Re: 1.7: setup fails to complete download; all later attempts fail

2009-08-31 Thread Lee D. Rothstein

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

> On 08/30/2009 11:15 PM, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

>> Setup failed to complete the download on an attempt to update.

>> Yet, the install continued until that failed as well.

> What do you mean by this?  Define "failed".  Clarify how "setup failed...
> yet, the install continued until that failed as well."

Fails different ways. Last time, just before replying it got 92%
done (reinstall) and a GUI box popped up on screen (locking
Cygwin progress window) and said:

Download Incomplete
Try Again?
Yes  No

If I respond Yes, it takes me back to Server selection.


>> Now, the same thing happens every try. Even if I:

> Generally all the things you mentioned here are worthwhile.  Perhaps
> you have a corrupt package listing for a package you're trying to update?
> Can you 'zcat' them all?

I have used different servers and delete all prior downloads
before each trial. How could this happen?

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Re: Cannot initialize bash shell after Cygwin 1.5.24 install

2009-08-31 Thread Dave Korn
Doug Ruff wrote:

> I installed using my domain user account (dougruff), and when the
> installation completed, I was able to launch a bash shell in my login
> session without any problems.
> But as soon as another user logs into this system and starts Cygwin bash,
> they are greeted with an uninitialized Bash shell (no path is set, no
> prompt is set, etc.)
> There is no HOME variable set in Windows.  Nor is there an entry in
> /etc/passwd for my account (dougruff).

  Is there a HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH setting for them?

> What could be keeping other users from being able to get a properly
> initialized shell session on this machine?

  Not entirely sure, let's find out.

  The mechanism that detects when a new user starts up a shell for the first
time and creates their home directory and copies the default startup scripts
into it for them lives in /etc/profile, beginning here:

> # Here is how HOME is set, in order of priority, when starting from Windows
> #  1) From existing HOME in the Windows environment, translated to a Posix 
> path
> #  2) from /etc/passwd, if there is an entry with a non empty directory field
> #  4) / (root)
> # If the home directory doesn't exist, create it.
> if [ ! -d "${HOME}" ]; then

  You need to find out why it isn't working for them.  Since the way it works
is to see if the user's home directory already exists, if there's a valid
HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH combination for the users, and they don't have /etc/passwd
entries, it won't get tripped.

  If that's the case, there's two ways you could easily fix it, depending
whether the other users wanted to use HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH as their cygwin home
directory or whether they wanted home directories under /home/$USER:

- to use the existing homedrive/path combination, just copy all the files from
/etc/skel into the existing dir.  (If you're using cygwin's 'cp' to do so,
watch out - they all begin with a '.', i.e. hidden filenames)

- to get a fresh home dir in the standard place, unset those variables for the
users in question.  Next time they login /etc/profile will run and set it up
for them.

- or, to get a fresh home dir without unsetting those variables, make sure to
create entries in /etc/passwd for them (using 'mkpasswd', presumably with the
-d option to add entries for domain users), and make sure the home dir path is
set how you want it in that entry.


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Re: 1.7: setup fails to complete download; all later attempts fail

2009-08-31 Thread Dave Korn
Lee D. Rothstein wrote:
> Setup failed to complete the download on an attempt to update.

> Now, the same thing happens every try. 

> It doesn't fail at the same point each time. It doesn't fail at
> the same point using the same source server.
> Sometimes it will get 98% through and then fail. Some times it
> will fail immediately after selecting, say, "Reinstall All".

> Ideas how to fix/prevent?

  Get a better ISP maybe?

  It sounds like the problem is in the network, rather than in setup.exe.  Are
you getting hit by Comcast's throttling?  If you were able to test the same
computer using a different internet connection and it worked there, that would
be fairly conclusive.  Alternatively, if you have a few gig of diskspace to
spare for testing, you could try using 'wget' or 'curl' to copy an entire
release from one of the mirrors you've been using - if that gets interrupted
part-way through, it'll prove that the problem lies upstream.  Another way to
diagnose it would be to fire up your favourite packet dumper and watch the TCP
stream while you run setup.exe, paying particular attention to the point where
it all goes wrong right at the end.


