CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-17 Thread John . W . Smith


 What are the chances that when we all attend the March in March,
 that we will all be videoed,  that video used against us upon
 application/renewal as proof of unsuitability to hold a SGC/FAC???

However, under the data protection act, you are within your rights to
demand a copy of the video sections that you appear in.  Mark Thomas of
the 'Mark Thomas Product', Channel 4 is running a competion worth 500
to the best stunt captured on and retrieved from CCTV or surveillance
video.  I think his show's on Wednesday night and he pulls no punches
with politicians, particularly Neil Hamilton who he described on last
weeks show using various expletives


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CS: Crime-British tourist killed by gunman in Jamaica

2001-01-17 Thread admin


Ananova 16/01/01

A 28-year-old British tourist has been shot dead inside a taxi in the
Jamaican resort of Montego Bay

Police said that Melonie Clarke, two teenage family members and an
unidentified man were riding in the taxi when the man shot Ms Clarke in the

The man jumped from the vehicle and fled.

Ms Clarke, a clerical worker from Birmingham, died in hospital.

Police say they have not established a motive for the killing.

The incident happened at just after midnight yesterday.
Where's an ethical export policy on weapons when you need one?


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CS: Legal-Scottish Public Inquiry Law

2001-01-17 Thread Norman

From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Come to think of it, why are we being denied access to
some parts of the evidence by Lord Cullen?

I can't remember any evidence at English Public
Enquiries being kept back in this way, can anyone else
assist my recollection on this?

Is this to do with Scottish legal differences from
English law?

Norman Bassett
The inquiry was required under Scottish law, this is why
there wasn't one after Dunblane.  I'm not sure of the
exact power Cullen had to require some of the evidence to
have a closure order placed on viewing it.  There are powers
in the law relating to legal proceedings and the identification
of minors.  I was told that the 100-year closure had been
placed on Det. Hughes' report because he named minors in

My personal view is that Cullen did it so that no-one could
read about who was taken in by Hamilton to save them from
being embarrassed and humiliated.  In 100 years no-one will
care, of course.


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CS: Legal-Guns for self-defence

2001-01-17 Thread George

From:   George Wallace, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is not our legislation which prevents us from having guns for self
defence, but simply Home Office Guidance.  When you say that Police are
pushed along a certain route by "their masters, the Home Office", I am
afraid it is nowadays the other way round.  A Home Office official told me a
while back that, "ACPO now tell us what they want to receive as advice".  I
suspect it was always thus.  You may remember that it was the Commissioner
of the Metropolitan Police who recommended, in 1919, the establishment of
arms caches around the country which could be issued to Government
sympathisers in case of civil unrest. 

With many Countries accepting self defence, if perhaps only in the Home, as
good reason for a gun, it may be possible to do something under our new
Human Rights Act. It is surely unjust that the Irish, the Germans and who
knows who else can defend themselves properly but we cannot.  I have no
money to pay for a challenge in the Courts but it ought to be possible to
raise it with the help of Banks, Security Companies, Building Societies,
Post Offices etc who would be the most obvious beneficiaries.

George Wallace
I don't think the Human Rights Act is really needed for this, all
you need is some desperate soul who has a genuine need, then you
can go for a judicial review.

BTW, I have absolute proof that ACPO wrote the referee forms and
got the HO to sign off on them despite objections from the NRA and
others - surprise, surprise, the forms are hopeless and now they
want them changed.


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CS: Pol-UN USA backs gun rights at UN Summit

