-Caveat Lector-

Hi list (especially Mike)
    I received an answer today to a posting by Mike Spitzer that I forwarded
a while ago from the cattle industry lobbying group Weston Price
Organization. That group had gathered contributions from its meat ranchers
members to disseminate anti-soy scare propaganda (made semiofficial with the
phrase "studies show"--but when you read the cited studies they do not make
these statements) to show that soy was "harmful" and that meat should be
consumed instead. In actuality, they did noSee reply, together with
considerable scientific documentation and cited material from the FDA.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 7:53 AM
Subject: Your Revival Question (LOW 171802)

Hello Jenny.

Thank you for contacting me with your question.

Sorry for the delay! Over 500 customers PER DAY contact us with medical

Dr. Tabor compiled these studies for you & we will do all we can.

Thank you for directing me to that information.  I am constantly watching
for any true evidence that soy protein causes harm because my own mother
uses Revival daily.  The claims they argue are not new.

Within the past year, the FDA, the North American Menopause Society, and now
the American Heart Association, have all officially recommended that
everyone consume more soy protein.  This was based on the medical evidence.
A recent panel of world experts (April 2000) determined that the amount of
soy nutrients needed to achieve all of the potential benefits of soy,
including a reduced risk of certain cancers, was in the range of the amount
found in a single serving of Revival:

Appropriate Isoflavone Food Fortification Levels: Results of a Consensus

J.J.B. Anderson, H. Adlercreutz, S. Barnes, M.R. Bennink, M.S. Kurzer, P.
Murphy, K. Setchell, C.M. Weaver, and C.M. Hasler.  Univ. of No. Carolina,
Helsinki, Ala.-Birmingham, Michigan St., Minnesota, Iowa St., Cincinnati,
Purdue and Illinois.  Experimental Biology 2000, San Diego, CA  April 15-18,

Several leading isflavone researchers convened recently to establish
appropriate isoflavone food fortification levels.  A consensus was achieved
after reviewing human studies in the areas of menopause, osteoporosis,
cardiovascular disease, and cancer.  For the relief of menopausal symptoms,
an intake of 60 mg aglycones was proposed, but consumption of soy protein in
conjunction with the isoflavones was not specifically recommended.  For
improvement in bone mineral density, consumption of 60 to 100 mg aglycones
per day, without any concomitant soy protein, was suggested.  The consensus
panel determined that the minimal intake needed to reduce serum
LDL-cholesterol is between 37 and 62 mg aglycones per day, depending on
prior cholesterol status (normo- vs. hypercholesterolemia), in conjunction
with approximately 25 g of soy protein.  The minimal intake for potentially
reducing the risk of cancers of the breast, colon and prostate in humans was
suggested to be between 50 and 110 mg per day of aglycones.  No concomitant
soy protein might augment activity of the isoflavones.  For health benefits,
recommended aglycone intakes ranged from 60 to 100 mg per day (100 to 160 mg
glycosides).  However, the panel recommended an isoflavone intake of 60 mg
of aglycones per day (100 mg glycosides) as a reasonable and responsible
food fortification level.  The issue of whether soy protein needs to be
consumed in conjunction with isoflavones to obtain optimal health benefits
requires further experimental investigation.

NOTE:  Revival has about 150 to 160 milligrams of glycosides per serving,
putting it within the range recommended by the panel of worldwide experts on
soy consumption.

>From a personal standpoint, we have not seen any of this in over 30,000
Revival customers.  The FDA did examine these claims and recently issued the
following press release on August 14, 2000:

US FDA says it weighed soy concerns versus benefits

By Lisa Richwine

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. health regulators weighed concerns that soy
products might be harmful but decided soy's positive effects justified
touting its benefits to consumers, a Food and Drug Administration official
said Monday.

The agency comment came in response to published remarks from two FDA
scientists that eating soy might cause health problems, particularly if
given daily to infants in soy milk formulas.

Drs. Daniel Doerge and Daniel Sheehan, the FDA scientists, have spoken to
media organizations to warn that infants given soy formula might grow up to
develop fertility problems.

They also worry that eating soy regularly might increase the risk of breast
cancer in women and brain damage in men. Their most recent comments were
published in Britain's Observer newspaper Sunday.

FDA officials considered the scientists' views and those of other critics
before announcing last October that they would permit manufacturers to
advertise that eating soy could help adults cut their risk of heart disease.

``We are well aware of the concerns, but we did balance those concerns with
the other positive effects,'' an FDA official said in an interview  Monday.

The FDA reviewed scientific studies on soy before concluding that adults who
consume 25 grams of soy protein per day could see a ``significant'' lowering
of cholesterol, which would lower their risk of heart disease. High
cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease, the leading killer of

Critics told the FDA soy could cause harm because it contains a chemical
similar to the female hormone, estrogen, that might disrupt normal hormone
levels and impair development. Some warned about the possibility of cancer,
impaired fertility or thyroid problems.

