Re: wamp cygwin php. Files with acl, setfacl, issue

2008-12-10 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
Tim Oxley wrote:
> I'm running wamp/cygwin as a testing environment, and php doesn't want
> to recognise any files I create under cygwin (eg vim/touch etc) as they
> don't have the additional permissions (no + at the end of an ls -l
> command) .
> For example,  a php 'is_file()' returns false on a file that most
> certainly exists. Figuring out what was going on was source of much
> headache.
> I'm sure I am not the first person to have this problem, but I'm having
> trouble finding info, I've been reading about extended file permissions
> and setfacl etc, but I don't know how to set it up so I don't have to
> manually setfacl each file I create in cygwin?
> Help appreciated, thanks.

The cygwin-xfree list is only for X11 inquiries.  Moving this to the
main list.


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Re: POSIX 2008 available

2008-12-10 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Dec  9 21:58, Eric Blake wrote:
> For those who would like help modernize cygwin to the latest POSIX standard, 
> POSIX 2008 is now freely available at:

Thanks for letting us know.

> which, once you accept a cookie, redirects to:
> For an example of the differences, 'touch -d date' is now standardized (it 
> wasn't in POSIX 2001), although with a format that GNU coreutils still does 
> not 
> parse, so I've got some work ahead of me before the next coreutils release:
> (hmm, did you notice how the POSIX folks borrowed my username in the examples 
> section?)

So you're famous now!  Congratulation!

Do you know, by any chance, how I can get the Mozilla search feature to
work with SUSv4?

For some reason, all my usual methods used with the SUSv3 docs don't
work with SUSv4.
asks for username and password instead.
asks for username and password after pressing the search button.

Are this interfaces just not opened to the public yet, or will these
stay closed?  That would be a real pity.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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Re: Setup.exe (v2.609) Primary Group Problem

2008-12-10 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Dec  9 14:14, Matt Rice wrote:
> My understanding was that when I ran setup.exe, new files would have
> my primary group (the way I had it set up in /etc/passwd). I was eager
> to try it out since the current stable version of setup.exe
> (v2.573.2.3) would always use "users" as the group.  However, once I
> upgraded and checked out the permissions on the updated items, they
> all had a group of  (-1).  Did I assume or do something wrong?

Yes.  Setup.exe is a native Win32 application, not a Cygwin application.
It doesn't know about the settings in /etc/passwd.  Thus it uses your
primary Windows group.


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader  cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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Re: Ghostscript 8.63-2: contains gs.exe version 8.62

2008-12-10 Thread Dr. Volker Zell
> A R Burgers writes:

> LS,
> Today I noticed that I could not run the gs.exe from 8.63.
> gs.exe --version says it is 8.62, hence it can't work with the 8.63 files
> in /usr/share/ghostscript/8.63.

11:14 AM [500]> cygcheck -cd | grep ghostscript
ghostscript 8.63-2
ghostscript-fonts-other 6.0-1
ghostscript-fonts-std   8.11-1
11:14 AM [501]> type gs
gs is /usr/bin/gs
11:14 AM [502]> gs --version

Maybe reinstallation helps.


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Re: POSIX 2008 available

2008-12-10 Thread Eric Blake
Hash: SHA1

According to Corinna Vinschen on 12/10/2008 2:34 AM:
> Do you know, by any chance, how I can get the Mozilla search feature to
> work with SUSv4?

I think the web pages are still a work in progress:

As I read that mail, the PDF always requires a username (you can get one
without cost by joining the Austin group).  Last week, only the PDF link
was on the catalog page, and the restricted HTML mentioned in the above
link used to require a password for everything.  But now both the PDF and
HTML links are on the catalog page, and the restricted HTML link is simply
a redirect to the catalog page.  On the other hand, there hasn't been a
followup announcement on the Austin group list mentioning that the HTML is
a finished product, so that may explain why not all the HTML features,
like searches, are working yet.

> Are this interfaces just not opened to the public yet, or will these
> stay closed?  That would be a real pity.

I'm also hoping it will get better over the course of the next week; the
general understanding is that once POSIX 2008/SUSv4 is an approved
standard, that it should be at least as open on the web as SUSv3.

