Gabriele Baldassarre,

> i've just downloaded the tar with source code of cvsnt 2.5 
> and i was wondering if it's possible to compile and install 
> for solaris 10. howeaver i don't know if i just have to 
> configure make and install or i must follow a particular 
> setup or procedure.

If you are using solaris 10 sparc - just download the Solaris 8/9
package - it works on Solaris 10 too - install it like you would any
'normal' sun software with pkgadd.

If you really want to build from source - try configure; make; make
install - of look in the cvsnt/solaris directory for the scripts we use.

> my scenario, btw is the following: i have a cvsnt server on 
> my windows laptop, my development machine, and it works like 
> a charm and easy to setup with the graphical interface. I 
> just want to setup a READ ONLY server on my corporate solaris 
> server, as a deployment machine. I've already a scheduled 
> task that rsync with ftp my local cvsroot to a remote one
> Is it possible to do so?

If you purchase CVS Suite 2008 x64 you will get unison and a guide for
syncing windows and unix servers (eBook All About CVS).


Arthur Barrett
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