The FDA said the concerns were not supported by conclusive scientific
research. While chemicals in soy do exert hormonal effects, the impact is
``very limited'' and much lower than that of natural or synthetic estrogens,
the FDA said when it announced it would permit the soy health claim.

Concerns that soy infant formula could be harmful were ''speculative''
pending the outcome of definitive research, the agency said.

Critics who worry about the effects of soy infant formula recommend that it
be used only when no alternatives exist.

A farmer-supported group said  Monday concerns about soy's health effects
were not new but were not widely held.

``The overwhelming body of published peer-reviewed scientific evidence shows
soy has numerous health benefits,'' said Michael Orso, a spokesman for the
United Soybean Board. ^ REUTERS@

17:23 08-14-00

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redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is
expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.  Reuters
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actions taken in reliance thereon.  All active hyperlinks have been inserted
by AOL.


Additionally, here are answers to the common accusations against soy.

1.  STATEMENT:  Trypsin inhibitors (protease inhibitors) in soy interfere
with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders.

RESPONSE:   Trypsin is a pancreatic enzyme that helps digest protein.
Trypsin inhibitors are present in soybeans, as they are in a variety of
foods, including potatoes, beans, sweet corn, peanuts and many other
vegetables and cereals.  Trypsin inhibitor activity levels are effectively
reduced via application of heat during processing that ensures the protein
quality and the digestibility of isolated soy protein.  No trypsin inhibitor
interference is seen when this heat processing reduces activity to a minimal
level.  Revival is heat treated, thus has little trypsin activity.  Small
amounts of trypsin activity is associated with cancer protection in animal
studies.  SOY DOES NOT STUNT GROWTH IN HUMAN INFANTS (see below)  Recent
studies in HUMAN INFANTS show that soy formula diets produce equivalent


1.  J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) 1997 Oct;43(5):575-80

Trypsin inhibitor activity in commercial soybean products in Japan.

Miyagi Y, Shinjo S, Nishida R, Miyagi C, Takamatsu K, Yamamoto T, Yamamoto S

Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus,
Okinawa, Japan.

The effect of trypsin inhibitor (TI) in soybean on the prevention of cancer
has been reported in animal studies. However, the actual intake of active TI
in daily life is not known. In this experiment we measured TI activity in
various soybean products and the effects of some factors of processing on
the TI activity. Average TI activity in whole soybean was 4,819 U/100 g, and
the average percentages of remaining activity in products against that of
whole soybean were momen-tofu 2.5%, yose-tofu 3.4%, kinugoshi-tofu 4.3%,
jyuten-tofu 7.9%, soymilk 13.0%, natto 0.7%, soy sauce 0.8% and miso 0.3%.
By heating soymilk at 100 degrees C, TI activity decreased to 11% at 10 min
and 5% at 20 min. After heating soymilk in a water-bath for 15 min at 75 and
100 degrees C, TI activity decreased to 35 and 12%, respectively. The TI
activity of tofu was proportional to the remaining whey. The effects of
chemicals used for the coagulation of soy protein and foam-removal on TI
activity were little. The results suggest that soybean products retain
2.5-12.5% TI activity of the whole soybean and that humans are consuming
some active TI in their daily lives.

PMID: 9505242, UI: 98166140

2.  1 : J Nutr 1995 Mar;125(3 Suppl):744S-750S

Possible adverse effects of soybean anticarcinogens.

Liener IE

Department of Biochemistry, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55108.

For soybeans to serve as a good source of protein for feeding animals as
well as humans, a certain amount of heat treatment or some other form of
processing must be applied. This is because there are present in soybeans
certain heat-labile factors that exert an adverse effect on the nutritional
value of the protein. The so-called protease inhibitors have received the
most attention in this regard and have been shown to exert their
antinutritional effect in the short term by causing pancreatic hypertrophy
and hyperplasia in the rat, the underlying cause for an inhibition of growth
in these animals. The prolonged feeding of raw soy flour or an enriched
trypsin inhibitor fraction from soybeans to rats results in the development
of hyperplastic and neoplastic nodules of the pancreas, including
carcinomas. It should be emphasized that all of these adverse effects are
seen when protease inhibitors are present in relatively high concentrations
in the diet and may be completely unrelated to the anticarcinogenic effects
seen at low concentrations of the Bowman-Birk inhibitor. Brief mention is
also made of any possible adverse effects that may result from the presence
of phytic acid and saponins in soybeans.

2.  STATEMENT:  In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused
stunted growth.

studies in HUMAN INFANTS show that soy formula diets produce equivalent
growth as human milk.


1.  Clin Pediatr (Phila) 1999 Oct;38(10):563-71

Growth of newborn, term infants fed soy formulas for 1 year.

