Re: Any TCP VTW users?

2022-09-15 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 12:34 AM Ryota Ozaki  wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any users of TCP Vestigial Time-Wait (VTW)?
> The feature is disabled by default and we need to explicitly
> enable via sysctl to use it.
> I just want to know if we should still maintain it.
>   ozaki-r

I wasn't even aware of it. I read the comments in
sys/netinet/tcp_vtw.c. Seems useful for systems that handle a lot of
sockets. Pretty neat.

Is there some reason why this is obsolete or something?


Re: dhcpcd ignores netmask from server, installs /8 or /24 instead

2014-12-22 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 2:51 PM, John D. Baker 

> I've been using NetBSD/sparc as a router/firewall for a long time.  My
> ADSL service provider uses DHCP for address assignment.  When I first
> started using ADSL, I was using ISC 'dhclient' and it worked quite well
> in exchange for having to do some fiddly bits in the "/etc/"
> file.
> In the netbsd-6 era, with 'dhcpcd' being the default mechanism for a
> simple "dhcp" configuration line, I figured I'd give it a try for handling
> the upstream connection to my ISP.  It has required even more fiddly
> business to make it work than its alternative.  At present, using
> netbsd-7, the most vexing problem is as follows:
> Following an update and a reboot, 'dhcpcd' ignores the "/20" netmask
> presented by the ISP's DHCP server and instead installs the address with
> a "/8" netmask instead (the address assigned by the DHCP server would
> otherwise be a Class A were it not for the "/20" netmask).
> This, naturally, cuts off vast swaths of T3h Intarw3bz (most notably
> Google) since my router then assumes they are on the same network and
> expects to get a response via ARP.
> Using '/etc/rc.d/network restart' gets things working again, but it's
> still not right.  The ISP's DHCP server again issues a "/20" netmask,
> but this time, 'dhcpcd' installs a "/24" netmask instead.  It installs
> a route to the "/20" network along with the nearest "/24" network.
> My ISP's upstream router is operating as a DHCP relay as the DHCP
> server is on an entirely different network from that presented by
> the upstream router.  Perhaps this causes confusion?
> My ISP seems to suffer prolonged outages of its upstream router, so
> when the lease expires, an IPv4LL/APIPA address is assigned and this
> also frequently has the wrong netmask (usually /24 instead of /16).
> I don't know if this is architecture-dependent or not.  Perhaps I'll
> copy my firewall rules over to one of my Soekris net4501s and see how
> it behaves on an i386 system in place of the sparc system.  (I have a
> local patch to work around kern/49124 for -7/-current.)

Have you tried dhclient lately? It's still there I think.


Re: sysinst and network install

2015-01-16 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 7:28 AM, Manuel Bouyer 

> Hello,
> today I've done a network install of netbsd-7/i386 (over http) and it was
> not straitforward. In the http menu, I selected the right server and path,
> then choose "configure network". Here things did start to go wrong:
> - I choose to configure wm0 with dhcp. dhcpcd did find the network
>   parameters, including host and domain names. Then sysinst apparently
>   decided to flush routes and remove the dhcp-configured address and
>   network was not working after that. I had to do a static network config
>   to get network working again
> - then, back to the http menu, I selected "get distribution" which did
>   bring me back to the previous menu instead of downloading and installing
>   sets. I had to go to the http menu again and select "get distribution"
>   again to have it start the installation.
> Has anyone else noticed this ?

I noticed when I select "get distribution" (7.0_BETA for amd64) it would
take me back to the network config I believe.

Something is wrong but ultimately it didn't prevent an install so I didn't
follow up on it like I should have.


Re: urtwn hostap

2015-04-20 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 5:58 PM, Brook Milligan  wrote:

> According to the man page, the urtwn driver is supposed to support the
> hostap option.  Although perhaps I am not sure how to configure it with
> ifconfig, I cannot get it to work.  Has anyone had success with this?  Is
> it known not to work?  Does anyone have a configuration, e.g.,
> ifconfg.urtwnX, that is known to work?

You don't need to configure it with ifconfig if you use hostap. Usually you
bridge it to your wired adapter and that adapter carries the address info.
Here is a hostapd.conf file that worked for me:

wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP

You generate the key with wpa_passphrase.


