FZF Newer Version

2018-02-13 Thread Gary Furash
Regardless of how I toggle the version on Cygwin Setup, I get FZF version
0.8.9. The current version (0.17) has lots of cool features and settings.
How do we get that?

-- gary furash | furashg...@gmail.com, 520-907-2470

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Re: Cygwin Git cant' Sync File Based repository

2017-10-16 Thread Gary Furash
I think the issue IMHO is that when you use a *file* based repository git
stores the file path in a certain way, and Cygwin64's git gets confused.

-- gary furash | furashg...@gmail.com, 520-907-2470

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 1:09 PM, Gary Furash <furashg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From windows GIT
> [gffurash ~] $ git --version
> git version 2.14.2.windows.3
> [gffurash ~] $ which git
> /mingw64/bin/git
> [gffurash ~] $
> From Cygwin GIT
> [gffurash ~] $ git --version
> git version 2.14.2
> [gffurash ~] $ which git
> /usr/bin/git
> [gffurash ~] $
> in each case they're referring to a different root: the former
> C:\Progra~1\Git and the latter C:\Cygwin64

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Cygwin Git cant' Sync File Based repository

2017-10-16 Thread Gary Furash
>From windows GIT

[gffurash ~] $ git --version
git version 2.14.2.windows.3
[gffurash ~] $ which git
[gffurash ~] $

>From Cygwin GIT

[gffurash ~] $ git --version
git version 2.14.2
[gffurash ~] $ which git
[gffurash ~] $

in each case they're referring to a different root: the former
C:\Progra~1\Git and the latter C:\Cygwin64

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Cygwin Git can't Sync File Based Repository

2017-10-16 Thread Gary Furash
For example, I have a repository that looks like this

[gffurash ~/Documents/Projects/wo219161] $ git remote -v
origin  file://v:/GitSrcCtrl/wo219161 (fetch)
origin  file://v:/GitSrcCtrl/wo219161 (push)

it syncs w/ the remote destination in windows

If I sync from Git Bash (downloaded from the git site) it works fine. If I
sync from Cygwin GIT, I get the following

fatal: '/GitSrcCtrl/wo219161' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository
Trying to create the repository from Cygwin doesn't work either.

[gffurash ~/Downloads] $ git clone /cygdrive/v/GitSrcCtrl/wo219161/
Cloning into 'wo219161'...
[gffurash ~/Downloads] $ touch a
[gffurash ~/Downloads] $ git add .
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /cygdrive)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

-- gary furash | furashg...@gmail.com, 520-907-2470

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File Based Repository Doesn't Work w/ Git (but works fine w/ Git Bash)

2017-10-16 Thread Gary Furash
For example, I have a repository that looks like this

[gffurash ~/Documents/Projects/wo219161] $ git remote -v
origin  file://v:/GitSrcCtrl/wo219161 (fetch)
origin  file://v:/GitSrcCtrl/wo219161 (push)

it syncs w/ the remote destination in windows

If I sync from Git Bash (downloaded from the git site) it works fine. If I
sync from Cygwin GIT, I get the following

fatal: '/GitSrcCtrl/wo219161' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository

-- gary furash | furashg...@gmail.com, 520-907-2470

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.bashrc not sourced

2016-03-29 Thread Gary Furash
OS: Windows 7, Windows 10
Cygwin: latest, x64

When I log on w/ Mintty or Bash (via the bat file) it takes me to my
home directory but doesn't automatically source .bashrc. If I hand
type "source .bashrc" it then sources it.

-- gary furash | furashg...@gmail.com, 520-907-2470

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dst_lib_init: openssl failure Error with any INET or BIND

2012-07-19 Thread Gary Furash
1. Have installed and reinstalled the OPENSSH, INETUTILS, and BIND
utilities. During the installation, INETUTILS post install always fails with
a 1
2. Whenever I use anything in INETUTILS or BIND, I get dst_lib_init:
openssl failure. However, whenever I use anything in the OPENSSL package,
everything works fine.
3. There was a thread about the topic, but the solution to my understanding
was to install OPENSSH which I have done and redone.

Any suggestions to resolve this would be appreciated.

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FW: Lost Network Connectivity from Cygwin

2012-02-08 Thread Gary Furash
Recently, I’m able to fire up my Cygwin client with no problem but I can’t
perform any network operations other than being able to ping myself and the
gateway, any other type of network action (resolution, getting past my
gateway) fails with no useful message.