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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Andrew Schulman
> Cygwin (1.7 -- 1.5 is useless due to non-existent
> locale/UTF-8 support, although 1.7 doesn't shine in
> that either) was up to just a few weeks ago in a completely
> unusable state, because fg was broken, in addition to the 
> X server, which has been unreliable for a couple of months
> now, crashing every 5 minutes. Then an update a couple of
> weeks ago fixed fg, so Cygwin become somewhat usable through
> the putty cygterm. But X still could not be relied upon. 
> Then a couple of days ago there was a new set of updates
> available, including some to X, so of course I tried them.
> X wasn't fixed... but GNU screen had been broken, making 
> Cygwin again completely unusable, because screen is necessary
> with the primitive Windows window management. (Tabbed putty
> would help.)
> The more specific problem is that GNU screen has started
> having random hangs, locking up the entire terminal. 
> The hung screen sessions can not be reattached from a 
> new terminal either; screen -r will just wait seemingly
> forever, although can be stopped with ^C. Even -list
> fails usually, although once I managed to get a list,
> but not attach anything, and -wipe removed everything.
> The hung screen process stayd there in the process 
> listing Cygwin generally leaves a _lot_ of these 
> zombies around, you have to do a manual clean-up at
> least once a week.

Tuomo, I don't know what would be causing this, and I can't reproduce it in
my 1.7 installation.  The screen package hasn't changed in the last 2 years
or so.  I have LANG=en_US, but I set it to en_US.UTF-8 and ran screen
without any problems.  My terminal is PuTTYcyg.

Please post the results of cygcheck -svr, as described at .

FWIW, I've been using both screen and the Cygwin X server in 1.7 for many
months now, and I've never seen any of the instability that you're
describing.  As for screen, hung or unreattachable sessions and zombie
processes used to be a common complaint, but that's been several years now.


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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Tuomo Valkonen
On 2009-08-31, Andrew Schulman  wrote:
>> Cygwin (1.7 -- 1.5 is useless due to non-existent
>> locale/UTF-8 support, although 1.7 doesn't shine in
>> that either) was up to just a few weeks ago in a completely
>> unusable state, because fg was broken, in addition to the 
>> X server, which has been unreliable for a couple of months
>> now, crashing every 5 minutes. Then an update a couple of
>> weeks ago fixed fg, so Cygwin become somewhat usable through
>> the putty cygterm. But X still could not be relied upon. 
>> Then a couple of days ago there was a new set of updates
>> available, including some to X, so of course I tried them.
>> X wasn't fixed... but GNU screen had been broken, making 
>> Cygwin again completely unusable, because screen is necessary
>> with the primitive Windows window management. (Tabbed putty
>> would help.)
>> The more specific problem is that GNU screen has started
>> having random hangs, locking up the entire terminal. 
>> The hung screen sessions can not be reattached from a 
>> new terminal either; screen -r will just wait seemingly
>> forever, although can be stopped with ^C. Even -list
>> fails usually, although once I managed to get a list,
>> but not attach anything, and -wipe removed everything.
>> The hung screen process stayd there in the process 
>> listing Cygwin generally leaves a _lot_ of these 
>> zombies around, you have to do a manual clean-up at
>> least once a week.
> Tuomo, I don't know what would be causing this, and I can't reproduce it in
> my 1.7 installation.  The screen package hasn't changed in the last 2 years
> or so.  I have LANG=en_US, but I set it to en_US.UTF-8 and ran screen
> without any problems.  My terminal is PuTTYcyg.

I don't know how to reproduce it. It just sometimes happens.
Likewise with X, it just sometimes crashes when I press a key.
(And, no, it isn't a key caught by the WM.)

> Please post the results of cygcheck -svr, as described at
> .

There. (No attachments: using slrn.)

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Mon Aug 31 19:05:37 2009

Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

Path:   C:\cygwin\home\tuomov\bin

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 1003(tuomov)   GID: 513(None)
0(root) 544(Administrators) 545(Users)  513(None)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 1003(tuomov)   GID: 513(None)
0(root) 544(Administrators) 545(Users)  513(None)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

USER = 'tuomov'
PWD = '/home/tuomov'
CYGWIN = 'codepage:utf8'
HOME = '/home/tuomov'

HOMEPATH = '\Documents and Settings\tuomov'
APPDATA = 'C:\Documents and Settings\tuomov\Application Data'
MANPATH = '/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/man::/usr/ssl/man'
HOSTNAME = 'noi2'
RR = 'C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Rescue and Recovery'
TVTCOMMON = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel'
SHELL = '/bin/bash'
TERM = 'screen'
TVTPYDIR = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenovo\Python24'
TEXDOCVIEW_txt = 'cygstart %s'
TVT = 'C:\Program Files\Lenovo'
TEXDOCVIEW_dvi = 'cygstart %s'
OLDPWD = '/home/tuomov/bin'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
OS = 'Windows_NT'
!:: = '::\'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
TEMP = '/c/DOCUME~1/tuomov/LOCALS~1/Temp'
TERMCAP = 'SC|screen|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\

Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Andrew Schulman
> I don't know how to reproduce it. It just sometimes happens.