Lasekan JB, Ostrom KM, Jacobs JR, Blatter MM, Ndife LI, Gooch WM 3rd, Cho S

Ross Products Division, Abbott Laboratories, Columbus, OH, USA. Few studies
have measured long-term growth in infants fed soy protein-based formulas.
The effect of nucleotide (NT) supplementation of soy protein-based infant
formulas on growth is unknown. Growth was therefore evaluated in healthy
term infants fed a soy protein-based formula (SOY; n = 73), SOY with added
NT (72 mg added NT/L) at human milk (HM) levels (SOYN, n = 73), or mixed
feeding (MF, n = 67) in a randomized, masked, parallel 1-year feeding study.
The MF group (a nonrandomized reference group) was fed HM exclusively from
birth to 2 months of age followed by HM and/or a standard milk-based formula
(Similac with Iron with no supplemental NTs) to 1 year of age. Results
indicated that growth (weight, length, and head circumference) was normal
and comparable among the three groups. All three groups had similar plasma
albumin (at 2 months of age) and hemoglobin levels (at 12 months of age).
Thus, this study demonstrated similar growth in the first year of life among
infants fed MF feeding or soy formula with or without supplemental NTs.

2.  Nutr Rev 1998 Jul;56(7):193-204

Isoflavones, soy-based infant formulas, and relevance to endocrine function.

Klein KO

Department of Clinical Science, A.I. duPont Hospital for Children,
Wilmington, DE 19899, USA.

For more than 60 years, soy-based infant formulas have been fed to millions
of infants worldwide and studied in controlled clinical research. These
products provide essential nutrients required for normal growth and
development. The safety of isoflavones in soy-based products, including
infant formulas, has been questioned recently owing to reports of possible
endocrine effects in animals and in cultured cells. The literature offers no
evidence of endocrine effects in humans from infant consumption of modern
soy-based formulas. Growth is normal and no changes in the timing of puberty
or in fertility rates have been reported in humans who consumed soy formulas
as infants. Consequently, soy-based infant formulas continue to be a safe,
nutritionally complete feeding option for most infants.

PMID: 9697385, UI: 98362724

3.  STATEMENT:  High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of
calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not
neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and
long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in

Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body¹s
requirement for B12.

Soy foods increase the body¹s requirement for vitamin D.

RESPONSE:  Soy should not be your sole source of nutrition as ALL VEGETARIAN
diets are subject to B12 and other vitamin/mineral deficiencies!!!  These
effects are minimal and reversed simply by eating a balanced diet (i.e. soy
is not your only source of nutrition), or simply by taking a good
multivitamin/multimineral pill (as we should all be doing along with extra

No FDA warnings have been issued for soy and mineral absorption.  Many
cereal and legumes, including soy, do contain phytates.  Phytates are known
to bind to minerals, sometimes resulting in a decrease in mineral
absorption, but this is reversed with vitamin/mineral supplementation.  Zinc
is the mineral that is most affected by the phytates in vegetable proteins.
If zinc content is a major consideration for those eating soy protein
products, isolated soy protein can be supplemented with zinc in specific
food applications to reduce the ratio of phytate to zinc, thus improving
both zinc content and zinc bioavailability.  Some studies (see below) have
shown equal zinc absorption from casein and soy.  Calcium phosphate is well
absorbed in the presence of soy and supplementation to the soy produces
levels equal to calcium from milk proteins.

The FDA demonstrates that available data provides no evidence
linking iron bioavailability from soy and soy protein products to health
problems in any segment of the population.  In fact, the United States
Department of Agriculture additionally concluded that a diet containing soy
protein does not significantly change (and may actually improve) blood iron

Dietary soy protein phytates have recently been shown to protect colon cells
in animal models.

ARTICLES:  1.  J Nutr 1982 Oct;112(10):1809-21

Bioavailability of zinc from a diet based on isolated soy protein:
application in young men of the stable isotope tracer, 70Zn.

Solomons NW, Janghorbani M, Ting BT, Steinke FH, Christensen M, Bijlani R,
Istfan N, Young VR

With the aid of the stable isotope, 70Zn, as a tracer and neutron activation
analysis, a combination of extrinsic labeling of meals and fecal monitoring
of isotope excretion was used as a safe and noninvasive approach for
assessing the effects of the vegetable (soy) and animal (milk, beef)
proteins on the absorption of zinc in healthy, adult human volunteers. A
known amount of 70Zn was added as ZnCl2, to six consecutive meals over a
2-day period during which either one of three isonitrogenous liquid formulas
(skim milk; soy isolate; or a 50:50 mixture) or one of two bologna sausages
(soy isolate of beef) were given. The mean absorption of 70Zn from milk, soy
and soy/milk was 41 +/- 4, 34 +/- 4, and 41 +/- 7% (mean +/- SEM),
respectively, the presence of soy protein having no effect on absorption of
the extrinsic label. For beef bologna and soy bologna, fractional absorption
of the 70Zn tracer was 41 +/- 4 and 30 +/- 3%, respectively. Beef might
favor absorption of extrinsic zinc. The kinetics of isotope excretion,
pooling procedures, for stool samples and the utility of fecal markers were
also evaluated.

