regtool - 1.8 - Core dump

2005-02-24 Thread Alexander Joerg Herrmann
It dosn't feel like a feature so it must be a Bug for
sure :)
Don't worry it's easy to reproduce:
bash-2.05b$ ./regtool -K
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
crashes with a core dump insteed of printing the usage
information while 
regtool --key-seperator and regtool --key-seperator= 
does the right thing.
BTW: Why does CygWin use something evil like the
Window$ Registry anyway for mount points?
My Problem was that I have a X11 CygWin Installation
on my USB Stick so when traveling I can access my
Internet Host from almost any Internet Cafe running M$
on the planet. Unfortunatly some places do not allow
to import Registry Keys which imo makes sense. I tried
a workaround by using mount which gave me a headache
mounting the root partition. So I made a script with
regtool tumbling over the above error. 
bash-2.05b$ ./regtool -V
regtool (cygwin) 1.8
Registry Tool
Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
Compiled on Nov 10 2004
It's supposed the latest release as I just did
download it. 
As written in the Documentation:
"Note that modifying the Windows registry is
dangerous, and carelessness here can result in an
unusable system. Be careful."
Who would let a buggy programm do it?
So I ended up writing a small GUI programm with BC6
which allows me to edit all these mount points has
anybody out there any idea what the values in
"cygdrive flags" and flags have as a meaning. I'am
sure it's documented in the sourcecode but if anybody
out there knows please let me know so that I can
donate my CygWin Mount Point editor to the free Source
comunity without getting flamed for using wrong flag
My email is webmaster at felixfrisch dot de
For those interested the script which gave me a
serious headache with all these for and backward
slashes is here:
< Snip here if you would like to use 
./regtool add /HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Cygnus\
./regtool add /HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Cygnus\
./regtool add /HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Cygnus\
Solutions/Cygwin/mounts\ v2
./regtool -i set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\cygdrive flags' 34
./regtool -s set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\cygdrive prefix' /hallo
./regtool add '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/'
./regtool -i set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/\flags' 2
./regtool -s set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/\native'
./regtool add '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin'
./regtool -i set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin\flags' 2
./regtool -s set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin\native'
./regtool add '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib'
./regtool -i set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib\flags' 2
./regtool -s set '\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus
Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib\native'
-> EOF
Line 2 and 3 are not really needed and as you can see
I used the Subdirectory aIEngine of my own Software so
you may have to delete all the /aIEngine stuff. 
It works fine for me and the Cygwin installation on my
USB Stick. On a Windows$ machine without any mount
points in the registry I start cygwin.bat run this
script close the shell and start cygwin.bat again
having all the necessary mount points without running
Regedit or any other Script which may exist but is
unknown to me. 
Thanks for taking the time to read this message all
the way thru.

http://tahi4x4.felixfrisch.deTake a look :)

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Re: dlsym, Win32 error 127 ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND

2005-02-24 Thread Dr Clue
Hello Larry
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
In the end it was some changes to the gcc incantation
that got it to run. These were described nicely
in an old archive message at.

Larry Hall wrote:
Given this information, the only thing I can point you to is:
$ net helpmsg 127
The specified procedure could not be found.
So whatever the routine is that you're looking for in your DLL, it cannot
be found.  Perhaps it's not exported?
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That might help to enlighten us all.

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RE: Installing Perl modules with "perl -MCPAN -e shell;" fails with "02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header"

2005-02-24 Thread David Christensen
Stephan Petersen wrote:
> When I fire up
> perl -MCPAN -e shell;
> and for instance try to install Config::Inifiles, it fails
> Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
> than one CPAN mirror.

