Re: java2wsdl -> wsdl2java lossy? (newbie alert!)

2007-08-08 Thread doug
Hi list,
I apologise in advance for my ignorance but I am trying to 
convert my Axis 1 SOAP client/services to CXF, and as a complete 
newbie to CXF and JAXB, am having quite a few difficulties.

My latest issue is the same as a recent correspondent (Brett) in that my
web service interface methods that ought to return arrays are being 
converted into java.util.Lists. 

Also some of my original java prototype interface methods had 
   throws RemoteException  
clauses which apparently do not propogate through the WSDL to the 
generated java source.

On the first issue, James Mao replied to Brett:
Yes, There are two ways

Put the customization section into your schema in the wsdl,


or change it to an external style, and feed the 'binding file' to the
 > wsdl2java -b $YOUR_BINDNIG_FILE

Trying to use the second method, I have a bindings.jxb file that 
looks like the following, where  ./PfC.wsdl is m 
java2wsdl generated file:";
  xmlns:xsd=""; >


Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for me when I run 
wsdl2java -b bindings.jxb ...
because, although it runs without throwing any exsceptions, 
the array return methods still return java.util.Lists
As I mentioned, I am a complete novice to this, so would 
appreciate if someone could provide a more explicit answer
(and also a pointer to how to solve the exception returning problem)

Should I have explicitly annotated all the array return methods in my original 
java prototype interface somehow?

Many thanks

P.S. running wsdl2java - 2.0-incubator

Re: java2wsdl -> wsdl2java lossy? (newbie alert!)

2007-08-09 Thread doug

If I explicitly modify the generated WSDL file as follows:";
 jxb:version="1.0" >





then wsdl2java runs without any exceptions and I still end up with  
java.util.List responses:

@WebService(targetNamespace = "urn:srv", name = "PfC")
public interface PfC {
@ResponseWrapper(targetNamespace = "urn:srv", className 
= "", localName 
= "getApplicationPushletIDsResponse")
@RequestWrapper(targetNamespace = "urn:srv", className 
= "", localName 
= "getApplicationPushletIDs")
@WebResult(targetNamespace = "", name = "return")
public java.util.List getApplicationPushletIDs();

My original prototype interface was:

@SOAPBinding(style=Style.DOCUMENT, use=Use.LITERAL,
 parameterStyle = ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
public interface PfC extends java.rmi.Remote {
// primary pushlet url
public java.lang.String   getPushletURL() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public java.lang.String[] getApplicationPushletIDs() throws  

The commandline was:
wsdl2java -verbose -server -compile -classdir 
/home/timeout/ddb/MMSN/gridsphere-2.2.7/projects/pfc/build/classes -impl -d 
/home/timeout/ddb/MMSN/gridsphere-2.2.7/projects/pfc/src -p PfC.wsdl
wsdl2java - 2.0-incubator

Changing the collectionType attribute to an ArrayList has no effect iether.

Hope somone can see what I am doing wrong.

On Thursday 09 August 2007 17:00, doug wrote:
> Hi list,
> I apologise in advance for my ignorance but I am trying to
> convert my Axis 1 SOAP client/services to CXF, and as a complete
> newbie to CXF and JAXB, am having quite a few difficulties.
> My latest issue is the same as a recent correspondent (Brett) in that my
> web service interface methods that ought to return arrays are being
> converted into java.util.Lists.
> Also some of my original java prototype interface methods had
>throws RemoteException
> clauses which apparently do not propogate through the WSDL to the
> generated java source.
> On the first issue, James Mao replied to Brett:
> ---
> Yes, There are two ways
> Put the customization section into your schema in the wsdl,
> or change it to an external style, and feed the 'binding file' to the
>  > wsdl2java -b $YOUR_BINDNIG_FILE
> -
> Trying to use the second method, I have a bindings.jxb file that
> looks like the following, where  ./PfC.wsdl is m
> java2wsdl generated file:
>   xmlns:wsdl="";
>   xmlns:xsd=""; >
> Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for me when I run
> wsdl2java -b bindings.jxb ...
> because, although it runs without throwing any exsceptions,
> the array return methods still return java.util.Lists
> As I mentioned, I am a complete novice to this, so would
> appreciate if someone could provide a more explicit answer
> (and also a pointer to how to solve the exception returning problem)
> Should I have explicitly annotated all the array return methods in my
> original java prototype interface somehow?
> Many thanks
> Doug
> P.S. running wsdl2java - 2.0-incubator

Re: java2wsdl -> wsdl2java lossy? (newbie alert!)