PMID: 6889635, UI: 83009341

2.  J Nutr 1980 Apr;110(4):829-36

Effect of isolated soybean protein on magnesium bioavailability.

Lo GS, Steinke FH, Hopkins DT

The effects of isolated soybean protein and animal protein on magnesium
bioavailability were evaluated in this study. Total serum magnesium and
femur bone ash magnesium values were used to evaluate the relative
bioavailability of magnesium in diets in which ANRC casein, isolated soybean
proteins, autoclaved isolated soybean proteins or lyophilized beef served as
protein sources. Low magnesium basal diets were supplemented with graded
levels of magnesium from magnesium carbonate and fed to weanling
Sprague-Dawley rats for 28 days. Serum and femur bone ash magnesium were
analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Statistical analysis of
serum and bone ash magnesium using a slope-ratio bioassay indicated that the
protein sources did not have a significant effect on the bioavailability of

PMID: 7189208, UI: 80162212

3.  J Nutr 1981 Dec;111(12):2223-35

Effect of phytate:zinc molar ratio and isolated soybean protein on zinc

Lo GS, Settle SL, Steinke FH, Hopkins DT

The effect of phytate to zinc (Zn) molar ratio on zinc bioavailability was
evaluated in rats. The bioavailability was determined by giving an oral dose
of 65Zn and measuring the liver uptake and disappearance from the
gastrointestinal tract after 4 hours and fecal and urinary 65Zn excretion
from 24 to 168 hours. Rats were fed a diet containing 12 ppm zinc from zinc
sulfate with and without phytic acid from sodium phytate for 14 days. At the
end of 14 days feeding, the rats were intubated with a homogenized diet
containing 12 ppm zinc, one microCi 65Zn and graded levels of phytic acid so
that the phytate:Zn molar ratio varied from 0 to 100. Zinc bioavailability
was significantly reduced only in the rats fed diets containing phytate and
intubated diet containing phytate:zinc molar ratio of 12.5 and above. The
results from this study also indicated that measuring 65Zn disappearance and
uptake was a valid bioassay for determining zinc bioavailability. The effect
of isolated soybean protein on extrinsic zinc bioavailability was also
evaluated in rats fed zinc adequate and zinc deficient diets. The results
showed that zinc bioavailability was significantly reduced by replacing egg
white protein with isolated soybean protein only when the rats were fed zinc
deficient diet prior to single oral dose of 65Zn mixed with test proteins.
The effect of isolated soybean protein on intrinsic zinc bioavailability for
the growing rats was also evaluated. The results demonstrated that the zinc
bioavailability in isolated soybean protein can be improved by fortifying
with zinc so that the phytate:Zn molar ratio is less than 10.

4.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1986 Jan;5(1):122-6

Absorption of selenium from milk protein and isolated soy protein formulas
in preschool children: studies using stable isotope tracer 74Se.

Solomons NW, Torun B, Janghorbani M, Christensen MJ, Young VR, Steinke FH

Absorption of selenium as the stable isotopic tracer [74Se]selenite was
measured in four preschool children who were receiving liquid formula diets
based on casein, isolated soy protein, and a 50:50 combination of the two
protein sources. The children were in continuous ambulatory balance studies
within the Clinical Research Center during three consecutive 11-day
collection periods. The enrichment of the 74Se/76Se ratio in feces was
measured by radiochemical neutron activation analysis, with fractional
absorption estimated therefrom. Mean fractional absorption of selenium (+/-
SD) from the formulas based on milk, isolated soy protein, and milk-soy were
64.2 +/- 14.6, 73.4 +/- 19.0, and 45.0 +/- 10.9%, respectively, with the
combined formula having a significantly lower intestinal uptake for added
selenite than the casein formula. Stable isotopes of selenium are safe and
potentially useful tools for examining its bioavailability in the diets of
young children.

5.  Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1999 May;221(1):80-6

Dietary intrinsic phytate protects colon from lipid peroxidation in pigs
with a moderately high dietary iron intake.

Porres JM, Stahl CH, Cheng WH, Fu Y, Roneker KR, Pond WG, Lei XG

Department of Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853,
USA. High iron consumption has been proposed to relate to an increase in the
risk of colon cancer, whereas high levels of supplemental sodium phytate
effectively reduce iron-induced oxidative injury and reverse iron-dependent
augmentation of colorectal tumorigenesis. However, the protective role of
intrinsic dietary phytate has not been determined. In this study, we
examined the impact of removing phytate present in a corn-soy diet by
supplemental microbial phytase on susceptibility of pigs to the oxidative
stress caused by a moderately high dietary iron intake. Thirty-two weanling
pigs were fed the corn-soy diets containing two levels of iron (as ferrous
sulfate, 80 or 750 mg/kg diet) and microbial phytase (as Natuphos, BASF, Mt.
Olive, NJ, 0 or 1200 units/kg). Pigs fed the phytase-supplemented diets did
not receive any inorganic phosphorus to ensure adequate degradation of
phytate. After 4 months of feeding, liver, colon, and colon mucosal
scrapings were collected from four pigs in each of the four dietary groups.
Colonic lipid peroxidation, measured as thiobarbituric acid reacting
substances (TBARS), was increased by both the high iron (P< 0.0008) and
phytase (P< 0.04) supplementation. Both TBARS and F2-isoprostanes, an in
vivo marker of lipid peroxidation, in colonic mucosa were affected by
dietary levels of iron (P< 0.03). Mean hepatic TBARS in pigs fed the
phytase-supplemented, high iron diet was 43%-65% higher than that of other
groups although the differences were nonsignificant. Moderately high dietary
iron induced hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity (P= 0.06) and protein
expression, but decreased catalase (P< 0.05) in the colonic mucosa. In
conclusion, intrinsic phytate in corn and soy was protective against lipid
peroxidation in the colon associated with a moderately high level of dietary
iron. PMID: 10320635, UI: 99255852

