Re: side effects of Cygwin's maximum memory test

2005-05-03 Thread Jani Tiainen
Dave Korn kirjoitti:
Original Message
From: Jani Tiainen
Sent: 03 May 2005 15:26

Dave Korn kirjoitti:

On May  3 00:25, Utku Ozcan wrote:

I *think* that the test below, which tests memory allocation limit of
Cygwin *might* produce problems in Windows XP:
In this page, I have compiled the C code, and after having run the
compiled executable, Windows XP gave suddenly a warning that virtual
memory setting has been changed (I think, that repeated malloc() calls
in this code somehow change the virtual memory settings in Windows

 Interestingly enough, there _is_ some kind of problem here.I
haven't been hit by any HD problem, but when I tried the test program,
it gave me an ever-increasing series of values, and then suddenly
stopped working altogether and wouldn't recover!
Interesting enough.. I get consistent 1536MB allocation. But some times
maxmem freezes machine for a while... No leak detected..

  I need to reboot to get my machine to work properly again!
  Is your machine set to allow windows to manage the paging file size?  I
have a fixed allocation of exactly 2Gb, and have disabled the "System
managed size" option; perhaps this is the difference between your machine
and mine.  The pauses you describe certainly seem likely candidates for
'doze to be growing the pagefile.
Actually I've limits... 1152 start (current size), 2304 as max size... 
So can't be.

And I've 768MB memory which approx 256MB is used... So don't get it...
On first run I didn't have any limits set in registy, I got only 
1024MB... after setting limit to 2GB it hitted 1536MB... Not growing but 
pausing.. It even happened on 1024MB times... Maybe it swapped in/out 

Jani Tiainen
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Re: side effects of Cygwin's maximum memory test

2005-05-03 Thread Jani Tiainen
Dave Korn kirjoitti:
Original Message
From: Corinna Vinschen
Sent: 03 May 2005 10:06

On May  3 00:25, Utku Ozcan wrote:
I *think* that the test below, which tests memory allocation limit of
Cygwin *might* produce problems in Windows XP:
In this page, I have compiled the C code, and after having run the
compiled executable, Windows XP gave suddenly a warning that virtual
memory setting has been changed (I think, that repeated malloc() calls
in this code somehow change the virtual memory settings in Windows
Not really.

  Interestingly enough, there _is_ some kind of problem here.I haven't
been hit by any HD problem, but when I tried the test program, it gave me an
ever-increasing series of values, and then suddenly stopped working
altogether and wouldn't recover!
Interesting enough.. I get consistent 1536MB allocation. But some times 
maxmem freezes machine for a while... No leak detected..

Running Windows XP Pro SP 2 with AMD64, cygwin.dll 1.5.14-1
Jani Tiainen
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Re: setup alternatives (was Re: Bespoke installations: simple elegance of setup.exe when setup.ini is absent)

2005-05-03 Thread Jani Tiainen
Max Bowsher kirjoitti:
Jani Tiainen wrote:
Why to reinvent wheel..?
You could use existing systems, like Debian package-system (deb),
RPM-system like Fedora Core/RedHat, or Gentoo's Emerge.
All working, proven technologies.

Would you like to have a go at porting one of them to Windows, then?
Sorry to say but I'm too busy with my current Planner porting (and 
enhancing). And I use less and less cygwin every day.

Also, what about a GUI?
I'm not familiar with RPM thingies, but I know that there exists GUI's 
for them.

For DEB there is of course aptitude (curses-based) and at least Synaptic 
, GTK+ based.

I would very much like to see an RPM or DEB based Cygwin, but I've never 
had a suitably large chunk of free time to devote to such an 
undertaking. I recently tried to get rpm-4.4.1 working on Cygwin, but 
although it compiled, it segfaulted immediately on startup. Of course, 
really we would need a native Windows port, which would be even harder.
In my experience porting GTK+ is pretty easy, if lucky it goes without 
real pain...

I think that one of the feasible could be some GUI + needed packages to 
put up in single setupfile.. (similiar to "net install" images for Linux 
distros). After that it launches GUI and let user to select rest of 

Jani Tiainen
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Re: setup alternatives (was Re: Bespoke installations: simple elegance of setup.exe when setup.ini is absent)

2005-05-03 Thread Jani Tiainen
Max Bowsher kirjoitti:
James Renton wrote:
What about

There are very many installer builders for windows, but none that I have 
seen manage many independently updated packages with interdependencies, 
in the way that our current setup does.

-Original Message-
Of Christopher Faylor
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 4:39 PM
Subject: setup alternatives (was Re: Bespoke installations: simple
elegance of setup.exe when setup.ini is absent)
On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 12:57:18PM -0700, Sean McMahon wrote:
I for one appreciate the clarification as I sent a detailed bug-report
to this person assuming they were the maintainer.  My question as I've
asked before is, can or is someone working on improving accessibility
of setup.exe for those of us who have to use windows via a screenreader

and keyboard.  Many of the buttons and controlls do not get focus and
can't be opperated in the normal manner.

Did you happen to follow the "setup.exe sucks" thread over in
cygwin-apps?  Basically, it boils down to the fact that I and others are
not really thrilled with setup.exe in its current form.  While it is an
impressive program in some ways, the UI is (apparently) too
non-intuitive and the mean-time between bug fixes is too long.
Are you aware of a setup-like program out there which "gets it right" as
far as UI is concerned?  It would be nice to transition to an
open-sources alternative which was actively supported.
Why to reinvent wheel..?
You could use existing systems, like Debian package-system (deb), 
RPM-system like Fedora Core/RedHat, or Gentoo's Emerge.

All working, proven technologies.
Most setups in Windows works in "complete package" way. (For some reason 
or another), so you really are used to install "everything", or at least 
very large packages. You don't have such a finegrained control over 
installation as Linux distributions tend to have...

Jani Tiainen
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Re: gcc 3.3.3, const symbols and shared libraries

2005-03-29 Thread Jani Tiainen
Norton Allen wrote:
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Norton Allen wrote:
I have seen the discussions at
referenced at
regarding gcc 3.3.3's placement of const symbols into
rdata which then cannot be properly initialized.
This problem seems pretty fundamental. Can anyone
tell me whether there has been any followup to
this? Is it considered a cygwin problem or a
gcc problem? Has it been addressed in 3.4.1?
What are developers doing? Going back to 3.3.1?

The rule is to not use const symbols in shared libraries
if they are not really const;)

What do you mean by "really?" These are const from
the standpoint of "defined once and never changed
thereafter," but they are not finally defined until
the link against shared libraries.
Well, it is pointer and defined once and changed never there after... 
But they are initially defined when library is built, but then changed 
once you load application that is linked against library. So you 
actually end up having it initialized twice.

Note that C(++) doesn't have concept of uninitialized data. All data is 
initialized to some (known) value at the time of compile.

It's currently an issue because it requires changes
to quite a few packages. In the past week, I had to
remove const declarations from glib-2.6.3 and
gtk+-2.6.4 to get them to compile. Are these changes
that are uniquely required by cygwin, or are these
going to be required for all gcc platforms?
This is problem of Windows platform and GCC...
In windows newest GCC puts constants in RDATA section, which is _read 
only_ for /application/. But because you have pointer to a data which 
should be changed (initialized) after relocation it should be writable 
by /application/.

So this is actually one of those PITA features of Windows platform, and 
there is little you can do.

Actually GCC should be smart enough to make decision about is "const" 
really a constant or a pointer to a data and change location of constant 
 (in Windows platform. I don't think this applies to anywhere else). 
But until it GCC can do something like that, best way is to not to have 
"constant" variables that are not really constants in shared libraries.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Compiling purely native (mingw) win32 apps under cygwin...

2005-03-27 Thread Jani Tiainen
Larry Hall kirjoitti:
At 05:42 AM 3/27/2005, you wrote:
Hi all!
I was wondering what I have to do to get purely native win32 app to build under 
cygwin. I know that -mnocygwin directive drops out dependency to cygwin1.dll, 
but how about other libraries?
How I can make a separate sandbox for my purposes that in any case even two versions of libs exists cygwin uses only my own libs..?

If you don't want or need the Cygwin layer, you can always just download,
install, and use the MinGW version of gcc/g++ (see  The
'-mno-cygwin' flag to the Cygwin version of gcc/g++ is meant to be a 
convenient option to get the same results as the MinGW version without
installing a copy.  Still, if MinGW is what you want and all you ever want,
you're better off using it that the Cygwin switch.

If you're ever unsure about which DLLs got linked into your executable/DLL,
simply run 'cygcheck ', where  is the executable/DLL in question.
It will list all the implicitly loaded DLL dependencies.  If there are any
Cygwin dependencies, you'll see them.
Well I need Cygwin for build environment since mingw/msys package 
doesn't work well with automake/autoconf.

But still is there some special environment vars (like PKG_CONFIG_PATH) 
that I have to set to make things sure..?

And of course I use Cygwin for ssh + xorg connectivity to my Linux 

Jani Tiainen
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Compiling purely native (mingw) win32 apps under cygwin...

2005-03-27 Thread Jani Tiainen
Hi all!
I was wondering what I have to do to get purely native win32 app to 
build under cygwin. I know that -mnocygwin directive drops out 
dependency to cygwin1.dll, but how about other libraries?

How I can make a separate sandbox for my purposes that in any case even 
two versions of libs exists cygwin uses only my own libs..?

Thank you for answers, and Happy Easter to all of you who celebrates it.
Jani Tiainen
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Re: installing cygwin (for C++)

2005-03-08 Thread Jani Tiainen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] kirjoitti:
  I want to know what all pacakegs I need to install to be able to compile
and run C++ programs .Can you also please suggest mirrors which contain
these.Iam installing using setup.exe
Well, if you just need to compile Win32 apps, I suggest to try MinGW, or 
better yet, Bloodshed Dev-C++ IDE, much easier to setup (specially 
latter) than Cygwin, but using these tools doesn't enable some 
functionalty found in *nix systems.

