[ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.2

2015-07-23 Thread Thomas Wolff

mintty 2.1.2 is an update in response to a number of crash reports under
unclear circumstances;
mintty only detaches from the caller's terminal if the option -D is given

32 bit package uploaded
64 bit package to follow


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2015-07-23 Thread Corinna Vinschen
Hi Cygwin friends and users,

I released a new TEST version of Cygwin.  The version number is 2.2.0-0.3.

This test release needs some more good old-fashioned testing.

New, user-visible change:

- When started from a non-Cygwin process, check if $HOME starts with a
  slash (absolute POSIX path).  Otherwise ignore it.
  Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2015-07/msg00344.html

There was also a bugfix in the trampoline function installed by
makecontext.  On x86_64, the function missed to install shadow space for
the argument registers as required by the MS ABI.  As a result, using
makecontext could suffer a buffer overflow.  Thanks to Glibc's
tst-makecontext2 testcase.

On the plus side, with this patch, the entire glibc testsuite for
setcontext/makecontext now succeeds.

While the other new features in this release are only interesting to
developers again, there's an intrusive under-the-hood change which just
needs testing in as many scenarios as possible.

 tl;dr ==

Details aside, the interesting thing here is plain and simple this:
Does your stuff still work as with 2.1.0?  No regression?

The boring details:

  The under-the-hood change is this:  Certain functions in Cygwin were
  using very big buffers (32K, 64K, and more) on the stack.  While this
  is not much of a problem with the normal stacksize of 2 Megs, it's
  been a lot of stack pressure on an application-provided patch.  Yada,

For devs only:

  NEW:  sigsetjmp and siglongjmp were only implemented as macros so far.
  POSIX requires functions longjmp and siglongjmp to exist.  2.2.0-0.2
  adds sigsetjmp and siglongjmp functions.

  2.2.0 comes with four new functions:  getcontext, setcontext,
  makecontext and swapcontext.

  My own testing included two very simple self-written STCs, as well
  as the example code from http://linux.die.net/man/3/makecontext, as
  well as the glibc testcases for setcontext and makecontext.
  As with the sigaltstack stuff, I'd be grateful if curious developers
  would give this implementation a test.  If it doesn't work as desired,
  please consider to create simple reproduces in plain C.

  Discussing aspects of this implementation may be best handled on the
  cygwin-developers mailing list or the #cygwin-developers IRC channel
  on Freenode.

Have fun,

Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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Re: Problems with cygwin in Windows 10

2015-07-23 Thread Robert McBroom

On 7/22/2015 4:03 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Jul 21 23:13, Robert McBroom wrote:

Having problems with the X interface in Windows 10 (currently build 10240).
/bin/startxwin fails with the symptoms in the attached file xwin.txt. The
output from cygcheck -cv is also attached. What am I missing?
granp@WIN-xx /
$ ls -la
total 1303
drwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 May 21 15:33 .

This looks weird.  Did you copy your /etc/passwd and /etc/group files
from another machine, by any chance?  If you have both files, simply
remove them.  Check if you have a /etc/nsswitch.conf(*) file and
remove it as well.

Exit all Cygwin processes and start a single shell.  What does
`id' print?  What does `ls -l' print now?


(*) In the long run, you might want to read

Startxwin worked after doing "chown granp:granp /tmp".

/etc/passwd and /etc/group files don't exist.

The file

was default dated from January. Moved it.

The output from `id and `ls -l is in the attached file.

granp@WIN-O8GDH3F20D4 ~
$ id
uid=197609(granp) gid=197609(granp) groups=197609(granp),405504(High Mandatory 
Level),114(Local account and member of Administrators 
LOGON),11(Authenticated Users),15(This 
account),66048(LOCAL),262180(Cloud Account Authentication)

granp@WIN-O8GDH3F20D4 ~
$ ls -l
total 2
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 granp granp   0 Jul 18 00:23 Desktop
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 granp granp   0 Jul 18 00:23 Documents
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 granp granp   0 Jul 18 00:23 Downloads
-rwxrwxr--+ 1 granp granp 302 Jul 21 15:59 Emacs
-rwxrwxr--+ 1 granp granp 100 Jul 21 15:59 fullvt
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 granp granp   0 Jul 18 00:23 Music
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 granp granp   0 Jul 18 00:23 Pictures
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 granp granp   0 Jul 18 00:23 Public
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 granp granp   0 Jul 18 00:23 Templates
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 granp granp   0 Jul 18 00:23 Videos