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Public key at
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libxml2-2.7.2-1 [SECURITY]

2008-12-10 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
Hash: SHA256

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin net release:

*** libxml2-2.7.2-1
*** libxml2-devel-2.7.2-1
*** libxml2-doc-2.7.2-1
*** python-libxml2-2.7.2-1

This is the latest upstream version, with a patch for CVE-2008-4225/6.


Note that downloads from (aka aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need to
find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one nearest to

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing list is
the appropriate place.

To unsubscribe to the cygwin-announce mailing list, look at the
"List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this message.  Send
email to the address specified there.  It will be in the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:

Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available
starting at this URL.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: esound-0.2.40-1

2008-12-10 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
Hash: SHA256

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin net release:

*** esound-0.2.41-1
*** libesd0-0.2.41-1
*** libesd-devel-0.2.41-1

This is an upstream version bump; see NEWS for changes.  The library
packages have been renamed, and will upgrade automatically.


Note that downloads from (aka aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need to
find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one nearest to

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing list is
the appropriate place.

To unsubscribe to the cygwin-announce mailing list, look at the
"List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this message.  Send
email to the address specified there.  It will be in the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:

Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available
starting at this URL.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Public Cygwin 1.7 test starts today

2008-12-10 Thread Corinna Vinschen
Hi all,

after a rather long period of time of development, we're proud to start
public testing of the upcoming new major release of Cygwin.  The version
number is 1.7.0 for the current test release and will be 1.7.x with some
x yet to be chosen for the final release.  As of today, the planning is
to release the final release at some point in Spring 2009.

This new release will bring quite a few changes, some of them might
require to do accompanying changes in your environment.  The most
intrusive changes are

- No more support for Windows 95/98/Me.  Cygwin 1.7 will not run on any
  of these systems.  We will keep the old 1.5.25 distro on sourceware
  for users of these obsolete Windows versions.

- No more mount points in the registry.  Use a file /etc/fstab instead.

- Some global $CYGWIN options have been dropped, some of them have been
  converted to mount options.

- No more managed mounts.  The implementation for POSIX pathnames
  colliding with forbidden filenames and characters on Windows
  filesystems has changed considerably.

At the end of this mail you will find a more or less complete list of
changes from 1.5.x to 1.7.x.  During the testing phase for this release
we don't expect any behavioural change from the current state except
some behaviour turns out to be unfeasible or is plain buggy.  A few (but
only a few) more features may be included within the test phase, namely
support for wide-char stdio routines, which is work in progess.

One interesting feature for the testers is the fact that you can install
Cygwin 1.7 in parallel to another production 1.5 installation.  They
don't interact with each other, provided you start the processes in
separate Windows, and you *don't* have *both* Cygwin binary paths in the
$PATH variable.  This is unsupported territory.

However, if you want to install services using the service installer
scripts around (inetd-config, ssh-host-config, etc), then keep in mind
that the scripts try to install the services under the same service name
as the former 1.5 script.  Additionally, network related services will
of course try to use the same network port numbers to install themselves
as service.  Bottom line:  If you want to test services, make sure you
have the related 1.5-based services *stopped* before running the same
services in the 1.7 realm.

I would like to stress that this is a *test* release.  Don't use it in a
crucial production environment.  Don't use it for you important personal
or work environment without making sure that you won't suffer loss of
life or money if something goes wrong by using this Cygwin 1.7 test
release.  There's no guarantee that we didn't screw something up

If you have more than one physical or virtual Windows machine, it's the
best to install the test release on the machine you don't need for the
production Cygwin install.

Last but not least, please 

- *read* the below list of changes for a start, so you know what we're
  threatening you with,

- *read* the new User's Guide, which you can access via
  or (one single big file)

  Though it's probably still lacking, it will explain a lot of the new
  behaviour in (hopefully) better words than the old User's Guide.

  Please note that we have no new FAQ.  The reason is simply that
  we don't know yet what questions will be asked frequently in future.

- After having digested the docs, ask yourself if you're willing to
  help testing the next Cygwin release.  If your heart and brain both
  say "yes", then use

  to install the test release. Note that it will default to *upgrading*
  an existing installation!  If you don't want that (and I bet you
  won't), make sure to change the installation directory right in the
  second dialog from your old, say, C:/cygwin to, say, C:/cygwin-1.7.