I’m guessing that this might be a user profile issue since our office is
managed by Microsoft Security.

I used my normal 
   mkpasswd -l [-d]  /etc/passwd
   mkgroup  -l [-d]  /etc/group
to set them up.

Here’s my entry in passwd:

Here’s the matching group entry in /etc/group
- Domain Users:S-1-5-21-3885614643-332083874-814631590-513:10513:

Strangely, the “U-CATNET\” above doesn’t correspond to any line by name in
group. When I logon to my computer it’s as \catnet\furashg.

All network activity is fine if I run the DOS prompt and just add Cygwin
executable to my path.
gary furash | email: fura...@alumni.bowdoin.edu; mobile: 520-907-2470;

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RE: Lost Network Connectivity from Cygwin

2012-02-08 Thread Gary Furash
I've checked and the primary problem is something like:
Name resolution (can't find www.google.com - no response)


Recently, I’m able to fire up my Cygwin client with no problem but I can’t
perform any network operations other than being able to ping myself and the
gateway, any other type of network action (resolution, getting past my
gateway) fails with no useful message.

I’m guessing that this might be a user profile issue since our office is
managed by Microsoft Security.

I used my normal 
   mkpasswd -l [-d]  /etc/passwd
   mkgroup  -l [-d]  /etc/group
to set them up.

Here’s my entry in passwd:

Here’s the matching group entry in /etc/group
- Domain Users:S-1-5-21-3885614643-332083874-814631590-513:10513:

Strangely, the “U-CATNET\” above doesn’t correspond to any line by name in
group. When I logon to my computer it’s as \catnet\furashg.

All network activity is fine if I run the DOS prompt and just add Cygwin
executable to my path.
gary furash | email: fura...@alumni.bowdoin.edu; mobile: 520-907-2470;

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RE: Lost Network Connectivity from Cygwin

2012-02-08 Thread Gary Furash
What's even odder that I just tested is:
1. startup DOS prompt with Cygwin executables in the path
2. execute Cygwin network programs (e.g., sftp) - work fine
3. start from the same command line bash.exe. Bash starts up and executes my
4. same statement as 2 says Request could not find host


I've checked and the primary problem is something like:
Name resolution (can't find www.google.com - no response)


Recently, I’m able to fire up my Cygwin client with no problem but I can’t
perform any network operations other than being able to ping myself and the
gateway, any other type of network action (resolution, getting past my
gateway) fails with no useful message.

I’m guessing that this might be a user profile issue since our office is
managed by Microsoft Security.

I used my normal 
   mkpasswd -l [-d]  /etc/passwd
   mkgroup  -l [-d]  /etc/group
to set them up.

Here’s my entry in passwd:

Here’s the matching group entry in /etc/group
- Domain Users:S-1-5-21-3885614643-332083874-814631590-513:10513:

Strangely, the “U-CATNET\” above doesn’t correspond to any line by name in
group. When I logon to my computer it’s as \catnet\furashg.

All network activity is fine if I run the DOS prompt and just add Cygwin
executable to my path.
gary furash | email: fura...@alumni.bowdoin.edu; mobile: 520-907-2470;

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Python Configuration for Cygwin

2011-04-15 Thread Gary Furash
Most articles on configuring your python installation assume that
you're using the native python or installing it yourself.

Given that I've installed python via the (excellent) Cygwin exe, and
it seems to be working fine:
1. what else do I need to setup and how (e.g., how should PYTHONPATH
look on Cygwin)
2. does Cygwin include the easy setup tools thing for python like it
does for Perl (I think it's called setuptools)? If not, we probably
should, as it makes it easy for newbies to install egg packages.

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Email hangs

2011-04-06 Thread Gary Furash
I have installed the SSL and the EMAIL packages. Normal network
activities (like nslookup) seem to work fine. I have configured my
email.conf and set EDITOR=VI. However, when I issue the EMAIL command,
it just hangs, e.g.,

[11:24 AM] # email -V -c ~/.email.conf -t
-- Opened config /cygdrive/c/users/furashg/.email.conf

and then it just hangs there.