granp@WIN-O8GDH3F20D4 ~
$ ls -l \
total 1295
lrwxrwxrwx  1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 21 Jan  1  2014 30cm -> 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 21 Jan  1  2014 60cm -> 
drwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Jul 21 15:48 bin
dr-xr-xr-x  1 granpgranp  0 Jul 23 07:59 cygdrive
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 59 Jul  7 21:58 Cygwin.bat
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 59 Aug  8  2013 Cygwin.bat~
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 157097 Aug  8  2013 Cygwin.ico
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  53342 Aug  8  2013 Cygwin-Terminal.ico
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 132014 Apr 26 11:40 
drwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Oct 10  2013 dev
drwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Jul 23 07:56 etc
lrwxrwxrwx  1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 11 Sep  7  2013 f -> /cygdrive/f
drwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Jul  7 21:58 home
lrwxrwxrwx  1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 11 Sep  7  2013 j -> /cygdrive/j
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Jul 21 15:48 lib
lrwxrwxrwx  1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group 26 Sep  7  2013 MCNP_DATA -> 
drwx---r-x+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 May 31 21:27 mnt
drwx---r-x+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Apr 26 21:26 opt
dr-xr-xr-x  9 granpgranp  0 Jul 23 07:59 proc
drwxr--r-t+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Apr 27 21:12 run
drwxrwxr-x+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Apr 25 15:47 sbin
drwxrwxr-t+ 1 granpgranp  0 Jul 22 07:46 tmp
drwxrwxrwx+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Jul 11 01:08 usr
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group  0 Oct  3  2014 var
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Re: ACL Hell

2015-07-23 Thread Sky Diver
Sorry for the late reply.
Ran both commands from an elevated shell and it still doesn't work.

I see this was discussed before but there was no concrete conclusion.

The two options that do work so far are:
1. Run cygwin as administrator
2. Disable UAC altogether
in the registry)

I use the first option at work and the second one at home.


On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Kurt Franke  wrote:
> Sky Diver  gmail.com> writes:
> ...
>> Still, how can I get a normal behavior (i.e. normal Windows symlinks
>> as produces in winsymlinks:nativestrict mode) in a regular session w/o
>> elevation?
> You could grant the necessary privilege to your account or to the group Users
> editrights -u sky -a SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
> or
> editrights -u Users -a SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege
> regards
> kf
> --
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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.1

2015-07-23 Thread Houder
>> Hi,
>> Thomas Wolf writes:
>>> mintty 2.1.1 has a bunch of requested tweaks and fixes which I’m
>>> releasing before some restructuring around character attributes...
>> This seems to stackdump on startup for me on Win7 x64.
> Confirmed. Both Win7 x86 and Win7 x64.

Yes, I may be in error ... but both installations are up to date (as far as I 

@@ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW Seven 2.1.0(0.287/5/3) 2015-07-14 21:26 i686 Cygwin

64-@@ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1 Seven 2.1.0(0.287/5/3) 2015-07-14 21:28 x86_64 Cygwin

Invocation of: mintty --version, works

Invocation of: mintty does not (at least at my place) -- even after restarting 


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Re: db_home setting in nsswitch.conf is ignored.

2015-07-23 Thread Shaun Martin
Thank you both for trying to help me out. I'm primarily a web 
developer and lack much of the system admin knowledge that would 
definitely help in this situation. 

> > Yes, HOME is set in the Windows environment and I am not able to change it. 
> How so?... 
> > With the "SET" command in a Windows command prompt I can see: 
> That's suspicious. So many symbols not allowed to be there. 

Not only does it look strange, but I can't tell where it's being set. 
Under System > Advanced > Environment Variables, there is no 
HOME variable set. When I put one in, it's ignored. If I type 
"set home" from the command prompt I get: 


I guess that would suggest the admins are using it to build up 
the full path dynamically for some reason. I'll need to talk to 
them about making any modifications. 

> On a second look into your OP, I'm also a bit puzzled about the 
> settings you made in /etc/nsswitch.conf. 

>From the documentation, it looked like "db_home: /home/%U" should 
solve my problems. When that didn't have any affect, I was 
just grasping at straws. I didn't try those all at once,
I just wanted to show the options I had tried.

Cygwin works perfectly in my home environment and on a virtual 
machine I have at work using a standard Windows installation. My 
work environment has caused problems with other programs in the past, 
but it seemed like this HOME variable situation could be 
bypassed by the "/etc/nsswitch.conf" file. I'll talk with the admins 
about Cygwin and see if they want to help me get this issue 
worked out. Thanks again for your efforts.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.1

2015-07-23 Thread Robert McBroom

On 7/23/2015 9:08 AM, Ismail Donmez wrote:


Houder writes:


Thomas Wolf writes:

mintty 2.1.1 has a bunch of requested tweaks and fixes which I’m
releasing before some restructuring around character attributes...

