Extraneous key autorepeat w/ remote desktop

2005-12-17 Thread Kenneth Corbin
Hi folks,

Very nice product.  It's going up against Reflection/X on my desktop and is 
for the most part wining.  But there one annoying problem.

When I remote desktop to a remote Windows system and run Cygwin/X from the 
remote system, any communication delays while typing over the remote desktop 
network are interpreted as one long keypress.  Which in turn triggers the 
keystroke auto repeat and feeds a bunch of extra keystrokes into my input 
stream.  I've tried playing with the autorepeat settings.  Turning it off 
altogether fixes the problem, but isn't very convenient when I want to enter 
a lot of the same keystroke, for example when moving the text cursor around.  
Setting up a long initial delay helps some, but communication delays can 
sometimes last for 5-10 seconds, far longer than I am willing to wait for 
autorepeat to trigger in normal use.

I've also tried running Cygwin/X on the local system and talking to an X 
client on remote systems.  This works, but has some unacceptable delays and 
problems with the VPN I have to run through.  Right now it's kind of a tossup 
whether it is more annoying to put up with the delays with a local X server, 
or deal with the extra keystroke with a remote X server.

I not sure what, if anything, can be done to detect and avoid remote desktop 
communication delays.  But Reflection/X never has this problem, so there must 
be some way to do it.

Thanks for listening,

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Wierd display problem.

2005-12-10 Thread Kenneth Corbin
Hi folks,

I've seen a couple times where Cygwin/X gets into a weird mode in which any 
portion of a window that is within about an inch of the right side of the 
screen doesn't repaint.  Looks really strange when scrolling the screen, most 
of the screen scrolls but the right most column is locked in place.  If I 
move the window away from the right edge of the screen it refreshes normally.  
If I move it back the problem reappears.

The problem goes away if I shut down and restarting the Cygwin/X server.  So 
it isn't happening currently.  I'll keep an eye out for it and try to 
identify just what sequence puts it into that mode.  Is there anything else I 
could be doing to track this down?


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Font initialization?

2005-12-07 Thread Kenneth Corbin
Hi folks,

I have an application that needs some non-standard fonts.  It's easy enough to 
add a manually new directory to the font path.  What I haven't figured out is 
how to configure Cygwin/X to add the new font path directory when it starts 

Thanks for any help

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Re: Font initialization?

2005-12-07 Thread Kenneth Corbin
Thanks Igor,

I figured that out from the man pages.  What I haven't figured out is where I 
can put that xset +fp where it will be automatically executed at cygwin/X 


On Wednesday 07 December 2005 07:54, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
 On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Kenneth Corbin wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I have an application that needs some non-standard fonts.  It's easy
  enough to add a manually new directory to the font path.  What I haven't
  figured out is how to configure Cygwin/X to add the new font path
  directory when it starts up.

 Searching man X for font.*path shows that this could be accomplished
 with xset +fp DIR (the manpage also gives an example of exactly how to
 do this).  There's also a -fp option to X, but I'm not sure it does what
 you want.

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