Of course, if you need good POSIX/*nix thingies, or libraries commonly 
found under *nix systems, Cygwin is choice for you.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: /dev/hda overwritten on local cygwin mirror

2005-02-01 Thread Jani Tiainen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] kirjoitti:
Hello Cygwin Gurus,
Our cygwin mirror is on a linux box running trustix secure linux version
2.0.  I decided to upgrade to trustix secure linux 2.2 and as I was about
to created a bootdisk for a network install, I inadvertently typed:
[clipped very sad thing that happened]
Since this really doesn't involve Cygwin in any other way than files are 
 part of Cygwin, you're better to ask your question in some Linux 
spesific group about such a problem.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: customizing bash

2005-01-31 Thread Jani Tiainen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] kirjoitti:
  I am a new cygwin user. I am not able to locate the .profile, .login .bashrc 
etc bash files, so I can use it to customize bash. I understand from various 
installation instruction that I red that the HOME env variable needs to be set 
for this.  I followed the instructions given in many cygwin guides and install 
docs and updated my HOME environment variable both in my Windows system 
environment variable tab as
HOME=C:\Documents and Settings\vshastri

And updated in cygwin.bat as follows before starting the bash shell:
@echo off
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
set HOME=C:\Documents and Settings\vshastri
bash --login –i

I verified my update when I printed my environment variables and got the 
following (only showing relevant fields):
$ env
ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\vshastri\Application Data
COMMONPROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files\Common Files
HOME=/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/vshastri
HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\vshastri

Despite all these setup, I am still not able to see the creation of .profile, 
.login etc
Please Help. How do I setup and access these files so I can ustomize my shell?
Well, you have to create files by yourself with your favourite editor.
If you really need basic files:
cp /etc/skel/* ~
chown `echo $USER`: .bash_profile .bashrc .inputrc
Jani Tiainen
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Re: Unable to properly execute a let statement from a shell script

2005-01-30 Thread Jani Tiainen
Paolo Gesmundo kirjoitti:
Hi all,
I am running bash on XP
I have a very simple script

export P=1
let Q=$P+1
echo P=$P
echo Q=$Q

Case 1)
If at prompt I run:
let: not found
Case 2)
If I run:
I know that I could modify by adding #!/bin/bash
at the top of the file but I would need to avoid this
otherwise I have to modify too many scripts
Is there a way to run like in Case 1 and get the
proper result like in Case 2?
No. Because there is no specifiaction which shell system must use if you 
omit that from first comment line. It can use same as users, or sh, csh, 
ksh, bash or what ever it might comeup.

So you have to but it there to be sure, and by using simple script you 
can do it in a batch so there is very little manual work needed.

So, script execution (note that running script is _always_ done in new 
shell process in *nix style system) is a bit different from Windows/DOS 
batch files.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: strange problems with cvs

2004-12-01 Thread Jani Tiainen
Nuno Lopes kirjoitti:
I use CVS with cygwin a long time ago, but after a recent updte it 
working. I'm using pserver auth and the cygwin is installed with *DOS*

When I try to do something with cvs -1.11.17- (cvs up, cvs diff, 
etc..) it
simply returns:
": no such repository"

Normally if I close cygwin, run the setup again (without installing
anything) and opening cygwin again fixes the problem.
If I do a fresh checkout, it will checkout the files with *unix* 
file-endings, which isn't what I asked for..

Does anyone knows whats the problem here? I think it might be cause 
of the
release of the lastest dll version. (I update cygwin often..)

Seems like you have encountered fancy EOL problem. To be safe use unix 
line-endings since CVS is pretty picky about those.

And of course if you want to use DOS type line endings, use real win32 
version of CVS.

It had always worked, so there might be some change in the code that 
caused this...
Anyway, the files in the cvs server use the unix EOL, but on my pc they 
use the win EOL. But cvs used to handle this for me..
This might be due difference between binary/textmode mounts in cygwin... 
Maybe they change for a reason or another in some of your updates...

I've encountered numerous problems with CVS due the line-endings... 
Any decent text editor should be handle both CR+LF or LF/CR only 
line-endings and preserving existing ones... If yours doesn't it's 
time to upgrade...

I have vim, but I still like to use notepad, which only works with \r\n...
Is there anything I can do to help solving this problem ASAP?
Getting a bit offtopic, but I personally use scite, or to be precise 
wscite, scintilla based editor. Small, extremely lightweight and fast, 
has decent code colouring, block wrapping and such. And best of all, 
works well with different line-endings.

Of course there is some good alternatives in Cygwin distribution also...
Jani Tiainen
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Re: strange problems with cvs

2004-12-01 Thread Jani Tiainen
Nuno Lopes kirjoitti:
I use CVS with cygwin a long time ago, but after a recent updte it stoped
working. I'm using pserver auth and the cygwin is installed with *DOS*
When I try to do something with cvs -1.11.17- (cvs up, cvs diff, etc..) it
simply returns:
": no such repository"
Normally if I close cygwin, run the setup again (without installing
anything) and opening cygwin again fixes the problem.
If I do a fresh checkout, it will checkout the files with *unix* 
file-endings, which isn't what I asked for..

Does anyone knows whats the problem here? I think it might be cause of the
release of the lastest dll version. (I update cygwin often..)
Seems like you have encountered fancy EOL problem. To be safe use unix 
line-endings since CVS is pretty picky about those.

And of course if you want to use DOS type line endings, use real win32 
version of CVS.

I've encountered numerous problems with CVS due the line-endings... Any 
decent text editor should be handle both CR+LF or LF/CR only 
line-endings and preserving existing ones... If yours doesn't it's time 
to upgrade...

(Of course there might be problem in bin/textmode mounts) cygcheck 
output would do good here...

Jani Tiainen
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Compile mingw32 code under cygwin

2004-11-26 Thread Jani Tiainen
I'm trying to compile some code natively under windoze by using mingw32 

Problem is that I have same libraries for both worlds, Cygwin and 
mingw32. How I can tell in configure-phase that gcc can use libraries 
only from spesified location, like /target/lib and includes from 
/target/include and nothing under /lib or /usr/lib nor /include...

pkg should fail when library that exists under cygwin but not under 
mingw system... Now it finds always cygwin counterparts if no mingw 
version is found and that's bad thing.

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2004-11-24 Thread Jani Tiainen
Apparently libgnomeprint doesn't support pdf-printing. Any chances to 
get it working?

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Gnome libs and libresolv

2004-11-01 Thread Jani Tiainen
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Jani Tiainen wrote:

I found out that many ported gnome libs are dependant to libresolv,
unfortunately I was unable to find one.. Any hints where I could get
that one for Cygwin?

Can't fault you, as a package search for "libresolv" returns nothing.
Had you tried searching for "resolv.h", however, you'd've found that you
need to install the "minires-devel" package.  The minires-devel
postinstall script creates a symlink from /usr/lib/libminires.dll.a to
P.S. I wonder if there's a way to create manifests of files/symlinks
potentially created by postinstall scripts, to be used in package
Well, since I don't personally need resolv.h (it just something needed 
to link in gnome packages) I couldn't even guess..

But it's very obvious.. I think there is lot to improve with package 
management in Cygwin, since these kind of a guestions would never appear 
due properly handled dependencies.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Gnome libs and libresolv

2004-11-01 Thread Jani Tiainen
Jani Tiainen wrote:
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Jani Tiainen wrote:
I found out that many ported gnome libs are dependant to libresolv, 
unfortunately I was unable to find one.. Any hints where I could get 
that one for Cygwin?

WE have the package minres, it includes all needed to replace 
libresolv and also creates a symlink named libresolv after installation.

Great, and that was really obvious. =)
One side note:
"minires-devel: Development tools to build programs using minires."
Never could guess that it means "libresolv".
Wonder why there isn't really field for long description / dependencies 
display in setup...

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Gnome libs and libresolv

2004-11-01 Thread Jani Tiainen
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Jani Tiainen wrote:
I found out that many ported gnome libs are dependant to libresolv, 
unfortunately I was unable to find one.. Any hints where I could get 
that one for Cygwin?

WE have the package minres, it includes all needed to replace libresolv 
and also creates a symlink named libresolv after installation.
Great, and that was really obvious. =)
Jani Tiainen
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Gnome libs and libresolv

2004-11-01 Thread Jani Tiainen
I found out that many ported gnome libs are dependant to libresolv, 
unfortunately I was unable to find one.. Any hints where I could get 
that one for Cygwin?

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Missing DocBook XML DTD

2004-10-28 Thread Jani Tiainen
Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Jani Tiainen wrote:
| I'm trying to compile app that uses docbook but even I installed all
| necessary packages I end up having error while running 'configure':
| checking which XML catalog to use... /etc/xml/catalog
| checking for DocBook XML DTD... configure: error: not found. Make sure
| you have the DocBook DTD installed and ensure that it is registered in
| /etc/xml/catalog.
| I found out some references to additional "buildcatalog" script, but is
| that needed or do I have to specify some environment variable or
| parameter for configure?
Well you'd think the docbook-xml42 postinstall script would do this, but
it doesn't.  Based on the BLFS book, I did the following:
xmlcatalog --noout --add "public" \
~"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" \
~""; \
~/etc/xml/catalog &&
This should work at least for configure.  For the program (BTW, what is
it?) to run however, you may need more; see this for an example
(although I'd send everything to /etc/xml/catalog instead of making a
separate /etc/xml/docbook, and our installation path is somewhat 
Better late than ever... I compiled scrollkeeper, since Planner project 
management application needs that for something. Soon we will have 
project management software (like MSProject) working under Cygwin.

Jani Tiainen

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Re: Missing DocBook XML DTD

2004-10-28 Thread Jani Tiainen
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
Maybe the docbook-xml42 maintainer could help us all out with this one?
~ Or Gerrit, what did you do for gtk-doc?

gtk-doc requires 'OpenSP openjade perl', should it depend on 
docbook-x* too?

At least the postinstall script to install the default catalogs should 
be in the docbook package.  I have a script which I use locally, the 
original is here (this was updated recently, defaults to version 4.1.2 
and takes a switch to change the version now):

My modified version (was not updated recently, version 4.1.2 
hardcoded, but has some other changes) is here:

It should output like this:
$ /usr/bin/buildDocBookCatalog
Found DocBook XML 4.1.2 DTD in /usr/share/xml/docbook-4.1.2
Found ISO DocBook entities in /usr/share/xml/docbook-4.1.2/ent
Found DocBook XSLT stylesheets in /usr/share/docbook-xsl
Actually in my installation I have no /usr/share/xml/docbook-4.1.2, 
instead I have usr/share docbook-xml42, and under /usr/share/xml is 
_only_ libglade subdir...

Wondered that while looking those one of scripts...
Are packages installed improperly in wrong directory?
And I was using latest packages available at
Jani Tiainen

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Re: Missing DocBook XML DTD

2004-10-26 Thread Jani Tiainen
Jani Tiainen wrote:
I'm trying to compile app that uses docbook but even I installed all 
necessary packages I end up having error while running 'configure':

checking which XML catalog to use... /etc/xml/catalog
checking for DocBook XML DTD... configure: error: not found. Make sure 
you have the DocBook DTD installed and ensure that it is registered in 

Line that is used to test catalog existing is:
and $XML_CATALOG="/etc/xml/catalog"
for vers in 4.2 4.1.2; do
 if xmlcatalog $XML_CATALOG "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V$vers//EN" 
 >/dev/null ; then

I found out some references to additional "buildcatalog" script, but is 
that needed or do I have to specify some environment variable or 
parameter for configure?
Aswering to myself... Added parameter 
--with-xml-catalog=/usr/share/docbook-xml42/catalog.xml for configure 
sciprt solved problem.

Jani Tiainen

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Missing DocBook XML DTD

2004-10-26 Thread Jani Tiainen
I'm trying to compile app that uses docbook but even I installed all 
necessary packages I end up having error while running 'configure':

checking which XML catalog to use... /etc/xml/catalog
checking for DocBook XML DTD... configure: error: not found. Make sure 
you have the DocBook DTD installed and ensure that it is registered in 

Line that is used to test catalog existing is:
and $XML_CATALOG="/etc/xml/catalog"
for vers in 4.2 4.1.2; do
 if xmlcatalog $XML_CATALOG "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V$vers//EN" 
>/dev/null ; then

I found out some references to additional "buildcatalog" script, but is 
that needed or do I have to specify some environment variable or 
parameter for configure?