6.  QJM 1999 Sep;92(9):531-44

Vegetarian diet: panacea for modern lifestyle diseases?

Segasothy M, Phillips PA

Department of Medicine, Northern Territory Clinical School of Medicine of
Flinders University, Alice Springs, Australia. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Medline record in process]

We review the beneficial and adverse effects of vegetarian diets in various
medical conditions. Soybean-protein diet, legumes, nuts and soluble fibre
significantly decrease total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol and triglycerides. Diets rich in fibre and complex carbohydrate,
and restricted in fat, improve control of blood glucose concentration, lower
insulin requirement and aid in weight control in diabetic patients. An
inverse association has been reported between nut, fruit, vegetable and
fibre consumption, and the risk of coronary heart disease. Patients eating a
vegetarian diet, with comprehensive lifestyle changes, have had reduced
frequency, duration and severity of angina as well as regression of coronary
atherosclerosis and improved coronary perfusion. An inverse association
between fruit and vegetable consumption and stroke has been suggested.
Consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially spinach and collard green,
was associated with a lower risk of age-related ocular macular degeneration.
There is an inverse association between dietary fibre intake and incidence
of colon and breast cancer as well as prevalence of colonic diverticula and
gallstones. A decreased breast cancer risk has been associated with high
intake of soy bean products. The beneficial effects could be due to the diet
(monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, fibre, complex
carbohydrate, antioxidant vitamins, flavanoids, folic acid and
phytoestrogens) as well as the associated healthy lifestyle in vegetarians.
There are few adverse effects, mainly increased intestinal gas production
and a small risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

PMID: 10627874, UI: 20093344

4.  STATEMENT:   Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic
lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

RESPONSE:  Processing under mild alkaline conditions does not produce these
compounds.  Revival is processed under mild alkaline condtions.


1.  Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 1994;34(1):31-67    Related Articles,  Books,

Implications of antinutritional components in soybean foods.

Liener IE

Department of Biochemistry, College of Biological Sciences, University of
Minnesota, St. Paul 55108-1022.

There are a number of components present in soybeans that exert a negative
impact on the nutritional quality of the protein. Among those factors that
are destroyed by heat treatment are the protease inhibitors and lectins.
Protease inhibitors exert their antinutritional effect by causing pancreatic
hypertrophy/hyperplasia, which ultimately results in an inhibition of
growth. The lectin, by virtue of its ability to bind to glycoprotein
receptors on the epithelial cells lining the intestinal mucosa, inhibits
growth by interfering with the absorption of nutrients. Of lesser
significance are the antinutritional effects produced by relatively heat
stable factors, such as goitrogens, tannins, phytoestrogens,
flatus-producing oligosaccharides, phytate, and saponins. Other diverse but
ill-defined factors appear to increase the requirements for vitamins A, B12,
D, and E. The processing of soybeans under severe alkaline conditions leads
to the formation of lysinoalanine, which has been shown to damage the
kidneys of rats. This is not generally true, however, for edible soy protein
that has been produced under milder alkaline conditions. Also meriting
consideration is the allergenic response that may sometimes occur in humans,
as well as calves and piglets, on dietary exposure to soybeans.

PMID: 8142044, UI: 94190505

5.  STATEMENT:  Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the
potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

RESPONSE:  RED CLOVER phytoestrogens can cause infertility in sheep.  The
Chinese, at 1 billion and growing, who consume 100 times more isoflavones
daily than Americans, do not have infertility problems.  No fertility
problems have ever been documented.  Recent studies showed no interference
with Oral Contraceptives.  Breast cancer issue:  answered previously.


1.  Nutr Cancer 1999;34(2):133-9

Effects of soy intake on sex hormone metabolism in premenopausal women.

