-Caveat Lector-

I've been interviewing "spokespeople" from
Symantec (they don't like to give out their real
names) about this issue for the past couple of weeks.
I finally got one to go on record saying very
specifically that "if a Symantec customer located a
copy of the Magic Lantern trojan horse virus and gave
us a copy, we would be obliged to filter for it with
our anti-virus software." In other words, their new
public position is that they will actively block
FBI-authored viruses. Interesting, no?

On November 24 federal INS agents arrested Dr. Mazen
Al-Najjar, a former adjunct professor at the
University of South Florida, on a deportation order
based on overstaying his student visa. The 43-year-old
Palestinian immigrant had been released last December
after spending three-and-half years in jail on the
basis of supposed “secret evidence” linking
him to terrorist organizations.

U.S. Congressman Trafficant's offices confirmed Monday
continuing activities inside the U.S. General
Accounting Office to openly investigate the missing
appropriations which spent over $550 million tax
payer dollars to secretly develop HIV/AIDS.

After Years of Denials, U.S. Links Illness to Gulf War

The London-based Institute for War and Peace Reporting
has reported from Khanabad, Uzbekistan, that the US
air base in this city is receiving daily flights
carrying dead and injured US soldiers. Uzbek sources
at Khanabad suggest that the real figures of US
casualties are far higher than the Pentagon's official

I was one of the first tenants in the World Trade
Center (WTC) back in 1979.  Back then----over 20 years
ago----it was known to all the tenants of the WTC that
the WTC was a “no fly” zone.  If you came
within 12 miles of the WTC, flying outside of a
pattern where you were supposed to be, you were warned
to back off.  If you came within five miles, they
would threaten to shoot you down.  If you came within
three miles, they could shoot you down.  If I remember
correctly, on the roof of tower No. 2 they had surface
to air missiles for that purpose, plus also the Spatz
helicopters for that purpose.

Being a winner on the big game board of politics
sometimes takes more than an en-thusiastic roll of the
dice. Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton learned
this recently by landing on the "Bureaucrat Go to
Jail" space when U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth
scheduled civil contempt-of-court proceedings against
her and other officials who have handled the looted
Indian trust fund.

The General Assembly this afternoon adopted 25
resolutions and 3 decisions, all but two --
recommended by its Fourth Committee (Special Political
and Decolonization) concerning decolonization,
information, atomic radiation, the United Nations
Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNWRA)
and Israeli practices in the occupied Palestinian

The US cable television channel American Movie
Classics (AMC), devoted to broadcasting Hollywood
films of the past, aired its own special on December
4. Into the Shadows: The CIA in Hollywood is as
revealing for what it omits as what it presents. From
its title and the breathless quality of the narration,
the viewer might have reasonably expected an
exposι of the filthy deeds of the spy outfit and
its connections to the American film industry.
Instead, however, the show, with its pseudo- film noir
veneer, essentially depicts the CIA as a life-saving,
humanitarian entity.

Pasted below are excerpts from the Free Congress
Foundation's lengthy strategic statement for the
Traditional Conservative Movement (the URL is provided
if you want to read the whole thing). It lays out the
expedient, propagandistic, dishonest, morally
relativistic strategy supported by some on the far
right. Recall that the Free Congress Foundation is
headed by prominent and influential conservative
activist Paul Weyrich (who also founded the Heritage
Foundation). To really understand just how scary this
strategy is, just remember how cozy the Bush
administration is with Weyrich and people of his ilk.

John Walker Lindh, the American who fought for Afgan
Indepenence with the al Qa-eda is suddenly claiming
that he knows that al Qa-eda is about to use bilogical
weapons on the U.S.

Has there ever really been a clash of civilisations?
Did Venice and the Ottoman Empire clash because of
differences in their interpretation of Abraham's
decisions, or because they were locked in a struggle
for control over the Mediterranean maritime trade?

John Bin Ashcroft is wanted in connection with the
post-September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He is believed to
be in the terrorist stronghold of Washington, D.C.