This seems to stackdump on startup for me on Win7 x64.

Confirmed. Both Win7 x86 and Win7 x64.

It started working again for me after a restart, weird.

Stackdump after updated on Win 7 64.  Works on Win 10 64.  Haven't 
restarted to see if that clears things up.  Cygwin.bat works.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.1

2015-07-23 Thread Ismail Donmez

Houder writes:

> > Hi,
> >
> > Thomas Wolf writes:
> >
> >>
> >> mintty 2.1.1 has a bunch of requested tweaks and fixes which I’m
> >> releasing before some restructuring around character attributes...
> >
> > This seems to stackdump on startup for me on Win7 x64.
> Confirmed. Both Win7 x86 and Win7 x64.

It started working again for me after a restart, weird. 

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.1

2015-07-23 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 6:38 AM, Henri Houder wrote:

>>> mintty 2.1.1 has a bunch of requested tweaks and fixes which I’m
>>> releasing before some restructuring around character attributes...
>> This seems to stackdump on startup for me on Win7 x64.
> Confirmed. Both Win7 x86 and Win7 x64.

Not a problem here, Windows 10 Pro (10240) 64-bit.

Jim Reisert AD1C, , http://www.ad1c.us

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.1

2015-07-23 Thread Houder
> Hi,
> Thomas Wolf writes:
>> mintty 2.1.1 has a bunch of requested tweaks and fixes which I’m
>> releasing before some restructuring around character attributes...
> This seems to stackdump on startup for me on Win7 x64.

Confirmed. Both Win7 x86 and Win7 x64.


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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.1

2015-07-23 Thread Ismail Donmez
Ismail Donmez writes:

> This seems to stackdump on startup for me on Win7 x64. Already did a full 
> rebase but didn't help. Dump looks like:

Sorry for the noise, this seems to be a local problem.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.1

2015-07-23 Thread Ismail Donmez

Thomas Wolf writes:

> mintty 2.1.1 has a bunch of requested tweaks and fixes which I’m 
> releasing before some restructuring around character attributes...

This seems to stackdump on startup for me on Win7 x64. Already did a full 
rebase but didn't help. Dump looks like:

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at rip=7FEFB973430
rax=07FEFB973430 rbx=0022C5D0 rcx=0010016E
rdx=0022C4B0 rsi=00010042A900 rdi=0022C5CC
r8 =0022C458 r9 =0010016E r10=
r11=0287 r12=0318 r13=03F0
r14=000600041F90 r15=031A
rbp=0022C550 rsp=0022C488
program=C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe, pid 2808, thread main
cs=0033 ds=002B es=002B fs=0053 gs=002B ss=002B
Stack trace:
022C550  7FEFB973430 (022C550, 000, 0010042A900, 
022C550  0010040FAEA (022C550, 0010042A900, 3F0, 
022C550  0010041B3EA (000, 001, 030, 
022CBC0  00180048410 (000, 000, 000, 
000  001800460DC (000, 000779E20C5, 000, 
000  00180046174 (000, 000, 000, 
000  00100419EF1 (000, 000, 000, 
000  00100401010 (000, 000, 000, 
000  000778559CD (000, 000, 000, 
000  00077A8B981 (000, 000, 000, 
End of stack trace

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: stow-2.2.0-2, New: perl-Stow-2.2.0-2

2015-07-23 Thread Andrew Schulman
A new version of stow, 2.2.0-2, is available in the Cygwin distribution. This is
a Cygwin-only release, that fixes a packaging problem where the perl Stow module
was in the wrong location.  The Stow module has also been separated out into the
new perl-Stow package, which stow now depends on.

stow manages the installation of local software packages by creating sets of
symlinks from the installed location (e.g. /usr/local) to a stow directory (e.g.
/usr/local/stow/emacs) where the real files live.  This allows you to keep
packages separate, while making them appear to be installed in the same place.

Andrew E. Schulman


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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Re: db_home setting in nsswitch.conf is ignored.

