CS: Field-Bird shooting in EU - info wanted

2000-11-23 Thread Tgarth


The EU Birds Directive applies to all member states, but individual countries 
can opt to derogate from some conditions - e.g. the UK has a general licence 
to shoot corvids and woodpigeons all year round.

Can anyone tell me - with chapter and verse, if possible, please - what the 
situation is as regards other member countries.  I gather France has ignored 
much of the Directive, and operates on some voluntary agreement.  Do some 
Scandinavian countries still cull goshawks?  Are any other EU states allowing 
shooting or live/dead trapping or translocation of any raptor species?

All concrete info will be very much appreciated, as also will suggestions for 
up to date printed/internet sources of data.

Thanks in anticipation:  Colin 

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CS: Target-Sportsmens Battalion - info wanted

2000-11-01 Thread Tgarth


<<  I think they were a sniper school set
 up by some landed gent who was fed up of the Germans sniping his men. it
 consisted of gamekeepers ghillies and landed gents who enjoyed game hunting
 etc. They were disbanded but the army took the hint and set up a specialist
 section to train sniping and the use of optically sighted rifles >>

I think there is a bit of confusion here.  Lord Lovat of Invernesshire had 
raised the Lovat Scouts from among professional highland stalkers, 
gamekeepers, poachers and others who knew how to shoot, from his own 
extensive estates and also those of his highland neighbours; and they were 
originally deployed during the Boer War, where Britain was badly outclassed 
by the skill of the Boer snipers.   The first serious British sniping school 
of WW1 was run by H. Hesketh-Pritchard (author of "Sniping in France"), who 
had extensive experience of stalking big game in Canada etc., and various 
other sporting officers, who had sent back to the UK for their sporting 
rifles, many of which were scoped.  

I have been unable to find any links between the WW1 sniping units and this 
mysterious "Sportsman's Batallion", and a search for info on the web has only 
thrown up two photos, of the unit leaving Hornchurch for France.  I wonder if 
they were "sportsmen" as in fieldsports, or just sportsmen as in "games".  
(That useful distinction has gradually been lost over the years, alas.)


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CS: Field-Calibres for Fallow

2000-10-31 Thread Tgarth


For what they're worth, here are my thoughts . . . 

If you have been shooting big fallow bucks in the rut, you have probably been 
encountering animals that are, for hormonal reasons, tougher to kill than at 
other times of the year.  But the .270 Win with the classic 130gr bullet 
really ought to be amply powerful.  (Personally, I find it an unduly noisy 
and harsh cartridge for any UK stalking situation - one of my least favourite 
calibres!!  ;-) .)   I have shot a lot of fallow with the .243Win with Norma 
100gr bullets, and been very happy with its results; and a professional 
stalker friend uses the same round to cull upwards of 100 fallow annually.  
When the Rep. of Ireland laws limited us to nothing bigger than centrefire 
.22s, I found the 5.6x57mm RWS with the 74gr Conepoint bullet very 

A last-gasp 30-yard dash after a heart/lung shot is not excessive for any UK 
deer, and a rutting sika might well have gone 200 yards!   The only way to be 
absolutely sure of dropping them on the spot is by an anchoring shot - i.e. 
into the neck vertebrae, or elsewhere on the spinal column so that the spinal 
cord is severed, causing paralysis.  But this requires very precise bullet 
placement, and fallow bucks' necks are swollen and enlarged in the rut, as 
are those of red and sika, and can offer an awkwardly large target.

The only .30 calibres that really make sense in the UK are the .308 Win and 
the 30-'06 Springfield, but the latter is too much gun for most deer and also 
for many shooters.  The 6.5x55 Swedish, the 7x57 Mauser, the .260 Rem and the 
7mm-08 Rem all have good claims to be ideal all-round UK deer calibres.


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CS: Target-Sportsmens Battalion - info wanted

2000-10-24 Thread Tgarth


Can anyone point me in the direction of any sources of
information (websites, books, periodical articles etc)
about a British army unit of the First World 
War, named the 1st Sportsmens Battalion?

All help gratefully received.

Actually I've always thought a definitive history
of the Artist's Rifles would be quite interesting,
I hear often that they formed a regiment that became
21 SAS but little more than that.


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CS: Legal-RFDs and gun "testing"

2000-10-16 Thread Tgarth


<< the Home Office have promised
 a crackdown on RFDs shortly (in fact they have
 already required inspections in the local force area
 of everyone) so what you can and cannot do will be
 clarified soon, I expect!

Interesting.  In what respectes do they propose to tighten things up?  Was 
this part of the HAC recommendations, or something the Home Office has 
thought up itself?  Is it aimed primarily at Sect. 5 dealers, or dealers in 
general?  What justification do they give for any perceived need to tighten 

This was part of the HO evidence to the HAC.  Apparently
they are convinced most of the guns criminals use come
from bent dealers, which is a laugh a minute as handguns
are banned and most criminals use handguns!

