Re: Is Cygwin legal under Windows XP?

2002-04-21 Thread Elizabeth Barham

This whole thing seems kind of iffy in regards to Microsoft's
position. While Microsoft has some authority, consumers do too and
Windows XP's EULA may violate some consumer rights (I don't know of
any off hand, though). But even if it doesn't violate any at the
moment, it violates what I consider my own "consumer rights" - I have
the right to run any program I want to on any computer I own,
including Microsoft Operating Systems.

And what is this EULA anyway? If I purchase software, do I or do I not
own the software? And can I or can I not do anything I want to with it
- I mean, it's mine and they sold it to me. Or am I "leasing" the
software from someone?

It's one thing for an EULA to say, "You may have one copy of this
piece of software running on at most one computer at any time," but
another thing for it to say what I can use the software for.


"Michael D. Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Another issue is the number of clients served by a windows host
> running cygwin.
>   I remember that was an issue for O'Reilly for the web server they
> used to sell for Windows - non-server versions of Windows were only
> licensed to serve a few clients of any sort, and server versions of
> windows that could have any number of users came bundled with IIS, so
> O'Reilly was unable to sell to people who already had a bundled web
> server.
> If somebody's running cygwin on a machine that's only licensed as a
> desktop version of windows, and they have a lot of clients for apache,
> postgresql, ssh or whatnot, they're likely in violation of the windows
> license.
> I couldn't say whether the cygwin developers could be held liable by
> microsoft for not enforcing the desktop client limit.
> Michael D. Crawford GoingWare Inc. - Expert Software Development and
> Consulting [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Tilting at Windmills for a Better Tomorrow.
> --
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Re: Why did you guys break EVERYTHING...

2002-04-19 Thread Elizabeth Barham

We're here to help you Barry.


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Re: Problems installing cygwin-XFree86 on a Dell WIN2K box

2002-04-11 Thread Elizabeth Barham

"Dr. Lawrence Ward Spradley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I also looked through the script to try to assess why it
> was stopping. It appears to need a program called extract, which I
> think is part of the XFree86 download.

Yes it is. It worked for me by having extract in the same directory as
the various X files, Xbin.tgz, Xdoc.tgz, etc.

For example, I downloaded the X files into the /tmp directory,
including extract.exe ; it installed very easily. If the extract.exe
you downloaded is compressed (it looks like "extract.exe.gz") then
you'll need to decompress it with the gunzip command. Provided you've
installed the gzip package, this can be done with "gunzip

> The script also contains comments about linking extract to gnu-tar.

# Link extract to gnu-tar so it can also be used as a regular tar
case "$OsName" in
rm -f gnu-tar
ln -s extract.exe gnu-tar
rm -f gnu-tar
ln extract gnu-tar

This is simply providing a link between exact and gnu-tar - making
gnu-tar a synonym for extract (that is, when you run "gnu-tar" it does
the same thing as running extract - they're the same programs [ note
this is entitled "gnu-tar" ].

Is extract.exe in the same directory as the


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Re: Installing ?!

2002-04-09 Thread Elizabeth Barham


A proxy is something that does something on your behalf while
appearing to be the real thing.

An HTTP Proxy would be something you'd connect with, tell it to view a
website, and the Proxy responds with the information *as if* it came
from the original website.

CLIENT <--> PROXY <--> Web Site (

Let's say I'm the client and I want to view Yahoo! If I'm directly
connected to the internet then there is no proxy, so it would look
like this (not 100% accurate but good enough for right now):

CLIENT <-> WebSite (

But let's say I work at a very large company with a very large number
of employees who are looking at yahoo maybe 10 times a second at
various times of the day. Since it is unlikely that Yahoo will change
within that 1 second, we can pretty much assume that all these people
viewing Yahoo! during the same second will see the exact same page.

A proxy could be installed between the internet and the employees'
computers which, when contacted, determines if it has a copy of
Yahoo's default webpage in it's cache (in memory or on disk). If it
doesn't, it contacts Yahoo and caches the webpage and sends a copy
back to the client (employee computer). OTOH, if it does have a copy
of it then it just sends the copy of it meaning that end user's
response time is quicker and internet usage is lowered.

Mahlon Hull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> directory and hit next. Then it asks me to select my internet
> connection, this is where the fun begins.  First of all I don't know
> what the options mean: direct connection, use ie5 settings, and use
> http/ftp proxy.

A direct connection basically means a normal connection to the
internet. For example, if you're connected to the internet (even via
PPP), you could run "" and ping yahoo.