This is my .email.conf file

# This is the DEFAULT configuration file for email.
# Please CHANGE THE VALUES below to suit your environment.
# Don't forget to set the shell environment variable EDITOR

# SMTP Server and Port number you use

SMTP_SERVER = 'smtp.gmail.com'
SMTP_PORT = '587'

# If you'd rather use sendmail binary, specify it and the
# command line switches to use, here.  If you have both
# this option and SMTP_SERVER set, SMTP_SERVER will be of
# higher priority than SENDMAIL.

#SENDMAIL_BIN = '/usr/lib/sendmail -t -i'

# Your email address: If you'd like To have your name to
# show in the from field instead of just your email address,
# then keep the format below and edit it to your email
# and name.

MY_NAME  = 'Gary Furash'
MY_EMAIL = 'furashg...@gmail.com'
#REPLY_TO = ''

# If your mail server uses SSL or TLS in order to create
# a secure communication, set this to true. Only very
# simple TLS is implemented at this time. In other words,
# there is no way to load your own certs just yet.

USE_TLS = 'true'

# Signature file and settings: Where is the signature file
# You can comment this out if you do not like signatures

# SIGNATURE_FILE    = '/email.sig'

# This is where you store your address book... If you don't
# want address book functionality, just comment it out and
# use regular email addresses.

ADDRESS_BOOK = '/email.address.template'

# If you would like to have a copy Of your final email saved
# after it is sent, please specify a directory to save
# it in below... If not, just comment this field out and it
# won't save a sent file other wise, it will save it as
# email.sent in the directory below


# With email, temporary files are stored with a random name
# Starting with .EM.  You must specify which directory you
# would like these temporary files stored while email is in
# Operation...  After email is done executing, it will remove
# Every temporary file it used.  The most common storage area
# for temporary files system wide is the /tmp directory
# if TEMP_DIR is not set, you can set the environment variable
# TMPDIR. If that is not set, email will just use /tmp

TEMP_DIR = '/tmp'

# You should put the absolute path of your GPG binary
# In this variable.  If you do not know the absolute path
# just putting gpg will suffice if GPG is in your PATH
# environment variable path.

# GPG_BIN = '/usr/bin/gpg'
# You can bypass email asking you for a password for gpg
# when you are encrypting or signing emails if you store
# it here.  Keep this safe! Make sure that people can't
# read your personal ~/.email.conf file if you're storing
# your password here!
# You can use SMTP_AUTH with email.  You just need to
# specify which type of SMTP AUTH you will use. Email
# support two types of SMTP AUTH: LOGIN and PLAIN.
# Typically, LOGIN is the most used amongst SMTP servers.
# If you are unsure, ask your ISP.
# Setting your SMTP username is MANDITORY.  Please
# uncomment the option below and set your username in order
# to use SMTP AUTH
SMTP_AUTH_USER = 'furashg...@gmail.com

Preferred path setup for cygwin

2011-03-31 Thread Gary Furash
For cygwin to work best, should your $PATH be something like:


Along with some aliases that ensure that cygwin uses the CYGWIN rather than
the WINDOWS versions of same named programs (e.g., find)



Gary Furash| furashg...@gmail.com | 520-907-2470 | @furashgf (twitter) |

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RE: Continued Networking Issues

2011-03-31 Thread Gary Furash
Thank you for getting back to me.

1. Here's my path

/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_24/bin:/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\

So ETC seems to be in the path above.

2. In ETC, there's a file named protocols which points to the windows
protocols file and has the following:

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This file contains the Internet protocols as defined by RFC 1700
# (Assigned Numbers).
# Format:
# protocol name  assigned number  [aliases...]   [#comment]

ip   0 IP   # Internet protocol
icmp 1 ICMP # Internet control message protocol
ggp  3 GGP  # Gateway-gateway protocol
tcp  6 TCP  # Transmission control protocol
egp  8 EGP  # Exterior gateway protocol
pup  12PUP  # PARC universal packet protocol
udp  17UDP  # User datagram protocol
hmp  20HMP  # Host monitoring protocol
xns-idp  22XNS-IDP  # Xerox NS IDP
rdp  27RDP  # reliable datagram protocol
rvd  66RVD  # MIT remote virtual disk

-Original Message-
From: Gerry Reno [mailto:gr...@verizon.net] 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 2:51 PM
To: Furash, Gary F - (furashg)
Subject: Re: Continued Networking Issues

On 03/31/2011 05:10 PM, Furash, Gary F - (furashg) wrote:
 I still haven't solved the networking issues on my PC. After including the
standard .profile and .bashrc in my startup process, I now get this

 $ nslookup www.google.com

socket() failed: Operation not permitted

socket() failed: Operation not permitted
 (null): can't find either v4 or v6 networking

 $ ping
 icmp: unknown protocol

 Does anyone have any idea what would be done to correct this. When I run
cmd.exe dos works fine.