  Note that this setup-1.7.exe tool also has some changes related to the
  1.5 version.  The most noticable is that it is slower than the old
  one.  The reason is that it tries hard to create the files and
  directories with POSIX-like permissions as given in the distribution

  Additionally, note that setup-1.7.exe will notice that your Cygwin
  desktop shortcut (if you have one) already exists.  It will not try
  to create a new one in this case, and the Cygwin shortcut will still
  point to the 1.5 installation.  To get a matching 1.7 shortcut, just
  copy your existing shortcut, rename it to, for instance, Cygwin-1.7,
  and change the shortcut target path from the 1.5 distro directory to
  the 1.7 distro directory.

Did I mention that this is a *test* release and that you should make
sure that you don't screw up your existing Cygwin installation unless
you really want to?

Thanks for reading and especially thanks for participating.  I'm quite
nervous given the many many changes in 1.7, but if we live through the
next few months, I'm

Re: Re: Setup.exe (v2.609) Primary Group Problem

2008-12-10 Thread Matt Rice

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Dec  9 14:14, Matt Rice wrote:

My understanding was that when I ran setup.exe, new files would have
my primary group (the way I had it set up in /etc/passwd). I was eager
to try it out since the current stable version of setup.exe
(v2.573.2.3) would always use "users" as the group.  However, once I
upgraded and checked out the permissions on the updated items, they
all had a group of  (-1).  Did I assume or do something wrong?

Yes.  Setup.exe is a native Win32 application, not a Cygwin application.
It doesn't know about the settings in /etc/passwd.  Thus it uses your
primary Windows group.


Thanks for the quick reply. I thought it would be possible for setup.exe to
read /etc/passwd. My user name is part of a domain so I don't have a way of
changing my primary group (to the local admins group anyway). Anyway, I had to
go back to using cygwin 1.5 anyway because of similar problem to the problem
from this thread (, save XP
SP3 instead of Vista). I'm guessing there's no workaround for the desired
install group for either 1.5 or 1.7's setup?

- Matt

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cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists to merge

2008-12-10 Thread Christopher Faylor
The historical reasons for merging the cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists no
longer seems to exist so I am contemplating merging the two lists.

If anyone has a compelling reason why this should not happen please send
it to one of the two lists.  If I don't hear a coherent argument against
doing this, I'll throw the switch over the weekend.

Btw, I'm only mildly sympathetic to arguments like "It will be more
email for me".  I'm more concerned with having to constantly shuttle
people back and forth between the two lists.  Unless there is a
compelling argument to the contrary, I think that the fact that people
are confused about which list to use outweighs the increase in email
traffic for people who just want to hear about cygwin/x.


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Length of Command Line?!!!

2008-12-10 Thread Lee D.Rothstein
I remember that in past versions of Windows, 'cmd.exe' imposed a 
draconianly short command line on Cygwin console. I was wondering 
whether the limitation applied to Xterm windows, as well. I have become 
quite adept at using xargs to avoid this limit. However, I was writing 
something about Cygwin and I thought it time to reverify.

So, I ran a little test, on both console and Xterm bash windows, and 
discovered that command lines > 260,000 characters are acceptable to 
_console_. (Xterm yields the same results.) I still haven't determined 
the upper limit.

I am running Vista 64 Home Premium (Ver 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1; 
AMD 64 Quadcore), and Cygwin DLL ver 1.5.25-15.

Is this something "new" to Cygwin, or Windows Vista 64? As of which 
version of what?

Sorry to be so anachronistic.

So, once, again, Cygwin is better than I "remember"! ;-)

BTB, at least one document turned up in a Google search (of documents 
dated in the last year) indicated that GNU/Linux had a 128KB limit, and 
Cygwin, under XP, a 32KB limit!


Lee Rothstein

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Re: cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists to merge

2008-12-10 Thread Will Parsons
Christopher Faylor wrote:
> The historical reasons for merging the cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists no
> longer seems to exist so I am contemplating merging the two lists.
> If anyone has a compelling reason why this should not happen please send
> it to one of the two lists.  If I don't hear a coherent argument against
> doing this, I'll throw the switch over the weekend.
> Btw, I'm only mildly sympathetic to arguments like "It will be more
> email for me".  I'm more concerned with having to constantly shuttle
> people back and forth between the two lists.  Unless there is a
> compelling argument to the contrary, I think that the fact that people
> are confused about which list to use outweighs the increase in email
> traffic for people who just want to hear about cygwin/x.