2007-08-09 Thread doug
thanks for your advice Brett, James.
I'll ponder the options over several beers, probably forget,
and probably be back with follow up troubles 
next week.
Thanks again

On Friday 10 August 2007 15:50, Brett Wooldridge wrote:
> Jaxws ri claims to support MTOM but I have not used it.  A web search
> revealed that it's been in for about 18 months, so maybe it's baked
> (depends on how much use it's gotten).  Re: String[], I bit the bullet and
> performed the refactor on our code, but we didn't have nearly as many
> methods returning arrays (of any type) as you.
> I did notice one interesting thing in my refactor, because we use the new
> Java5 'for' looping construct often in our code meant very little of the
> code had to change, i.e.:
> String[] foos = service.doSomething();
> for (String foo : foos)
> {
> }
> Refactored seamlessly to:
> List foos = service.doSomething();
> for (String foo : foos)
> {
> }
> Everything "just worked".  There was a very few places where we did
> something like foos[0] that we had to change to foos.get(0).

Re: java2wsdl -> wsdl2java lossy? (newbie alert!)

2007-08-09 Thread doug
Hi James,

On Friday 10 August 2007 13:03, James Mao wrote:
> Well, i tried yesterday, i have the same results as you gave, the
> previous binding file is not correct, you can not put the wsdl location
> inside the schemaLocation.

Oh. That bit actually seemed to work, in the sense that changing the
 node to something like node="/xsd:schema/annotation/appinfo"
throws exceptions owing to an empty nodeset or some such, but throws no such 
errors if I actually added the annotation and appinfo elements to the schema.
Of course it didn't influence the generated WS interface at all.

> The interface really did not change, what changed is the type class, you
> can see there is String[], but it use the List indeed
> I also tried the jaxws ri, what i got is the same results.
> I guess you must use String[] here, so hope someone else can shed some
> lights here.

Well, I have about 5 services, each with around 10 or so String[] return
methods. I would prefer not to change the client and server code to use
Lists if I could avoid it, but will do what I have to do I guess.
I heard good things about MTOM for file transfer so I want to stick to a 
solution where its accessible. Not sure that jaxws ri supports it.

Am still looking for insight into the server side Exception throwing 
aspects, if anyone had any pointers?


> > If I explicitly modify the generated WSDL file as follows:
> >
> > 
> >";
> >  xmlns:tns="urn:srv"
> >  attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> >  elementFormDefault="unqualified"
> >  targetNamespace="urn:srv"
> >  xmlns:jxb="";
> >  jxb:version="1.0" >
> >   
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> >   
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  > type="xs:string"/>
> > 
> > 
> >
> > [cut]
> >
> > then wsdl2java runs without any exceptions and I still end up with
> > java.util.List responses:
> >
> > @WebService(targetNamespace = "urn:srv", name = "PfC")
> > public interface PfC {
> > @ResponseWrapper(targetNamespace = "urn:srv", className
> > = "",
> > localName = "getApplicationPushletIDsResponse")
> > @RequestWrapper(targetNamespace = "urn:srv", className
> > = "", localName
> > = "getApplicationPushletIDs")
> > @WebResult(targetNamespace = "", name = "return")
> > @WebMethod
> > public java.util.List getApplicationPushletIDs();
> >
> >
> > My original prototype interface was:
> >
> > @WebService(name="PfC",
> > targetNamespace="urn:srv",
> > serviceName="PfCService",
> > portName="PfC")
> > @SOAPBinding(style=Style.DOCUMENT, use=Use.LITERAL,
> >  parameterStyle = ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
> > public interface PfC extends java.rmi.Remote {
> > // primary pushlet url
> > public java.lang.String   getPushletURL() throws
> > java.rmi.RemoteException; public java.lang.String[]
> > getApplicationPushletIDs() throws
> >  java.rmi.RemoteException;
> > ...
> >
> >
> > The commandline was:
> > wsdl2java -verbose -server -compile -classdir
> > /home/timeout/ddb/MMSN/gridsphere-2.2.7/projects/pfc/build/classes -impl
> > -d /home/timeout/ddb/MMSN/gridsphere-2.2.7/projects/pfc/src -p
> > PfC.wsdl
> > wsdl2java - 2.0-incubator
> >
> >
> > Changing the collectionType attribute to an ArrayList has no effect
> > iether.
> >
> >
> > Hope somone can see what I am doing wrong.
> > thanks
> > Doug
> >
> > On Thursday 09 August 2007 17:00, doug wrote:
> >> Hi list,
> >> I apologise in advance for my ignorance but I am trying to
> >> convert my Axis 1 SOAP client/services to CXF, and as a complete
> >> newbie to CXF and JAXB, am having quite a few difficulties.
> >>
> >> My latest issue is the same as a recent correspondent (Brett) in that my
> >> web service interface methods that ought to return arrays are being
> >> converted into java.util.Lists.
> >>
> >> Also some of my original java prototype interface methods had
> >>throws RemoteException
> >> clauses 