Looks like your missing at least /etc/protocols.


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RE: ICMP: Unknown Protocol

2011-03-29 Thread Gary Furash
1. When I run /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Cygwin/bin/ping it
returns icmp: unknown protocol
2. When I run /cygdrive/c/progra~1/cygwin/bin/sftp.exe furashg@
I get
ssh_connect: getnameinfo failed
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation not permitted
Connection closed
3. However, graphical utilities (putty), etc. allow me to sftp to that
address without a problem

Gary Furash| furashg...@gmail.com | 520-907-2470 | @furashgf (twitter) |

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Cannot Access Network Resources

2011-02-22 Thread Gary Furash
I am running the latest CYGWIN on Windows XP. It fails on any sort of
network related activity (whether it is using a DOS command or a CYGWIN
command). If I reinstall CYGWIN and don't create ETC and Password, I CAN
perform network activities. However, once I configure passwd and group, the
error starts.

/etc/passwd : 
furashg:unused:102527:10513:Furash, Gary F -

/etc/group : 
Domain Users:S-1-5-21-3885614643-332083874-814631590-513:10513:

Even if I make furashg part of administrators (swapping 10513 for 544),
I still get the same problem.

Thanks for any assistance.

Gary Furash, MBA | furashg...@gmail.com | 520-907-2470 | @furashgf (twitter)
| http://gfurash.blogspot.com

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No Network Access Nearly Resolved

2011-02-18 Thread Gary Furash
I am running the latest Cygwin installation on Windows XP w/ all the latest
windows patches. Here are the symptoms/facts.

1. When I delete the passwd and groups file, Cygwin makes a dummy logon for
me. I can do all sorts of normal network activity from the command line (
SSH, etc.). However, I don't think this is what you're supposed to do.

2. I have no local account for my user on the PC. It is associated with a
windows domain account.

3. When I setup the groups and password files the way I think they should be
setup, I have no access. I have also tried associating myself with the local
administrator account group to no avail (by modifying the 3rd field of the
passwd file).

cat /etc/group 
Domain Users:S-1-5-21-3885614643-332083874-814631590-513:10513: 

cat /etc/passwd
furashg:unused:102527:10513:Furash, Gary F -

Again, if I modify the group above so it just contains the local
administrator group (544), then change 10513 above to 544, I still can't do
any network things.

4. From the DOS prompt, I can do all my normal network stuff.

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FW: Windows XP Headaches w/ Network Communication

2011-02-10 Thread Gary Furash
I just had to downgrade my PC from Windows 7 to Windows XP. I reinstalled
Cygwin (from scratch), rebased, etc. However, now, none of my cygwin network
programs work except within my work's internal network (they used to work
just fine with Windows 7). I tried turning off windows firewall (the only
firewall on, I believe), and it didn't help. So Ping, NSlookup, ssmtp, etc.,
don't work.

The utilities work themselves, e.g., if I do ping it works, just
can't see beyond my PC! All the errors relate to not getting to hosts.

I'm sure there's a simple solution to this. Thanks!

Here's my cygcheck:

Cygwin Package Information
Last downloaded files to: C:\Documents and Settings\furashg\Desktop
Last downloaded files from: http://cygwin.mirrors.hoobly.com/