Martini MC, Dancisak BB, Haggans CJ, Thomas W, Slavin JL

Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
55108, USA. Studies suggest that phytoestrogens in soy products may impart
hormonal effects that protect women against breast cancer. Limited research
suggests that intake of soy products high in isoflavonoid phytoestrogens
affects sex hormone metabolism, but it is unknown whether phytoestrogens in
soy have any effect on menstrual function or serum sex hormones in women on
common hormone therapies, such as oral contraceptives (OC). We studied the
effects of soy in 36 premenopausal women, 20 of whom used OC. Subjects
consumed their normal diet for two menstrual cycles and added a soy beverage
containing 20 g of protein and 38 mg of total isoflavones to their usual
diet for another two menstrual cycles. No significant differences were
observed in serum estrone, estradiol, sex hormone-binding globulin,
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, prolactin, or progesterone concentrations
with soy feeding in the non-OC or the OC group. No changes in menstrual
cycle length or the urinary estrogen metabolite ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to
16 alpha-hydroxyestrone were seen with soy feeding in the non-OC or the OC
group. Levels of urinary estrogen metabolites were significantly different
between the non-OC and the OC group. Thus soy consumption had no significant
effect on the menstrual cycle, serum sex hormones, or urinary estrogen
metabolite ratio in premenopausal OC or non-OC users.

6.  STATEMENT:  Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause
hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy
formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

RESPONSE:  I contacted Dupont about this again and they assured me that
there is no significant human data to support this, and that the Asians
enjoy excellent health.  Some animal studies actually show increased levels
(very slight) which would help lower cholesterol.

NO FDA warning. Hundreds of human studies have shown soy's benefits to
menopause, endometrial, breast, heart and bone health.  Hypothyroidism has
not been a concern.  Studies in atheletes have not shown any detrimental
effects of soy to thyroid health.  The FDA has not issued a consumer
warning, or stopped infant formula from being used, or stopped soy foods
from being sold and consumed by hundreds of food manufacturers. If the FDA
found evidence that soy was dangerous, they would act on it.  Thousands and
thousands of customers from all over America use Revival daily and have
achieved excellent health.

You should avoid isoflavone pills.  Isoflavone pills are
chemically-extracted and don't have the safety data that whole soy products
have.  New studies show that the isoflavone pills don't work as good as the
whole soy products either.  The study you reference may have used soy
isoflavone extracts.  We can't expect a chemically-isolated pill to produce
the same benefit and have the same safety as soy foods.

The Japanese consume 100 times more isoflavones daily than Americans in
their diet.  They have the best health and longest lifespan in the world
according to data from this summer.

On a personal note, my entire family and many, many colleagues and friends
consume Revival and other soy products daily.  I talk to hundreds of Revival
customers regularly that have wonderful health and great results.  The
proven medical benefits of soy are many.  I hope that you will be able to
participate in those as well.  Many patients with a history of
hypothyroidism from the past, being treated with Synthroid, the standard
thyroid hormone replacement therapy, are using Revival with very good
results.  Regardless of the cause of your hypothyroidism, hopefully, you
will be able to continue to use soy to your benefit.

7.  STATEMENT:  Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to
the nervous system and the kidneys.

RESPONSE:  SOY IS BENEFICIAL TO THE KIDNEYS.  Soy protein may be beneficial
to kidney function in Type 2 diabetes, Nephrotic syndrome, and chronic renal
failure (references below), and may halt progression of polycystic kidney
disease.  Old theory that aluminum containing products cause Alzheimer's,
etc.  Some infant formulas were contaminated with aluminum that caused
kidney damage.  No FDA warnings.  No significant aluminum content in soy.
Wake Forest holds a patent on use of soy to prevent Alzheimer's.  Studies at
Johns Hopkins show that soy alleviates pain in mice.

ARTICLES:  Ciba Found Symp 1992;169:26-35; discussion 35-49

Dietary and other sources of aluminium intake.

Greger JL

Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706.
Aluminium in the food supply comes from natural sources including water,
food additives, and contamination by aluminium utensils and containers. Most
unprocessed foods, except for certain herbs and tea leaves, contain low (< 5
micrograms Al/g) levels of aluminium. Thus most adults consume 1-10 mg
aluminium daily from natural sources. Cooking in aluminium containers often
results in statistically significant, but not practically important,
increases in the aluminium content of foods. Intake of aluminium from food
additives varies greatly (0 to 95 mg Al daily) among residents in North
America, with the median intake for adults being about 24 mg daily.
Generally, the intake of aluminium from foods is less than 1% of that
consumed by individuals using aluminium-containing pharmaceuticals.
Currently the real scientific question is not the amount of aluminium in
foods but the availability of the aluminium in foods and the sensitivity of
some population groups to aluminium. Several dietary factors, including
citrate, may affect the absorption of aluminium. Aluminium contamination of
soy-based formulae when fed to premature infants with impaired kidney
function and aluminium contamination of components of parenteral solutions
(i.e. albumin, calcium and phosphorus salts) are of concern.

2.  PMID: 1490425, UI: 93145766

JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1988 Mar-Apr;12(2):170-3

Aluminum contamination of infant formulas.