problem with @WebFault annotation

2007-08-14 Thread doug
I am trying to compile a subclass of java.lang.Exception with the
@WebFault annotation drawn from jaxb-api-2.0.jar of the 
apache-cxf-2.0.1-incubator.tar.gz binary package.

public class PfCServiceFault extends Exception {

Unfortunately when I compile that I get the compilation error cannot find symbol
symbol  : method faultName()
location: @interface
1 error

Is that normal?
I am using javac 1.5.0_06 on linux.
I was hoping that the faultName might propogate through into
the imports of the wsdl2java created interface and its implementation
(because it doesn't seem to curently)

Thanks for any advice.

Re: problem with @WebFault annotation

2007-08-14 Thread doug

I think this is the standard edition rather than the enterprise edition.
Would that make a difference?

On Tuesday 14 August 2007 17:06, Velidanda Srinivas wrote:
> Check the JDK version, it should be working if you are compiling with JDK
> 5.0, also jaxb-api-2.0.jar in the classpath.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: doug [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 14 August 2007 12:38
> > To:
> > Subject: problem with @WebFault annotation
> >
> >
> > I am trying to compile a subclass of java.lang.Exception with the
> > @WebFault annotation drawn from jaxb-api-2.0.jar of the
> > apache-cxf-2.0.1-incubator.tar.gz binary package.
> >
> > import;
> > @WebFault(name="PfCServiceFault",
> >  faultName="")
> > public class PfCServiceFault extends Exception {
> >   ...
> > }
> >
> > Unfortunately when I compile that I get the compilation error
> >
> > cannot find symbol
> > symbol  : method faultName()
> > location: @interface
> >  faultName="")
> >  ^
> > 1 error
> >
> > Is that normal?
> > I am using javac 1.5.0_06 on linux.
> > I was hoping that the faultName might propogate through into
> > the imports of the wsdl2java created interface and its implementation
> > (because it doesn't seem to curently)
> >
> > Thanks for any advice.
> > Doug
> >
> > __
> > __
> > This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by MessageLabs.
> > __
> > __
> This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by MessageLabs.
> To learn more about Singularity's business process management solutions and
> services please visit:
> Singularity operates globally through its offices in New York, London,
> Singapore, Ireland and India. Singularity Limited is incorporated in the
> United Kingdom with Registration Number NI 31519 and its Registered Office
> at 100 Patrick Street, Derry, BT48 7EL, United Kingdom.

CXF based applet client jars

2007-08-20 Thread doug
I am wondering if there is a list someplace of all the jar files 
needed by a simple CXF based service consumer (client)?

and then the additions needed to use MTOM?


CXF client applet ServiceConstructionException

2007-08-21 Thread doug
I think I have my server set up ok because if I visit this page:
I get a list of the services I implemented:


The last one is a link to
and serves up the appropriate wsdl description of the PfC interface.

The problem is that when I try to get a handle on the PfC interface from
within my client applet, I end up with the error:

  Could not find definition for service {urn:srv}PfCService.