Now, three decades after the sabotaged publication of
the book, Guerrilla News Network presents a
beat-driven, design-enhanced video of The War
Conspiracy. In addition, we are featuring an in-depth
interview with Professor Scott regarding the new War
on Terrorism and how it parallels his research in the
Vietnam era. We are also honored to present an
exclusive publication of the Introduction to The War
Conspiracy, revised and re-edited on the thirtieth
anniversary of the book's conception.

Today Colin Powell, the US secretary of state widely
seen as the White House 's leading dove, is to visit
Tony Blair in London to discuss a multi-national
stabilisation force for Afghanistan. It became
increasingly clear last night that Britain will lead a
UN-sponsored stabilisation force of thousands of
troops to be deployed in Kabul next week.

>From December 15, 2001 through January 1, 2002, the
International Solidarity Movement will be welcoming
dozens of international civilians who will be coming
to the Occupied Palestinian Territories to show their
solidarity with the Palestinian people in their
struggle for freedom and an end to Israeli military

Meanwhile, the rate of evidence manufacture was
astounding. The FBI, who didn't have a clue that
anything was going to happen prior to September
11—and therefore needed a bigger budget, and more
police powers, and more days of paid
vacation—suddenly traced many of the alleged
hijackers to two flight schools in Venice, Florida
(two flight schools which had all the curious
trappings of a U.S. intelligence operation). All the
flight school records were confiscated and placed on a
government plane, which flew out of Florida with Jeb
Bush aboard.

Media Lens is a response based on our conviction that
mainstream newspapers and broadcasters provide a
profoundly distorted picture of our world. We are
convinced that the increasingly centralised, corporate
nature of the media means that it acts as a de facto
propaganda system for corporate and other
establishment interests. The costs incurred as a
result of this propaganda, in terms of human suffering
and environmental degradation, are incalculable.

The U.S. Department of Defense has launched five new
weapon acquisition programs since the Sept. 11 terror
attacks, including a $5.5 billion program to speed up
purchases of Global Hawk unmanned spy planes.

Iran has substantially increased its financial support
for Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group, in the
hope it will succeed in establishing an Islamic regime
in the West Bank and Gaza.

There are major “conpiracies” engaged in the
business of world domination and subjugation. The
Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome and many others,
do exist. It's not just a “theory.” What are
the “theories” promoted by the people who
are conspiring to to accumulate the power, wealth and
resources of the world? How do they view humanity and
what do they have in store for us? Lets find out
“in their own words” and the words of those
who study them.

Some 60 Israelis, who federal investigators have said
are part of a long-running effort to spy on American
government officials, are among the hundreds of
foreigners detained since the Sept. 11 terror attacks,
Fox News has learned.

To examine the Clinton administration's eagerness to
arm the world, the MoJo Wire has compiled a detailed
look at America's top weapons customers during the
Clinton years, tallying their total 1993-97 purchases
through both the Pentagon (so-called "Foreign Military
Sales," or FMS) and U.S. manufacturers ("Direct
Commercial Sales," or DCS).

The chairman of the Jewish Defense League was arrested
in connection with a failed bombing plot, federal
authorities said.

U.S. business and political leaders are so wedded to
preserving the gilded American-Saudi marriage that
officials in Washington D.C. continue to give the
oil-rich Gulf monarchy a wide berth, despite mounting
evidence of support in Saudi Arabia for Osama bin
Laden's terrorist network, some experts say.

There is a conspiracy theory, which has made the
rounds in many circles for many years, that there are
forces within the US government that are engineering
events such as the 9-11 incident, the Oklahoma City
bombing, and so forth, to implement this great "Master
Plan" to implement a totalitarian government. This
government is part and parcel of a much larger effort
by the New World Order, the United Nations, the
Illuminati, the Queen of England in league with the
Vatican, the multinational corporations, or whomever
the scapegoat of the day or the movement, is. Most of
the conspiracy theorists present this as if it is a
fait accompli which cannot be undone. For all intents
and purposes, these people WORSHIP this coming
leviathan which they see as unconquerable.

As many as 10 Israeli soldiers and settlers were
killed and over thirty others injured, some badly,
when Palestinian guerillas attacked a bus carrying
soldiers and settlers near the northern West Bank town
of Nablus.