You may not consider it a compelling argument, but I find the traffic on
the cygwin list more than enough already, and am glad I don't have to
bother about the cygwin-xfree traffic.  I'd prefer to keep things as is.


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Re: Public Cygwin 1.7 test starts today

2008-12-10 Thread Colin Ingarfield


I just want to take second to thank you for all the work you've done on 
Cygwin.  Cygwin has kept me sane in Windows environments for ?? years 
now, and I can only guess at the amount of time you've spent on it.

It's a great tool and I really appreciate it.

Colin Ingarfield
Austin, TX

PS:  Despite this praise I'm not crazy enough to help test version 1.7.  
I'm sure it's great though!  Cheers.

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

Hi all,

after a rather long period of time of development, we're proud to start
public testing of the upcoming new major release of Cygwin.  The version
number is 1.7.0 for the current test release and will be 1.7.x with some
x yet to be chosen for the final release.  As of today, the planning is
to release the final release at some point in Spring 2009.

This new release will bring quite a few changes, some of them might
require to do accompanying changes in your environment.  The most
intrusive changes are

- No more support for Windows 95/98/Me.  Cygwin 1.7 will not run on any
  of these systems.  We will keep the old 1.5.25 distro on sourceware
  for users of these obsolete Windows versions.

- No more mount points in the registry.  Use a file /etc/fstab instead.

- Some global $CYGWIN options have been dropped, some of them have been
  converted to mount options.

- No more managed mounts.  The implementation for POSIX pathnames
  colliding with forbidden filenames and characters on Windows
  filesystems has changed considerably.

At the end of this mail you will find a more or less complete list of
changes from 1.5.x to 1.7.x.  During the testing phase for this release
we don't expect any behavioural change from the current state except
some behaviour turns out to be unfeasible or is plain buggy.  A few (but
only a few) more features may be included within the test phase, namely
support for wide-char stdio routines, which is work in progess.

One interesting feature for the testers is the fact that you can install
Cygwin 1.7 in parallel to another production 1.5 installation.  They
don't interact with each other, provided you start the processes in
separate Windows, and you *don't* have *both* Cygwin binary paths in the
$PATH variable.  This is unsupported territory.

However, if you want to install services using the service installer
scripts around (inetd-config, ssh-host-config, etc), then keep in mind
that the scripts try to install the services under the same service name
as the former 1.5 script.  Additionally, network related services will
of course try to use the same network port numbers to install themselves
as service.  Bottom line:  If you want to test services, make sure you
have the related 1.5-based services *stopped* before running the same
services in the 1.7 realm.

I would like to stress that this is a *test* release.  Don't use it in a
crucial production environment.  Don't use it for you important personal
or work environment without making sure that you won't suffer loss of
life or money if something goes wrong by using this Cygwin 1.7 test
release.  There's no guarantee that we didn't screw something up

If you have more than one physical or virtual Windows machine, it's the
best to install the test release on the machine you don't need for the
production Cygwin install.

Last but not least, please 

- *read* the below list of changes for a start, so you know what we're
  threatening you with,

- *read* the new User's Guide, which you can access via
  or (one single big file)

  Though it's probably still lacking, it will explain a lot of the new
  behaviour in (hopefully) better words than the old User's Guide.

  Please note that we have no new FAQ.  The reason is simply that
  we don't know yet what questions will be asked frequently in future.

- After having digested the docs, ask yourself if you're willing to
  help testing the next Cygwin release.  If your heart and brain both
  say "yes", then use

  to install the test release. Note that it will default to *upgrading*
  an existing installation!  If you don't want that (and I bet you
  won't), make sure to change the installation directory right in the
  second dialog from your old, say, C:/cygwin to, say, C:/cygwin-1.7.

  Note that this setup-1.7.exe tool also has some changes related to the
  1.5 version.  The most noticable is that it is slower than the old
  one.  The reason is that it tries hard to create the files and
  directories with POSIX-like permissions as given in the distribution

  Additionally, note that setup-1.7.exe will notice that your Cygwin
  desktop shortcut (if you have one) already exists.  It will not try
  to create a new one in this case, and the Cygwin shortcut will still
  point to the 1.5 installation.  To get a matching 1.7 shortcut, just
  copy your existing shortcut, rename it to, 

Re: cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists to merge

2008-12-10 Thread sowiso
> I don't mind the traffic of xfree, but the cygwin list has too much

There IS traffic on xfree? Looks this has escaped me then. :P


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Re: cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists to merge

2008-12-10 Thread Lee D. Rothstein

I applaud the change!