I used the following client side code (both the client and server side service 
code were generated from wsdl2java):

serviceAddress = "http://"; + (String)configOpts.get("hostName") + ":" + 
(String)configOpts.get("port") + serviceURI 
// i.e.
URL url = new URL(serviceAddress);  
QName SERVICE = new QName("urn:srv", "PfCService");
PfCService service = new PfCService(url, SERVICE );
PfC pfc = service.getPfC();

Sorry, I am new to all this, so likely I am doing something foolish.
Hope this is enough to work from. 
Thanks for any insights

Re: CXF client applet ServiceConstructionException

2007-08-21 Thread doug
I get the following WSDL, but I am not sure exactly what the Service QName 
should be trying to match.


On Wednesday 22 August 2007 13:10, Willem Jiang wrote:
> Hi
> It looks like the Service Name is not a right one from the exception's
> message.
> Please check the Service QName with the wsdl which you get from the
> Willem.
> doug wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I think I have my server set up ok because if I visit this page:
> >
> > I get a list of the services I implemented:
> >
> > {}ChatServiceImplPort
> > {}RemoteFileImplPort
> > {}ImShServiceImpl
> >Port
> > {}RemoteFileSystemImplP
> >ort
> > {}RemoteFileIOImplPort
> > {}PfCServicesImplPort
> >
> > The last one is a link to
> > and serves up the appropriate wsdl description of the PfC interface.
> >
> > The problem is that when I try to get a handle on the PfC interface from
> > within my client applet, I end up with the error:
> >
> >   org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException:
> >   Could not find definition for service {urn:srv}PfCService.
> >
> > I used the following client side code (both the client and server side
> > service code were generated from wsdl2java):
> >
> > serviceAddress = "http://"; + (String)configOpts.get("hostName") + ":" +
> > (String)configOpts.get("port") + serviceURI 
> > +"?wsdl";
> > // i.e.
> > URL url = new URL(serviceAddress);
> > QName SERVICE = new QName("urn:srv", "PfCService");
> > PfCService service = new PfCService(url, SERVICE );
> > PfC pfc = service.getPfC();
> >
> > Sorry, I am new to all this, so likely I am doing something foolish.
> > Hope this is enough to work from.
> > Thanks for any insights
> > Doug

Re: CXF client applet ServiceConstructionException

2007-08-21 Thread doug
Thanks Willem.
Ok, that morphed the exception into: Port {urn:srv}PfC not found.

My wsdl2java generated file records it as:
private static final QName SERVICE_NAME = new 
QName("urn:srv", "PfCService");

I'm guessing I've screwed up my original java2wsdl and wsdl2java
commands somehow? 

I started with a PfC java interface file with the package line:


Built the wsdl as:
  ${CXF}/bin/java2wsdl -verbose -o ${SERVICE}.wsdl  -d .  -s ./jaxws  \
-classdir ./jaxws \
-cp ./jaxws \
-servicename "${SERVICE}Service" \
-portname "${SERVICE}" \

built the client as:
   ${CXF}/bin/wsdl2java -verbose -client \
-compile \
-classdir ${CPROJBIN} \
-impl \
-d ${CPROJSRC}  \
 -p ${CPACKAGE} \
and server as:
   ${CXF}/bin/wsdl2java -verbose -server \
-compile \
-classdir ${SPROJBIN} \
-impl \
-d ${SPROJSRC}  \
     -p ${SPACKAGE} \