Jani Tiainen
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Re: GPL violation?

2004-10-22 Thread Jani Tiainen
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 01:59:12PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
Does anyone know if there is source code available for the binary
downloads from <>?
I've sent a message requesting that they provide source code for their
programs but it seems like this is YA case of someone assuming that they
get to use cygwin without paying attention to the cygwin license?

Ah.  I see the sources will be available "shortly".
I'm looking for the word "shortly" in the GPL now.  Hmm.  Can't seem to
find it...
And if you look their "Rateless Public License", it violates licence of 
GPL that permits modifiction, selling etc. as far as sources are 
provided for further modifications.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Distributing Cygwin-based software

2004-10-15 Thread Jani Tiainen
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004, Soeren Nils Kuklau wrote:

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004, Soeren Nils Kuklau wrote:
This is *not* the right list for discussing how to subvert the existing
Cygwin installations on users' machines by distributing your own copy of
cygwin1.dll (though this *has* been discussed in the past - search the
list archives).
Okay, but what /would/ be the right place? Since I don't think people
will be willing to install Cygwin just for being able to use a single
other piece of software...

So try MinGW...
Think Gtk for Windows programs (such as Gaim): they come with the proper
frameworks included, so the user won't have to worry about that.

So try MinGW...  See also <>... :-)
MinGW works greatly... And take GIMP as an example. You need sparate GTK 
package installed. Just like many new .NET apps needs .NET Framework 
installed - separately. Just to use _single_ application. Why does this 
differ from installing Cygwin? Execpt other is enforced and offered by 
Microsoft other by bunch of maniacs... (No offence =)

At the same time, however, we do not want Windows-based users to
feel forced into Cygwin's behaviours.  We want to distribute a
Windows application - GPL'd, with some Unix-style quirks, and
compatible to the other major OS'es out there, but Windows
So maybe the MinGW project is more like what you're looking for, then.
Indeed; we're looking into it.

Be aware, though, that you won't get full POSIX functionality that Cygwin
provides -- only those parts that are directly supported by the MSVC
runtime.  In particular, you'll lose the ability to understand POSIX
(Cygwin) filenames.
There also exists GnuWin32 libraries that has very, very _minimal_ set 
of POSIX functions to make many libraries and applications to work.

Those who truly want a full Unix experience wouldn't use Windows in
the first place, and thus not Cygwin either.
This is not true at all (to put it mildly).  Those who want POSIX behavior
on Windows *will* (and *do*) use Cygwin.  But this particular point is
better <>ed.
Right, but I wouldn't define "POSIX behaviour" as "full Unix experience" ;-)

Hey, we're getting there -- see the efforts on porting Gnome to Cygwin...
Microsoft also offers "competitive" package, SFU that has, mainly libs 
for POSIX stuff. It doesn't contain all magnificent applications that 
Cygwin does, like X11 and SSH (which are great tools when used together.)

But yes, that's OT.

Yep.  A perfect topic for the cygwin-talk list... ;-)
That list doesn't exists in GMane... =(
Jani Tiainen
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Re: Distributing Cygwin-based software

2004-10-15 Thread Jani Tiainen
Dave Korn wrote:
-Original Message-
From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Soeren Nils Kuklau
Sent: 14 October 2004 20:32

we're working on a cross-platform server daemon, and on the Windows 
side, we have chosen to use Cygwin for POSIX compatibility reasons.

  Can I have a copy of your source code please?
Only if daemon is published (or distributed)... =)
Until then, you'll have to wait. (GPL section 2)
After distributing to "outside" you can have your copy. 

Jani Tiainen

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Re: Virtual (meta-) packages

2004-10-14 Thread Jani Tiainen
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 09:08:04AM +0300, Jani Tiainen wrote:
Could setup be extended (or even used in current form) to have virtual 
packages that could install some basic tools as a whole working 
combination, like X11 server? More or less like it is done in Debian (my 
favourite Linux distribution)

I recently wondered where my X11 start scripts went and found out that 
I've missing startup-scripts. It would be more convenient to have 
virtual package that installs "all" for that first time so you don't 
have to know what you're installing... It would be helpful.

If you want all of the X packages then click on the "Default" next to
the X11 category in "Select Packages" dialog until it says "Install".
Not all, but working set. With Debian there is lot's of virtual packages 
that works for great startpoint for different jobs. They in most cases 
install set that will work or help to make bigger task to work. Like 
X11, basic C-developement tools, gnome, kde etc. environment

Basically this works now, only thing is to ensure that setup.exe can 
accept packages that don't install themselves but instead they just 
pickup other packages for installation.

Would be more convenient for me, and I quess that for someone else too...
Jani Tiainen
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Virtual (meta-) packages

2004-10-13 Thread Jani Tiainen
Could setup be extended (or even used in current form) to have virtual 
packages that could install some basic tools as a whole working 
combination, like X11 server? More or less like it is done in Debian (my 
favourite Linux distribution)

I recently wondered where my X11 start scripts went and found out that 
I've missing startup-scripts. It would be more convenient to have 
virtual package that installs "all" for that first time so you don't 
have to know what you're installing... It would be helpful.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Building plugin that is used from multiple executables

2004-10-06 Thread Jani Tiainen
Maarten Boekhold wrote:
Suppose I have a plugin library that contains calls that reside in the
executable that dlopen()'s that plugin. You can link such a plugin by
using a .def file that contains something like:
symbol = executable.exe.symbol
Now if I need to be able to use the *same* plugin from *two*
executables, how do I resolve that??? Can I use a .def file that
symbol = executable_1.exe.symbol
symbol = executable_2.exe.symbol
My gut feeling says 'no', but hope against hope...
Well, shortly... You can't do that. Since windows exports are binded to 
name of library (application) and symbol...

Long way: You can do it, but you need to take alternative route.
You need one extra DLL that has imports symbol from executable and 
ex-exports symbol you need forward to plugin:

for plugin you need to do following:
symbol = helper.dll.symbol
and for both apps you create own helper.dll:
app1.exe create helper.dll:
symbol = app1.exe.symbol
app2.exe create helper.dll:
symbol = app2.exe.symbol
And finally...
Or even better, DTRT in windoze world is to pass needed symbol pointers 
as arguments to plugin function, since windows libraries and 
applications doesn't allow unresolved symbols in linktime (so called 
backlinking issue)...

Jani Tiainen
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Re: (De)activating network connection

2004-10-06 Thread Jani Tiainen
Brian Dessent wrote:
Thiers Botelho wrote:

I wish to use some command within a script to activate / deactivate an
Ethernet connection.
In WinXP this would normally be done thru Settings / Network Connections /
Local Connection / right-click .
I found _rasdial.exe_ but it seems to deal only with dial-up connections.
There's got to be some simple cmdline on/off switch somewhere (hope that
won't be regedit . . .)

Starting with XP Microsoft realized that it sure would be nice to be
able to set networking parameters (interfaces, addresses, routing, etc)
from the command line or scripts.  [Gee, what an idea, huh?  Took them
long enough to think of that.]
Try the following or something like it:
netsh int set interface "Local Area Connection" admin=ENABLED
Replace ENABLED with DISABLED as appropriate.  I'm not entirely sure of
the syntax but you can just run netsh and play around with ? and help to
get it down.
At least I have this netsh.exe available in my win2k system.. Never 
heard about it before this but seems very nice tool indeed.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Request for a version/ revision/ release number for the whole Cygwin release/ distribution

2004-10-04 Thread Jani Tiainen
Mike Kenny - BCX - Infrastructure Services wrote:
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Of David Christensen
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 4:15 AM
Subject: RE: Request for a version/ revision/ release number for the
whole Cygwin release/ distribution

I don't think there are enough potential volunteer man-hours to make
such a thing feasible.
I disagree.  Assume for a moment that all Cygwin project member
development efforts can be put into the following bins:
Well, there might be plenty of potential volunteer hours, but since it's 
voluteer, people can prioritize their efforts as they wish...

1.  Code development.
2.  Design documentation.
3.  Test suite development.
4.  Test suite documentation.
5.  Test suite execution and reporting.
6.  User documentation.
7.  Packaging for distribution.
8.  Infrastructure development.
9.  Infrastructure administration.
10. Version control/ configuration management of all of the above.
11. Personnel leadership and project management.
It would seem that bin #1 is consuming the majority of the effort.  I
think that by changing priorities and re-allocating people and
resources, it should be possible to create integration tests and a
"stable" distribution.  Such would increase Cygwin's acceptance and
usage for potentially hundreds of millions of people.  Is this not a
good thing?
Well potential... and potential. Who would use Cygwin and what for? 
Cygwin doesn't really offer anything that Joe Average needs or even 
bothers to learn since it's "difficult".

For advanced users, system operators and such Cygwin gives lot more. But 
it definitely reduces potentials down.

For a corporations there is magic word called "tech support".
It seems to me that as it is a volunteer community, the people in 
question would need to volunteer to be re-allocated. This does not 
seem to be happening. :-) 
It seems that it isn't happening and I think it takes a whole lot more 
time and personel to volunteer their time to all those "bins".

And since many of packages are open source, builts are targeted on *nix 
systems, primary maintenance happens outside cygwin eg. level of 
documentation, testing, testcases and such varies greatly. Then there is 
cygwin specific maintainers that just make sure that package compiles 
and works okay (as specified by original author(s)) and builds 
distribution package. And then there is people who work for core of 
cygwin, cygwin1.dll...

Always have to think of target audience.
If you're looking something "simple" you can take a look for "TheOpenCD" 
project, OSI licensed software for average users. Or less professional 
looking "GnuWin2" project, also OSI licensed software for advanced 

Both offer many OSS software as native builds, with nice standard gui 
installers and such.

But how about Cygwin? Cygwin installation provides only basically list 
of packages and you really have to know what you're doing before you get 
something useful out.

Maybe it would be just enough to produce better installation program, 
maybe even possiblity to categorize tools like you could just say "C and 
C++ development tools" and you get all needed stuff to build programs, 
maybe even in neat single download package. After that you could name 
installation package as "Cygwin Environment version 99.99" and refer 
people to download and use that specified package.

Hmm... NSIS could even work this out pretty well... I might even try 
that one if there is enough interest for that.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Request for a version/ revision/ release number for the whole Cygwin release/ distribution

2004-10-03 Thread Jani tiainen
David Christensen wrote:
Per the Cygwin FAQ (
"If you are looking for the version number for the whole Cygwin
release, there is none. Each package in the Cygwin release has its own
version. The packages in Cygwin are continually improving, thanks to the
efforts of net volunteers who maintain the Cygwin binary ports. Each
package has its own version numbers and its own release process. "
I would like to request that this policy be reversed -- that there be a
version number for the entire Cygwin release.  Every O/S and application
I've used had a release number for the whole thing; Cygwin should as
I would especially like to request that there be a "stable"
Why?  Because:
[snipped out reasons]
You're confusing (like it happens with Linux distros also) two things. 
There is kernel, in this case Cygwin.dll, and then there is 
applications, like bash, cat, ls etc.