Koo WW, Kaplan LA, Krug-Wispe SK

Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. This
study aims to determine the extent of aluminum (Al) contamination in whole
milk, milk formulas, and other nutrient products commonly used for infants.
Similar products from different manufacturers and different lots were
measured for Al using electrothermal atomic absorption technique. Aluminum
measurements were made directly from the samples or after reconstitution or
dilution with Al-free water. Aluminum content was lowest (less than 50
micrograms/liter) in human milk, whole cow milk, and products that appear to
require minimal manufacture processing and have few additives such as skim
milk, cow milk with 2% fat, bottled glucose water, and sterile water.
Highest Al levels (up to 2346 micrograms/liter) were found in highly
processed and modified formulas including soy formula, preterm infant
formula, and formulas for specific metabolic disorders. Aluminum content of
humanized cow milk formula and bottled glucose-electrolyte solution were
between the two ranges and usually less than 400 micrograms/liter. There
were no significant differences in Al content of similar products from
different manufacturers. Liquid formula stored in glass bottles has highest
Al content compared to that stored in steel cans or powder preparation of
the same product (p less than 0.05). Thus there are marked differences in Al
loading depending on the type of formula, whether it is a powder or liquid
preparation and the type of storage container. We speculate that raw
materials such as soybean, additives such as calcium and phosphorus,
manufacturing processes and storage containers are potential sources of
contamination of infant formulas. PMID: 3361685, UI: 88200505

3.  Nephron 1998;79(2):173-80

Comparison of a vegetable-based (soya) and an animal-based low-protein diet
in predialysis chronic renal failure patients.

Soroka N, Silverberg DS, Greemland M, Birk Y, Blum M, Peer G, Iaina A

Department of Nephrology, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel.

There is some experimental evidence to suggest that progression of chronic
renal failure (CRF) is slower on diets based on soya protein than on diets
based on animal protein. We have compared the effect of a soya-based
vegetarian low-protein diet (VPD) and an animal-based low-protein diet (APD)
in 15 patients with CRF. 15 patients with CRF (51Cr-EDTA-measured glomerular
filtration rate 15-50 ml/min/1.73 m2) were studied. In a randomized
crossover trial, the patients were given each diet (each containing 0.75 g
protein and 32 kcal per kilogram body weight) for a 6-month period. Nine
patients completed the trial, 2 others dropped out because they could not
tolerate the VPD, 3 because of unrelated medical complications, and 1 for
technical reasons. The caloric intake was higher and the protein, phosphate
and essential amino acid intake lower on the VPD than on the APD. The
compliance with the suggested caloric intake was better with the VPD than
with the APD (97 vs. 88% of recommended intake), as was the compliance with
the suggested protein intake (94 vs. 112% of recommended intake) and with
the suggested phosphate intake (102 vs. 116%). The mean glomerular
filtration rate, as judged by 51Cr-EDTA, was similar after 6 months on each
diet and remained unchanged throughout the entire year of the study. The
rate of fall of glomerular filtration, as measured by the slope of 1/serum
creatinine was slowed by 73% during the 1-year study period as compared with
the prestudy period. Nutritional status (as measured by body mass index,
midarm circumference, and lean body mass and percent body fat), serum
transferrin, cholesterol and albumin, and total lymphocyte count were
similar on the two diets. The serum albumin level on both diets, however,
was significantly higher on the two diets than during the prediet period.
Blood urea nitrogen, urine urea nitrogen, protein catabolic rate, and
24-hour urine creatinine and phosphate were lower on the VPD than on the
APD. The 24-hour protein excretion was similar on the two diets. The two
low-protein diets resulted in a slowing in the progression of CRF. A VPD is
well tolerated in CRF and is associated with lower protein and phosphate
intakes and a higher caloric intake than an APD and may, therefore, be used
as a safe alternative or partial substitute for the usual APD in CRF.

PMID: 9647497, UI: 98309712

4.  Nephron 1998;78(3):328-31

Soyprotein diet therapy in renal disease.

Wardle EN

PMID: 9546695, UI: 98206772

5.  Am J Physiol 1998 Mar;274(3 Pt 2):F541-9

Soy protein modification of rat polycystic kidney disease.

Ogborn MR, Bankovic-Calic N, Shoesmith C, Buist R, Peeling J

Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,

We undertook a study to determine whether soy protein feeding would
ameliorate renal injury in the Han:SPRD-cy rat model of polycystic kidney
disease (PKD). Male offspring of Han:SPRD-cy heterozygotes received
isocaloric diets based on 20% casein or 20% heat-treated soy protein at
weaning ad libitum for 8 wk. Soy-fed animals demonstrated lower serum
creatinine (66 vs. 125 mumol/l; P = 0.002), lower urinary ammonium excretion
(0.080 vs. 0.173 mmol/kg; P = 0.01), reduced renal cysts (0.98 vs. 4.92
ml/kg body wt, P < 0.0001), renal fibrosis (0.79 vs. 1.4 ml/kg; P = 0.016),
macrophage infiltration, renal tubular cell proliferation, and apoptosis.
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) studies of urine demonstrated
that soy diet was associated with increased losses of citric acid cycle
organic anions. 1H-NMR of perchloric acid-extracted tissue found that levels
of succinate were not depleted in soy-fed animals, despite increased urinary
losses. Soy-fed animals had marked elevation of tissue betaine (P < 0.001),
with reduced taurine and cholines, compared with casein-fed animals (P <
0.001). Soy feeding dramatically reduces both tubular and interstitial
pathology in the Han:SPRD-cy rat model of PKD, through mechanisms that
remain to be determined.