Thanks again

On Wednesday 22 August 2007 14:11, Willem Jiang wrote:
> The Service QName should be
> QName SERVICE = new QName("
> ", "PfCServicesImplService");
> Willem.
> doug wrote:
> > I get the following WSDL, but I am not sure exactly what the Service
> > QName should be trying to match.
> > Thanks
> > Doug
> >
> >  > targetNamespace="";>
> >   > location="";
> > namespace="urn:srv"/>
> > 
> > >   transport=""/>
> >   
> >  
> >
> >  [snip]
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  > name="PfCServicesImplPort">
> >"/>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > On Wednesday 22 August 2007 13:10, Willem Jiang wrote:
> >> Hi
> >> It looks like the Service Name is not a right one from the exception's
> >> message.
> >> Please check the Service QName with the wsdl which you get from the
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Willem.
> >>
> >> doug wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>> I think I have my server set up ok because if I visit this page:
> >>>
> >>> I get a list of the services I implemented:
> >>>
> >>> {}ChatServiceImplPort
> >>> {}RemoteFileImplPort
> >>> {}ImShServiceIm
> >>>pl Port
> >>> {}RemoteFileSystemImp
> >>>lP ort
> >>> {}RemoteFileIOImplPor
> >>>t {}PfCServicesImplPort
> >>>
> >>> The last one is a link to
> >>> and serves up the
> >>> appropriate wsdl description of the PfC interface.
> >>>
> >>> The problem is that when I try to get a handle on the PfC interface
> >>> from within my client applet, I end up with the error:
> >>>
> >>>   org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException:
> >>>   Could not find definition for service {urn:srv}PfCService.
> >>>
> >>> I used the following client side code (both the client and server side
> >>> service code were generated from wsdl2java):
> >>>
> >>>   serviceAddress = "http://"; + (String)configOpts.get("hostName") + ":"
> >>> + (String)configOpts.get("port") + serviceURI +"?wsdl";
> >>>   // i.e.
> >>>   URL url = new URL(serviceAddress);
> >>>   QName SERVICE = new QName("urn:srv", "PfCService");
> >>>   PfCService service = new PfCService(url, SERVICE );
> >>>   PfC pfc = service.getPfC();
> >>>
> >>> Sorry, I am new to all this, so likely I am doing something foolish.
> >>> Hope this is enough to work from.
> >>> Thanks for any insights
> >>> Doug

jaxws:endpoint and depends-on attribute

2007-09-06 Thread doug
I have implemented some services and configure them in a 
WEB-INF/beans.xml file. I was using this file to specify some 
initialization parameters that get stored in a bean (FileUtilities) 
and which are subsequently accessed by several other jaxws:endpoint 
definedservices. I thought everything was configured ok because all 
services are loaded without problems on my development server, running 
apache-tomcat-5.5.20 Unfortunately when I try to deploy to our 
production server, apache-tomcat-5.5.16 it fails to load, on account of the 
error below.

Basically, it seems to me that the FileUtilities bean hasn't been 
loaded or initialized at the time the endpoint is being instatiated, 
whereas it was under tomcat 5.5.20. 

I read that there is a  attribute that induces
otherID beans to be loaded and initialized first, but apparently that 
doesn't exist for jaxws:endpoint

Is there another way to achieve the same result?


879  [main] ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader  - Context 
initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unexpected 
exception parsing XML document from ServletContext r
esource [/WEB-INF/beans.xml]; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not load class:
sn.pfc.servlet.serbices.rfio.impl.RemoteFileImpl; nested exception is 
Caused by:
org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not load class:;
nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
Caused by:
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native 
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

Re: jaxws:endpoint and depends-on attribute

2007-09-09 Thread doug
Hi Willem,
Thanks to you both for that. 
Now the depends-on attribute parses ok in the jaxws:endpoint elements of the 
beans.xml file, but I still have the same error as before. i.e. it doesn't 
seem to have preloaded the depends-on bean.

thanks again

On Thursday 06 September 2007 17:56, Willem Jiang wrote:
> Hi doug ,
> I just committed a patch CXF-955 which is contributed by Fred into the
> trunk.
> It added the depends-on attribute in the jaxws:endpoint. I think you
> just want that :)
> You can try latest version in the trunk , or wait for the next snapshot.
> Willem.
> doug wrote:
> > I have implemented some services and configure them in a
> > WEB-INF/beans.xml file. I was using this file to specify some
> > initialization parameters that get stored in a bean (FileUtilities)
> > and which are subsequently accessed by several other jaxws:endpoint
> > definedservices. I thought everything was configured ok because all
> > services are loaded without problems on my development server, running
> > apache-tomcat-5.5.20 Unfortunately when I try to deploy to our
> > production server, apache-tomcat-5.5.16 it fails to load, on account of
> > the error below.
> >
> > Basically, it seems to me that the FileUtilities bean hasn't been
> > loaded or initialized at the time the endpoint is being instatiated,
> > whereas it was under tomcat 5.5.20.
> >
> > I read that there is a  attribute that induces
> > otherID beans to be loaded and initialized first, but apparently that
> > doesn't exist for jaxws:endpoint
> >
> > Is there another way to achieve the same result?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Doug
> >
> >
> >
> > 879  [main] ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader  -
> > Context initialization failed
> > org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException:
> > Unexpected exception parsing XML document from ServletContext r
> > esource [/WEB-INF/beans.xml]; nested exception is
> > org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not load class:
> > sn.pfc.servlet.serbices.rfio.impl.RemoteFileImpl; nested
> > exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
> > Caused by:
> > org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not load class:
> >;
> > nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
> > Caused by:
> > java.lang.NullPointerException
> > at
> >
> >ence( at
> >
> > at
> > sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
> > at
> > sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAc
> > at
> > sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConst
> > at
> > java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

