>Whitaker Online 0.8.12
>by Robert W. ("Federal Troops") Whitaker.
>Bob welcomes your comments. E-mail him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Source: www.palmetto.org/whitaker.htm
>                              August 12, 2000
>   Respectable conservatives allow liberals to be loyal only to the left,
>   and to claim to be patriotic. As I pointed out on October 31, 1998, in
>   FIVE WORDS AND EMMA LAZARUS, leftists wave the American flag and say
>   that they are loyal to "all men are created equal" and open borders,
>   but not to America or Americans.
>   Respectable conservatives are always saying how patriotic their
>   liberal opponents are. Not only is liberal flag-waving not patriotic,
>   liberals insist that anyone who is loyal to America as a land or a
>   people is anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews (See July 29, 2000,
>   PEOPLE).
>   So when leftists wave the American flag it is absolutely meaningless,
>   and conservatives are always grovelingly grateful to them for making
>   even this token gesture. Liberal patriotism is a wooden nickel, and
>   conservatives gobble it up.
>   Liberals, however, will not accept such fake currency when a symbol is
>   important to them. For example, when you saw the Mexican flag being
>   used as a symbol of the leftist grape boycott, it is meant to
>   represent the interests of MEXICANS.
>   Likewise, when Mexican music was played and the first all-Spanish
>   speech was spoken at the Republican Convention, it was not a
>   meaningless token like Democrats waving the American flag. The media
>   said over and over that they didn't want to be betrayed by Bush. They
>   demand that this mean that Bush will do things for the PEOPLE OF THE
>   It means no more talk of protecting the US borders. It means no more
>   English-only initiatives.
>   When Colin Powell got up there, he did not ask for symbols, either. He
>   said he wanted affirmative action from Bush. He said Bush was trying
>   to enforce affirmative action in Texas universities despite the fact
>   that the Federal courts had outlawed it.
>   The crowd roared.
>   Another fascinating thing that Powell demanded was that conservatives
>   abandon any effort to reach out to any minority "leaders" who are not
>   firmly liberal. He said that today's black leadership, which is owned
>   outright by the left, is the "real" leadership of the black community.
>   Republicans, he said, must only deal with these NAACP types.
>   CNN had talks with a group of "typical American voters." Most of the
>   questions were aimed at the two black members of the tiny panel. They
>   asked what these gentlemen wanted if they were to vote Republican. One
>   said "affirmative action." The other said he might consider voting
>   Republican if Republican Senators would confirm the Federal judges
>   appointed by Clinton and blocked by the Senate.
>   Naturally CNN did not ask why your average American voter --
>   especially one who might vote Republican -- would just happen to be
>   solely interested, not in education or taxes, but in the quick
>   approval of Democratic judges. But that is not my point. My point is
>   that both blacks, with perfect predictability, wanted specific liberal
>   policies.
>   If you wave a Mexican flag at the left, you had better give something
>   Americans have to Mexicans. If you talk about blacks, you had better
>   be ready to give something white people have to blacks.
>   The left wants American jobs for Mexicans. They want university slots
>   and jobs for blacks in place of more qualified whites.
>   They also accept hard cash.
>   By contrast, the right will take liberal flag waving and other wooden
>   nickels and cry with gratitude. Those wimps wouldn't last five minutes
>   in the hard left.
>                              August 12, 2000
>   Hollywood is very worried about computer sites that give away music
>   without paying for the copyrights. Right now it's music, but as
>   technology advances, it will be easier and easier to reproduce and
>   send
>   everything on the net that Hollywood puts out. So the same Hollywood
>   money machine that pours out money against everybody else's property
>   rights now has its own rights threatened by technology.
>   Sometimes there IS poetic justice. I am very much a free market type,
>   but that is my academic and economic side. But I am also a thoroughly
>   political creature, and when liberals get torn up by the leftist
>   institutions they built and they promote, I go from being a reserved
>   intellectual ex-professor to a happy, vengeful Pontiac, South Carolina
>   redneck.
>   (For proof, see the May 7, 2000 article - MICROSOFT CASE: A LIBERAL
>   To show that other serious political beings think exactly the same way
>   that I do, I point to a recent congressional action on our trade
>   treaty with China. Suddenly, LIBERAL senators and congressmen were
>   loudly demanding that AMERICAN RIGHTS be protected and AMERICAN
>   SOVEREIGNTY be respected. I checked to see if there were any
>   hallucinogens in my food.
>   I read on, and the explanation of this unliberal behavior became
>   clear. All this sovereignty and defense of property rights had to do
>   with COPYRIGHTS! China was selling videotapes and CDs of HOLLYWOOD
>   output. Suddenly, property rights were sacred to the liberals. Unlike
>   respectable conservatives, liberals are deadly serious about their
>   politics. When THEIR side's property rights are threatened, they turn
>   on a dime.
>   If only this had happened in the 1960s, even the respectable
>   conservatives would have been FORCED to talk about liberal hypocrisy!
>   That was when all the folk-singing lefties made millions on their
>   albums as they spoke of how unimportant wealth was to True Idealists
>   like themselves.
>   One 60s leftist hero, Abbie Hoffman, wrote a book called "Steal This
>   Book!" Naturally, his leftist fans bought the book, and he never
>   turned down a dime's worth of royalties. As a result of this and other
>   profitable activism, Hoffman never had to do a day's work. Exactly
>   like Marx and Engels, exactly like Lenin and Trotsky, he got to praise
>   the virtues of the working class and thereby avoid doing any work
>   himself.
>   Back in the 1960s, this kind of sudden threat from technology to the
>   property rights of the lefties would have been really hilarious. After
>   all that idealistic talk, we could have watched them out there suing
>   for their money the way leftist "artists" are doing now.
>   The leftist Time-Warner crowd is in on today's lawsuits. Meanwhile,
>   they say they are for minorities and foreigners against other people's
>   property rights. But no respectable conservative will ever bring this
>   up.
>   I can guarantee you that every politician who cashes Barbra
>   Streisand's political contribution checks is going to battle for her
>   royalty rights harder than any Texas congressman ever did for the oil
>   business. Can you imagine a liberal allowing government regulations to
>   hold down the price of Hollywood movie tickets the way the Federal
>   government held down the price of Southern oil for decades (July 8,
>   So while all the respectable conservatives are crying for poor,
>   persecuted little Bill Gates and the property rights of Hollywood, I
>   am having a good, loud, knee-slapping laugh.

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