If there are some strange settings in InternetExplorer5, such as proxy
settings, then you would want those settings. So setup.exe queries the
networking information stored for IE5 and uses them to contact the
sites to download information.

If, OTOH, you know your proxy information yourself and perhaps aren't
using IE5, then you could just type it in.

> First of all what does direct connection mean, am i supposed to be
> on the internet when I try to do this (I'm guessing yes)


> or does this dial them up directly (I doubt this) or what?

It may. This could probably be best answered by someone who knows
setup.exe internals, but to the best of my knowledge Windows
Networking does something like this:

1) Application makes a network query
2) Windows sees this and determines if a connection is available

If a connection is available then jump to step 4, else step 3

3) Windows connects to the network in a default way (such as via PPP)

4) Windows provides networking service to application

But if you aren't connected to the internet when you use this option
and Windows starts dialing out, then you know that Windows is doing
step #3 and trying to make a connection to Cygwin (or a mirror) via
the internet.

> Second I have Internet Explorer 6 not 5, I'm assuming that ie5
> stands for Internet Explorer 5.

Yes. But Proxy information may be contained in Internet Options so
perhaps someone just put IE5 and meant "Default Internet Options as
you would receive using Internet Explorer 5".

> And lastly what are you supposed to put in the proxy host box and
> the port box if you select that option?

Your proxy host and proxy port.

CLIENT <-->  PROXY   <> www,
  Listens on: 
  IP Address:
  port # 8080
Client would connect to proxy at, port 8080 that contacts
yahoo on client's behalf.

> Anyway I have selected the first two options and all I get is this
> error:
> Can't get list of download sites.  Make sure your network settings
> are correct and try again.

It's unable to connect to the site and retrieve a listing of download

> What does that mean?

For some reason your computer is not able to connect to Cygwin's main
site and retreive a listing of download sites - that is, sites that
have the actual software you would download (the packages) for running

Why aren't they on the same host?

To help throughput and internet costs. By placing the downloadable
material on different servers, you could, for example, choose a site
closer to your geographically - meaning the packages will arrive on
your computer quiker. Plus, by a group sharing the downloadable
packages, the network traffic is divided up so that costs are
distributed somewhat.

Also, if many people were trying to download from the same site, there
may be delays in that a server can only do so much.

> And I'm sure you'e figured out that I don't know how to use the
> third option but I'm sure even if I did it would give me the same
> error.

You probably don't need it for your scenerio. If you have your

Re: Setup.Exe causes Application Error at 0x78001750

2002-03-21 Thread Elizabeth Barham

Pavel Tsekov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It seems the crash occures in some of the Win32 / CRT routines...
> Maybe a bad argument is passed to this API... Will it be possible to
> drive the setup.exe to the pre-download screen AND then dump its
> memory image then send it to me (offlist) and i can try to analyze it.
> If you dont know how to dump memory contact me offlist and I'll send
> you an utility.

Would you like me to do this as well for Win98? I do not know how to
dump memory as you mention.

Thank you, Elizabeth

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Re: Setup.Exe causes Application Error at 0x78001750

2002-03-20 Thread Elizabeth Barham

I reported a similar error with Windows98 a few days ago; same general
scenerio in that it starts fine until the Downloading part and then
throws an exception. I sent along the CPU dump that Win98 provides.


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New Setup.exe (invalid page fault in win98)

2002-03-19 Thread Elizabeth Barham


I'm not sure where to report this, but the latest setup.exe with Win98
threw an exception:

SETUP caused an invalid page fault in
module MSVCRT.DLL at 0167:78001750.
EAX=007b0078 CS=0167 EIP=78001750 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=20aeced9 SS=016f ESP=010df6f0 EBP=010df70c
ECX=20202076 DS=016f ESI=008eae63 FS=365f
EDX=0002ae67 ES=016f EDI=0005 GS=
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 13 89 55 f4 8b 56 fc 89 55 f8 8b 55 f4 f6 c2 
Stack dump:
008eae67  008eaf10 007b0bd0 7803a044 7800101b 20202076 010df744 78001519 
008b000c 20aeced9 008eaf10 008eae67 008eaf10 008b000c 008eaf70 

By the way, how would I remove a dependency on "CYGPNG2.DLL" from code
that I'm compiling? I downloaded SDL and SDL_image, plus libpng,
jpegsrc6b, and libz and installed them all within /usr/local. I'm able
to compile my code and link it, but when I try to run it it says that
CYGPNG2.DLL is needed (although it linked without it even after
linking using the --static option).

BTW, I think cygwin is great and am sorry that this is my first email
to the list!

Regards, Elizabeth

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