cgf, Corinna, Igor and everyone else involved.

2005-03-13 Thread John Morrison (Cygwin)
If I ever pissed you off - I'm sorry.

I think you do tremendous work (as does everyone else who helps and
supports cygwin) with little praise, so here's my thanks.


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RE: bad installation ?

2005-03-12 Thread John Morrison (Cygwin)
List changed - sorry Christopher, didn't notice that, I've CC'd Owen and
Matthew in incase they aren't subscribed.  Guy's; please just reply to the
list (and subscribe if necessary).

Matthew: please don't send emails with peoples address in them, I for one
get enough spam without helping them.

On Fri, March 11, 2005 12:25 am, Matthew Johnson said:
> --- "John Morrison (Cygwin)"  wrote:
>> Hi Matthew,
>> Although the message is from base-files the reason
>> is due to installation.
> OK...
>> In my experience this only
>> occurs when installing for a domain user although
>> others have reported other reasons for it.
> 'Domain'? What kind of 'domain' are you talking about
> here? And why should a user have to rebuild the entire
> passwd and group files just because they are a domain
> user? This sounds wrong: if it is right, more
> explanation is necessary.

Fine - help me out here - what would satisfy you?
Cygwin is not (and not for the lack of trying - which is why I took over
this package *and* added this message) quite easy for people with no
knowledge of *nix or windows.

You have to add users to them that weren't known about when you first
installed Cygwin.   I appologise - it doesn't know everything about *your*
computer/network/user setup!

>> For me, the message occurs because the base-passwd
>> (which I also maintain) doesn't and (for a number of
>> reasons, see archives) can't add domain users.
> What 'base-passwd'? And can you be a little more
> specific than "see archives"? I did a search with
> "cygwin base-passwd domain user" and I still have a
> sinking feeling when I see what links come up.

This, <>
I believe was around the time when I started taking an interest in
improving the "out of the box" experience for new users.

>> The outcome is, for this user, is that you get added
>> to a special group.  In an effort to stop or at
>> least
>> slow ;) the number of emails to the list when stuff
>> didn't work because their user/group wasn't setup
>> correctly some detection code was added to
>> base-files
>> along with some instruction as to what to do.
> Right. And when I follow those instructions, it
> _still_ does not work: it does not allow me to remake
> the group, so I still get the message.

You don't help yourself - "not allow [me] to remake the group" - why not? 
What's the error message?  Are you a user in a domain?  Is the domain set
correctly in your environment variables?... come on help us out.

> So I am quite
> surprised that you say this message has reduced the
> number of emails to the list.

I'm afraid I can't help your surprise.  But that doesn't change the fact
that it did.

> Besides: the user should not have to know enough about
> domains and passwords to know why you have assumed
> that domain user stay domain users. And why are you so
> worried about the "problems there" when domain users
> are added (or did you mean not added) to passwd/group
> files?

>> Basically adding your user (using the domain flag if
>> appropriate) to the passwd and group files which is
>> what the message attempts to help the user to do.
> This sentence is missing a main verb. Besides: I tried

It was written while I was in a rush.  It is also considered rude to
comment on somebodies English on lists - you never know when it's not
their first language.

> this both with and without the -d flag and make group
> failed both ways.
>> It
>> appears (judging from the number of times this
>> question isn't now appearing on the lists) to have
>> worked for most people, but I'm always looking for
>> perfection ;)
> As I said, it surprises me that this would reduce the
> number, since it failed so quickly for me. But I
> always knew I was different;)

Maybe, but I don't think you've explained _why_ you are different. 
Without the why I'm afraid there's little that can be done.  Hense what is
seen as short, terse and (apparently) rude messages.

>> Hope this helps explain things,
> Partially, yes. But I am still mystified why both
> "mkgroup -l > /etc/passwd" and "mkgroup -l -d >
> /etc/passwd" fail. The error code from the latter is
> "Cannot get PDC, code = 2453".
> [snip]
> BTW: maybe _you_ never log on locally when running on
> a network domain, but I often do.

Correct, I don't.  At home I don't have a domain, at work I don't have a
local user.  

Re: chere doesn't cd to directory

2005-03-05 Thread John Morrison (Cygwin)
On Sat, March 5, 2005 9:25 am, Dave said:
> --- Igor Pechtchanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Dave wrote:
>> > The cd occurs in /etc/profile for bash, ash, and pdksh; /etc/zprofile
>> > for zsh; /etc/csh.login for tcsh.
>> I don't recall if this was part of the discussion, but any particular
>> reason you're not doing this in a /etc/profile.d script instead?  That
>> way, it would work even with a custom /etc/profile.
> I honestly hadn't thought of that... and I don't recall it being
> mentioned.
> The issue is that chere wants to stop the standard login script from doing
> the
> usual cd $(HOME). The profile.d scripts get run before the cd, and hence
> th cd
> happens anyway. If the order were changed, we'd have lost the directory we
> wanted anyway.
> The 'cd $(HOME)' could be removed from /etc/profile, but then the
> profile.d
> script would be required even when chere were not installed.

Not if there was a script called (something like)...

included in the base-files which just did a cd $HOME.  As long as the
chere script was after this one it should cd $HOME then cd $CHERE...


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Re: (RESOLVED) Re: Installing Perl modules with "perl -MCPAN -e shell; " fails with "02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header"

2005-03-01 Thread John Morrison (Cygwin)
On Mon, February 28, 2005 9:51 pm, Gerrit P. Haase said:
> The user may want to use a different directory as repository and build
> directory.  It should be done during the initial configuration, however
> I'm not sure if is worth the time to implement it.  Since there are two
> or three rreports about this issue in a year shows that Joe User is
> actually reading the README *or* is not using textmode mounts.

Oh well :)  worth the effort of dropping a line - thanks for replying :).


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Re: Installation problem on win XP SP2

2005-02-13 Thread John Morrison (Cygwin)
It is...

@ base-files
sdesc: "A set of important system configuration and setup files"
ldesc: "A set of important system configuration and setup files"
category: Base
requires: ash coreutils findutils sed grep

You *must* have deselected it some how, but please, keep conversations
on the list (I don't have the rights to do as you ask even if it was


> I can fix the problem as installing base-files which is omitted in
> a list of default programs installed by setup.exe (version 2.457.2.2).
> It is difficult for me, as a novice for cygwin, to find omitting the
> base-files .
> So I suggest  the base-files included in the list of  default programs
> installed.
> Thanks.
>>Try installing base-files which you somehow must have deselected... :)

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