CS: Misc-police weapons

2001-01-10 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve, & Richard,

In the matter of 'illegal weapons', allow me to comment:
First, it is hideous that any nation would be a signatory
to such an accord and proceed to employ any of those prohibited
item to be used against its own citizens. We've discussed this once
before on Cybershooters.
Second, this whole idea was meant to be humanitarian.
Well, what's going to happen when one of the waring
parties decides to take advantage of the convention?
Example: let's suppose for a moment that the Chinese
Army decides to over run a nation. And, let's suppose the Chinese
Army tells its soldiers not to assist its own wounded, but rather leave
them to the enemy to care for.
Now imagine the logistical nightmare of all those wounded
soldiers of both sides being cared for by only one side. A wounded
soldier is just as deadly as a non-wounded soldier: he's only slightly
more pissed.
Bullets developed by the NATO forces of late are relatively
weak sisters to the ones of old. At least a 30.06 or a .308 cal would have
the chance of not just wounding, but actually killing your enemy.
The .223/5.56mm NATO is meant to only wound. The same
goes for the 9mm pistol round, unless you happen to be up close and
very unfriendly. I do believe that was the reason for the issue of the
.45 cal. to US forces in the Philippines. They were, I believe using .38
cals. at the time.

So, what is more heinous: intentionally wounding your
enemy with a bullet that was designed to produce an intentionally
debilitating and permanent injury -- but not death, or using articles
banned from war against your own citizens?
And worse yet? Using both of them against your own citizens.

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Philosophy aside, 5.56mm and 9mm were designed to kill, and
5.56mm at ranges less than 200m puts a permanent cavity in
ballistic gelatin that do not indicate merely "wounding"

I have read articles by Peter Kokalis and Chuck Karwan
who personally compared 7.62mm and 5.56mm in combat, and
the gruesome details of the comparison leave you in no
doubt that 5.56mm is very lethal.  7.62mm is more
penetrative, but dead is dead.

9mm FMJ is not in the same league obviously, but back
when it was invented the entire objective was to kill
the enemy.


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CS: Misc-police weapons

2001-01-09 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes indeed. Expanding bullets, that's easy and also CS Gas as the Geneva Gas
Protocol prohibits the use, of course, of all gases in war...but from a
"rabble rousing2 point of view it makes good "copy"..

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CS: Misc-police weapons

2001-01-11 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One intriguing aspect of this is would the police be allowed to use such
weapons against Russian Spetsnatz paratroopers. I wonder if, by extension,
one could use the European Human Rights Act to argue the point of JHP and
No doubt someone will.


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CS: Misc-police weapons

2001-01-10 Thread jonathan


> ...but can any
> fellow "Cybershooter" tell us what BOTH the police's two "illegal" items
> are?
> --
> CS gas and expanding bullets?
> Steve.

But the Police aren't covered by these accords so they 
aren't illegal.

Jonathan Laws
True, but it is intriguing nonetheless.  What makes me
laugh is that if they're going to do it, why not do it right,
i.e. use JHPs instead of JSPs and use OC instead of CS?


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CS: Misc-police weapons

2001-01-09 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Probably correct - CS gas/OC spray and expanding bullets are
both controlled by the Hague Conventions on the conduct of

However, I doubt thermobaric weapons are or would be controlled
by the conventions as their methodology of use is essentially
the same as any large artillery shell or aerial bomb.  Its the
tactical use of such weapons agains cities and their civilian
populations that might be considered a war crime.



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CS: Misc-police weapons

2001-01-10 Thread Hugh Bellars

From:   "Hugh Bellars", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please let's stop recirculating this urban myth. Both the Geneva Convention
and the Hague Accords apply only to international warfare between nations
and 'domestic problems' were specifically exempted from both sets of
documents. There is nothing illegal under international law about the Police
using soft nosed bullets or CS sprays.

With respect to UK law, under Section 54 of the Firearms Acts, Crown
Servants like the Army, MOD and Police do not require firearms certificates
if they possess firearms or other prohibited weapons in connection with
their official duties.

On what basis do you also suggest that fuel/air explosives are illegal for
the Army? I fail to see how they differ fundamentally from other military
high explosive devices. I find the media fuss about some military weapons to
be fairly perplexing when you compare them with the horrific injuries that
can be caused by common or garden mortar bombs or artillery shells.


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