-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Pope given priests `sex time bomb' warning 30 years ago by Roger Dobson and Maurice Chittenden in The Sunday Times - 12/23/02 "The present Pope was among several Catholic bishops warned in a secret report more than 30 years ago that the church faced a potential "psychosexual" time bomb in the priesthood.  The report, which foreshadows the scandals over sexual abuse of children which have erupted in the church in recent years, was prepared for a synod of bishops at the Vatican in 1971. Its authors estimated that a quarter of clerics had psychiatric difficulties and most were emotionally immature....Lawyers representing alleged victims of child abuse by priests in Britain and America are studying the unpublished report by Dr Conrad Baars, a Dutch-born Catholic psychiatrist from Minnesota, based on the records of 1,500 priests treated for mental problems. Baars reported that "psychosexual immaturity expressed in heterosexual or homosexual activity was encountered often. Virtually all of these priests were . . . suffering from a severe to moderate frustration neurosis". The report, The Role of the Church in the Causation, Treatment and Prevention of the Crisis in the Priesthood, estimated that less than 15% of all priests in western Europe and North America were emotionally fully developed. Of the rest, 20-25% had serious psychiatric difficulties that often showed themselves in alcoholism; 60-70% suffered from lesser degrees of emotional immaturity. Baars made 10 recommendations, including better vetting of applicants to the priesthood. None were implemented.  http://www.oneinfour.org/archives/000239.html#000239

Head of Child Porn Ring Gets 30 Years By Mark Babineck Houston (AP) - A Texas man behind a worldwide e-mail ring that traded pornographic images of children, some as young as 18 months old, was sentenced to the maximum of 30 years in federal prison Friday....Bates pleaded guilty to trafficking in child pornography via computer. He was the moderator of the ``Candyman'' e-mail group that served more than 6,000 users, who were expected to contribute images as well as receive them. More than 80 people in 26 states were arrested in the case last March." http://www.austin360.com/aas/news/ap/ap_story.html/National/AP.V4003.AP-Porn-Ring.html

Letter from Dr. Eldon A. Byrd "From 1980 to 1983, a man named Eldon Byrd ran the Marine Corps Nonlethal Electromagnetic Weapons project. He conducted most of his research at the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute in Bethesda, Md. "We were looking at electrical activity in the brain and how to influence it," he says. Byrd, a specialist in medical engineering and bioeffects, funded small research projects, including a paper on vortex weapons by Obolensky. He conducted experiments on animals-and even on himself-to see if brain waves would move into sync with waves impinging on them from the outside. (he found that they would, but the effect was short lived.) By using very low frequency electromagnetic radiation-the waves way below radio frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum-he found he could induce the brain to release behavior-regulating chemicals. "We could put animals into a stupor," he says, by hitting them with these frequencies. "we got chick brains-in vitro-to dump 80 percent of the natural opiods in their brains," Byrd says. He even ran a small project that used magnetic fields to cause certain brain cells in rats to release histamine. In humans, this would cause instant flulike symptoms and produce nausea. "These fields were extremely weak. They were undetectable," says Byrd. "The effects were nonlethal and reversible. You could disable a person temporarily," Byrd hypothesizes. "It [would have been] like a stun gun." http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~welsh/1-02-1.htm

UN chief issues secret orders for war in Iraq
>From James Bone in New York Agencies told to prepare for civil unrest and 900,000 refugees  THE United Nations is making secret contingency plans for a war that would halt all Iraqi oil production, "seriously degrade" the country's electricity system, provoke civil unrest and create 900,000 refugees, The Times has learnt.....
"The UN expects that there will be full compliance by Iraq . . . and that, consequently, there will be no new humanitarian crisis," one document says. "Nevertheless, UN agencies must ensure that they are adequately prepared for the full range of possible scenarios."
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