CS: Pol-Sport minister criticises handgun ban

2001-01-03 Thread Alex Hamilton

From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think she deserves a medal myself.


Well, you took the words out of my mouth, Steve.  Why don't we send her
letters/emails/faxes of thanks.
If she were to receive, say, 5000 letters of thanks, perhaps her
"colleagues" would then become aware that this is not a dead issue and
that the previous administrations committed not just a great injustice,
but was and still is also guilty of misleading the public as regards
Public Safety, which has not been enhanced on bit by the 1997 Act.

Actually I've got a better idea that will really rub their noses
in it, why not nominate her for a knighthood or an MBE or

Does anyone know how to do this?


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CS: Pol-Sport minister criticises handgun ban

2001-01-03 Thread Brian Toller

From:   "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually I've got a better idea that will really rub their noses
in it, why not nominate her for a knighthood or an MBE or

Does anyone know how to do this?



Brian T

Okay, print off the form and fill it in and send it in!!


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CS: Pol-Sport minister criticises handgun ban

2001-01-03 Thread Stone.s451

From:   "Stone.s451", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Only one day in, but this must be a strong contender for the 2001
Cybershooters Award.

Unfortunately, Miss Hoey does not appear to have e-mail.
The way the award works is that I give it to the person who did
the most last year, so the award would be for 2000.  I think
she certainly qualifies for that but I had decided to do
a special one for the most contribution last century.

Or I could do it the original way if people really want it
to go to Kate Hoey.


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CS: Pol-Sport minister criticises handgun ban

2001-01-03 Thread roger gascoigne

From:   "roger gascoigne", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For those of without access to the full name/home address etc could the
basics be made available ?


I don't think it matters, I get the impression that's more for people
we may not have heard of before.  I think everyone knows who Kate Hoey

She's a Government minister, I'd put House of Commons, SW1A 0AA
as the address.


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CS: Pol-Sport minister criticises handgun ban

2001-01-02 Thread David M

From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ISSUE 2048 Tuesday 2 January 2001

  Hoey criticises ban on handguns
By David Sapsted

  THE post-Dunblane ban on handgun possession has done nothing to stop
criminals getting their hands on firearms, according to Kate Hoey, the
sports minister.

Kate Hoey: 'I have never accepted the link between legal holding of firearms
and illegal weapons'
She accuses fellow Labour MPs of taking "a very unfair attitude" towards
legitimate shooting activities and says it is an activity that young
children should be encouraged to participate in. The minister, a farmer's
daughter who enraged the anti-shooting lobby with her praise of British
winners at the Olympics and Paralympics, also reiterates support of
foxhunting in an interview in the January edition of Sporting Gun magazine.

Defending properly organised shooting activities, she says: "I have never
accepted the link between legal holding of firearms and illegal weapons. I
represent Vauxhall in London where there's a substantial number of illegal
weapons on the black market, very easily available, and I'm not sure that
the handgun ban has done anything to prevent illegal weapons getting into
the wrong hands.

"Obviously, after Hungerford and Dunblane, there was a kind of attitude that
somehow there must be something slightly wrong with anyone who was involved
in shooting. I knew this to be untrue and I thought even some of my
colleagues in the House of Commons took a very unfair attitude."

She says it is important that legitimate shooting be protected in any future
legislation. "I will continue to do what I can to show people who are
cynical and unsupportive of competitive shooting that it is a very good and
disciplined sport that actually would be of benefit to many young people, in
the right circumstances and with the right supervision," she adds.

On foxhunting, the minister states that she is opposed to a ban and will
vote against one, but she says: "I'm afraid there will be a lot of people
who have a complete and utter fixation on getting rid of hunting."

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