2015-07-23 Thread Corinna Vinschen
On Jul 23 00:53, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Shaun Martin!
> >> Is HOME set in the Windows environment already?  If so, this
> >> might interact with the setting in /etc/nsswitch.conf, which *only*
> >> works for entries taken from the passwd DB (getpwnam, getpwuid calls).
> >> 
> >> How do you start mintty?  It should be started with a single parameter,
> >> a dash, e.g.:
> >> 
> >>   C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -
> > Yes, HOME is set in the Windows environment and I am not able to change it.
> How so?...

I think admins can disallow changing your default user environment via
policy.  But that only means you can't change the env for the *first*
process in a process tree.  See below.

> > With the "SET" command in a Windows command prompt I can see:
> That's suspicious. So many symbols not allowed to be there.

I agree.

For a start, this behaviour of Cygwin has not chaged since at least

When being started from a non-Cygwin process (e.g. cmd, explorer),
Cygwin checks if the environment variable $HOME is already set.  If so,
it uses it verbatim.  Otherwise, it generates a value for $HOME
from the user's passwd DB entry or, if that fails for some reason,
falls back to generate a POSIX path from $HOMEDIR/$HOMEDRIVE.

The above value of $HOME is really a problem here.  Not only that
it exists and doesn't actually reflect your HOME, it's also not
starting with a slash and thus is evaluated as a *relative* path.
Therefore your resulting HOME will depend on the current directory
you're starting the Cygwin process from.

The fact that your actual home directory in the passwd DB is set
differently doesn't matter anymore then.  I.e., the output of

  $ getent passwd 

will very likely show something different as pw_dir entry.

On a second look into your OP, I'm also a bit puzzled about the
settings you made in /etc/nsswitch.conf.  No offense meant, but
it seem you just used some arbitrary settings without actually
reading what they mean and how to configure them (e.g. cygwin, desc).

Is there a problem understanding
https://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html?  I'm always grateful for
hints how to improve the docs, even more so for patches to the docs.

> > When you say it only works for entries taken from passwd DB, does that
> > mean I need to create a "/etc/passwd" file in order to change the
> > "db_home" directory with nsswitch.conf?
> No, she said that it only works if Cygwin has to retrieve these records from
> DB. If the information is already available, it will be used as is.


> > I'm starting mintty with the shortcut generated by the installer:
> > C:\Users\shaun\Apps\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
> System properties - Advanced - Environment.
> Remove the HOME variable. It shouldn't be there for Windows to begin with.
> If that wouldn't work, talk to your domain admin, explain the situation and
> ask to resolve the conflict.
> If Cygwin is a necessary part of your workflow, there's a Cygwin-specific
> schema available which can be installed in domain to help facilitate provision
> of the necessary Cygwin-specific information.

Alternatively (if your admin is a BOFH), you can always drop HOME from
your powershell env before starting a Cygwin process.

Even more alternatively, what Cygwin *could* do in an upcoming version
is to check the incoming $HOME for validity, i.e., is it an absolute
POSIX path and does it resolve to an existing directory.  If not,
ignore it and try the entry from the passwd DB.

However, I'm rather reluctant to do that.  For one your case is a first.
Such a change could also have surprising side effects.  Maybe just
checking for a leading slash would work in most environments, but


Corinna Vinschen  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

Description: PGP signature

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Update: mintty 2.1.1

2015-07-23 Thread Thomas Wolff
mintty 2.1.1 has a bunch of requested tweaks and fixes which I’m 
releasing before some restructuring around character attributes...

• The Shift key syncs font and window zooming (#233, #204).
  — functions to zoom window with font (#233, Resize font and window 

◦ Shift+Ctrl+keypad-Plus
◦ Shift+Ctrl+keypad-Minus
◦ Shift+Ctrl+mouse-wheel
◦ corresponding ESC sequence
  — functions to zoom font with window (#204, Fullscreen with font zoom):
◦ Shift+mouse-drag on window border
◦ Shift+maximize, Shift+minimize (click on window title)
◦ Shift+Alt+Enter, Shift+Alt+F11
◦ Shift+menu...“Full Screen”
• Trying to keep window position within monitor work area on resizing (#79).
• Exiting mintty is not blocked by background process (#319).
• In an exit confirmation popup, a list of child processes is displayed 
• Tweak/workaround for signals not being handled when mintty was started 
from Cygwin console.

• Tweaked Ctrl+TAB to not put current window into the background (~ #260).
• Ctrl+click spawning: Syncing environment to Windows to avoid dropping 
environment in mintty started with Alt-F2 (#360).

• Added termination indicator config options ExitWrite and ExitTitle (#437).
• Added options -B frame and -B void to reduce window border (#7).

The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/
It also links to the issue tracker.


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