What terminal are you using?  Not DOS by any chance?
/usr/share/doc/screen/README.Cygwin warns that if you're using a DOS
terminal, you must set CYGWIN=tty before starting your terminal, or you'll
have problems resuming screen sessions.

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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Charles Wilson
Tuomo Valkonen wrote:

> There. (No attachments: using slrn.)

Great! Now, every time someone searches the cygwin archives for 'xrdb',
they'll find your message. I'm sure that will be quite helpful.

If you can't send attachments using slrn, and this list specifically
requests that cygcheck results be sent as attachments, you had two choices:

  1) deliberately send inline, ignoring list policy
  2) use a different email program for this one message

You chose poorly.


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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Tuomo Valkonen
On 2009-08-31, Charles Wilson  wrote:
> If you can't send attachments using slrn, and this list specifically
> requests that cygcheck results be sent as attachments, you had two choices:
>   1) deliberately send inline, ignoring list policy
>   2) use a different email program for this one message
> You chose poorly.

slrn is not an email program; it's an NNTP program.
I'm reading this list through; I try
not to subscribe to mailing lists as mail, because
it's too much pain to procmail them all, and too much
stuff I don't need in my inbox. NNTP is a much better
protocol for the purpose.

Be an early adopter! Beat the herd! Choose Windows today!

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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Ken Brown

On 8/31/2009 12:14 PM, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:

Potential app conflicts:

ZoneAlarm Personal Firewall

Have you ruled out BLODA?  See


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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Tuomo Valkonen
On 2009-08-31, Ken Brown  wrote:
> Have you ruled out BLODA?  See

All I can say is that things used to work fine until 
a cygwin update less than a week ago, which did install 
new cygwin dlls. After that I have had screen hang a 
couple of times.


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RE: Cygwin 1.7 ssh and window size

2009-08-31 Thread Karl M

> Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 00:08:57 -0400
> From: cgf
> Subject: Re: FW: Cygwin 1.7 ssh and window size
> On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 09:07:29PM -0700, Karl M wrote:
>>> Hi All...
>>> I just verified, this does no happen with Cygwin 1.5.
>>> I'll bet B20 was even better.
>>> It also still happens with the 8/24 snapshot dll.
> I think we need validation that this happens without the
> inexplicable addition of extra '>'s.
Christopher...Did you want something else, or was this just in response to my 
B20 comment?
Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast.

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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Tuomo Valkonen
On 2009-08-31, Andrew Schulman  wrote:
>> I don't know how to reproduce it. It just sometimes happens.
> What terminal are you using?  

Puttycyg, as I've already mentioned.

Stop Gnomes and other pests! Purchase Windows today!

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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Tuomo Valkonen
On 2009-08-31, Tuomo Valkonen  wrote:
> On 2009-08-31, Ken Brown  wrote:
>> Have you ruled out BLODA?  See
> All I can say is that things used to work fine until 
> a cygwin update less than a week ago, which did install 
> new cygwin dlls. After that I have had screen hang a 
> couple of times.

Some new information in:

I was just running X and xterm, trying if I could get more 
info about the X crashes, when suddenly one of my xterms 
hung, completely unresponsive. So it seems like this could 
be a general PTY problem.

This time, I was actually running darcs in the xterm, 
which is a very-very-poorly-working native Windows 
binary (that depends on Cygwin for the build process!),
because darcs can't be built for Cygwin due to no GHC
(Glasgow Haskell Compiler) for Cygwin... and the GHC 
folks don't seem very interested in getting it to build
on Cygwin. I was able to recover the xterm by killing 
darcs (with Windows task manager), however.

I'm not sure what I was running in screen when it hung,
but at least one of the times, it could have been texify
from MiKTeX. (Needed Yap from it, since Cygwin X can not
be relied upon for doing any work in, so might just as 
well stick to MiKTeX entirely, instead of Cygwin TeTeX.)
So, it could be that these hangs have something to do
with the PTY interface code (or whatever -- I don't
know the architecture) to native Windows binaries failing.