Re: Kernel panic from network traffic

2015-07-24 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 10:41 PM, Hisashi T Fujinaka  wrote:
> Being a moron, I plugged ports of my switch together. The big surprise
> is two ports away is my -current box and it kept panicking.

Hello fellow moron :)

I have a general question:

I see some comments around unifying route caches, but in this
particular case it seems related to ipv6. Is this an ipv6 problem or a
general problem? I have a -current machine and it's not likely to
encounter this particular scenario (sorry, heh), but wondering anyway.



Re: Remove fortune quotes attributed to or providing admiration of Adolf Hitler [pr bin/52735]

2017-11-18 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 5:41 AM, Chavdar Ivanov  wrote:
> even if it is perhaps a proper quote, but is worth remembering and
> reminding people.

At the risk of not being politically correct, I agree.

The world seems intent on not remembering all history and even
changing parts of it to suit today's sensibilities. Which seems
dangerous to me. "All of it" (history) is "how we got here" and should
be learned from.

I'm not necessarily against removing stuff that is offensive to more
than a few people. But if there is value in remembering it to put it
into modern context, then we should think about it a bit.


Re: Remove fortune quotes attributed to or providing admiration of Adolf Hitler [pr bin/52735]

2017-11-19 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 6:22 AM, Rhialto  wrote:
> On Sat 18 Nov 2017 at 23:03:27 +, David Holland wrote:
>> You are completely missing the point of why those quotes are there.
> Such a remark is rather useless without stating why you think they are
> there. It does nothing to convince me, obviously.

I was hoping some context of the fortune program would emerge from
this discussion. I'll try.

It's a snapshot in time of the mindset of people creating the
forefather of this operating system and programs. I, personally, love
it. It's a reminder that this project didn't start out of a stuffy
commercial setting, which is unfortunately what FreeBSD is becoming
(my opinion only). It was different than the big commercial programs
that were dominating computing at the time. And it still is.

I'm about 99% sure that these messages causing offense were not put
there to offend, but to remind. Possibly to remind the developers why
they were doing what they were doing. Someone said earlier that, to a
large extent, offense is taken, not given. I mostly agree.

If they (the quotes causing offense) need to go I'm not that bothered
because they will still exist elsewhere to remind us of the wrong way
to behave. I guess my question is, why shouldn't they exist here if
they exist elsewhere?


Re: Remove fortune quotes attributed to or providing admiration of Adolf Hitler [pr bin/52735]

2017-11-19 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 8:44 AM, Joerg Sonnenberger  wrote:
> choice in the tonal sense, he was a brilliant orator and there are many
> useful quotes from him. Heck, he is often found on the list of most
> inspirational quotes. If anything, there should be more and better
> quotes from him in the database.

Yeah that's a step too far for me.

Preserving the fortune program as it is for historical context is fine
for me. Adding more quotes from this jerk isn't productive. That would
send the wrong message. People can find these quotes elsewhere.

In that sense I guess my position is preserving fortune as a
historical relic, nothing more. It's a snapshot in time of what the
developers of this stuff were thinking.


Re: Remove fortune quotes attributed to or providing admiration of Adolf Hitler [pr bin/52735]

2017-11-20 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 1:27 PM, Rhialto  wrote:
> You do realise that the term "political correctness" was intruduced as a
> straw man to make perfectly reasonable arguments look ridiculous?
> Anybody who invokes that term automatically shows their true colours.

I think it's a notion invented to avoid offending people, by people
who themselves like to avoid confontation. Which masks facts and true

Respect for someone doesn't include agreeing with them. This is what
is missed in political correctness.


Re: Kernel panic when trying to mount non-existing file-system

2014-03-29 Thread Andy Ruhl
On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Adam CiarciƄski  wrote:
>>> Is that intentional?
>> Yes, didn't you get the memo?
>> Martin
> No.
> I guess the postman stole it again. 8-)

I didn't get the memo either.

This is not true in a relatively recent build of 6 when trying to
mount NTFS and there was no kernel support.

I didn't see a recent PR.

I'm wondering what is going on because I'm considering putting current
on one of my machines.