Re: jaxws:endpoint and depends-on attribute

2007-09-11 Thread doug
Thank you Willem,
and many apologies for wasting your time. I just discovered an hour ago that
apparently I accidently had two versions of the compiled classfiles 
floating aroundand the older tomcat loaded preferentially from 
WEB-INF/classes whereas the newer tomcat loaded from my WEB-INF/lib/ jar 
file (discovered after rewriting the class to eliminate any traces of
servicePreference and still getting the same error with bogus line numbers)

Now my server loads and works, but my applet client still takes forever
to properly establish a connection - as I described in another email:

Basically the applet is making about 200 calls to the server for 
nonexistent files and

I have no idea what the significance of that is, but it adds about 
2 to 5 minutes to the startup time of the applet.
Also, the jar file was already downloaded and cached by the JRE.

Any insights into this one would be much appreciated!

Thanks again


On Wednesday 12 September 2007 11:55, Willem Jiang wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> After I reviewed your stack trace , I just found you need to set the
> servicePreference in the FileUtilities first.
> Willem.
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> > > at
> > >
> > >er ence( at
> > >
> > >Fi at
> > > sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
> doug wrote:
> > Hi Willem,
> > Thanks to you both for that.
> > Now the depends-on attribute parses ok in the jaxws:endpoint elements of
> > the beans.xml file, but I still have the same error as before. i.e. it
> > doesn't seem to have preloaded the depends-on bean.
> >
> > thanks again
> > Doug
> >
> > On Thursday 06 September 2007 17:56, Willem Jiang wrote:
> >> Hi doug ,
> >>
> >> I just committed a patch CXF-955 which is contributed by Fred into the
> >> trunk.
> >> It added the depends-on attribute in the jaxws:endpoint. I think you
> >> just want that :)
> >>
> >> You can try latest version in the trunk , or wait for the next snapshot.
> >>
> >> Willem.
> >>
> >> doug wrote:
> >>> I have implemented some services and configure them in a
> >>> WEB-INF/beans.xml file. I was using this file to specify some
> >>> initialization parameters that get stored in a bean (FileUtilities)
> >>> and which are subsequently accessed by several other jaxws:endpoint
> >>> definedservices. I thought everything was configured ok because all
> >>> services are loaded without problems on my development server, running
> >>> apache-tomcat-5.5.20 Unfortunately when I try to deploy to our
> >>> production server, apache-tomcat-5.5.16 it fails to load, on account of
> >>> the error below.
> >>>
> >>> Basically, it seems to me that the FileUtilities bean hasn't been
> >>> loaded or initialized at the time the endpoint is being instatiated,
> >>> whereas it was under tomcat 5.5.20.
> >>>
> >>> I read that there is a  attribute that
> >>> induces otherID beans to be loaded and initialized first, but
> >>> apparently that doesn't exist for jaxws:endpoint
> >>>
> >>> Is there another way to achieve the same result?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>> Doug
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> 879  [main] ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader  -
> >>> Context initialization failed
> >>> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException:
> >>> Unexpected exception parsing XML document from ServletContext r
> >>> esource [/WEB-INF/beans.xml]; nested exception is
> >>> org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not load class:
> >>> sn.pfc.servlet.serbices.rfio.impl.RemoteFileImpl; nested
> >>> exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
> >>> Caused by:
> >>> org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not load class:
> >>>;
> >>> nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
> >>> Caused by:
> >>> java.lang.NullPointerException
> >>> at
> >>>
> >>>er ence( at
> >>>
> >>>Fi at
> >>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
> >>> at
> >>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructor
> >>>Ac at
> >>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingCon
> >>>st at
> >>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