Have you tried this?  E.g. configured CPAN to use another mirror and tried



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Re: mmap and MAP_FIXED

2005-02-24 Thread Sean Daley
Evgeny Stambulchik wrote:

> Christopher Faylor wrote:
> > See:
> >
> >
> > Pay particular attention to the description of lpBaseAddress.
> Thanks! It doesn't explain, though, how mmap manages to avoid this 64k
> restriction when MAP_FIXED is NOT set (and why the same trick, whatever
> it is, can't be used with MAP_FIXED)?
> Regards,
> Evgeny
Read the description to lpBaseAddress again and then read the
following comment from
cygwin's mmap code:
/* If a non-zero address is given, try mapping using the given address first.
   If it fails and flags is not MAP_FIXED, try again with NULL address. */

Also, the Linux man page for mmap pretty much sums it up as follows:

  The mmap function asks to map  length  bytes  starting  at
   offset offset from the file (or other object) specified by
   the file descriptor fd into memory, preferably at  address
   start.  This latter address is a hint only, and is usually
   specified as 0.  The actual  place  where  the  object  is
   mapped  is  returned by mmap.
   MAP_FIXED  Do not select a different address than the  one
   specified.   If the specified address cannot be
   used, mmap will fail.  If MAP_FIXED  is  speci-
   fied, start must be a multiple of the pagesize.
   Use of this option is discouraged.


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Re: packg mngmnt model & other cygwin package releases...(where did they come from?)

2005-02-24 Thread Brian Dessent
Brian Dessent wrote:

> Well, there have been recent discussion about reinventing setup.exe.

I realize that mentioning threads without references is frustrating. 
Here is the first message in the thread, which ran for many dozens of

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Re: packg mngmnt model & other cygwin package releases...(where did they come from?)

2005-02-24 Thread Brian Dessent
Linda W wrote:

> But all of this discussion is moot if there is no high level
> interest in providing 3rd party links or a cygwin-contrib
> section to setup.  Having all package dependancies specified
> in the "setup" format _might_ be another obstacle to 3rd
> party ports of existing rpm packages.  Rpm could be enhanced
> to work with/around Window's file-copy semantics -- if by
> no other method that using "" "movefile"
> utility which allows replacing of "in use" files (followed
> by a reboot to finish the install just as setup does).

Well, there have been recent discussion about reinventing setup.exe. 
Some suggested a front-end/back-end solution, where there is a GUI lying
on top of command line utilities to do the heavy lifting.  Others
brought up moving to existing packaging mechanisms like RPM or pkgsrc.

One thing is clear though, you can't just say "rpm is nice" and start
using that.  For one thing, the file replacement issue is nowhere near
as simplistic as you make it out.  "In use replacement" under windows
amounts to placing an entry in the registry telling the system to move
file A to file B upon next restart, and then put a copy of the updated
in-use file at location A and prompt for a reboot.  There's no magic,
there's no getting around the basic paradigm of windows filesystems that
require that all outstanding handles of a file be closed before it can
be deleted.  rpm packages assume that they can replace in-use files and
then HUP whatever had copies of those libraries in memory, and all will
be fine.  It just doesn't work the same under windows.

I can find no such utility "movefile" on sysinternals, but I think you
might be referring to something along the lines of the "inuse" utility
that is included in the windows resource kit.  Even still, there is no
way a tool like that could be depended upon for an open source project
like Cygwin.  Someone would have to write an implementation of the util
under a proper OSI license in order for it to be considered a necessary
and dependent part of the project.

It seems clear to most everyone that participated in those "setup.exe
sucks" threads that there must be some kind of "bootstrap setup" at the
very least, that is not dependent on the cygwin DLL that can
install/upgrade core packages.  You might be able to get away then with
using a richer environment (like tcl, perl, cygwin-ported-rpm, whatever)
for the other things.  But the point I'm trying to make here is the
following: Cygwin package management differs fundamentally from *nix, so
you can't just drop in *nix package tools without some modifications. 
Someone somewhere will have to write some code and until that happens
there will be no progress.