And while some hippos may not be sanguine, Elephant\Rhinos (Elifinos!, 
as in, 'El-if-i-no which list to send it to') are ecstatic!


sowiso wrote:

I don't mind the traffic of xfree, but the cygwin list has too much


There IS traffic on xfree? Looks this has escaped me then. :P


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Re: cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists to merge

2008-12-10 Thread Andreas Eibach
Will Parsons wrote:
> You may not consider it a compelling argument, but I find the traffic on
> the cygwin list more than enough already, and am glad I don't have to
> bother about the cygwin-xfree traffic.  I'd prefer to keep things as
> is.

But on xfree, there IS NO traffic!
Just check the archives to get an insight into this:

This is ridiculously few compared to 2 years ago when Harold L Hunt put
more work into this _per week_ than all people together summed up from
summer to
end of this year!


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Re: cygwin and cygwin-xfree lists to merge

2008-12-10 Thread Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
Hash: SHA256

Andreas Eibach wrote:
> But on xfree, there IS NO traffic!
> This is ridiculously few compared to 2 years ago when Harold L Hunt put
> more work into this _per week_ than all people together summed up from
> summer to end of this year!

That may have been true until November 12.  But in the last four weeks
since X11R7.4, there have been ~500 messages on cygwin-xfree, including
30 announcements (including 3 xserver revisions).  Comparatively, there
have been ~660 messages on cygwin including ~45 announcements.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: rsync restore the file owner but rsyncd do it not

2008-12-10 Thread Matthias Meyer
Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 11:47:51AM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 04:51:29PM +0100, Matthias Meyer wrote:
>>>:-) Yes it works!
>>>Three important things are going wrong in "my" past:
>>>1. /etc/passwd as well as /etc/group are necessary in windows to enable
>>>  cygwin to map windows SID/GID to posix uid/gid.
>>>2. --numeric-ids are necessary during backup to server if the client
>>>  is unknown there (whats probably the case) . During restore
>>>  --numeric-ids are not necessary because uid/gid should be known on
>>>  client side.
>>>3. The environment variable must be CYGWIN=ntsec, which is already the
>>>  default.
>>>Hopefully my summary above help other users :-)
>>The phrase "must be...which is already the default" does not make logical
> Perhaps you meant to imply that CYGWIN=nontsec should not be used but if
> you are going to go down this road then you might have to prove that a few
> other no... options should not be used either.
> I think the basic advice is actually "Don't randomly change CYGWIN
> settings in an attemp to fix a problem unless you understand what they do
> or have been instructed to change them by someone who understands what
> they do".
> cgf

Thanks for your remark.
Where are you as I had my problem? ;-)
If you search, like I did, through the mailing groups to find a solution,
you would find several hints. Among other things also CYGWIN=nontsec.

Don't panic

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Problem Running protoize

2008-12-10 Thread Bob Smith
On Windows XP running Cygwin, I'm trying to run the following file 
through protoize (3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)):

C:\foo>type foo.c
void foo ()


C:\foo>protoize -k foo.c

protoize: compiling `/cygdrive/c/foo/foo.c'
protoize: /c/cygdrive/c/foo/foo.c: can't get status: No such file or
protoize: `/c/cygdrive/c/foo/foo.c' not converted

Note the extra /c/ at the start of the path in the error message.

The only file in the directory C:\foo is foo.c.

What am I doing wrong?


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Re: Public Cygwin 1.7 test starts today

2008-12-10 Thread Warren Young

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

after a rather long period of time of development, 

Is this going to change for the next major release?  There's an awful 
lot to absorb in this one.

- No more support for Windows 95/98/Me.


Can you talk about the positive consequences?  Obviously there's a lot 
of backwards compatibility stuff you can now ignore, and undoubtedly a 
lot of compatibility code that you were able to remove.  I see some 
features in the following list that I suspect were made possible by 
this, but it'd be nice to have a list of what we get for being able to 
drop this cursed loadstone.