2001-01-17 Thread gf


Betsy Pisik
NEW YORK - U.S. officials attending a U.N. meeting on the spread of
illicit small arms have pledged to protect legitimate gun owners from
international disarmament efforts.
Specialists from scores of nations are meeting here to develop a
non-binding agreement aimed at halting the flood of illicit small arms
and light weapons into the world's conflict zones. Specialists hope that
by choking off the supply of easily transported, easily hidden weapons,
armed struggle ultimately will become less lethal and more difficult to
Because almost all illegal guns start out as legal guns, some observers
are concerned that efforts to crack down on stolen or improperly
transferred weapons ultimately will be felt by legitimate gun owners.
"We have a couple of key redlines," one State Department official said
of the discussions. "Number one, for obvious reasons, whatever comes out
of this conference should in no way impose controls on who owns
firearms, or what types of firearms. We don't feel that anything that
imposes on domestic private ownership is something we will sign on to."
The U.S. delegation at the conference includes representatives from the
State, Defense and Treasury departments, as well as the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. The National Rifle Association and other firearms-related
organizations - both pro and con - are attending portions of the
two-week meeting. So are international human rights monitors, children's
advocates and similar nongovernmental groups. The session is largely
procedural, but the final conference, to be held in New York July 9-20,
is expected to produce a document setting out clear goals regarding the
permanent marking, recording, certification and transit of small arms,
with the goal of keeping legal guns from going bad.
The proposed agreement would resemble a legally binding treaty on
transnational organized crime that is being developed at U.N. offices in
Vienna, Austria. "Something we would not want to see happening is to
have this forum undercut the treaty prospects in Vienna.
We're working very hard to keep that exercise on track," said a member
of the U.S. delegation, who acknowledged that some nations would rather
handle thorny issues, such as permanent marking, in the non-binding New
York forum. Diplomats and observers alike caution against expecting much
from the final agreement, which defines "small arms and light weapons"
as including handguns, grenades, mortars, anti-tank guns and assault
Speakers in the opening days of discussion last week repeatedly urged
delegates not to allow national interests and rich profit margins to
dictate a toothless resolution. Observers and diplomats say the African
delegations seem to be pushing the hardest for a strong treaty, while
the arms-producing nations - specifically the United States and other
permanent Security Council members - are hitting the brakes.
Sub-Saharan African has been more affected by conflict than any other
region. Internal conflicts are simmering ominously or openly raging in
Angola, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Burundi and Sudan. Many of these conflicts threaten to spill into
neighboring, often unstable, nations.
"We have high hopes of the July conference but at the same time rather
low expectations," said Joost Hiltermann, director of the arms division
of Human Rights Watch. "We consider it unlikely in the extreme that the
conference will accomplish anything more than very minimal objectives,
if those."
Specifically, Mr. Hiltermann blasted the Security Council's five
permanent members for undercutting disarmament efforts in the developing
world. He said Russia and China "are completely opposed" to a meaningful
treaty, while France "slips weapons to its allies in African conflict
zones . . . asserting its neo-colonial interests by other means."
The British approach to weapons exports "comes up short on ethics," he
Mr. Hiltermann said it was still not clear what position the incoming
Bush administration would take on the treaty.
"We don't know where it stands," he said last week. "I would not be
surprised if it was counting on Russia and China to torpedo this
conference for it." U.S. officials say they are committed to curbing the
spread of illicit small arms, but they don't want to do it by creating
new U.N. offices, authorizing a lot of global meetings or banning
specific weaponry.

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CS: Misc-the man with the golden air pistol

2001-01-17 Thread Paul

From:   Paul Bartomioli, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

even better.  in the original Dirty Harry, the holstered weapon is a 6"
barrel.  the one he shoots is an 8 3/8 inch target model with 3Ts.
Target Trigger, Hammer, Stocks.  6" gun is plain jane model.

paul bartomioli

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CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-17 Thread andrew . lambley


Try Kings Gunworks in Los Angeles. They did the large loop lever for Steve
McQueen in the "Rifleman" TV series.

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CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-17 Thread andrew . lambley


Yes, but as I.G. repeatedly pointed out you can lose your fac for being
judged to be of bad character. So if someone in the firearms dept. believes
that it is wrong to disagree with the government or to protest in anyway
about anything you will be marked down as being unsuitable. 
Well, it would make for an interesting Section 44 appeal!


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CS: Pol-March In March Worries

2001-01-17 Thread Kay, Martin \(DEI\)

From:   "Kay, Martin (DEI)", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

While I agree with you that it's not (yet) illegal to demonstrate in support
of our diminishing freedoms, I think that Earl is expressing a valid
concern. Unless one marches under a banner obligingly announcing your club
affiliation, I have more confidence in the practical difficulties of
identification of individuals videoed/photographed participating in a march
preventing such an abuse of liberty than in the legal niceties of the
situation restraining the guardians of our freedom and public safety.  


Martin Kay
I can't see the point in worrying about it myself.  It's
self-defeating, the whole point in marching is to protest
bans, remember.  Or are people so attached to their lever-action
rifles that the Government has so graciously permitted them
to possess that they would prefer to cower at home for the
next few years until they are banned as well?


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CS: Target-308 Round destroys MI

2001-01-17 Thread andrew

From:   andrew, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't understand: are you saying that if the rifle in the article had
a proof mark that it wouldn't have been destroyed? Do you have
supporting evidence for this? The writer clearly places the blame on the
ammunition anyway.

Historically the purpose of the gun barrel proof acts were mainly a
protectionism measure whose purpose was to restrict cheap imports that
threatened the cosy cartel of english gun makers.

For myself I first came to doubt the value of gun barrel proofing when I
was an engineering apprentice and compared the methods used in proof
testing load bearing components and how those tests were themselves
validated against those of the gun barrel proof house. For a start the
proof houses were not even using S.I. units! And it was only about a
decade ago that they switched from recording pressure in (long) tons per
square inch to Bars (1 bar = (approximately) 1 atmosphere).

I also noticed that there was considerable variation in values recorded
on the proof marks. I had two .22 pistols that I bought new in the early
1980's whose proof pressures were two tons apart! I subsequently made a
point of looking at the proof marks of any firearm I came across and
found that there was such a wide variation in recorded proof pressures
for the same cartridge that I couldn't see that they were of any value
at all or how they were derived.