JSR-311 and JAXB and JSON

2008-03-17 Thread Doug
I am trying to set up a JSR-311 REST "like" service and POSTing a string 
of JSON  to my /service/init/{id} address. The server seems to recognise 
the address because catalina.out reports:

Mar 18, 2008 11:11:37 AM org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.interceptor.JAXRSInInterceptor 
INFO: Found operation: init

The problem is that my init service function is never actually called. I 
figure that something is going wrong with the JAXB? interpretation of my JSON
data. Is there some way to switch on debugging of this process to see 
what is or isn't going on?
After the above server message my client connection eventually 
just times out.

I am just assuming that consuming application/json works ...?
public String init(@UriParam("clientId") String id, @HttpContext 
info, CrystalParameters cp) {
System.out.println("---received the sucker!--");
MultivaluedMap params  = info.getQueryParameters();
// nothing happening here yet ...

String url = "/ReflnCover/" + id + "/basic";
return url;


P.S. I'm using under 
apache-tomcat-5.5.20 on kubuntu.

Re: JSR-311 and JAXB and JSON

2008-03-18 Thread Doug
Thanks Sergey,
I think it is a problem with the format of my JSON.
I can actually get my service to respond by
POSTing the following equivalent XML:

but POSTing this JSON string doesn't work:


Actually if I strip it down to just:


then the service calls init correctly, but if I try to include any kind
of array data in the JSON string then the init 
just never gets called, e.g.


Do arrays need some special treatment? ub, like d2x above is 
expected to be just java type double[].


Re: JSR-311 and JAXB and JSON

2008-03-18 Thread Doug
Actually there is something funny going wrong with the JSON
emitted by the JAXRS process. This was just a dummy service to 
see the output format:

public CrystalParameters dummy(@UriParam("clientId") String id, @HttpContext 
UriInfo info) {
CrystalParameters  cpn = new CrystalParameters();
MachineData md = new MachineData();
md.setD2x(new double[] {1.0,0,0,0,1.0,0,0,0,1.});
md.setLeftOffset(50.); md.setRightOffset(50.);
return cpn;

When I did a wget on this service it gave me JSON:

the XML precursor was, from my previous email:


i.e., the d2x array soaked up all trailing MachineData bean parameters 
in the emitted JSON representation.

So unless there is some JAXB annotation stuff for arrays in java beans, 
I'm guessing both the in and out JSON to XML JAXRS convertors may be broken?

Thanks for any info.

Re: Base class members not serializing / deserializing

2008-04-05 Thread Doug
On Sun, 6 Apr 2008, Brad O'Hearne wrote:
> I've moved to 2.1 SNAPSHOT -- my @UriTemplate annotations still won't
> compile. Is there another dependency needed?

I think @UriTemplate was deprecated/replaced by @Path by the JSR-311 folks,
but their spec documents aren't uptodate (thats my understanding anyway)

Something like the following works for me (from the 2.1 SNAPSHOT):


public class ReflectionCoverageService {

public String init(@UriParam("clientId") String id, @HttpContext 
info, SomeJavaBeanClass sjbc) {
MultivaluedMap params  = info.getQueryParameters();

Re: Base class members not serializing / deserializing

2008-04-06 Thread Doug
On Sun, 6 Apr 2008, Brad O'Hearne wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.  Couple things -- first, @UriParam is now
> apparently @PathParam. Additionally, I cannot get the paths to work. I
> repeatedly get Tomcat errors that there's "No operation matching
> request path...", and others like itstill a black artI'd love
> to get this worked out, as I've got jax-rs loaded, I just need to be
> able to hit it now. I've tried about every URL combination
> possibleno dice.

@PathParam may well be the next JSR-311 incarnation, but at least for the annotation that works,
for me, is @Path. 

Specifically, using my previous example, 
I have a tomcat webapps project "reflncover" which I access by the URL:

The "svc" component of the URL originates from the WEB-INF/web.xml file:


Also, in my beans.xml file (referenced by web.xml) I have:




It works for me. 