Is Cygwin now significantly faster?

- Mount points are no longer stored in the registry.

Intensely awesome.

Is there anything else in the registry that makes it more difficult to 
clone a Cygwin installation than just copying c:\cygwin{-1.7}?

- unlink(2) and rmdir(2) try very hard to remove files/directories even
  if they are currently accessed or locked.  This is done by utilizing
  the hidden recycle bin directories and marking the files for deletion.

Profoundly awesome.

- File locking is now advisory, not mandatory anymore.

Jaw-droppingly awesome.

- Support UTF-8 in console window.

Mind-explodingly awesome.

- Detect and report a missing DLL on process startup.

Exceeding all normal bounds of awesomeness.

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Re: Public Cygwin 1.7 test starts today

2008-12-10 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 05:41:38PM -0700, Warren Young wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> after a rather long period of time of development, 
> Is this going to change for the next major release?  There's an awful lot 
> to absorb in this one.

If you mean for 1.9.x then there is no way to predict that.

It's possible that the next major release will introduce cygwin2.dll.  That
would be a long time coming.

> Is Cygwin now significantly faster?

I don't know if anyone has done timings.  Compiling Cygwin with gcc4 has
decreased its size relatively speaking but I haven't look lately to see
how it fares against cygwin-1.5.x.  Given all of the features that Corinna
added I think it's likely that 1.7.x is bigger and potentially slower to


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Re: Public Cygwin 1.7 test starts today

2008-12-10 Thread Warren Young

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 05:41:38PM -0700, Warren Young wrote:

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
after a rather long period of time of development, 
Is this going to change for the next major release?  There's an awful lot 
to absorb in this one.

If you mean for 1.9.x then there is no way to predict that.

I was just asking about intentions.  Do the core developers *want* to 
pile up new features and breakages over a period of many years and 
release them in a huge batch, or do you prefer to release smaller 
batches more often?

My preference is clearly written between the lines, but I only want to 
know what your preference is, not change it.

It's possible that the next major release will introduce cygwin2.dll.  That
would be a long time coming.

Do you have a sense for what would make the next major release 
cygwin2.dll and not cygwin1.dll?  Obviously an API or ABI breakage would 
require a new DLL name, but do you have something on the wish list that 
would require that, which was put off this time around?

Given all of the features that Corinna
added I think it's likely that 1.7.x is bigger and potentially slower to

Yes, the v1.7 cygwin1.dll I just downloaded is about 28% larger than the 
current v1.5 DLL.  This doesn't worry me.  0.7 MB is about 4 cents worth 
of RAM and disk space.  (Yes, I checked.  I'm such a geek.)  Load time 
is irrelevant to me, because I run cron; the DLL stays loaded all the 
time.  I guess the larger size could make it overflow CPU caches more 
often, but the L3 cache on Intel's newest desktop CPU is about 3.5x 
larger than the v1.7 cygwin1.dll.

What I was really asking is about execution time.  Does it run faster 
with all those if (win9x()) { ... } else { ... } logic forks removed? 
Or conversely, perhaps there's new completeness or correctness code that 
slows some things down?

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ssh-host-config produces script warning

2008-12-10 Thread Robert Pendell
NOTE: Resending below message once.  It got flagged as html the first
time around.  Not sure if it made it though as it wasn't archived yet.

While setting up sshd using ssh-host-config it produces a script error
when working with the mount command but still continued to process
through to completion.  This is on a clean cygwin 1.7 install with
nothing else setup yet other than inetd itself.  (I setup sshd as a
inetd service).

The offending line is 79 where it shows the following command:

mount -t -f "${_win_etcdir}" "${_my_etcdir}"

I found removing the -t part allows the script to complete properly
(or so it seems during my debug run).  This particular segment code is
related to parsing the services file in windows and potentially
removing that line from it.  Anyways it appears to be installed
properly and I did a localhost test to check that.

