about these bedfellows

To make things even worse, a number of European Union Commissioners have
direct links to international pharmaceutical companies. For instance, a prominent EU
Commissioner, Frits Bolkenstein of the Netherlands, is also a member of the
supervisory board of the second largest pharmaceutical company in the world -
Merck, Sharp and Dohme. The blatant pharmaceutical industry influence on this
directive would be laughable if the consequences weren't so great.

In a smooth double-speak that's almost frightening, the EU Directive states: "In order
to ensure a high level of protection for consumers and facilitate their choice, the
products that will be put on the market must be safe and bear adequate and
appropriate labeling."

The good news is that the "consumers" are not buying it. "Protection?" To "facilitate
their choice?" More than 600 million people read that and shouted back a
resounding, "No!" In what is believed to be the largest global online petition ever, a
staggering 604 million people (to date) have added their names, demanding
continued free access to natural remedies.

Lend your voice - no matter where you live

I have signed the petition and I encourage you to do so too if you believe the
availability of natural supplements should not be controlled by the international
pharmaceutical industry. Anyone can sign the petition - you don't have to be a citizen
of a European Union nation to add your name - and you can find more information
and read the petition at www.vitamins-for-all.org. This web site was created by Dr.
Matthias Rath, a leading researcher in the field of natural treatments for cancer, and
one of the most prominent campaigners against the EU Directive

And for those of you who think this is a European issue - that this couldn't happen
here - consider this: the United States and the European Union are each other's
largest trade and investment partners. In 2000, two-way trade in goods and services
between the EU and the US totaled more than $557 billion. With economic ties this
deep, any European law that gives the global pharmaceutical industry such sweeping
power over the health choices of millions, will have global effects. Once they've
conquered Europe, how long before they set their sights on the US marketplace?
Just look at recent directives from the FDA; it's already happening.

The EU Directive is not yet law. Our HSI associates in London believe that by the
time the Directive is implemented in 2005 there's a chance that the most oppressive
aspects of the legislation might be eliminated, especially if enough people raise their
voices and mobilize against it. But you can be certain that the Commissioners of the
European Parliament, with special interests and billions of dollars in the balance, 
not back down without a prolonged fight.

In the meantime, we'll be watching, and I'll keep you informed of developments as
they unfold. And we encourage you to sign the petition demanding open, unrestricted
access to natural medicine and supplements for ALL of us.

To Your Good Health,
Jenny Thompson

Health Sciences Institute

Health Confidential; May 2002, Vol 1, No 3
European Union "Directive on Dietary Supplements," www.healthchoice.org.uk
European Union in the US: www.eurunion.org
Petition 450/2001: www.vitamins-for-all.org

Copyright © 1997-2002 by Institute of Health Sciences, L.L.C.

Alternative Market

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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

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