Of course there exists distributions that have some common number, like 
Fedora Core 2 or Debian 3.0r2, but those just mean that if you take them 
out of box they probably work together. But that's not always the case. 
And rarely is.

I hereby request that everybody who reads this message reply and express
their opinion so that the Cygwin release maintainers will know what the
community wants.
p.s.  I hereby volunteer my time to work on implementing my request.
However, be warned that I have very high standards and, especially as a
volunteer, I will not tolerate my time being wasted.
Well, you mean that you can give time but not waste it..? Isn't that an 
idea of volunteering - waste extra time you have.

What latter came up is that if you see eg. Debian that is consired to be 
"stable" among distributions it's also damn old. Quote from "The current 
“stable” distribution of Debian GNU/Linux is version 3.0r2, codenamed 
woody. It was released on November 21st, 2003." and base system is as 
old as "Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (a.k.a. woody) was released on 19th of 
July, 2002". So you see that being stable also means being old, because 
you have to test, fix, test and fix again.

Well, what about defining that stable means availability for 99% of 
time? It really means that cygwin would fail for 3.65 days, every 
year... And that's a lot for "mission critical" system. Even 99,5% would 
mean about 1.8 days offline time...

Well that's the about standards. Now have you even planned how to accept 
initially packages for testing, fixing, and finally accept packages for 
stable release? Defining process what you have tought could help a lot.

But it would be great to have, at least one mentioned some other post, 
unattented install. It would be great to say that "install these 
packages", maybe only select a proper mirror but otherwise it would do 
the trick and install one predefined Cygwin setup.

One side note:
If you develop software for customers (or public audience), where are 
the sources for published software..?

Jani Tiainen
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Re: cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows

2004-09-19 Thread Jani tiainen
3APA3A wrote:
Dear Jani tiainen,
--Sunday, September 19, 2004, 9:33:42 AM, you wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Jt> If you compile it under Cygwin _and_ link your app against _any_ GPL
Jt> library (including cygwin1.dll in Windoze) your application license must
Jt> be GPL. You still hold copyright for your original work (and your later
Jt> modifications) and thus can do anything with that piece of code eg. 
Jt> there is some examples (like MySQL) that uses dual licensing, one which
Jt> is GPL and one commercial.

Most  libraries  (Cygwin  is exception) come with LGPL, not GPL license.
LGPL  allows  you  to  create commercial application linked against this
library  as  long  as  you  provide a way to replace LGPLed library (for
example application links to library dynamically).
Well actually when you compile library with cygwin1.dll, it will be 
changed to GPL. There is even clause in LGPL that makes it possible. 
Amazing, isn't it..?

In  some  cases  it's  still  possible  to  use  some GPLed libraries in
commerce  application,  if application is not "derived work" in terms of
GPL  (for  example  you  can use GPLed plugins as long as you distribute
plugin  apart  from  you  application  and you distribute plugin in open
source under GPL).
Well, actually you can distribute plugin too, but you need to distribute 
sources etc. Usually it's much simpler to point out place where to get 
that particular plugin. Or like it's with cygwin, easier to point out to 
download & install cygwin than distribute whole mess by yourself.

Additionally,  there  is  a  lot  of  difference "freeware" licenses and
"public domain" code, not covered by any license.
They still are, their license are pretty "free". You can use software as 
you may. Still it's a license even very short one.

As  for  Cygwin:  yes,  according to GPL all derived work must be GPLed.
Copyright  question  is  not  so simple as you may think, but it primary
depends on the contracts between you and your employer.
Common practice is that company you work for owns copyright for code 
made at work hours. Everything else is your own. Of course this is 
contract guestion, but I have never heard that copyright stays with 
coder while working for employer - Who would risk situation that when 
coder leaves he/she takes code with him/her? But I've heard that 
sometimes employer has (at least offered) contract that _all_ code 
written by individual in question is property of employer. But I don't 
know for other countries, but at least here in Finland such a agreement 
is void and it is called 'act of fairness'.

More or less problematic is code made in institutions, universities and 
school, but I'll leave that one out.

And most of these legal matters are still officially untested in court 
of law. Many times these are pretty delicate matters and are settled 
outside court.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows

2004-09-19 Thread Jani tiainen
Bobby McNulty wrote:
Jani tiainen wrote:
Bobby McNulty Junior wrote:
I'm build Cygwin on Linux. This will be transfered to Windows.
In other other words, guys, I'm back to pragramming for Cygwin.
Do I have to turn in a copyright assignment? i don't work for a 
company. I'm freelance.
This is my hobby.

Where these started to came from..?
Don't confuse copyright and license. They are two different subjects 
and partly different laws applies to them, copyright is covered by 
copyright laws, license is basically contract between you and other 
people and is covered by contract (or similiar) laws.

If you compile it under Cygwin _and_ link your app against _any_ GPL 
library (including cygwin1.dll in Windoze) your application license 
must be GPL. You still hold copyright for your original work (and your 
later modifications) and thus can do anything with that piece of code 
eg. there is some examples (like MySQL) that uses dual licensing, one 
which is GPL and one commercial.

OK. So I don't need a copyright assignment. What if I wanted to make 
changes to the Cygwin dll and wanted to turn those over to the Cygwin 
team to be incl.uded in the dll for others to use?
Well, you don't need, but copyright assignment is automatical in most 
cases, so you do have copyright for your own work, wanted or not (see 
later text).. =)

Well, since cygwin is GPL licensed you can change how ever you fit in 
your purpose as long as you publish sources.

But for Cygwin community it's better to use "official" channels to 
maintain changes etc. There is FAQ and docs about that in Cygwin site.

I really would like to have my users (or anyone who wanted to uses these 
programs) to be able to use them. If I could, I would rather just 
distribuute the current DLL and the source code to the DLL and the 
program I was working on at the time.
Well you can distribute cygwin1.dll and sources for it or point out 
users to install Cygwin.

I know what GPL is. I understand that Cygwin requires a copyright 
assignmnent. But. I'm freelance. I don't have an employer, so as far as 
that goes. I can't contribute because i don't have a job. 
Now you got it wrong. Copyright is something that you "can't buy", 
copyright is property for something you create and you own copyright to 
your work, exclusively without any special assignment. If you're working 
for a company in most cases programs that you create at your work time 
are copyrighted by that company, nyt by you as individual. But on the 
other times, copyright is owned by you.

GPL in turn is a license, a contract, an agreement that how you can use 
that particular piece of work. One of essential parts of GPL is to 
permit others to modify and pass those modifications further, but they 
have to publish their modifications.

On the other, 
I am profiecient in C, BASIC and Pascal. So I can make the mods needed 
to the dll. I can follow the bug report givin by the faulty program, and 
I can repair it. I'm not stupid, you see, I've been programming since 
1983. C since 1987, Pascal since 1988. Out of all those, my favorite 
language is C. I have an internet buddy who was using Turbo C in 1996. I 
had been leaning Mix Power C. I got real good at it. Graphics was a 
speciality. But I could to other things. I wrote a program one day that 
would only pretend to delete files off of a hard drive. Pretend is the 
key. It never overwrote anything. And to stop it, simple. I had it set 
up so a simple CTRL C would stop it.
All it did was read a file to simulate erasing a file. My friend added 
that. I was just using the program as a joke, and I had a severe mood 
swing. Big deal. That program is lost, along with others I had worked 
on. My goal about the Cygwin Dll is to make it compatible with new 
versions of Windows as they come out. That is all. I'm using Windows XP 
and Linux. Under Windows XP, I have Cygwin. In an 8 GB section of my 
hard drive I have Linux. So, I can use all three at any time.
If there is a problem, I can get right at it. I'm quick at solving 
problems. Over on Linux, I'm building autoconf 2.59, automake 1.9.1, 
binutils 2.15, and gcc 3.4.2. When I get back to Linux  in a bit, I'm 
finishing what i started. My dad had an emergency. He could not get out 
on the internet. I found the problem. For some reasone, Internet 
Explorer was set to a webpage on his drive that called for a DNS error. 
Claimed it could not get out. I looked at that. He told me that the 
Antivirus program could get update. I used Internet Options and reset to 
home page to MSN. Now, he can get out.
I've been solving my family's program since they each recieved 
computers. My mom in 1997, my dad since 2000. My youngest brother 
offically went online in 2000, while my middle brother had been online 
since 1987. He was a Compuserve user.
I don't have a webpage any mor

Re: cygwin compiled on Linux for Wiindows

2004-09-18 Thread Jani tiainen
Bobby McNulty Junior wrote:
I'm build Cygwin on Linux. This will be transfered to Windows.
In other other words, guys, I'm back to pragramming for Cygwin.
Do I have to turn in a copyright assignment? i don't work for a company. 
I'm freelance.
This is my hobby.
Where these started to came from..?
Don't confuse copyright and license. They are two different subjects and 
partly different laws applies to them, copyright is covered by copyright 
laws, license is basically contract between you and other people and is 
covered by contract (or similiar) laws.

If you compile it under Cygwin _and_ link your app against _any_ GPL 
library (including cygwin1.dll in Windoze) your application license must 
be GPL. You still hold copyright for your original work (and your later 
modifications) and thus can do anything with that piece of code eg. 
there is some examples (like MySQL) that uses dual licensing, one which 
is GPL and one commercial.

Jani Tiainen
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configure-script failure

2004-08-29 Thread Jani tiainen
Why sometimes running ./configure doesn't work?
Usually it reports that some feature is missing, but running second time 
with same parameters doesn't produce error..

configure --prefix=/target --disable-static
in first run I usually get "no such feature 'static'" (or similiar). On 
second run with exactly same parameters it works.

Any explanations for a such behavior?
Jani Tiainen
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Re: convert .lib to .a

2004-08-26 Thread Jani tiainen
Yu-Cheng Chou wrote:
Hi, Larry:
I have two c-callable static libs which are created by vc, but the source 
codes are not available.
I need these libs to create a shared library using gcc under cygwin.

Command line:
gcc -shared -o libmpi.dl 
mpi_chdl.o ../../src/lib/libmpi.a ../../src/lib/liblam.a ../../src/lib/chsd
k.lib ../../src/lib/ch.lib

Error message:
uiltin_Ch_VaArg ' unrecognized
Cannot export .idata$4: symbol not found
Cannot export .idata$5: symbol not found
Cannot export .idata$6: symbol not found
Cannot export .text: symbol not found
Cannot export ⌂ch_NULL_THUNK_DATA: symbol not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [libmpi.dl] Error 1
Have any idea to fix this problem?
AFAIK, you can't do that in that way.
First, you have to build shared library (DLL in terms of Windoze), with 
VC. Then you can export API calls to .def and create .a from there on. 
Well of course you can generate .def from VC compilation and then 
generate .a lib. But this applies only to shared libs.

To my knowledge it's not possible to do this with static libs.
Jani Tiainen

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Re: Gnome for cygwin

2004-08-26 Thread Jani tiainen
Colin JN Breame wrote:
Is there a Gnome port (2.6) to cygwin?
AFAIK no there isn't. Gnome 2.4 is partly ported to cygwim but there 
still exists problems.