Package  Version Status
_update-info-dir 00945-1 OK
alternatives 1.3.30c-10  OK
attr 2.4.43-1OK
base-cygwin  3.0-1   OK
base-files   3.9-3   OK
bash 4.1.9-3 OK
bash-completion  1.2-1   OK
bashdb   3.1_0.09-1  OK
bc   1.06-2  OK
binutils 2.20.51-2   OK
bzip21.0.6-1 OK
ccrypt   1.7-1   OK
coreutils8.10-1  OK
crypt1.1-1   OK
csih 0.9.3-1 OK
cygrunsrv1.34-1  OK
cygutils 1.4.4-1 OK
cygwin   1.7.7-1 OK
cygwin-doc   1.7-1   OK
dash   OK
diffutils2.9-1   OK
ed   1.0-1   OK
editrights   1.01-2  OK
expect   20030128-1  OK
findutils4.5.9-2 OK
gawk 3.1.8-1 OK
gcc-core 3.4.4-999   OK
gcc-mingw-core   20050522-1  OK
gettext  0.17-11 OK
googlecl 0.9.12-1OK
grep 2.6.3-1 OK
gzip 1.3.12-2OK
inetutils1.7-2   OK
ipc-utils1.0-1   OK
less 436-1   OK
libattr1 2.4.43-1OK
libbz2_1 1.0.6-1 OK
libdb4.5  OK
libedit0 20090923-1  OK
libexpat12.0.1-1 OK
libffi4  4.3.4-3 OK
libgcc1  4.3.4-3 OK
libgdbm4 1.8.3-20OK
libgmp3  4.3.1-3 OK
libidn11 1.18-1  OK
libintl3 0.14.5-1OK
libintl8 0.17-11 OK
liblzma1 4.999.9beta-11  OK
libncurses10 5.7-18  OK
libncurses8  5.5-10  OK
libncurses9  5.7-16  OK
libncursesw-devel5.7-18  OK
libncursesw105.7-18  OK
libpcre0 8.02-1  OK
libpopt0 1.6.4-4 OK
libreadline6 5.2.14-12   OK
libreadline7 6.1.2-2 OK
libsigsegv2  2.8-1   OK
libsqlite3_0 3.7.3-1 OK
libssp0  4.3.4-3 OK
libstdc++6   4.3.4-3 OK
libuuid1 2.17.2-1OK
libwrap0 7.6-21  OK
libxml2  2.7.7-1 OK
login1.10-10 OK
make 3.81-2  OK
man  1.6f-1  OK
mingw-runtime3.18-1  OK
mmv  1.01b-1 OK
ncurses  5.7-18  OK
netcat   1.10-2  OK
openssh  5.8p1-1 OK
perl 5.10.1-5OK
python   2.6.5-2 OK
python-gdata 2.0.13-1OK
readline 6.1.2-2 OK
rebase   3.0.1-1 OK
rlwrap   0.24-1  OK
rsync3.0.7-1 OK
run  1.1.13-1OK
sed  4.2.1-1 OK
sgrep1.94a-2 OK
ssmtp2.62-10 OK
tar  1.25-1  OK
tcltk20080420-1  OK
terminfo 5.7_20091114-14 OK
terminfo05.5_20061104-12 OK
texinfo  4.13-3  OK
tzcode   2010j-1 OK
unzip6.0-10  OK
util-linux   2.17.2-1OK

Script to Auto CYGWIN -U all environment varialbes

2011-02-07 Thread Gary Furash
Has anyone written anything into their bash profile or whatever that goes
through each windows environment variable currently extant, and resets them


Before, @ start of .bashrc

After run of .bashrc
ETC=`$(cygpath -u '$ETC')`; EXPORT ETC  (-- /cygpath/c/windows/etc)

Or something like that. So, by the time you hit your cygwin prompt all your
environment variables are already cleaned up.

Gary Furash | furashg...@gmail.com | 520-907-2470

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Proper Setting of mkpasswd and mkgroup

2011-01-11 Thread Gary Furash
1. When I create a file or such using cygwin, it says that the group is
mkpasswd. This usually indicates that the Cygwin profile I'm logged on is
not setup properly
2. My work PC is part of a windows group. That same account is also a PC
3. My home PC is not part of a windows group. That same account is also a PC

What's the proper combination of MKPASSWD and MKGROUP commands to run? The
latter can see the windows group mentioned in step #2. I've even tried
manually hacking the password file so that FURASHG (my account) has the same
number string after it that is after the number string in MKGROUP associated
with the local PC administrator.

Should I be doing something special when I double-click cygwin.bat, or
change my cygwin.bat so that it somehow references furashg? It seems to
know, since the files created in #1 above have furashg as the owner.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

2010-09-23 Thread Gary Furash
I regularly update my CYGWIN installation, so I received the new
version of Perl that is included in the current CYGWIN distribution.
When I run
perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell-notest(install = CPAN::Shell-r)'
it works fine, until it gets to trying to install a new version of
BZ2, and then dies repeatedly with a cannot map bz2 dll.
The only way to get things working again is to reinstall PERL from
CYGWIN and do a REBASEALL -V from ASH.

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