"[Fashion] is usually a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have
 to alter it every six months." -- Oscar Wilde

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News on rsync/ssh hang up?

2009-08-31 Thread Javier Sedano


	I'm having a problem with rsync over ssh: it randomly hangs. I had been 
using it for many years with a couple of scripts to backup my laptops, 
but currently it randomly hangs (1).

	I've been searching the mailing list, and seems that some other people 
is also suffering, and some workarounds are provided, such as 
ssh-tunneling + rsyncd. I am currently using another workaround: samba 
mount + local rsync; however this does not behave as fine as rsync + ssh 
(for example, it does not preserve symlinks).

Is there any (good) news that my search could not found? Any plan for 

(1) I do not know if it matters, but up to now (when it never hanged) I 
was using a Linux ssh server in the remote side, and currently (when it 
hangs) the server is winxp+cygwin as well. So maybe the problem is in 
the "server" side of the procedure.


Javier Sedano

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: lftp

2009-08-31 Thread Andrew Schulman
A new version of lftp, 3.7.15-1, is now available in the Cygwin

This is a new upstream release, with several bug fixes.  Please see
/usr/share/doc/lftp/README.Cygwin and for the
full changelog.

lftp is a sophisticated file transfer program and ftp/http client.  It
supports multiple network protocols, offers tab completion, command
history, job control, and bookmarks, can mirror sites and transfer multiple
files in parallel, and keeps trying interrupted operations until it can
complete them.

Andrew E. Schulman


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list, look
at the "List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this message.
Send email to the address specified there.  It will be in the format:  

If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:

Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available
starting at this URL.

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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Ken Brown

On 8/31/2009 2:28 PM, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:

On 2009-08-31, Ken Brown  wrote:

Have you ruled out BLODA?  See

All I can say is that things used to work fine until

That's an interesting response.  Aren't you interested in trying to see 
if your problems are caused by BLODA?  Is it too much trouble to disable 
or uninstall ZoneAlarm to see if that helps?

No reply is necessary.  But if you do reply, please don't quote my email 
address again.


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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Tuomo Valkonen
On 2009-08-31, Ken Brown  wrote:
> That's an interesting response.  Aren't you interested in trying to see 
> if your problems are caused by BLODA?  Is it too much trouble to disable 
> or uninstall ZoneAlarm to see if that helps?

Don't have such a thing installed. Another firewall, though.
And I'm not disabling it. If a firewall blocking traffic blocks
cygwin, it's cygwin's fault, for doing blocking IO.

In 1995, Linux was almost a bicycle; an alternative way of live to the
Windows petrol beasts that had to be taken to the dealer for service.
By 2008, Linux has bloated into a gas-guzzler, and the cycle paths 
have been replaced with polluted motorways.

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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Andrew Schulman
> On 2009-08-31, Ken Brown  wrote:
> > That's an interesting response.  Aren't you interested in trying to see 
> > if your problems are caused by BLODA?  Is it too much trouble to disable 
> > or uninstall ZoneAlarm to see if that helps?
> Don't have such a thing installed. Another firewall, though.
> And I'm not disabling it. If a firewall blocking traffic blocks
> cygwin, it's cygwin's fault, for doing blocking IO.


Perhaps you should read .

Overall, I have to say that you seem to have a big chip on your shoulder
about this whole problem.  We're sorry that things are working right for
you, and a fair number of long time contributors to this list have
patiently offered their advice.  Your responses have been fairly rude.  For
my part, I'm done with you.  Best of luck with your problem.


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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: screen, now with 256-color support!

2009-08-31 Thread Andrew Schulman
A new version of the screen package (4.0.3-3 for Cygwin 1.5, 4.0.3-4 for
Cygwin 1.7) is now available in the Cygwin distribution.

screen is a terminal multiplexer and window manager that runs several
separate 'screens' on a single physical character-based terminal.  Each
virtual terminal emulates a DEC VT100 plus several ANSI X3.64 and ISO 2022
functions.  You can create multiple windows with any programs in them, kill
the current window, switch between windows or copy text between them, view
a list of active windows, rename windows, view scrollback history, and
more.  You can detach your session and even log out if you wish; your
programs will keep running, and you can reattach later, maybe when logged
in from a different host.