You can follow status of project at <>
Jani Tiainen
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Re: gnome-config NOT FOUND!!

2004-08-26 Thread Jani tiainen
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Maya wrote:

Thank you Larry for your help!
I downloaded the package needed to get gobject-2.0, but now after
typing 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0', I get a message saying that
'gnome-config' was not found. What do I have to do now?

Thanks in advance

I have no idea what this error should tell us.  I have no gnome-config
but I have nearly a complete gnome-desktop installed.  I see this
message sometimes when running configure for another gnome package, but
it is just a harmless warning, gnome1 isn't needed to run gnome2 and
gnome2 applications.
As said in my other posting, "gnome-config" is used as fallback in 
pkgconfig (for historical reasons) when package is not found. Usually it 
happens when you don't have some optional library/package that is 
checked from pkgconfig.

I'm not sure is this removed from later pkgconfigs, or is it ever 
planned to be removed but it's usually safe to ignore it.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: gnome-config NOT FOUND!!

2004-08-25 Thread Jani tiainen
Maya wrote:
Thank you Larry for your help!
I downloaded the package needed to get gobject-2.0, but now after typing 'pkg-config 
gtk+-2.0', I get a message saying that 'gnome-config' was not found. What do I have to 
do now?
gnome-config not found is "historic" warning. It's used as fallback in
pkgconfig when pkgconfig can't find package you're trying to locate.
First see that you have gtk+-2.0.pc file in /usr/lib/pkgconfig or
usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig directory. If not, look do yoy have gtk*.dll.a
files in /usr/lib or /usr/X11R6/lib if not you're still missing something.
Jani Tiainen

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Re: GTK/pango etc.

2004-08-07 Thread Jani tiainen
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Hallo Jani,
Am Sonntag, 8. August 2004 um 00:29 schriebst du:

Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Hallo Jani,
Well, I really meant compiled under cygwin, but without X11...
It should be possible to build it, unfortunately it compiles not as
To try yoursewlf, you have to define --with-gdk-target=win32 instead
of --with-gdk-target=x11.
Actually the option is --with-gdktarget=win32
I'll give it another try later, maybe we can resolve the issues
It seems they have fixed the bug in the latest release, there are some
other issues (typo in, missing -L switch and some other
bugs), but it compiles ok now, I'll see if I can get a package out of
Err... atleast it compiled okay with mine setup (I used 2.5.1) but I
couldn't get pango 1.5.2 to compile, there were some errors in win32

It was broken in the version that was first released for Cygwin
compiled from gtk+-2.4.3, 2.4.4 is ok.
Pango 1.4.x released for Cywgin includes both backends, it builds ok.
I have a package completed now.  It will need some discussion how to
distribute since it contains several files which are already in the
gtk2-x11 package include, so one can install both packages using
setup.exe, but the second installation will overwrite the most of the
first installation.  I'm not sure if this is a good thing.
I can send you the patchfile with my buildscript if you're in a hurry.
That would be nice. Just throw it in this e-mail address, (if it's under 
25 MB...)

Jani Tiainen
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Re: GTK/pango etc.

2004-08-07 Thread Jani tiainen
Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Hallo Jani,

Well, I really meant compiled under cygwin, but without X11...

It should be possible to build it, unfortunately it compiles not as

To try yoursewlf, you have to define --with-gdk-target=win32 instead
of --with-gdk-target=x11.

Actually the option is --with-gdktarget=win32

I'll give it another try later, maybe we can resolve the issues

It seems they have fixed the bug in the latest release, there are some
other issues (typo in, missing -L switch and some other
bugs), but it compiles ok now, I'll see if I can get a package out of
Err... atleast it compiled okay with mine setup (I used 2.5.1) but I 
couldn't get pango 1.5.2 to compile, there were some errors in win32 

Jani Tiainen
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Re: GTK/pango etc.

2004-08-07 Thread Jani tiainen
Ken Dibble wrote:
One starting point is
They say that they have GTK+ 2.44 runtime for windows both with and 
separate from libglade.

Jani tiainen wrote:
Is there version that is not compiled against X11 libraries (so it 
uses native Windows) available or do I have to compile GTK and such 
from source?

Is there pointers where I find info about compiling non-X11 versions 
of GTK?

Well, I really meant compiled under cygwin, but without X11...
One you pointed is excellent standalole GTK+ 2.4.4 and Glade setup.
Jani Tiainen

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GTK/pango etc.

2004-08-07 Thread Jani tiainen
Is there version that is not compiled against X11 libraries (so it uses 
native Windows) available or do I have to compile GTK and such from source?

Is there pointers where I find info about compiling non-X11 versions of GTK?
Jani Tiainen
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Re: Configure and missing install-sh

2004-07-31 Thread Jani tiainen
Jani tiainen wrote:
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 08:58:34PM +0300, Jani tiainen wrote:
I tried googling around but couldn't really find reason (and 
solution) why configure script ends in error stating:
$ ./configure
configure: error: cannot find install-sh or in . ./.. ./../..

Something to check/set to get that working?

The message is pretty self explanatory, isn't it?  You're apparently
missing an install-sh file which configure requires.

Err... Makes me wonder where it comes from, because it isn't in source 
tree I downloaded...

Have I missed something?
Answering to myself and for further reference: automake --add-missing 
took care of job...

Jani Tiainen

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Re: Configure and missing install-sh

2004-07-31 Thread Jani tiainen
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Sat, Jul 31, 2004 at 08:58:34PM +0300, Jani tiainen wrote:
I tried googling around but couldn't really find reason (and solution) 
why configure script ends in error stating:
$ ./configure
configure: error: cannot find install-sh or in . ./.. ./../..

Something to check/set to get that working?

The message is pretty self explanatory, isn't it?  You're apparently
missing an install-sh file which configure requires.
Err... Makes me wonder where it comes from, because it isn't in source 
tree I downloaded...

Have I missed something?
Jani Tiainen
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Configure and missing install-sh

2004-07-31 Thread Jani tiainen
I tried googling around but couldn't really find reason (and solution) 
why configure script ends in error stating:
$ ./configure
configure: error: cannot find install-sh or in . ./.. ./../..

Something to check/set to get that working?
Jani Tiainen
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Re: Install failure

2004-07-31 Thread Jani tiainen
Larry Hall wrote:
At 12:56 PM 7/31/2004, you wrote:
Robert McNulty Junior wrote:

I get it too.
X11 is not installed first.
Try installing X11 first, then GTk2
-Original Message-
Of Jani tiainen
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 10:11 AM
To: Cygwin List
Subject: Install failure
I'm trying to install GTK2 from Cygwin net install, but I always endup
having following error in /etc/postinstall/
gtk2-query-immodules-2.0.exe - Unable to Locate DLL
The dyamix link library cygX11-6.dll could not be found in specified path...

Great, top posting.. =)
But anyway, I have dll in question installed, but still I get that error... Why?

Is it in your path?
In cygwin environment yes, in globally no. And GTK2-X11 is only package 
so far that doesn't work when using setup.

If I run postinstall script from Cygwin BASH, all goes well.
Jani Tiainen
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Re: Install failure

2004-07-31 Thread Jani tiainen
Robert McNulty Junior wrote:
I get it too.
X11 is not installed first.
Try installing X11 first, then GTk2
-Original Message-
Of Jani tiainen
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 10:11 AM
To: Cygwin List
Subject: Install failure
I'm trying to install GTK2 from Cygwin net install, but I always endup
having following error in /etc/postinstall/
gtk2-query-immodules-2.0.exe - Unable to Locate DLL
The dyamix link library cygX11-6.dll could not be found in specified path...

Great, top posting.. =)
But anyway, I have dll in question installed, but still I get that 
error... Why?

Jani Tiainen
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Install failure

2004-07-31 Thread Jani tiainen
I'm trying to install GTK2 from Cygwin net install, but I always endup
having following error in /etc/postinstall/
gtk2-query-immodules-2.0.exe - Unable to Locate DLL
The dyamix link library cygX11-6.dll could not be found in specified path...
Jani Tiainen

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Re: Selecting packages in setup

2004-07-25 Thread Jani tiainen
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 06:04:18PM +0300, Jani tiainen wrote:
Recently I wanted to install Cygnome2 packages, and noticed that you 
can't install them simultaenously with rest of Cygwin - problem is that 
you can't really tell from packages which comes from which server - in 
my case there was GTK2 packages from Cygwin distribution that were 
installed instead wanted Cygnome2 packages - and nothing really worked.

This is the Cygwin project.  There is only one source for packages.  If
other projects are using setup.exe and providing their own packages,
that's great but please don't ask us to try to support other people's
Yes I know. Another issue is that why setup wants always to upgrade 
latest version? It's really pain to remember always to chante package to 
"skip", like I wanted to use automake 1.7, not 1.8 but everytime I run 
setup I have to remember do the change.

At least I use two different mirrors for cygwin packages, but another is 
 much faster than another but updates less frequently than slower one, 
it would be nice to see that I'm really using faster for most of 
packages, and only new ones are downloaded from slower source.

It would be handy to see in selection from where package is going to be 
downloaded/installed it would ease up things a little bit.

Maybe either you or the Cygnome2 project should provide patches to setup
to implement your ideas.  This really isn't an issue for us but we'll
gladly consider changes to setup.exe.
I'll see what I can do about it, but not this time since I know how to 
deal with it and it's not such a big issue.

Jani Tiainen
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Selecting packages in setup

2004-07-25 Thread Jani tiainen
Recently I wanted to install Cygnome2 packages, and noticed that you 
can't install them simultaenously with rest of Cygwin - problem is that 
you can't really tell from packages which comes from which server - in 
my case there was GTK2 packages from Cygwin distribution that were 
installed instead wanted Cygnome2 packages - and nothing really worked.

It would be handy to see in selection from where package is going to be 
downloaded/installed it would ease up things a little bit.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: DLLs and LoadLibrary

2004-07-22 Thread Jani tiainen
Vadim Berezniker wrote:
Jani tiainen wrote:
Vadim Berezniker wrote:
I followed the FAQ and the various mailing list messages and was able 
to build a dll that I can load with LoadLibrary.
The code inside the DLL makes calls to code in other libraries and 
for the most part this is okay.
When I make calls to one library, everything is OK. As soon as I 
uncomment one line which is simply a call to a function in another 
library, the resulting DLL cannot be loaded with LoadLibrary.

There is various reasons why loading fails. If you get NULL from 
LoadLibrary call, use GetLastError to retrieve real reason for error.

BTW, where are you calling those LoadLibrary calls? It's unsafe (and 
not really recommended) to call them in DllMain.

LoadLibrary never returns. An exception occurs within LoadLibrary. 
However if I comment that one line, it loads the library just fine.
I'm not calling LoadLibrary from a DLL.
You load DLL with LoadLibrary in your app, if you any calls to functions 
in that library your app crashes in LoadLibrary call?

Further example could do really good, these are wild guesses. And how 
this relates to Cygwin?