PMID: 9530270, UI: 98191303

6.  Kidney Int 2000 Jan 29;57(1):159-166

Modification of polycystic kidney disease and fatty acid status by soy
protein diet.

Ogborn MR, Nitschmann E, Weiler HA, Bankovic-Calic N

Modification of polycystic kidney disease and fatty acid status by soy
protein diet. BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated that soy
protein can slow progression of renal injury in the Han:SPRD-cy rat. We
undertook a study to establish whether this benefit was independent of any
nutritional deprivation, and whether or not it was associated with changes
in polyunsaturated fatty acid status that have been previously linked to the
anti-inflammatory or antineoplastic potential of soy diets. METHODS: Male
Han:SPRD-cy rats were pair fed a 20% casein or 20% soy protein diet for six
weeks from weaning. Tissue was harvested for analysis of cystic change, cell
proliferation, macrophage infiltration, and fibrosis. Renal and hepatic
tissues were also harvested for lipid analysis using gas chromatography.
RESULTS: Animals thrived on both diets. Soy protein feeding was associated
with reduced cystic change (4.3 vs. 7.0 mL/kg, P < 0.0001), epithelial cell
proliferation (15.7 vs. 21.0 cells/mm epithelium, P < 0.0001), macrophage
infiltration (25.3 vs. 43.5 cells/high-power field, P < 0.0001), and
fibrosis (0.6 vs. 1.07 mL/kg, P < 0.0001). The soy diet prevented a
significant elevation in serum creatinine in diseased versus normal animals.
Soy feeding was associated with higher renal and hepatic linoleic acid
content and higher hepatic alpha-linolenic acid, but lower hepatic
arachidonic acid content. CONCLUSIONS: Isocaloric soy protein feeding
ameliorates both epithelial and interstitial changes in the Han:SPRD-cy rat
independent of a hypocholesterolemic effect. The histologic benefit is
associated with changes in polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism that may
influence both inflammatory and proliferative pathways. PMID: 10620197

7.  Ren Fail 1999 Nov;21(6):581-91

Antioxidants in the prevention of renal disease.

Wardle EN

In view of the role of oxidative processes in inflicting damage that leads
to glomerulosclerosis and renal medullary interstitial fibrosis, more
attention could be paid to the use of antioxidant food constituents and the
usage of drugs with recognized antioxidant potential. In any case
atherosclerosis is an important component of chronic renal diseases. There
is a wide choice of foods and drugs that could confer benefit.
Supplementation with vitamins E and C, use of soy protein diets and drinking
green tea could be sufficient to confer remarkable improvements.

PMID: 10586421, UI: 20052868

8.  STATEMENT:  Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature
processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.

RESPONSE:  Simply not true. What is denatured are the protease
inhibitors as above.  The PDCAAS method is based on determining the amino
acid score by comparing the test protein food to the FAO/WHO 2-5 year old
amino acid pattern. The 2-5 year old pattern is used because it exceeds the
amino acid requirement patterns of older children and adults. The most
limiting amino acid is used to determine the uncorrected amino acid score
and that number multiplied by the food's digestibility is the PDCAAS. Using
this method, soy protein has the highest obtainable score (1.0) for
calculating the corrected protein value. No protein can have a PDCAAS
greater than 1.0. SUPRO protein is a highly digestible complete protein
containing all the essential amino acids in the reference pattern in the
correct proportion.

The calculated PDCAAS: Digestibility = 97% Uncorrected Amino acid score = 26
divided by 25=1.04 Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score = .97 X
1.04 = 1.00

9.  STATEMENT:  Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed
during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy

RESPONSE. Glutamine is a basic building block of all complete proteins,
including beef, eggs and milk. It is not a neurotoxin when consumed in
normal dietary amounts. By percentage beef contains twice as much glutamine
as soy. The assertion that MSG is added to soy is misleading. Traditionally
MSG is associated not with soy but with all types of Asian cuisine, to which
it is frequently added. Because its potential to provoke human allergic
response has been widely documented, virtually all U.S. processors now avoid
adding it to any foods whatsoever. It is not formed during soy processing
and is not added to our Revival soy, nor do we know of any scientific reason
for adding it to isolated soy protein. Consumers can protect themselves from
MSG consumption by reading the labels of foods which they purchase.

I appreciate your question.  Please contact me again as needed. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Revival Medical Care
Educational Support Team: Aaron Tabor, MD
(Message ID: LOW 171802)
Jenny Decker

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