This version of screen adds provisional 256-color support.  The 256-color
support hasn't been well tested yet, so the current packages are being
released for now as test releases, which means that they won't
automatically be installed for you the next time you run setup.exe.  To see
and install them, in setup you'll have to navigate to the screen package,
and click on the value in the New column until it lists the new test

Instructions for starting screen with 256 color support are in 
/usr/share/doc/screen/README.Cygwin.  In brief, you have to invoke screen

TERM=screen-256color screen

You can then run /usr/share/screen/ to check whether your
terminal is really displaying 256 colors.

In Cygwin 1.7, I've only tested 256-color support in PuTTYcyg.  It works
pretty well there, with some anomalies.  It may or may not work well in
other terminals, so if you're using it, please post a report with your
Cygwin version and what terminal you're using.  Once I have enough test
reports to know how well it's working, I'll move the package from test to

In Cygwin 1.5, I haven't tested this version of screen at all, because I no
longer have a working Cygwin 1.5 installation.  The package did work when I
originally built it in 1.5 a year ago, so it should work now, but again
I'll need to have a reasonable number of test reports (good or bad) before
I'll consider making this release the current one.  Again please post your
test reports, including your Cygwin version and terminal type.

Happy screening!
Andrew E. Schulman

caption always '%-Lw%{.kG} %n%f %t %{-}%+Lw'


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list, look
at the "List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this message.
Send email to the address specified there.  It will be in the format:  

If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:

Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that is available
starting at this URL.

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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 09:09:25PM +, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:
>On 2009-08-31, Ken Brown  wrote:
>> That's an interesting response.  Aren't you interested in trying to see 
>> if your problems are caused by BLODA?  Is it too much trouble to disable 
>> or uninstall ZoneAlarm to see if that helps?
>>No reply is necessary.  But if you do reply, please don't quote my
>>email address again.
>Don't have such a thing installed. Another firewall, though.
>And I'm not disabling it. If a firewall blocking traffic blocks
>cygwin, it's cygwin's fault, for doing blocking IO.

It is very rude to ignore a request not to quote an email address.
Please do not do this again.

(Assuming anyone is actually interested in helping you now)


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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Tuomo Valkonen
On 2009-08-31, Christopher Faylor  
> It is very rude to ignore a request not to quote an email address.
> Please do not do this again.

It's very rude to make such lame requests. What is it for? 
Spam? The address is glaring there bright in from-fields.
Any archive software that obfuscates headers can obfuscate

In 1995, Linux was almost a bicycle; an alternative way of live to the
Windows petrol beasts that had to be taken to the dealer for service.
By 2008, Linux has bloated into a gas-guzzler, and local vendors and
artisans have had to yield to "all under one roof" big box hypermarkets.

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Re: GNU screen hangs

2009-08-31 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:22:43PM +, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:
>On 2009-08-31, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>It is very rude to ignore a request not to quote an email address.
>>Please do not do this again.
>It's very rude to make such lame requests.  What is it for?  Spam?  The
>address is glaring there bright in from-fields.  Any archive software
>that obfuscates headers can obfuscate content.

Apparently you don't know who I am.  Allow me introduce myself.  I'm the
guy who just added you to the cygwin mailing list blacklist, i.e.,



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Re: News on rsync/ssh hang up?

2009-08-31 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 08/31/2009 02:58 PM, Javier Sedano wrote:

Is there any (good) news that my search could not found? Any plan for 1.7?

It's been a while since we've been through this so I have to admit I don't
recall whether the spot causing the trouble has been touched in 1.7.
However, if you'd like to take it a step further and try it with 1.7 and
report back, that would be helpful - .

Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc.  (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.  (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: screen, now with 256-color support!

2009-08-31 Thread Andy Koppe
Andrew Schulman:
> Instructions for starting screen with 256 color support are in
> /usr/share/doc/screen/README.Cygwin.  In brief, you have to invoke screen
> as
> TERM=screen-256color screen

I don't think that's quite right. Screen needs to be told what
terminal it is itself running in. This means "xterm-256color" for
xterm, PuTTY and MinTTY, and "rxvt-256color" for rxvt.

Inside screen, however, the TERM variable does need to be set to
"screen-256color" to tell termcap/terminfo-using programs that they
are running in a 256-color-enabled screen. The -T option can be used
for that. So, for example:

TERM=xterm-256color screen -T screen-256color


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