On top of that, I submit that it's not the binary package layout that's
an issue to getting more official packages.  The Cygwin packaging format
is quite simple, and if someone is motivated it should be rather easy to
take a source tarball that compiles cleanly and turn it into a cygwin
package.  The setup.hint authoring is close to trivial.  The thing that
seems to prevent people from contributing packages is the need for there
to be someone in the hotseat to take ownership of the package.  It seems
rather often that someone will say "I've been able to port app X to
cygwin without too much trouble but I can't commit to being a package
maintainer."  This has nothing to do with the details of the binary
package format used, and everything to do with redhat/cygwin drivers
wanting (...a very minor level of...) accountability for all official


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RE: .bashrc not working (and yes I've read the FAQ etc as you'll see)

2005-02-24 Thread Arthur I Schwarz
Some thoughts which others have thought before me:

  1. /etc/password should reference shell and home to use
  2. /etc/profile is executed at 'login ...'
 a. Note comments on /etc/profile.d
  3. $HOME/.bashrc, $HOME/.inputrc are executed (for bash)
  4. If you use scripts and intend to import environment
 variables, export  should be used
 a. and 'source .bashrc' within a script helps
  5. If you use scripts and intend to import aliases
 then you need to supply a separate  file
 for the system to execute (I just did this and
  don't remember the steps.
  6. Info bash and read and read and ... helps
  7. Don't forget '#! /bin/bash` or equivalent as first line.

Bottom line, when things go wrong it really takes some
digging. In my case I always (always) do something wrong.
Note that /etc/profile contains information specific to
locating $HOME. After login have you done 'echo $HOME'?


Steve wrote:

>Forgive the defensive addendum but I've no wish to be either flamed or
>ignored when I've tried available pathways to solving this.

Must ... resist ... urge ... to  flame ... }:-)>

>.bashrc not working and yes my $home variable is correctly
>defined but I
>put a copy of .bashrc into / anyway just in case.
>The --login and -i switches are used.
>I even used the --rcfile switch and pointed it directly to my .bashrc
>file at which point cygwin just bombs out.
>.bashrc file contains only the line
>Alias ls='ls -al --color=auto'
>I even made .bashrc executable using the command chmod +x
>(just in case)
>but this changed none of the behaviour.   What am I missing.

I'm pretty much missing a proper description of the problem. Whaddaya
mean ".bashrc not working"? And what's "cygwin just bombs out" supposed
to mean - is it some sort of new hacker language or technical term I
didn't pick up on?

What's your entry in /etc/passwd say?


Jesper Vad Kristensen

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Re: Installing Perl modules with "perl -MCPAN -e shell;" fails with "02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header"

2005-02-24 Thread Greg Matheson
On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Stephan Petersen wrote:

> When I fire up
> perl -MCPAN -e shell;
> and for instance try to install Config::Inifiles, it fails with strange 
> "02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header" 
> messages (see below).

I see here that the file begins this way:

File: 02packages.details.txt
Description:  Package names found in directory $CPAN/authors/id/
Columns:  package name, version, path
Intended-For: Automated fetch routines, namespace documentation.
Written-By:   Id: mldistwatch 530 2004-12-31 07:19:27Z k
Line-Count:   30179
Last-Updated: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 14:39:54 GMT


Probably your file got damaged, I think.

Greg Matheson, Taiwan

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Re: mmap and MAP_FIXED

2005-02-24 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Christopher Faylor wrote:
Pay particular attention to the description of lpBaseAddress.
Thanks! It doesn't explain, though, how mmap manages to avoid this 64k 
restriction when MAP_FIXED is NOT set (and why the same trick, whatever 
it is, can't be used with MAP_FIXED)?

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Re: mmap and MAP_FIXED

2005-02-24 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 01:17:52AM +0200, Evgeny Stambulchik wrote:
>There is something strange about mmap(addr, ..., MAP_FIXED) under
>Cygwin.  For a reason, it always fails if addr is not on a 16xPAGE_SIZE
>boundary.  Here is a short demo:


Pay particular attention to the description of lpBaseAddress.


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mmap and MAP_FIXED

2005-02-24 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
There is something strange about mmap(addr, ..., MAP_FIXED) under 
Cygwin. For a reason, it always fails if addr is not on a 16xPAGE_SIZE 
boundary. Here is a short demo:

#define NRUNS 20
#define CHUNK_SIZE  4096
#define START_ADDR  0x64
int main(void)
unsigned int i, pagesize, prot, flags;
void *addr, *maddr;
pagesize = getpagesize();
for (i = 0; i < NRUNS; i++) {
addr = (void *) START_ADDR + pagesize*i;
maddr = mmap(addr, CHUNK_SIZE, prot, flags, 0, 0);
if (maddr != MAP_FAILED) {
fprintf(stderr, "OK:   %p -> %p\n", addr, maddr);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "FAIL: %p (%s)\n", addr, strerror(errno));
And the output is:
OK:   0x64 -> 0x64
FAIL: 0x641000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x642000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x643000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x644000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x645000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x646000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x647000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x648000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x649000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x64a000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x64b000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x64c000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x64d000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x64e000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x64f000 (Permission denied)
OK:   0x65 -> 0x65
FAIL: 0x651000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x652000 (Permission denied)
FAIL: 0x653000 (Permission denied)
On the other hand, if 'MAP_FIXED' is removed, mmap() happily uses the 
address hint in all cases:

OK:   0x64 -> 0x64
OK:   0x641000 -> 0x641000
OK:   0x642000 -> 0x642000
OK:   0x643000 -> 0x643000
OK:   0x644000 -> 0x644000
OK:   0x645000 -> 0x645000
OK:   0x646000 -> 0x646000
OK:   0x647000 -> 0x647000
OK:   0x648000 -> 0x648000
OK:   0x649000 -> 0x649000
OK:   0x64a000 -> 0x64a000
OK:   0x64b000 -> 0x64b000
OK:   0x64c000 -> 0x64c000
OK:   0x64d000 -> 0x64d000
OK:   0x64e000 -> 0x64e000
OK:   0x64f000 -> 0x64f000
OK:   0x65 -> 0x65
OK:   0x651000 -> 0x651000
OK:   0x652000 -> 0x652000
OK:   0x653000 -> 0x653000
Any insight?
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Re: packg mngmnt model & other cygwin package releases...(where did they come from?)

2005-02-24 Thread Linda W
Brian Dessent wrote: or scroll down to the bottom of the home page.

I didn't know about this...trÃs cool!  Thanks! Time to go
explore some more:-)

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Re: packg mngmnt model & other cygwin package releases...(where did they come from?)

2005-02-24 Thread Linda W

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
How is that not good publicity? There are a ton of cygwin binaries out
there; all you need to find them is usually the package name, "cygwin",
and google.  I know Gerrit, who maintains a lot of packages, also has
a large number of things he's built and put out there with no intention
to maintain them.  That's really sufficient; without someone responsible
for maintaining them, they should only be available unofficially.

Good point.  Unmaintained projects should be dropped when
they no longer work or are too outdated.  SGI had a "contrib"
CD (later became 2 CD's) that was totally composed of
unofficial, "volunteer effort" projects.  No official support
and provided on an "as is" basis.  They were only kept on the
CD(s) while they worked, or as long as they had someone
"sponsoring" a "util".  Mostly the CDs were composed of IRIX
ports of Gnu based utils...  It was just done as a convenience
for interested customers.  It was also only composed of
tools actually submitted for inclusion -- not "one of's" or
hacks that people didn't want included.
But all of this discussion is moot if there is no high level
interest in providing 3rd party links or a cygwin-contrib
section to setup.  Having all package dependancies specified
in the "setup" format _might_ be another obstacle to 3rd
party ports of existing rpm packages.  Rpm could be enhanced
to work with/around Window's file-copy semantics -- if by
no other method that using "" "movefile"
utility which allows replacing of "in use" files (followed
by a reboot to finish the install just as setup does).
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Re: packg mngmnt model & other cygwin package releases...(where did they come from?)

2005-02-24 Thread Brian Dessent
Linda W wrote:

> I'm not saying that there is some "approval" -- just
> that the module author can't check it in themselves.  I
> think this was the case with theh kernel -- it wasn't
> that linus went through and approved each line sent in
> by the senior kernel maintainers, but I had the impression
> that there was a bottle-neck on the check-process to the main
> tree.  That's why, I believe, they chose to go to a more public version
> control model - so "owners" of specific parts could
> check in changes in their section directly.  I don't see,
> from what you said, that the cygwin model is any different
> than having only a few people with check-in access to the
> tree, rather than each packager maintainer having check-in
> ability for their individual packages.