Jani Tiainen
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Re: DLLs and LoadLibrary

2004-07-21 Thread Jani tiainen
Vadim Berezniker wrote:
I followed the FAQ and the various mailing list messages and was able to 
build a dll that I can load with LoadLibrary.
The code inside the DLL makes calls to code in other libraries and for 
the most part this is okay.
When I make calls to one library, everything is OK. As soon as I 
uncomment one line which is simply a call to a function in another 
library, the resulting DLL cannot be loaded with LoadLibrary.
There is various reasons why loading fails. If you get NULL from 
LoadLibrary call, use GetLastError to retrieve real reason for error.

BTW, where are you calling those LoadLibrary calls? It's unsafe (and not 
really recommended) to call them in DllMain.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Building DLL

2004-07-11 Thread Jani tiainen
Maarten Boekhold wrote:

Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
You don't need .def files on Cygwin.  Just add -no-undefined to

OK, I'm making progress with getting XFCE to compile under cygwin (with 
help of one of the XFCE developers), but now we're running into the 

XFCE has a plugin mechanism, based on shared libraries. These plugins 
use functions/symbols from the program that they 'plug in to'. I.e. if I 
have appA, and libB is a plugin for appA, then libB contains calls that 
are defined in appA.

How do I get this to work under cygwin? Obviously I can't link libB 
against appA!
Done this, been there. And it's all possible.. =)
You can use DLLTOOL to produce .def files from .exe if needed so you
don't have to do them by hand. But in most cases you just need few funcs
or variables it's simpler to write .def by hand.
Jani Tiainen
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Re: PERL and XML::Parser

2004-07-07 Thread Jani tiainen
Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Jani tiainen wrote:
| I'm trying to install XML::Parser to perl, but no success. For some
| reason CPAN install fails with:
| Anyone succeeded with this module?
I have a binary package of XML::Parser 2.34 available at if you need.
Thank you for offer, but I found solution. For some strange reason some 
programs / compilations are affected by Visual Studio .NET's LIB and 
INCLUDE environment variables.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: PERL and XML::Parser

2004-07-05 Thread Jani tiainen
Jani tiainen wrote:
I'm trying to install XML::Parser to perl, but no success. For some 
reason CPAN install fails with:
Well, found the reason:
It appears that Visual Studio .NET environment variable "LIB" produced 
invalid output in Makefile.

I also run into same problem (another variable tough) while compiling 
openjade or openSP...

Jani Tiainen

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PERL and XML::Parser

2004-07-05 Thread Jani tiainen
I'm trying to install XML::Parser to perl, but no success. For some 
reason CPAN install fails with: Going to build M/MS/MSERGEANT/XML-Parser-2.34.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for XML::Parser::Expat
Writing Makefile for XML::Parser
cp Parser/Encodings/x-sjis-cp932.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/iso-8859-7.enc 
cp Parser/Style/ blib/lib/XML/Parser/Style/
cp Parser/Encodings/iso-8859-9.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/x-euc-jp-unicode.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/README blib/lib/XML/Parser/Encodings/README
cp Parser/Encodings/euc-kr.enc blib/lib/XML/Parser/Encodings/euc-kr.enc
cp Parser/Encodings/windows-1250.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/windows-1252.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/big5.enc blib/lib/XML/Parser/Encodings/big5.enc
cp Parser/Encodings/iso-8859-3.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/Japanese_Encodings.msg 
cp Parser/Style/ blib/lib/XML/Parser/Style/
cp Parser/Encodings/iso-8859-4.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/iso-8859-8.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/x-euc-jp-jisx0221.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/iso-8859-2.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/x-sjis-jdk117.enc 
cp Parser/Encodings/x-sjis-unicode.enc 
cp Parser/ blib/lib/XML/Parser/
cp Parser/Style/ blib/lib/XML/Parser/Style/
cp blib/lib/XML/
cp Parser/Style/ blib/lib/XML/Parser/Style/
cp Parser/Encodings/x-sjis-jisx0221.enc 
cp Parser/Style/ blib/lib/XML/Parser/Style/
cp Parser/Encodings/iso-8859-5.enc 
Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
make: *** [subdirs] Error 2
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK

Anyone succeeded with this module?
Jani Tiainen
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Re: Ctrl-Z fails to suspend Windows programs

2004-06-18 Thread Jani tiainen
Warren Young wrote:
John Cooper wrote:
The problem is that I often don't want to have to terminate the GUI 
app just to
get my shell prompt back.

Well now, that's an entirely different deal.
Somehow, cmd.exe detects that a program is GUI-only, and it gives you 
your prompt back when the program has launched.  I suspect it would be 
better to find out how cmd.exe manages that trick than to put Ctrl-Z 
support into Cygwin that will likely break some non-Cygwin programs.

One way to do this would be for Cygwin's exec() to look at the PE header 
for the program and see if it has the console mode flag set.  If not, it 
could do whatever the Cygwin 'run' program does to spin the program off, 
detached from the shell.
That would be totally inconsistent how shells work. IMO, adding 
ampresand at end of command works as intended and is consistent how 
things work in *nixes

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Ctrl-Z fails to suspend Windows programs

2004-06-18 Thread Jani tiainen
Dave Korn wrote:
-Original Message-
From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Peter A. Castro
Sent: 17 June 2004 21:13
To: John Cooper
Cc: cygwin
Subject: RE: Ctrl-Z fails to suspend Windows programs

Anyway, can you point me to where you got this code example?  

ID: Q90493 

  I have a suspicion that this (and similar) code samples should probably
not be posted to this list; can everyone please snip their quotes of it.  It
looks a bit copyright to me.  So I googled the q number.  Found it in a
couple of places.
  Oh dear.  Word-for-word copying of M$ proprietary source into an open
source project?  TCSH-L added.  I dunno what the status is of SDK source
code examples but it's certainly M$ copyright; someone should look at the
licensing terms.
Well, if this is Microsoft code, following applies to it: 

And for Apple sources, there is also copyright notice that should follow 
if it is used (as usually people do).

  There's a different way of doing it, just frex.  Opening a file and
reading a few bytes out of a couple of structs is something that can be done
in standard posix C without even breaking a sweat.
Surely. And it's far more efficient than done in 'M$'-way. Of course if 
reason or another image format changes own hack needs to be updated, 
M$-solution still works. (Or doesn't...)

Jani Tiainen
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Re: is ms internet explorer 5 a spambot?

2004-06-17 Thread Jani tiainen
MLJC wrote:
You should, maybe, upgrade your Internet Explorer because the current
version is Internet Explorer 6.
Or you could use Netscape Navigator, or Mozilla.
- Original Message - 
From: "Andrew Makhorin" 
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 5:49 AM
Subject: is ms internet explorer 5 a spambot?

When I tried to access messages in the cygwin mailing list archive
(using ms internet explorer 5), I got the following:
   Spambot detected.
   Hi, your web browser has triggered our spambot detection mechanism.
I understand the humor. However, cygwin is intended to run under
ms windows, where ie 5 is the standard web browser, isn't it?
Any suggestions?
NOTE: top posting is great thing... =)
Faulty detection of 'standard' browser as spambot is definitely 'bug' in 
 web design.

Because it's just a application generated string that is sent to HTTP 

Shows up bad design - nothing more, nothing less.
But I strongly suggest using Mozilla Firefox with tab and mouse gesture 
extensions (or Mozilla Suite if you prefer) instead of IE - you get much 
more out of web browsing.. And more or less important point - it's open 

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Ctrl-Z fails to suspend Windows programs

2004-06-17 Thread Jani tiainen
Dave Korn wrote:
-Original Message-
From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of John Cooper
Sent: 15 June 2004 15:05
To: cygwin
Subject: RE: Ctrl-Z fails to suspend Windows programs
The old native (non-cygwin) port of zsh would somehow detect 
if it was about to
exec a Windows app, and run it as a background process, thus 
returning a zsh
prompt immediately.  Could something like this be added to 
cygwin bash/zsh?

  AFAICS the ability is already there.  Just enter "windows_app.exe &" at a
bash shell.

This was very useful.  With the cygwin zsh, I often find 
myself invoking a
Windows app and not being able to get back to the shell 
window without first
terminating the Windows app.

Well, the same goes if you run a cygwin app: you don't get the prompt back
until it exits.
The point is that it's not about cygwin-vs-windoze apps.  It's about
apps-that-use-console-stdin-and-stdout vs. apps-that-display-a-gui; those
that show a gui could usefully be detached, but those that read their input
from stdin will break if the shell detaches them.  I don't think there's a
reliable enough mechanism by which a shell could detect one case from the
Well, there isn't reliable method for detection. Own problem goes to 
apps that does both, uses stdin/out and GUI.

But when starting application in windows you can give handles that 
program uses as stdin and stdout instead "standard" handles (what ever 
they are).

That way I have written GUI frontend for application that did both, used 
stdio to communicate with user but showed a GUI also.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: License issue

2004-06-16 Thread Jani tiainen
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jun 15 13:51, Avraham H. Fraenkel wrote:
If I am writing a short C program, comply it with GCC, and put the exe and the 
cygwin dll in my site, should I add something?

Yes, the sources of your application as well as the sources of the
Cygwin DLL, according to the GPL.  If you don't distribute the sources,
you don't apply to the licensing.
IANAL(Y)... =)
Well you exactly don't have to but sources on (same) web site...
For further information see:
And few headers downwards. That should answer to most of questions.
Jani Tiainen

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Re: Ctrl-Z fails to suspend Windows programs

2004-06-15 Thread Jani tiainen
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 03:37:05PM +0300, Jani tiainen wrote:
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 09:58:16AM +0100, John Cooper wrote:
Is it a known limitation that "native" Windows programs cannot be
Yes.  Window programs do not understand cygwin signals.
Thats true for cygwin part.  Native programs still can be
suspended/resumed but not by cygwin (or shell that is running and
waiting finishing of active process).

It is true for any part that Windows programs do not understand cygwin
There is no way to reliably suspend a Windows programs.
Yes there is ( piece of pseudo code):
For Each Thread THREAD_Y in Process PROCESS_X
Call_Win32API SuspendThread(THREAD_Y.Handle)
NOTE: In Win2k and later you need THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME rights for 
particular thread.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: Ctrl-Z fails to suspend Windows programs

2004-06-15 Thread Jani tiainen
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 09:58:16AM +0100, John Cooper wrote:
Is it a known limitation that "native" Windows programs cannot be suspended?

Yes.  Window programs do not understand cygwin signals.
Thats true for cygwin part. Native programs still can be 
suspended/resumed but not by cygwin (or shell that is running and 
waiting finishing of active process).

It could be done in such a way that it could be possible, but it would 
need propably need native windows stuff in shell(s) in question.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: installing cygwin on private lan

2004-06-14 Thread Jani tiainen
Jani tiainen wrote:
So is there a Linux version of setup.exe and if not, how do I populate
the Linux filesystem from which the DOS box will install Cygwin?

Cygwin needs still Windows environment, not DOS environment. And for 
Linux and Windows co-operation you could use NetBIOS (Samba on Linux side).