Here is the script error produced when the -t is there during the script run.

mount: unknown option -- t
Usage: mount [OPTION] [ ]
Display information about mounted filesystems, or mount a filesystem

  -c, --change-cygdrive-prefix  change the cygdrive path prefix to 
  -f, --force   force mount, don't warn about missing mount

  point directories
  -h, --helpoutput usage information and exit
  -m, --mount-entries   write fstab entries to replicate mount points
and cygdrive prefixes
  -o, --options X[,X...]specify mount options
  -p, --show-cygdrive-prefixshow user and/or system cygdrive path prefix
  -v, --version output version information and exit

Valid options are:


grep: /ssh-host-config.4452/services: No such file or directory
grep: /ssh-host-config.4452/services: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/ssh-host-config: line 105: /ssh-host-config.4452/services: No such file
 or directory
*** Warning: Adding ssh to C:umount: /ssh-host-config.4452: Invalid argument

Robert Pendell

"A perfect world is one of chaos."

Thawte Web of Trust Notary
CAcert Assurer

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Re: ssh-host-config produces script warning

2008-12-10 Thread Robert Pendell
I forgot to mention the cygwin version so here is the whole setup as needed.

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 Shinji-Winxp 1.7.0(0.189/5/3) 2008-12-09 14:20 i686 Cygwin

I also attached a cygcheck.out file.

Robert Pendell

"A perfect world is one of chaos."

Thawte Web of Trust Notary
CAcert Assurer

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cron_diagnose reporting errors while using cron-config

2008-12-10 Thread Robert Pendell
While running cron-config I chose to run as a privileged user.  Here
is the output from the script.

$ cron-config
Do you want to install the cron daemon as a service? (yes/no) yes
Enter the value of CYGWIN for the daemon: [ntsec smbntsec] ntsec smbntsec

The service can run either as yourself or under a privileged account.
Running as yourself allows better access to network drives,
but does not allow to run the crontab of other users.
Do you want to the cron daemon to run as yourself? (yes/no) no

Running cron_diagnose ...

The SYSTEM user cannot access the mount point /usr/bin.
Please run the following command to add a system mount point:
   mount -f -s -b "[DOS path to Cygwin]/bin" "/usr/bin"
where [DOS path to Cygwin] is something like c:/cygwin.

For more information, run 'mount -m' and 'mount -h'

The SYSTEM user cannot access the mount point /usr/lib.
Please run the following command to add a system mount point:
   mount -f -s -b "[DOS path to Cygwin]/lib" "/usr/lib"
where [DOS path to Cygwin] is something like c:/cygwin.

For more information, run 'mount -m' and 'mount -h'

The SYSTEM user cannot access the mount point /.
Please run the following command to add a system mount point:
   mount -f -s -b "[DOS path to Cygwin]/" "/"
where [DOS path to Cygwin] is something like c:/cygwin.

For more information, run 'mount -m' and 'mount -h'

WARNING: Your computer does not appear to have a cron table for shinji.
Please generate a cron table for shinji using 'crontab -e'

There may be serious issues with your environment.
You should look into them and run this script again.
Do you want to continue anyway? (yes/no) no

Can I just ignore these warnings and continue anyways?  It is
obviously still referencing the 1.5 type mount command here even
though I am running 1.7.

Robert Pendell

"A perfect world is one of chaos."

Thawte Web of Trust Notary
CAcert Assurer

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Re: Public Cygwin 1.7 test starts today

2008-12-10 Thread Matt Wozniski
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 7:41 PM, Warren Young wrote:
> Can you talk about the positive consequences?  Obviously there's a lot of
> backwards compatibility stuff you can now ignore, and undoubtedly a lot of
> compatibility code that you were able to remove.  I see some features in the
> following list that I suspect were made possible by this, but it'd be nice
> to have a list of what we get for being able to drop this cursed loadstone.
   I lol'ed at the reference
> Is Cygwin now significantly faster?

As CGF said, it would be reasonable to bet that it's now slightly
slower, not faster.  Nothing was changed in terms of the slowest parts
of Cygwin (ie, the fork emulation) except for allowing larger
environments, which, without looking at the code, just seems like it
would necessitate more copying and thus slower fork times.  But, all
of that is just conjecture.  Why don't you run some benchmarks for
yourself to find out the performance differences now, while any
problems you find might still be able to be optimized before the final


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Re: Public Cygwin 1.7 test starts today

2008-12-10 Thread Warren Young

Matt Wozniski wrote:

to have a list of what we get for being able to drop this cursed loadstone.

   I lol'ed at the reference

Glad someone got it. :)

Why don't you run some benchmarks for yourself 

I probably will.  I thought perhaps that had already been done, or that 
I could get my expectations set before I started.

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