Originally I had a bit of trouble figuring the format of the XML to POST
to my /init/ REST service, so I ended up creating a dummy @GET service 
URL that returned a dummy bean class (as XML) that I created and 
populated within my ReflectionCovergeService class (below). Once I had 
that then submitting the same XML structure back "just worked".

Hope this helps.

> Prior to your post, I had reverted back to my Jax-WS frontend, and I
> discovered that inheritance IS working on serialization (outbound
> serialization on return types) but is NOT working on deserialization
> (inbound deserialization of XML to Java types on parameters). The
> problem is definitely there.

Not sure what you mean by "inheritance" here. I looked briefly at JAX-WS
but wrapping everything in SOAP headers wasn't flexible enough for my

Hope this helps

> On Apr 5, 2008, at 7:54 PM, Doug wrote:
> > On Sun, 6 Apr 2008, Brad O'Hearne wrote:
> >> I've moved to 2.1 SNAPSHOT -- my @UriTemplate annotations still won't
> >> compile. Is there another dependency needed?
> >
> > I think @UriTemplate was deprecated/replaced by @Path by the JSR-311
> > folks,
> > but their spec documents aren't uptodate (thats my understanding
> > anyway)
> >
> >
> > Something like the following works for me (from the 2.1 SNAPSHOT):
> >
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> > import;
> >
> > @Path("/rc")
> > public class ReflectionCoverageService {
> >
> > @POST
> > @Path("init/{clientId}")
> > @ProduceMime("text/plain")
> > public String init(@UriParam("clientId") String id, @HttpContext
> > UriInfo
> > info, SomeJavaBeanClass sjbc) {
> > MultivaluedMap params  = info.getQueryParameters();

Re: jax-rs URLs not working (was: Base class members not serializing / deserializing)

2008-04-06 Thread Doug
Maybe the annotations have to go in the implementation class 
instead/as well? I didn't use an "interface" - just an instantiatable
class (with method bodies).

Apart from broken POST data, thats the only other thing I can think of.


On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, Brad O'Hearne wrote:
> Doug,
> Thanks for the reply. I'm still getting the same errors, going to show
> you exactly what happens in my implementation. Here is my web.xml:
>   PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
>  "";>
>   contextConfigLocation
>   WEB-INF/beans.xml
>   org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
>   CXFServlet
>   CXF Servlet
>   org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet
>   1
>   CXFServlet
>   /services/*
> Here is my beans.xml:
>   xmlns:xsi="";
>   xmlns:jaxrs="";
>   xsi:schemaLocation="
> resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxrs-binding.xml" />
>  class="com.brad.UserService" />
> Here is my service interface (which is implemented by the UserService
> class referenced in beans.xml):
> @Path("/UserService")
> public interface IUserService {
>  @POST
>  @Path("authenticate")
>  @ConsumeMime("application/xml")
>  @ProduceMime("application/xml")
>  AuthenticateResponse authenticate(AuthenticateRequest request);
> }
> Tomcat loads cleanly (as far as I can tell -- no exceptions). When I
> try to access this service with an xml payload and the following URL: 
> http://localhost:8080/MyWebApp/services/UserService/authenticate
> I get the following exception on the server:
> Apr 6, 2008 7:38:46 AM
> org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.interceptor.JAXRSInInterceptor handleMessage
> SEVERE: No operation found for path: /UserService/authenticate/,
> contentType: application/xml, Accept contentType: */*
> Apr 6, 2008 7:38:46 AM org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain
> doIntercept
> INFO: Interceptor has thrown exception, unwinding now
> org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: .No operation matching request path /
> UserService/authenticate/ is found, ContentType : application/xml,
> Accept : */*.
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .cxf
> .jaxrs
> .interceptor.JAXRSInInterceptor.handleMessage(
> 120)
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .cxf
> .phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .cxf
> .transport
> .ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage(
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .cxf
> .transport.servlet.ServletDestination.invoke(
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .cxf
> .transport
> .servlet.ServletController.invokeDestination(
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invoke(
> 113)
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .cxf
> .transport.servlet.AbstractCXFServlet.invoke(
> 170)
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .cxf
> .transport.servlet.AbstractCXFServlet.doPost(
> 148)
>   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .catalina
> .core
> .ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
> 290)
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .catalina
> .core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
> 233)
>   at
> org
> .apache
> .catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(