For further information refer Linux documentation about Samba server, 
and accessing network shares for Windows machine.
Of course there is possibly option to use WINE, don't know does it work 

Jani Tiainen
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Re: installing cygwin on private lan

2004-06-13 Thread Jani tiainen
So is there a Linux version of setup.exe and if not, how do I populate
the Linux filesystem from which the DOS box will install Cygwin?
Cygwin needs still Windows environment, not DOS environment. And for 
Linux and Windows co-operation you could use NetBIOS (Samba on Linux side).

For further information refer Linux documentation about Samba server, 
and accessing network shares for Windows machine.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: nice not setting above/below normal

2004-06-13 Thread Jani tiainen
Brian Dessent wrote:
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 05:42:38AM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
reserved for real-time processes.  The remaining range 1-15 are the
regular (dynamic) priorities that most processes run with.  In reality
you don't set the priority directly this way, rather you choose a
priority class (realtime, high, normal, idle; corresponding to 24, 13,
8, 4) and then a modifier (highest, above normal, normal, below normal,
lowest; corresponding to +2, +1, 0, -1, -2).
Is that correct?  Shouldn't idle be 3 to allow the full 1-15 range?

According to sysinternals' Process Explorer, idle is indeed 4.  I
haven't double checked with anything on MSDN but I don't see why it
would not be displaying the correct thing, given that it shows the
priority on the 0-31 scale for every process so it must be using the
NTDLL level calls.
Hmm, that's pretty complex way to do things:
There is actually three levels: Background/Foreground process, base 
priority, and then special "thread priority" that has seven more modifiers.

Complete text can be found at:
Jani Tiainen
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Re: nice not setting above/below normal

2004-06-11 Thread Jani tiainen
Mironov, Leonid {PBG} wrote:
If I am to believe windows task manager windows processes can have 6
priority levels - realtime, high, above normal, normal, below normal and
low, but cygwin nice can set only 2: when -n parameter is above 0 priority
is set to low, when -n is below 0 priority is set to high, actual value of
-n parameter is ignored. Am I missing something or ...?
Actually there is four real levels (realtime, high, normal, idle (low)).
For 2k and XP there is two more, below normal and above normal.
That behaviour might be due the fact that those two additional levels 
doesn't exists in Win 95, 98, ME or NT4.

Jani Tiainen
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Re: g++ libcygwin.a has an undefined reference

2004-05-18 Thread Jani tiainen
Please, avoid top postings, this is hard to reply...
Christian Rudiger wrote:
Hello Al,
thank you, it worked.
i putted one at the end of the program just writing :
}; // end of class
int main(){}
why does that work? I think thats strange.
Strange? Every program needs starting point. For standard C(++) program 
it's called "main", usually in form "int main(int argc, char *argv[])".

There is of course exceptions. Windows programs use "WinMain" or DLL's 
use "DllMain" instead of plain "main".

Your example really need to instantiate class tryit and call instance 
method main before it really works.

Regards Christian Rudiger
Al Slater wrote:
Try putting a main function in the program!

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Christian Rudiger
Sent: 18 May 2004 11:09
Subject: g++ libcygwin.a has an undefined reference

Hello there,
i think the following problem has to do with cygwin, cause 
libcygwin.a has an undefined reference.
I get the error message when compiling my little testprogram. The 
Programm and complete compiler messages follow:

// reading a text file
using namespace std;
class tryit {
  char *FILE_POSTFIX;// = new "myfile.txt"; <- ausserhalb nicht möglich
  string posti;
  int main (int argc, char** argv) {
FILE_POSTFIX = new char[10]; //"Nodes.txt"; <- erst allocieren 
dann zuweisen !
char *filename = FILE_POSTFIX;
char *output;
ifstream in (filename) ;
while (in){
in >> output ;
cout << output << endl;
return 0;

g++ -v -Wall -Wno-deprecated tryme.cpp -o testthings.exe
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/specs
Configured with: /GCC/gcc-3.3.1-3/configure --with-gcc --with-gnu-ld 
--with-gnu-as --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc 
--libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/sbin --mandir=/usr/share/man 
--enable-languages=c,ada,c++,f77,pascal,java,objc --enable-libgcj 
--enable-threads=posix --with-system-zlib --enable-nls 
--without-included-gettext --enable-interpreter 
--enable-sjlj-exceptions --disable-version-specific-runtime-libs 
--enable-shared --disable-win32-registry --enable-java-gc=boehm 
--disable-hash-synchronization --verbose --target=i686-pc-cygwin 
--host=i686-pc-cygwin --build=i686-pc-cygwin
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3.1 (cygming special)
 /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/cc1plus.exe -quiet -v 
-D__CYGWIN32__ -D__CYGWIN__ -Dunix -D__unix__ -D__unix -idirafter 

tryme.cpp -D__GNUG__=3 -quiet -dumpbase tryme.cpp -auxbase tryme 
-Wall -Wno-deprecated -version -o /cygdrive/d/TMP/cc55YaOO.s
GNU C++ version 3.3.1 (cygming special) (i686-pc-cygwin)
compiled by GNU C version 3.3.1 (cygming special).
GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=47 --param 
ggc-min-heapsize=32700 ignoring nonexistent directory 
"/usr/local/include" ignoring nonexistent directory 
"/usr/i686-pc-cygwin/include" ignoring duplicate directory 
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.


--traditional-format -o /cygdrive/d/TMP/ccbPwKZW.o 
 /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.1/collect2.exe -Bdynamic 
--dll-search-prefix=cyg -o testthings.exe 
/cygdrive/d/TMP/ccbPwKZW.o -lstdc++ -lgcc -lcygwin -luser32 
-lkernel32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lgcc 
cmain.o)(.text+0x7c): undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [testthings.exe] Error 1

Compilation exited abnormally with code 2 at Tue May 18 11:05:17
Regards Christian Rudiger
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Re: [OT] Email address. Re: i want to re-download all packages... how?

2004-04-23 Thread Jani tiainen
Jani tiainen wrote:

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

So do it once that way to get the installed packages and then run it 
to get the uninstalled packages.

On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 05:43:21PM +0200, electa wrote:

it selects only my installed packs,  but not the other. i want all 
for my

"Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto nel messaggio

Please feed the spammers my email address; it can only be a drop in the
bucket over the 10-30 Mb/day I get now.  :)

Everyone who writes on a mailinglist that will be archived on net in 
very searchable way shouldn't expose real e-mail address.

This is like leaving your door unlocked while leaving your house/apartment.
Err, and do you really think that spam-mail-address gatherers are so 
stupid that they can't extract mail from  
format..? That's trivial regexp, and so what if there is few bogus 
adresses..? They mail to millons of addresses so few boguses that 
program extracting addresses might create doesn't matter anyway.


Jani Tiainen

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[OT] Email address. Re: i want to re-download all packages... how?

2004-04-23 Thread Jani tiainen
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

So do it once that way to get the installed packages and then run it again
to get the uninstalled packages.
On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 05:43:21PM +0200, electa wrote:

it selects only my installed packs,  but not the other. i want all for my
"Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto nel messaggio

Please feed the spammers my email address; it can only be a drop in the
bucket over the 10-30 Mb/day I get now.  :)
Everyone who writes on a mailinglist that will be archived on net in 
very searchable way shouldn't expose real e-mail address.

This is like leaving your door unlocked while leaving your house/apartment.


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Re: .logout files?

2004-04-19 Thread Jani tiainen
Larry Hall wrote:

At 02:43 PM 4/17/2004, you wrote:

On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 11:03:00AM -0700, Karl M wrote:

On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 09:17:16AM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Apr 16 21:35, Christopher Spears wrote:

Hi! I can't seem to find a .logout file.  I found
The reason might be that there is none.
Sometimes the simple answers are just so paradoxically elusive.
And it can be so satisfying to knoy you have completely answered a
question without actually conveying any information.
Bingo.  It's one of the many perks in being a cygwin developer.
That's just plain mean!  I think all cygwin developers should be 
banished!! ...Wait a minute, that won't work... ;-)
Err... Maybe short time electricshock treatment would help a little.. =)

Well, what's this dot-logout file is used for anyway..?



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Re: Will using cygwin help with back-linking?

2004-04-07 Thread Jani tiainen
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 08:33:19AM +0300, Jani tiainen wrote:

And bad news is: libtool can't handle this (at least not to my knowledge).

Because this is strictly windoze specific, this is also a offtopic of 
this mailinglist..

I wouldn't call it off-topic if it is using the binutils and gcc
provided by cygwin.
Well it depends. Since cygwin basically offers Linux API functionality, 
using shared libraries is a bit off a scope.

Of course cygwin could provide "full" emulation layer, but it would make 
cygwin much slower than currently is.

IMO current 3-tier system is very adequate. In some ocassions this back 
linking problem arises, and it can be solved. Well libtool directly 
doesn't provide way to do it but it can be done without it.

If "everything" that uses some cygwin tools is cygwin specific problem 
this list would flood over.


Jani Tiainen

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Re: i am newbie anybody help me installation

2004-04-07 Thread Jani tiainen
kiran kumar wrote:

hello guys,
  i want g++ compiler exactly as it works
in linux. what are the packages i have to install? so
it will work well in windows too.
Err... What you mean by "as it works in linux". Because Linux itself 
doesn't really contain g++ compiler, you have to be more spesific about 
needed libraries. "Standard" librares comes out-of-box, but different 
spesific libraries have to be installed by hand. Or if you want to be 
"sure" just install everything. But even that doesn't guarantee that 
compilation works (eg. cygwin port of kde and gnome libraries are under 
work) and of course programs have to be written in portable way 
(backlinking problem is excellent example things that works in linux but 
not in cygwin).

Otherwise g++ compiler in cygwin, and Linux works "same way" because 
both are compiled from same codebase.


Jani Tiainen

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Re: Will using cygwin help with back-linking?

2004-04-06 Thread Jani tiainen
Jay West wrote:

Larry wrote...

Did you see this?

No I didn't, but thanks! Actually, no, it doesn't answer my question. It
does ask the precursor to my question, which is how to create a dlopenable
module. I'm well aware of how to do that on unix, using exactly the commands
he listed (main executable with --export-dynamic, module with -fpic and
ld -shareable -dynamic). He is generally asking how to do that with cygwin,
but there's no discussion of exactly what with, and if, backlinking is
supported on a cygwin-ized windows machine.
I will gladly do the legwork of figuring out the specifics of how to do it
on cygwin, but I was hoping someone could at least point me down the right
path. Let me be more specific, I see two alternatives:
You don't have to, I did it already.. =)

So I guess in the final analysis there are two specific questions: Does
cygwin-based windows take care of backlinking, and if so with what
tool/method, and  is it's method compatable with libtool in a transparent
way on Unix vs. Cygwin/Windows?
Shortly no. Longer answer is yes it does.

I rember writing a few articles about this...

Basicaly thing goes so that you compile (but not link) needed files, 
generate needed .lib:s and then link whole thing.

Note that you can export symbols from .exe in same way.

Here is few pointers:



And bad news is: libtool can't handle this (at least not to my knowledge).

Because this is strictly windoze specific, this is also a offtopic of 
this mailinglist..


Jani Tiainen

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Re: Cygwin under Wine?