We're not talking about "checking in" anything, we're talking about
uploading files to the site which is mirrored to the
download locations.  And anyone with an account and sufficient
permissions can do this, it has nothing to do with CVS checkin ability. 
Many package maintainers have sourceware accounts and can upload their
packages themselves.  Those that don't just post a "please upload"
message and it's usually done within hours, by any of the people with
such an account.  You seem to be saying that there is some kind of
inherent flaw in that maintainers can't push out versions whenever they
wish, but that's just not the case.

If there is a package that is "stuck in the process" it's because the
maintainer does not have time to finish it or has not tested it yet, or
hasn't coordinated with other package maintainers of related packages. 
None of that has anything to do with the logistics of and
giving everyone an account with upload permissions would do nothing to
change that.

> Perhaps a list of "related projects" or links to
> 3rd party cygwin-app projects on the cygwin website
> would benefit the cygwin community.  Something along the
> lines of "Other projects using cygwin (note we have no
> connection or responsibility for 3rd party projects)"... or scroll down to the bottom of the home page.


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Re: packg mngmnt model & other cygwin package releases...(where did they come from?)

2005-02-24 Thread Linda W

Brian Dessent wrote:
Linda W wrote:

   Ahhh...hmm...I haven't understood (and am not entirely sure, if
yet, I do) the package release mechanism.  I would have thought that
package maintainers would have been able to check in their packages
directly -- perhaps, at least, under the experimental release section.
   If I understand you correctly, package maintainers first have
to announce something on cygwin-apps, then a few people who have
"cygwin-package approval" status eventually find the time to check in the

No, you misunderstand.  

   From what you say, I don't think I do misunderstand.  It's
my belief that package maintainers can't check in their
packages _themselves_.  You confirm that:
Once the package has been approved the first
time, a maintainer can post a new version at any time in the future just
by saying "please upload new version x.y-z" and it is usually done by
someone with a sourceware account within a few hours.  There is no
approval or review involved.  Maybe you should actually review how this
all works before making long rants about it?

   I'm not saying that there is some "approval" -- just
that the module author can't check it in themselves.  I
think this was the case with theh kernel -- it wasn't
that linus went through and approved each line sent in
by the senior kernel maintainers, but I had the impression
that there was a bottle-neck on the check-process to the main
tree.  That's why, I believe, they chose to go to a more public version 
control model - so "owners" of specific parts could
check in changes in their section directly.  I don't see,
from what you said, that the cygwin model is any different
than having only a few people with check-in access to the
tree, rather than each packager maintainer having check-in
ability for their individual packages.

   I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough in my writing.  I don't
know what qualifies as a "rant", as that would seem to
imply some some "axe to grind".  I said (quoting from the
original posting): "I haven't understood (and am not
entirely sure, if yet, I do) the package release mechanism".
I'm sorry that a request for information felt like an axe
being ground, to you.  Not everyone is equally clued in
to everything that has ever been said or written on this topic
and going to archives to read megabytes of past postings to
look for clues seems a very inefficient way to search for
   I wasn't annoyed with any specific individuals, cygwin or
otherwise. If anything, I was annoyed with my not having
heard about the package until it was no longer supported.
   Perhaps a list of "related projects" or links to
3rd party cygwin-app projects on the cygwin website
would benefit the cygwin community.  Something along the
lines of "Other projects using cygwin (note we have no
connection or responsibility for 3rd party projects)"...
In, at least knowing about them, cygwin users could ask
3rd party developers if they might want to submit their
project into some sort of 3rd party "contrib" section,
if not the main grouping of cygwin utils.  But we (those
of us not knowing about such 3rd party projects) can't
lobby for some type of inclusion if we don't even know
about them.
(not trying to "rant")
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Re: sshd and authorized_keys

2005-02-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
debug1: trying public key file /ssh/keys/authorized_keys
Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /
I don't want to modify ownership of / !
Is there a method to tell to sshd to don't make control of
Or, is there a method for make my idea work?