Construction is proceeding rapidly on the Mars
Society's Mars Desert Research Station. The following
report by Project Architect Frank Schubert on the
progress of the construction work was received today.

Timeline: U.S. foreknowledge of Sept 11 attacks?

The Galileo spacecraft is back on its way in towards
Jupiter for the 33rd time (34 if you include our
initial approach), having passed the milestone of
spending a full 6 years in orbit! Seems like only
yesterday ...

Osama bin Laden is only an instrument in arms of
Al-Quedaís real leaders, whose names are unknown,
internal minister of Saudi Arabia, prince Nayef said
in his interview to New York Times.

Enron Corp., whose stunning collapse is being
investigated by federal regulators and Congress, is
declining to send any officials to a hearing
Wednesday by two House panels.

Enron is Whitewater in spades. This isn't just some
rinky-dink land investment like the one dredged up by
right-wing enemies to haunt the Clinton White
House--but rather it has the makings of the greatest
presidential scandal since the Teapot Dome.

Irv Rubin and the Libertarian Party

My name is Lucia. I'm a Palestinian Christian, the
mother of five children ranging in age from seventeen
to five. We live in Bethlehem, the city of peace and
the birth of the Prince of Peace in the occupied West
Bank. My husband, Michael, was a good man, husband,
and father. He worked hard as a carpenter to provide
for his family.

Tomorrow evening (Thursday the 13th) at 9 pm EST, many
PBS stations around the country, including UNC-TV here
in North Carolina, will air "Promises".

This one-hour long program is "a documentary about the
conflict between Palestinians and Israelis and seven
children who have grown up in its whirlwind."  "With
the candor of youth, the children share their
perceptions of themselves, their presumed enemies, and
their views of the future."

On December 9th, Israeli troops invaded the
Palestinian town of Anabata and shot dead four
Palestinians.  Anabata's mayor called the killing a
cold blooded murder.  Phil Reeves of the Independent
wrote another of his excellent articles that debunks
the official Israeli line that the Palestinians were
killed in an exchange of fire.  Before reading the
Reeves account, I watched eight half-hour segments of
CNN in which the only version was the one in which
"Israel says they were killed after firing on Israeli
troops."   I gave Ted Turner's  bastard children eight
chances and they lied eight times.  Their daddy must
be so proud.

The Iranian Revolution in 1979 against Shah Reza
Pahlavi, at that time America's favorite Muslim tyrant
in the region, injected a boost of confidence and
possibilities to the Global Islamic Movements
throughout the world. It broke the psychological fear
that had prevented Muslims to face up to the
illegitimate Western surrogate dictatorships
oppressing them.

Given their tight time-line for coalition-building and
military actions, the Americans are looking for a
quick fix, a reasonable period of industrial quiet in
the Middle East.  Allowing themselves to be persuaded
that Israel can bring the Palestinian Authority to its
knees within a matter of weeks, thereby reopening the
'peace process' on terms favorable to Israel, has its

Four Palestinian civilians were killed and at least 17
wounded when Israeli helicopters fired missiles at a
security building in the city of Khan Yunis in the
Gaza Strip, Palestinian medical sources said

It was yesterday that the American mediator Anthony
Zinni tried to set up a 48-hour cease-fire between
Israel and the Palestinians. A few hours later,
Israeli helicopters killed four Palestinians in the
Gaza Strip. On the morning, this was followed by the
killing of two Palestinian boys, who the soldiers
claimed had been throwing stones at an army outpost.
The Israeli media took in its stride these incidents -
and other ones, such as an incursion in force into the
Palestinian town of Jenin. The funerals, with the
thousands of furious mourners, were not shown on
Israeli TV at all. The Hamas ambush in the evening, in
which nine Israelis got killed and many more wounded,
is presented to the public as an unprovoked act of
terrorism, killing for the sake of killing.

The Pentagon says a US Air Force B-1 bomber has gone
down in the Indian Ocean. The US plane went down about
50 kilometers north of Diego Garcia - a British base
being used by the US military in the war in

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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