2004-03-26 Thread Jani tiainen
Larry Hall wrote:

At 07:33 PM 3/25/2004, Tom Roche wrote:

While sounding out Cygwin users in my organization, I got the

If Cygwin would run under Wine, I'd be a very happy person, we
wouldn't need real Windows machines for builds, and we could
consign all our Windows build machines, their ITSC compliance, and
the continual stream of updates and security fixes to the deepest
pits of hell.
Um, why an earth someone might run cygwin under wine? What's the catch? 
If I understood correctly cygwin is meant to provide *nix things for 
windows environment. (Including compilation tools, besides all others) 
So why an earth windows targeted software run under cygwin? If software 
is meant to be crossplatform that's an another story...

So are you saying that it's not a requirement that your build environment
running under Wine be able to run smoke/unit/function tests but it would
be for a cross-compiler environment would?  Yikes!  OK, maybe I 
misunderstood what you're saying with the above but if that's 
the case, it seems to me that the bigger concern should be "will the
software built under Wine run under Wine"?  Unless you know that's the case,
you're putting the cart before the horse.  And, as I type this, I have
the strangest feeling of deja-vu, like this is exactly the same comment
that was made the last time this subject came up. ;-)
Well, it's pretty easy to write software that can be built under wine, 
but doesn't run well or at all under wine.

Another thing is issues that might arise under real windows environment 
that doesn't exists under wine (like windows file locking, permissions 
and such.)


Jani Tiainen

"Bureaucrats! Official complaint is like trying to get drunk with root 
 - Wagner in Viivi & Wagner comics.

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[OT] FAT32 vs NTFS

2004-03-24 Thread Jani tiainen
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Try to figure out what happens on your system.  However, if you're
running 2K or XP, I don't see a reason to keep FAT32.  You can convert
it to NTFS using the "convert" tool which is shipped with all NT versions.
For some reason my laptop (HP Omnibook) came with preinstalled W2k, and 
there is really FAT32 enabled, not NTFS...

Only reason to use FAT32 is to preserve few bytes of memory or let disk 
data be accessible from some other system than NT/W2k/XP.

But for performance reasons it would really be reasonable to use ntfs...


Jani Tiainen

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Re: XEmacs and hot laptops

2004-02-29 Thread Jani tiainen
When I run cygwin XEmacs on my laptop after some time I have to close it 
as my laptop becomes very hot (and the fan goes non-stop and lot noisier 
than usual). So I work on porting some latex related stuff that works 
only on cygwin to native XEmacs. I wouldn't do that but I am afraid not 
to fry my laptop.
Does anybody have this problem too?
Well, first at all, this is somehow offtopic. Yes.

Well, I've similiar symptoms. I've noticed that cygwin uses more CPU 
resources than "native" programs. This is probably due the three-tier 
architechture used in cygwin environment.

Most of laptops I've seen have fixed speed fans, that are turned on when 
heat exceeds some predefined limit, and for some reasons on some laptops 
fan just runs "for sure" once a while.

Mine laptop is set as high as 70 celcius CPU temp, so well, it get's 
hot, specially from under (Yes, you can burn your balls if your not 
careful =)

Force lower clockspeed. Can be done on Intel speedstep, or AMD's 
equivalent thingy. Of course, things takes twice as longer, but hey, no 
more heat.

Laptops are designed to run on higher heats, so no concern of frying.


Jani Tiainen

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Re: Cygwin Mailing list

2004-02-17 Thread Jani Tiainen
Chris Jefferson wrote:

Gareth Pearce wrote:
As obviously you're a mailing list professional, I'm sure you checked the
mailing list archives before posting on this topic.
Hence there is no need for me to reply.
Still, you replied..? =)

As implied by my above statement, the topic has already been discussed.
Therefore given the subject line of this email, you don't even need to 
the mailing list archives to work out the previous answer!
I apologise for replying to this, but I feel I must.
Well, no apologies because you just pointed out biggest flaw in this
kind of a lists. This is not unique feature, it happens everywhere where
 lifespan of list grows, people come and go, but that small, set of
people - the core, stays same from year to year. People just get
overwhelmed with "stupid" questions.
As a "casual" reader of the cygwin mailing list, I feel there has been 
an increasing number of mails sent to the list like this one, where 
various members seem to be competing to see who can come up with the 
most patronising and sarcastic replies to newbies. Such messages I feel 
serve no purpose, and I find it ironic that these people are generating 
more "pointless" on-list messages than the newbies who they are correcting.
Myself being just "casual" reader also, from time to time I read this
NG. Not all the time, most of the time I just skip all messages.
Now if you just think of "quality" of posts where just is said "This has
been discussed, search archives". Well if bother to reply at all, why
not bring some content, e.g. title of thread that discussion were. Oh
wait... but that would take few more words to type, and of course, it
would be too informative, note that still this is _cygwin_ list, an
cygwin is not for newbies. (*evil grin*).
While I do not claim any kind of authority, could I suggest perhaps a)
being a little nicer to newbies (it isn't that hard really) and b) if
you feel the need for a post without any useful content (perhaps just
saying "search the archives") to send it just to the author of the
mail in question?
Well, it's not anything about authority, just basic manners when
dealing... Hmm, you could say "customer support" here...

Jani Tiainen

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Re: Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 now Free

2004-02-17 Thread Jani Tiainen
Alexander Shopov wrote:

Gratis maybe (for the 3.5 beta) but definately NOT free.
Now, this is completely off topic... But, english word "free" greatly 
depends on context.

GPL (and derivatives) uses free in context of freedom to use and modify 
original piece of work, still _you can_ charge for distribution. And for 
point of end user GPL isn't really even freedom to use. It has 
_restriction_. Derivate work (eg. if you link against GPL library) you 
have to make your work GPL also. That's not really free(dom). (Well, 
that's why other, less restrictive licences has emerged).

Most fanciest solution I've seen is mySQL, well, it's GPL, its free for 
non-commercial use, but for commercial mySQL only apps (which are 
considered linked apps), must buy _commercial mySQL licence_. Now is 
that freedom?

This is like here in Finland alcohol importing from other EU countries 
became "unlimited". Now still customs have power to confisticate alcohol 
if it suspects that alcohol is not for personal use... And now they're 
testing it in court of law. (Some guy tried to import approx 250 litres 
of spirits, 1k litres of beer, some wine and other liquors.). Well 
that's real "freedom".

Now SFU is free (to use), but for other aspects, I don't know, and 
really I don't care.

Only thing I've been really missing is working NFS client for Windoze, 
then I'm happy. Cygwin does all the other dirty job.


Jani Tiainen

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Re: Problem with DLLs and processes

2004-01-27 Thread Jani Tiainen
Przemyslaw Sliwa wrote:


It seems it is much more complicated than just the simple STATIC option in GCC under 
But there must be a way to link the executable with the dlls. Like in Linux.
There really isn't way. There is some ways to get around it, like 
bundling that DLL inside application, and load it from there.

Doesn't Linux need also static libs if you're are compiling statically 
linked? Or is Linux able to link dynamic libraries as static..? (Don't 
remember been so long time I fuzzed around with Linux compilation).

Other funny caveats are unbounded, or external symbols inside dynamic 
library. In linux they're solved at run time, in DLL you really have to 
solve them at link time... =)

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Re: undefined symbols in dlls?

2004-01-22 Thread Jani Tiainen

Aren't dlls alowed to  have undefined symbols?
int bar();

int foo() {
  return bar();
When I try to compile foo.c like this...
gcc -shared -o foo.dll foo.c
I get an error message complaning that '_bar' is undefined.
Funny, this pops up again and again.. =)

Maybe this should be in FAQ (if it isn't already there).

Well answer is no. DLL's aren't allowed to have unbounded undefined 
symbols. There is few ways to get this over, see message thread "DLL and 
external symbols" started by me and "DLL vs. shared object linking 
behavior" started by Karl Robillard.

- Jani Tiainen

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Re: DLL vs. shared object linking behavior

2004-01-04 Thread Jani Tiainen
Karl Robillard wrote:

I have a shared library which has undefined references to functions.  On Linux 
I can build and use the library without problems, but when I build it as a 
DLL using Cygwin the undefined references are link errors.  Can the Windows 
loader handle unresolved symbols in DLLs at runtime?  Is there some magic 
compiler option I can use to allow this?
Well I've been struggling with same things.

Problem is that windows doesn't allow direct undefined references in 
DLL's. So you have to do some magic.

Look reply chain titled "DLL and external symbols", there is some 
information that got me through.

Jani Tiainen

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Re: DLL and external symbols

2003-12-31 Thread Jani Tiainen
Jani Tiainen wrote:

Larry Hall wrote:

At 04:35 PM 12/30/2003, Jani Tiainen you wrote:


I'm sure that this has been answered several times, but I'll ask 
again because couldn't find any solution by myself.

I would like to build DLL (or any other sort of library) that refers 
to external symbols in main application.

Now how I can get this working, or is it possible at all?
It's possible but you have to move "funcInMain()" into the DLL with 
"funcInMyLib()" or into another DLL.  That's the straight-forward answer.
Yes, that one I knew already. Problem isn't actually function, in my 
real case it's more like having some globals that libraries should be 
able to read.
There exists one, non-libtool solution to similiar problem:

Now, how to libtoolize this solution?

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Re: DLL and external symbols

2003-12-30 Thread Jani Tiainen
Larry Hall wrote:
At 04:35 PM 12/30/2003, Jani Tiainen you wrote:


I'm sure that this has been answered several times, but I'll ask again because couldn't find any solution by myself.

I would like to build DLL (or any other sort of library) that refers to external symbols in main application.

So far I have been able to build non-working constructs. =)


Now how I can get this working, or is it possible at all?

It's possible but you have to move "funcInMain()" into the DLL with 
"funcInMyLib()" or into another DLL.  That's the straight-forward 
Yes, that one I knew already. Problem isn't actually function, in my 
real case it's more like having some globals that libraries should be 
able to read.

So let's extend this main.c a little bit:


/* Global that is set here and printed from DLL */
int anotherValue = 0;
/* Function in DLL */
extern void funcInMyLib(int);
void funcInMain(int i)
printf("funcInMain(%ld) (anotherValue=%d)\n", i, anotherValue);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
antoherValue = 123;
return 0;

Now, that's what I really want to do, or at least something equivalent, 
more portable solution. (I'm really trying to port bigger application 
that has plugin modules built like this.)

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DLL and external symbols

2003-12-30 Thread Jani Tiainen

I'm sure that this has been answered several times, but I'll ask again 
because couldn't find any solution by myself.

I would like to build DLL (or any other sort of library) that refers to 
external symbols in main application.

So far I have been able to build non-working constructs. =)

Let's say that I've two files:



extern void funcInMyLib(int);

void funcInMain(int i)
printf("funcInMain(%ld)\n", i);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;
and second file (library)

extern void funcInMain(int);
void funcInMyLib(int i)
printf("Calling back...");
funcInMain(i + 1);

Now how I can get this working, or is it possible at all?

With .DEF files I can get things compiled and linked, but even program 
crashes at startup, or end up requesting "main.exp.dll".

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