In addition I have examined a brand new ruger security six (.357 mag)
that had a proof mark despite having a fairly conspicuous hole in the
cylinder wall and a new Dan Wesson revolver that got through proof,
despite the fact that that timing was so far out it was difficult to see
how they got it to fire; let alone do it safely. However I have seen a
batch of revolvers from a long established maker that that had failed
proof due to the design of the muzzle crown!

The proof house did however destroy the first Dan Wesson .357 Maximum
that came into the country by a proof load that they calculated to
produce over 100,000 lb. per square inch! I have also seen the remains
of a .500 nitro double rifle (by Rudder) that had been rebarreled and
the proof house debarreled! The barrels were not burst but forced off
the breech face so far that the action was torn apart (I have the
photo's). Reportedly the case had stretched by over half an inch under
the pressure! On enquiring how the proof rounds were made up the gun
maker was told that bullets were pulled from factory ammunition and a
quantity of propellant was taken from some rounds and added to others to
make the proof rounds. Apparently no attempt was made to actually
pressure test these rounds before use. Not exactly ISO 9000! Naturally
the proof house was not liable and the gun maker had to buy the customer
another rifle as well as carry the cost of the rebarreling job; in all
not much change from L15,000!
I wasn't paying attention to the original post but on the other hand
the Proof Houses have stopped a batch of very dodgy Baikal shotguns;
stopped a shipment of dodgy Auto-Ordnance .45s, and also a fair
variety of dodgy zinc alloy guns.

However I am totally in agreement that the methods are not exactly
scientifically sound in this day and age.

As I understand it RORG had permission from the London Proof House
to use their proofmark on the SA80 (the Pattern Room has an RORG
proved HK G36, BTW).  This is essentially a London proofmark with
the letters NP stamped above it, which don't stand for nitro proof,
they stand for Nottingham Proof.  These barrels were not individually
tested with proof loads, they tested a sample of barrels and then
stamped them all with proofmarks.

I'm pretty sure Beretta, HK and SIG-Sauer all do the same thing,
which goes to show you what mass producers think of CIP.

I'm all for the proving process, but the only people I can find
who argue for the current way of doing it are people interested in
protection of the UK gun market, which is totally daft.


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CS: Misc-Proofing

2001-01-17 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dare I ask, what has the American Heritage Dictionary got to do with the
English language?  I would consider the custodian of the English language to
be the Oxford English Dictionary.


Steve,  Bob,

Bob: Toss an egg in my direction, will you? (You missed!!)
Um, let's see . . .
This wasn't meant as a 'mine is better than yours' kinda thing.
Actually, the American Heritage dictionary references the OED
for many entries, and includes most unique American words and
phrases that have come to common usage, and even some that are no
longer is use.
Now, what I really want to know, is what happened to your copy
of the OED, because my copy has reference to the word 'Proofed'.
You'll forgive me -- I hope -- that I am relegated to using the rather
small (and almost useless) magnifying glass which comes with the issue, and
that seems only to exacerbate reading the fine print.
The devil is really in those details!

Allow me to direct your attention to the index heading "Proof-Sheet".
Thereunder, you should find the entry:
1884 World 3 Dec. 15/2 The outcome is a masterpiece of etching
which is being 'proofed'.

Following that are two additional entries for 'proofed', one of which
I referenced earlier.

Say, do you want that egg back?


[=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=--\
[=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  [APIT .50) 
[=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=--/


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CS: Target-308 Round destroys MI

2001-01-17 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Worth a look, even to remind us all of the need for proofing 


Tom C

Steve,  Tom,

I wonder if the bullet was ever recovered?
Also, it would seem that maybe the contents of the
casing might have enough residue to indicate by chemical
analysis the formulation of the propellent.
Stuff like that is the food for nightmares.


[=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=--\
[=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  [APIT .50) 
[=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=--/


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CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-17 Thread jonathan


 I don't think it was invented by John Wayne, Robert Stack used
 one in "The Rifleman" but I'm not sure which was filmed first.

"Stagecoach" featured this rifle and that was 1939 I 

Jonathan Laws 

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CS: Misc-Careless cops?

2001-01-17 Thread D.F.Mallard

From:   "D.F.Mallard", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just caught a snippet on Radio 2 news at 6 O'Clock,
apparently two firearms officers have been suspended after
15 rounds of ammunition went missing from their ARV. It is
thought to have fallen out of the vehicle whilst still in the
I think they mentioned Nottingham (not sure, too busy dodging
other traffic).


Sounds like they lost a pistol magazine.


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CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-17 Thread John . D . Rickards


The "Rifleman" TV series was first.
Both John Wayne Commemorative (gold engraved) and regular production
blue models have been produced by Winchester.
Don't have data handy as to years/production runs.

John Rickards
Fairfax, VA

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CS: Misc-John Wayne Winchester Custom Model

2001-01-17 Thread Paul

From:   Paul Bartomioli, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

uh, excuse me.  Chuck Connors, former pro football and baseball player,
played the Rifleman on TV in the US.  

paul bartomioli
I'm sure Robert Stack was in that show, I even remember an
article in the American Rifleman where they interviewed him
about it.

Did they change actors?


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