I think the law regarding dealers could be modernised, as
it hasn't changed much since 1937 but "modernised" and
"crackdown" are two different things.

The biggest laugh for me is that the Government feel that
the best way to stop people from making bogus RFDs is to
not publish the form of the certificate (have a look in
the Firearms Rules), and to tell dealers not to let anyone
have a copy of their RFD except the police and other RFDs.


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CS: Legal-RFDs and gun "testing"

2000-10-11 Thread Tgarth


Can anyone explain the legal position about RFDs and
the extent to which they can fire the guns on their

Presumably, for example, an RFD cert. holder who makes
guns or rifles is  entitled to test-fire them to satisfy
himself that they are of good and safe marketable
quality.  Likewise anyone who repairs, adjusts or
customises guns.  But are there restrictions as to
where he can do his test-firing?Is it permissible
in law for a RFD to take out a .22 sporting rifle that's
on his register and shoot a rabbit with it, or a stalking
rifle and shoot a deer?  Or is he restricted to targets
only, and if so, only on approved ranges?

Are there any statutory provisions or case law precedents
that govern what a dealer may and may not do with a gun
held by him in his capacity as a dealer, and not on his
personal FAC or Shotgun Cert?

There are statutory provisions and case law but it's
still a bit of a grey area.  RFDs are allowed to "test"
firearms and ammunition in connection with their sale,
repair, etc.  Presumably if an RFD has made a custom
rifle for shooting rabbits it would be perfectly
okay for the RFD to test it by shooting a rabbit.

Most of the case law that I'm aware of revolves around
Section 5 firearms, i.e. RFD gets Section 5 firearms
and stockpiles his own collection for his own use
which is stretching it.

One thing I've quizzed the HO on and gotten no real
response is whether an RFD can test ammunition
intended for use in a machinegun through a machinegun
in his stock, or whether he needs to have that
machinegun on an FAC for the express purpose of
testing ammunition.  This one came up because
a standard RFD can sell 9mm ammo for example, but
has no way of testing it in police or military
issue guns without Section 5 authority.  But
does the RFD need Section 5 authority on his RFD,
or on his FAC?

Dunno.  Certainly there are no FACs on issue for
this purpose, and Section 5 RFDs do test ammo.


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CS: Legal-Cert. renewals - an update

2000-10-09 Thread Tgarth


Having started this ball rolling last week, here is an

On 3 Oct. I lodged all my licensable items with a
sympathetic RFD before the expiry of my Certs on 4 Oct.,
just to be quite safe and sure.  I nevertheless wrote
to the Chief Constable by first class recorded delivery
service, also on 3 Oct., requesting his written
confirmation of the civilian official's verbal assurance
that I would be "kept covered".I explained that I
wanted this confirmation not only to protect my position
vis-a-vis the firearms laws, but also to ensure that my
personal insurance cover for liability while I am shooting
is not made void by my non-possession of the Certs.  So
far (six days later) I have had no reply to or
acknowledgement of that letter.

However, my Shotgun Cert countersignatory and one of my
two FAC referees have since been contacted by the police,
and interviewed by telephone (apparently with the police
making rather positive noises, which sounds promising),
even though the police had told me that all 3 persons
would be visited and interviewed _in person _.  

If and when my Certs are renewed, which I was told to
expect any day now, I shall be interested to see if they
are back-dated or if there is any discontinuity and an
unlicensed hiatus/es (hiati?).  

Lots of police forces do backdate them, I had Staffs.
police do it once with me ages ago.  It's technically
not legal but I don't see the police rushing to arrest
themselves for it.


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CS: Legal-Certificate renewals

2000-10-04 Thread Tgarth


My co-terminous certificates expire in 48 hours time.  I made due application 
for renewal in mid August.  I have today been visited by a civilian firearms 
officer, who says that all seems in order and that the renewals will be 
expedited, although I know that none of my referees or co-signatories have 
yet been visited, which the CFO confirmed is something my local force insists 

When I requested temporary certificates, as an alternative to lodging my guns 
with an RFD before my certs' expiry, I was told that neither alternative was 
necessary for me, as the police would "keep me covered" in the interim, while 
my applications are being dealt with.   

Can any expert confirm if this is indeed the case?  My reading of the law is 
that chief officers of police do not have the discretion to make informal 
declarations that one will be "kept covered" in this way.  

Advice and opinions will be very welcome.   

Colin (Scotland) 
If you do not have the appropriate piece of paper, you are not covered,
end of story.

I'm surprised they want to _visit_ your referees and your countersignatory,
they have no express legal power to do this and it will rack up their
costs considerably.  I've never heard of the police ever doing this

I would phone them and demand a Section 7 permit.  It only takes them
about five minutes to type one up.


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