Sure.  Move the "ssh" directory one level down, and set the permissions on
the containing directory appropriately.  E.g.,
mkdir /private && chmod 755 /private && mv /ssh /private
Why make this? What change if I put ssh into private?
However, I don't see why you're so resistant with making "/" non-writeable
for anyone that's not your user...  Since you're the only user on the
machine, the only other concievable users that would be affected are
internal Windows users, like "LocalSystem" (a.k.a. SYSTEM), and I can see
no reason in allowing them to write to "/" (you can always make
subdirectories of root writeable).
I did't think this!
With only a simple chown Administrator.Administrators / all work ok!
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Re: sshd and authorized_keys

2005-02-24 Thread Igor Pechtchanski
On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Michele Petrazzo wrote:

> I'm making some test with sshd and authorized_keys.
> I'm able to login without password from a client, but I want to
> move the authorized_keys from ~/.ssh/ to another directory, for
> example /ssh/keys/authorized_keys, because I want to use only one
> key (I have only one user that can login into this machine)
> sshd say me:
> debug1: trying public key file /ssh/keys/authorized_keys
> Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /
> I don't want to modify ownership of / !
> Is there a method to tell to sshd to don't make control of
> ownership?
> Or, is there a method for make my idea work?

Sure.  Move the "ssh" directory one level down, and set the permissions on
the containing directory appropriately.  E.g.,

mkdir /private && chmod 755 /private && mv /ssh /private

However, I don't see why you're so resistant with making "/" non-writeable
for anyone that's not your user...  Since you're the only user on the
machine, the only other concievable users that would be affected are
internal Windows users, like "LocalSystem" (a.k.a. SYSTEM), and I can see
no reason in allowing them to write to "/" (you can always make
subdirectories of root writeable).
  |\  _,,,---,,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'   Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

"The Sun will pass between the Earth and the Moon tonight for a total
Lunar eclipse..." -- WCBS Radio Newsbrief, Oct 27 2004, 12:01 pm EDT

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Installing Perl modules with "perl -MCPAN -e shell;" fails with "02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header"

2005-02-24 Thread Stephan Petersen
Hi guys,
I updated my cygwin installation and obviously got a new Perl version, 
which means I need to reinstall a lot of modules again...

When I fire up
perl -MCPAN -e shell;
and for instance try to install Config::Inifiles, it fails with strange 
"02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header" 
messages (see below).

Does anybody have similar problems?
Thanks in advance for any pointers,

$ perl -MCPAN -e shell;
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7601)
ReadLine support enabled
cpan> install Config::Inifiles
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
LWP not available
CPAN: Net::FTP loaded ok
Fetching with Net::FTP:
Going to read /home/sp/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok
LWP not available
Fetching with Net::FTP:
Going to read /home/sp/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz
Warning: Your /home/sp/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz 
does not
contain a Line-Count header.
Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
than one CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to
Warning: Your /home/sp/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz 
does not
contain a Last-Updated header.
Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
than one CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to
LWP not available
Fetching with Net::FTP:
Going to read /home/sp/.cpan/sources/modules/
syntax error at (eval 32) line 1, near "package CPAN::Mn be u"
 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8/ line 3406
'/home/sp/.cpan/sources/modules/0') called at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8/ line 3129
CPAN::Index::reload('CPAN::Index') called at 
line 675
CPAN::exists('CPAN=HASH(0x106aada0)', 'CPAN::Module', 
) called at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8/ line 1842
CPAN::Shell::expandany('CPAN::Shell', 'Config::Inifiles') 
called at /usr
/lib/perl5/5.8/ line 2078
CPAN::Shell::rematein('CPAN::Shell', 'install', 
'Config::Inifiles') call
ed at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8/ line 2165
CPAN::Shell::install('CPAN::Shell', 'Config::Inifiles') called 
at /usr/l
ib/perl5/5.8/ line 201
eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8/ line 201
CPAN::shell() called at -e line 1

cpan> quit
Lockfile removed.
Stephan Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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sshd and authorized_keys

2005-02-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo
I'm making some test with sshd and authorized_keys. If I use the
standard directive into /etc/sshd_config :
AuthorizedKeysFile ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
I'm able to login without password from a client, but I want to
move the authorized_keys from ~/.ssh/ to another directory, for
example /ssh/keys/authorized_keys, because I want to use only one
key (I have only one user that can login into this machine)
sshd say me:
debug1: trying public key file /ssh/keys/authorized_keys
Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /
I don't want to modify ownership of / !
Is there a method to tell to sshd to don't make control of
Or, is there a method for make my idea work?
Michele Petrazzo
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Re: ssh-agent and /tmp/ssh-* removal at logout

2005-02-24 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Feb 23 09:59, Karl M wrote:
> >Did you talk with the Hack Kampbjorn, the Cygwin keychain maintainer
> >about that?
> >
> I have not talked with him recently. keychain 2.0.3 is pretty old, so I was 
> not sure if he was still supporting it. If Hack wants to support keychain 
> as a service, I can provide him with everything he needs...or I can support 
> it...either way is fine with me.

Hack, are you there?  Karl, if Hack doesn't see this message for some
reason, ould you mind to contact him?


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader
Red Hat, Inc.

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Re: packg mngmnt model & other cygwin package releases...(where did they come from?)

2005-02-24 Thread Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 12:43:15PM -0800, Linda W wrote:
>   I wondered about this when I found a completely separate package
> distribution (that appears to no longer be supported but was located
> at  Why didn't they just release
> their packages through cygwin/setup?  Seems like they have a ton
> ( of packages for cygwin,
> so many that put together a CD of gnu apps that run on cygwin.
>   I'd never even heard about them before they went to "no maintenance"
> mode...*sigh*...why weren't they developing under the standard
> cygwin/setup package model?  I was just surprised by all the packages that
> were available for cygwin outside of the cygwin project and wondered
> why they felt a need to release their packages separately -- they sure
> didn't get very good publicity -- I ran into them when I wanted to see
> about "cdrecord" being ported to work under cygwin...Apparently it was,
> at some point, as well as a bunch more utils.  Very strange.

How is that not good publicity?  There are a ton of cygwin binaries out
there; all you need to find them is usually the package name, "cygwin",
and google.  I know Gerrit, who maintains a lot of packages, also has
a large number of things he's built and put out there with no intention
to maintain them.  That's really sufficient; without someone responsible
for maintaining them, they should only be available unofficially.

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Re: need help with chroot with cygwin

2005-02-24 Thread Christian Weinberger
Please post to the list exclusively, so others may assist as well.
I don´t have enought time and resources to answer all personal email.
See my comments below.
João Carmona schrieb:
Hi there, sorry to disturbe you.
I retrieve your mail from a mailing list on the web. It seems that you 
have achieved to compile scponly with cygwin. Can You help me?

I trying to compile, but i'm stop on "make".
$ make
gcc -g -O2 -I. -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H 
-DDEBUGFILE='"/usr/local/etc/scponly/debuglevel"' -o scponly.o -c 
gcc -g -O2 -I. -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H 
-DDEBUGFILE='"/usr/local/etc/scponly/debuglevel"' -o helper.o -c helper.c
helper.c:12:36: libgen.h: No such file or directory
helper.c: In function `substitute_known_path':
helper.c:175: warning: passing arg 1 of `strdup' makes pointer from 
integer without a cast
helper.c:180: warning: passing arg 1 of `strcmp' makes pointer from 
integer without a cast
make: *** [helper.o] Error 1

Have you any idea?
I make the following changes in this file as you suggested:
usr/src/scponly-3.11:{509}:$ diff scponly.c scponly.c.bak
<   char bad_winscp3str[] = "test -x /usr/sbin/sftp-server && exec
/usr/sbin/sftp-server test -x /usr/local/lib/sftp-server && exec
/usr/local/lib/sftp-server exec sftp-server";
  char bad_winscp3str[] = "test -x /usr/lib/sftp-server && exec
/usr/lib/sftp-server test -x /usr/local/lib/sftp-server && exec
/usr/local/lib/sftp-server exec sftp-server";
But i don't understand the next step:
/usr/src/scponly-3.11:{510}:$ diff helper.c helper.c.bak
#define basename g_basename

Simply remove (or comment) the #define
additionally comment this:
/usr/src/scponly-3.11:{513}:$ grep "libgen.h" *.c
helper.c:// #include  // basename
Simply remove (or comment) the #include
Can be more explicit?
thank you
João Carmona

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